Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 11, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, February 11 1943
the chief of the industrial branch, side, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pal- Kinard McDandel is spending a NOTICE TO CREDITORS
office of civilian supply in war pro- mer, Miss Merle Carmichael, Mrs. fw days at Hardman and Heppner Notice is hereby given that the
duction board, went to Horvard Ed Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- attending to business this week. undersigned was duly appointed by
and, until he joined the govern- sell Browning. the County Court of the State of
ment seven months ago, was vice- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer Catherine Mclntyre spent the Oregon for Morrow County, ad
president of a paper company. To visited at the Kenneth Marshall week-end in Heppner. Rita return- ministratrix of the estate of Louis
farmers he has issued a statement home Saturday night.
that rood production can be in
creased by a better use of horse
shoes. He has four suggestions:
1) Re-set the shoes to get more
wear out of them; 2( eliminate
the shoes where the horse is doing
something non essential to war; 3)
eliminate unessential styles; 4)
horse owners can save shoes by
removing them immediately after
a period of necessary road work.
Richard, small son of Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Vincent, has the meas
les this week.
Dean Hunt is ill at his home with Sundfly 311(1 to
mumps, aslo two of John Miller's
children have them,
ed home with her for a couple of H. Frederickson, deceased, and all
days. persons having claims against the
Mr. and Mrs. Carol V. Robe and estatf of deceased are hereby
Jeannette Renoe went to Heppner t0 present tne same to me
unaersignea aanunasirairix wun pro-
. u. - : 3 l i
Mr9-. Sley RmSOn the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at
close the wound.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 10. For
several reasons there is no prospect where shoes are necessary only ..jJ
ji a series oi oams Demg construct-
ed in Yamhill river within six 'riie Harvard graduate apparent
months. Such a flood control pro- ly thinks shoes can be slipped on
ject is being urged. Army engineers an off like a pair of rubbers and
have been conducting a survey of that they come in a variety of
the Yamhill river west of Wiillami- styles, whereas there are only
uT,: . r, ., ZZl ZurrZ:ZZ : Dald O. Robinson was promoted
uuj.lv navigation ana iiooa con- u- . i tt
trol. There is no direct authoriza- vision, but not in
tion for improvement of the Yam- horseshoes.
hill, but there is such authorization
and daughter visited over Satur-
Archie Nichols was ill with the niShi in Heppner with Mr. and ' i j't t,ATWvf
llu the first of the week. erriu.
Roy Williams was painfully in- George Renoe returned to Hard
jured aturday evening when he man Saturday evening from Port
fell and cut a gash in his head. land.
were necessary to Ella Bleakman is vi;ir,r ; ai,
Y 4. iUll
ol Ida., with a sister, Mrs. Sidney
iindberg. he went to Spokane
with Jay Stone, where Mrs. Land
Heppner, Oregon, within six
Dated and first published this
11th day of February, 1943.
I wish to thank the Heppner Vol-
berg met her. Her stay is indefinite. unteer Fire department for the
promptness and eruciency display-
Hardman News . . .
Rv F'.lca TIT f .-a(!iaic
r ... a Mr promptness ana emcie
Word was received this week that John Hasting of Kirm,. " ZZ ed m a"ung the fire in my store
1 .J I .-. L . - - i
were over
On Thllrorlav ai .
dhnT wTth i3 at daughterrdme; wL sZS
Mrs. Fred' Reed turned home McDanlef ' Frank
rrwm :rn,lrnnA urn jar chA crnt h
for the Willamette and its tribu- twv, t?,.h w-f aT in j i j i.x a
taries. The Yamhill is a tributary 1Kunoed that he wanted 8,000,000 She returned with Jay Stone who
and based on this the study is be- tong of maritime marine shipping, was attending to business in that
ing made. pr0juction was 90,800 more city.
About April 1 the study will be than he for. Qne yard alone, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Adams vis-
complelted by engineers lin the Oregon Shipbuilding Corp., sent to ited in Hardman a short time on
field and it will be submitted to sea a total of 1,219,400 tons which Thursday from Kinzua, on their
the board of engineers in Washing- represented 113 Liberty ships. The way to Heppner where their small
ton D C, for approval or rejec- Vancouver yard produced 30,800 son Perry will have his tonsils
tion. However, there is a general tong or shipSj Swan removed.
policy of war production board yard) 16)600 tons Totals of these Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hastings corn
that no new projects will be init- three Kaiser yardg was 8 1-3 of all pleted moving their household
lated for the duration except such the tonnage produced in the United goods to Heppner this week end.
as assist the war effort. This is to states
husband materials and has caused
a general suspension of work on
projects everywhere the Willam
ette valley flood oontrol project
for example.
Friday, Feb. 5.
Mrs. M. L. Curran.
Use G-T want ads to dispose of
your surplus stock.
Lexington News
By Mrs. Maxine Gray
Mrs. Carl Allyn and daughter
Prof. Hislop of Oregon State col- Maxine of lone visited at the home
lege thinks that if the land-lease of Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn on
program is double-jointed, as re- Wednesday evening,
peatedly attested by administra- The Carl Allyns are moving to
tion officials and not a one way Portland this week-end where Mr.
street Great Britain should send to Allyn has employment,
the United States modern spinning Julian Rauch painfully wrenched
and weavig machinery for the rap- his back Monday while he was
idly growing flax industry in Wil- loading barley on his truck,
lamette valley. Flax production in Mrs. Willie Steagall left Wed
the valley is expanding so rapidly nesday for Lebanon to visit her
that it is passing the capacity of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Strick
present facilities and, says Dr. His- ler and her brother, Dallas who is
lop, there is need for spinning and on leave from the navy,
weaving machiery to carry on this Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch visited
lustily growing industry. Because at the Al Fetch home on Wednes
of the war there were many linen day.
mills shut down in England and it Heppner visitors over the week
is suggested that the idle mach- end were: Ralph Leach, Mrs. Ed
lery in one of these mills be shipped Grant, Tom Barnett, Mrs. Johnny
to Oregon. Sen. Charles L. McNary Hanna and daughters, Mr. and Mrs.
has taken the matter up with lend- George Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
lease officials, who explain that if Jackson and family, Don Camp
the flax people will show that no bell, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van
modern machinery is available in Winkle and girls, Mrs. Nettie Da
this country and there is such in vis, JVTr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl, Mr.
England, Lord Halifax will be con- and Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mr.' and
tacted to ascertain what can be Mrs. Elmer Hunt, Mr. and Mrs.
done- Otto Ruhl, Adolph Majeske, Mr.
and Mrs. Rufus Peiper, Oral Scott,
Maritime commission has agreed Gene Majeske, T. R. Burton, Faye
to name a Liberty ship, to be con- Rauch, Mrs. Arnold Piper, Mar
structed at Oregon shipyards, in cell Peiper, Don Pointer, Mr. and
honor of the late Col. B. F. Shaw, Mrs. L. A. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs.
whose descendants live at Marsh- Rauch, Mr and Mrs. Archie Mun
field. Col. Shaw was one of the ear- John Padberg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
ly pioneers in the Oregon country kers.
arriving in 1844. In the days of In- Donnie Hiatt is visiting his father
dian unrisings in Oregon and Wash- Delbert Hiatt for a few days,
ington (then all Oregon) the col- Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and Skippy
onel distinguished himself, partic- and Dicky left Sunday for Stan
ularly in the wars of 1855 and field where she will visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Gray for several days.
War department will soon begin Donald Campbell came home last
to weed out of the relocation cen- Thursday from Forest Grove,
ters at Tule lake and other points where he has been attending
such Japanese as are American college.
born and of military age,, provided Mrs. Ernest Frederickson of Sa
they have been educated in the lem, Mrs. Robert Wilcox of Her
United States. The American born, miston and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
if they attended American schools Palmer visited at the W. C. Van
are regarded as loyal to Uncle Sam, Winkle home Thursday evening,
generally. War department con- Mrs. Elsie Cowins, Rae Cowins
tends that a good American citizen and Mrs. Maxine Tousley of Hep
is entitled to fight for and defend pner visited Mr. and Mrs. George
the stars and stripes and for this Allyn Saturday. Mrs. Allyn has
reason wishes to give the Japan- been taking care of Mrs. Tousley's
ese-Americans a chance. Members children for the past two weeks,
of congress have received many Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkera
complaints concerning the reloca- were Saturday -night guests of Mr.
tion centers. . and Mrs. Al Fetch.
The dance at Lexington grange
One of the principal troubles hall was well attended Saturday
with the conduct of the war on night.
the civilian front is that key men Mrs. C. C. Carmichael entertain
are not famiiar with the branch ed the Pinochle club at her home
over mhich they have charge. A Saturday evening. Those present
Harvard degree is more important were, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mes
than the know-how. For example, senger, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bum-
For Your Home Decoration!
kSiihirt I
One coat of Kem-Tone Wall
waUboard, painted surfaced
Appl.es easily. Drica in one
hour. Washable!
the Kem-Tone
You don't need a brush when
you use Kem-Tone. jS8S
this m,rade wall finish ri$t
overyourwallsquickly easily
nmoothly- tlle'clevS'
SerKem-Tne 011-
Kem-Tone TRIMS
Kem-Tone Trims enhance the
walls. Gummed, as low a.
ready. t0. ua' - I
Smart desitrn.
a m m m w
Washable f
It lsn"t Harvest Time
Not for several months
But NOW is the time to
make a start to get ready
for harvest.
Things being what they are we
suggest that you get your
Drapers and
Cell Belts
repaired without, delay.
Braden Bell Equipm't (
Motor Co.
Let's get serious about this
job of Winning the War!
To speed up movement of troops and vast
supply of essential war materials, Union
, Pacific is voluntarily reducing the speed
of its regular passenger trains. We know
civilians will gladly adjust themselves to
this necessity.
Our Nation's welfare must come first.
For details concerning the
New Schedules effective February 15th
inquire of
Th Strafgla Mlddlm Xoate