Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 04, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, February 4, 1943
Hardman News
but 186 refrigerator cars filled with
butter, destined for Russia, arrived
"somewhere in the northwest.' The
cars are estimated to have con
tained approximately six million
pounds of butter which, according
to department of agriculture esti-
Steady March of
Dimes at Hardmar.
lives at Boardman. MOVE TO ARLINGTON
Mrs. Max BuschX moved her Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ellis
small daughter, who has been ill and Miss Alice Bennett Ltft Hepp-
since October, to Heppner where ner Monday for Arlington, to make
she can have sDecial medical care, their home.
Both schools received their checks
Bv Elsa M. Leathers
ctaHv "march of amounting to $26 for the scrapiron
mates puDiisnea lour moiuns ago, dimes tQ t nyvse from they gathered here,
would have been sufficient to have Hardman community this year. Mr. and Mrs. C. . McDaniiel vis
kept the entire state of Oregon in not reported at is ited Mrg Stanley
butter for half a year. The butter time son at the Merrill ranch Sunday,
was not well pack . d and hundreds Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Farrens mov- Rev Bennie Howe of Heppner
of firkins arrived m a sad stafc of , . t. SWn- M(Vn,flV Key- Te J
reoair. The Russians refused to ac- " . 7 , Z.TC " . wai ln naralMn urudy ui-
, , . , , ,. .. wnere tney wiu lamo tneir ewes,
cept the butter in that conditaion, Mr gnd Jo Mahfn and
although it was a free gift to them, and Mrg gam McDaniel Jr were
ana a cooperage naa w oe given . u j c u c,,j allvl """cu xric
butter r tt .. . . i moved to the Harvey Harshman
at a cost of $7500, which has not their' daughter Yvonne to Heppner
will enter
school. The Hastings' plan to move
soon Yvonne will stay with Mr. ELgA FAR3IER HUSTON
and Mrs. Sam McDaniel Jr. . , . , , ,
Stanley Robinson and Don Zornes Funeral servlces were ducted
attended to business in ' Heppner at 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday at the
Tuesday. Church of Christ for Mrs. Guy
Bob Rogers was injured when he Huston, whose death occurred
run his left hand in a power saw TVmr-crW .ran 98 Rr Martin R
Mr. Ellis will be able
to work for the Union Pacific as a
watchman. It will be many months
before he will have the use of his
cripplkd hand, he states.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 3-War e t vSs.
ficiently to permit a non-.-lectrified yet pald. by "lend-lease Saturday where-
Tanm t-v roroi t. ra rcvxmv nnlor r-M-vr
VUU, 111 liV x v- -.L V V. J V-T VV1 UllUVl V-A A
tain circumstances. A certificate
must be obtained from the local
county war board and, armed with
this, a public utility company can
construct a line to thb farm and
ing committee leaders for the an
nual Red Cross drive.
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas McDaniel
place where they plan to live this
spring. Mr. McDaniel will work for
Harlan McCurdy.
limited to oiij-quarter pound of
butter and most of the stores have
Pacific Wool Growers associa-
Elsa Farmer was born near Wel
lington, Kan., Aug. 15, 1877 and de
parted this life at Heppner hospi
tal, Jan. 28, 1943 at the age of 65
and 13 days,
use up to 30 pounds of copper wire tions, representing practcally ev
in the transmission Lbout 5000 feet, fry sheepman in Oregon, is sus-
n . , . i . , . t limn j i . ,, . u..
inis material, nowever, must come oi vro aim iias wie- at uamp o tnis weeK. it tooK tnree Qark officiated and arranimenls
from such stock as the company gXaphed Secretary of Agriculture stitches to close the wound. . w. fe in charge of the Phelps Fa
has on hand; no priority will be Claude Wickard to have wool trans- Mrs. Dorothy Merritt and two nerai Home
given to purchase new matL-nal. xerrea irom wra to tne depart- children came to Hardman Thurs-
The farmer is circumscribed. He ment of agriculture. The association dayday from Arlington, Wash. She
must have a milking machine,- wa- a30 asks that the federal govern- is visiting a sister, Mrs. ' Owen Lea-
ter pump for livestock, brooder, in- ment buy the domestic wool. The thers, and Mrs. Victor Lovgren at
mikatvx tsA ,.,V,; 0o 4. immpnt. is now buviniO' wml in Uonmn. ,.ic r,
u- .iL... .j- , T.; A'i,- u f ., tt , , years, five months
If he has one or more of these fa- Mtixig into the hands of the Axis and at Condon with Carl McDaniel, a S618 um,-BS-cdlities
he must have at least "10 Great Britain is buying all her brother. She plans to stay two' As a sma11 chlld e came west
animal units" on the farm and the the wool of Australia, New Zea- weeks. ' ' with her Parents, Leonard and Sa
company can install 100 feet of land and South Africa and ware- Adrian Bechdolt is visiting his mantha Farmer, first to San Fran
wire for oach unit. One animal housing it in the United States, brother Archie for a few days. He c'190o then' by stear to Portland,
unit is 75 hens or 40 turkevs or Negotiations are now under way ' later to Walla Walla for a time and
lor the United States to buy 35,000 are scheduled to be ten million imauy locating on jMgm ivuie at
bales of wool from Uruguay, hav- strong. It requires, according to the the aSe of six years where she has
After the Truman committee lng ouPht heavily from that coun- procurement division, 10 ptrsons, macle n-r nome smce
blasted awav at WPB for refusing try ast year' If tbe government (some say 10.5) for every man in She was married to Guy Huston
win nut uuy uic uumesuc wool, uiuiorm proaucing equipment, ma- inov. id, iauu in neppner. one leaves
the Paciific Wool Growers associ- terials and food for the man who to mourn her loss besides the hus-
ation asks that a floor be placed carries a gun. Back of the ten mil- band, one daughter, Mrs. Ninon
under the price ceiling. lion, therefore, will be 100,000,000 Rill; three sons, Milo, Myron and
at least attending to supplies. This Woodrow; eight grandchildren, all
Apparently all but 20,000,000 peo- makes 110,000,000, and as the pop- of Eight Mile, one sister Mrs. Emma
which they were denied have been F engageu in war, uireci- uiauon oi tne unixea otates is iou,- voruz, wno is 111 in a iimsDoro
niT- rl tn Pnril.n ,V,i'u t-no fA lv or indirectly, if calculatioins are 000,000, only 20,000,000 will be left hospital; thie nieces, Mrs. Ruth
snippja to i,ngiana wnne tne looa , rm, ,.,:n ; n . j . m. t v. . Ai.i-.ji t.... r.t-.i t,...
xncoio wni iiiuuu. an uii' 1101 tiuuig war wum, iiie liguiTeo ui- mug ol i.S-uaia' lvirs. xuiei ora
der 18 and those of advanced years, dicate that rmllioins of women must t;ell and Mrs. Bertha Seabeck of
and a host of
Heppner Alleys
Ladies1 Nile
Feb. iO
Every Lady I Freeline
10 beef cattle or three cows.
farm equipment for 1943 Donald
Il.lson, of WPB, agreed that far
mers could receive 30 percent of
the amount that would be avail
able. There was increased protest
when farmers Larned that tractors
administrator is asking the Amer-
duction far beyond anything that In first pkce' forc; ke their place in war industries San Francisco,
this """.i Jlavj "miiiica, UK gUUU, 111 UiK IIILUIUIS LU UUIIItJ.
.Symptoms of Distress Arising from
FreeBookTellsof HomeTreatmentthat
Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing
Ovnr two miKion bottles of theWILLARD
TREATMENT have been sold for relief of
symptoms of distress arising from Stomach
and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid
Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach,
Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc.,
due to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial!
Ask for "Willard's Message" which fully
explains this treatment U at
nas ever
been attempted in
Attentton of congress has beun
called to the great harvest of last
year, but because of insufficient
help and equipment mamy tong of
food have been lost. This is par
ticularly truu of soybeans, still in
the fields, rotting. In the north
west such crops as strawberries
were wasted for want of pickers
and growers of cover crops for seed
have been handicappud. WPB hod
planned to concentrate farm mach
inery production, not realizing that
it is not one industry but 16 sepa
rate industries involving 1600 com
panies. EvUn on the 30 percent al
lowances the Truman committee
says that many of the 1600 com
panies, being in the small business
catagory, will be forced to fold up
as they will not receive any orders.
It is also not to be expected that
manufacturLrs with no quotas for
new machinery will produce re
pairs parts for machinery not
made by them.
There was nothing said about it,
For Incomes of $3,000 or LESS Received from
Wages, Salaries, Dividends, Interest and Annuities,
Only 6
9" '
M A Tour nome. address,
and occupation.
No Spring
Your dependents.
List your incomx.
Subtract your credit
" (or dependents
Indicate your family' satus'
Read your tax directly
Irom the table.
Mo Complittned Calculations
Grange Hall
Saturday, Feb. 6
Music by
4-Piece Orchestra
Tickets 77c - Tax 8c
Total 85c
Everybody welcome and a good
time assured.
FORM 1040 A
wi Inun MaM
raiirr rami and home on niDCKTUfc
-Z.TZ Jlitjt&z&Qi-
nFPF.NflPNTS ON JULY 1. 1048
Lid pom (otlw thui hmUnd or wife) Arfrlnl Ihth M Hppod frm m tkey m w&t U I
rami or nrmomr uuTjOMMr
I. Stltry, wiget, utd comperaation For pmooil lerviceT.
1 Dividendi, internt. wi Minuitie..MM
3. ToUl .
4. tat: 1365 lor ech depaidetit..
rr tui tf ci o oro. n tum rot urrmc
fJi tjMJJ2S
. Tn m ilon S (from Column A. B. or C of uble on oilier lUe)
lwe dec tre under th. DenutM ot perjury, that u return nu DewveiraiMw u7 -"'v . , t
Rc vtnue Codt reriL.tTom iHued under authority W. iod thAt It hid no cm (ron scume- aihr lhan iUtl hereon
, 1943.
MWrlJ Hnon ImvUm nw
'Uili fry cnW MMf 0arnbit.mTrt of lh fnlttltwr
iW f Ih. United Statmt liw tt wr4 W cna.M.afM4
DwmbM 11, IMI, IwuU not includ la fr. lrVm tw An MM
tnU.n luthrlti. t lk hnx II -.fH4 1 md f ItmOf m
Jmia, rmlr m rn ml tr Mll rt .
K.t.fn, . enrf fe'HuaWtiti rtf MUf
farm a Jelnt U tk rr Hint toaMlMr mtt Juty I, I 41, Mri
II tkatr aamynad na In im fa th aalanrfar T "Mr (Kaa
PJJOO. A ..rtUWiim r r ha aaada hl fw If Uta ararat Wiama
r a( tha m aJJa taa raMam M km saaf l
a4 wlf IMp IwjW at
mai aaay aat ka bjmbb
t aaa - ikat In Ik M
an. Ilm purine lk F '"'V
M I hi fan Mai nw awu a mm
Atl.mH ( rfarWM.AllaamiM al IMS far Mall aV
b apllialrN vhaa (Ut lra U aaaaV WWl Pan MM to
la IM
Mb lb CatlarMt lptaral f-
Mrl II. IMI. Tka laa aMf ba pakt taai
Mar U, INI. "F .
LIHMWlalr)MllW Q
t liUarfMllbtaaWvialMl
Mtirt)taJll,lTTl Q
l tk. i h. i Men Ma ! tu
1 thnW mi Mr. Hi laani Mr I.
lTUaaaWrrM.iaual.m. Q
r rorj ookiid ih. i Man. nm rot m corax
4. MrU a Mt taM a t
Mil ' ' .
r it Vt
L MmW tal Ma k klai a wh July I.
Itt or aa nan laUa ma im. ti Mi
1 Had ri fully (ehfle
lad ei fualy ( ahlt am a aural not
kriMj Mh MW nr. mia hroir
satn4 UtJ iiiiiiI. mrmh MMI drpendcat
tauiwtil a !' I. mi Q
ktu ami of la aaaalat nluhra
too oaaoD ik. i at uxrn, no tow tu
fc,,,, i ilm ajaicamtiuH JL.m raj.iriiwMiAiK,llBI M (, column coluhk coljmm
IwTA lllllfc tl3M4k A J MlMb)fe A C
M MMM takl hM M kOMfMI toM. teMb IfiMb I4IMIM rw.lMl.rMIMkTM.Mii
Sims w i I n.sm n,frrs fin un no w.its 99.900 tm km aim
MO I 1375 1,0 IM liM It a.SOO 8,215 sm 26f 1U
sm i( i io is m is it a,m i,aw tn n ua
rTTH oo TOO i,ii i,n im iu ti t.tro t.rrs m n in
0O 628 11 1,400 1,474 ' 1S9 ISO V5 I.S7S S,00 801 fiHS 1R8
II M U 1,47 1W Id 141 S MOO lSI SU9 SU 111
S TI M 1,1100 1.HS Ifft 148 S4 t,1t t.DU 809 890 176
478 700 94 1,588 l.BAO 171 1S9 88 B.SnO 9.878 814 298 1H1
TOO 788 88 180 1,878 178 188 48 8,378 1,400 818 188
7S8 WO 88 14 l.rn 1,000 180 181 41 1,400 8,488 821 80S IDS
150 ' 778 87 18 1,600 1,628 1N4 16S 81 9,428 8,450 827 808 194
776 BOO 61 81 1,688 1,680 188 168 66 8,480 9,476 831 318 1118
BOO 816 4 17 1,680 1,678 108 174 60 9,478 1,800 888 816 909
828 850 80 81 1.678 1,700 107 178 64 8,500 9,528 840 821 207
850 876 84 88 1,700 1,788 901 189 68 1.688 9,880 844 826 911
878 900 89 66 1,798 1,750 90S 187 78 1,880 1,876 848 820 918
00 826 68 44 0 1,750 1,776 110 191 77 9,676 9,000 358 :4 920
198 860 67 68 L (MB BMBMi atHai Mgji !800 1,688 387 Wig 824
960 978 71 81 Ato 1,800 1,818 116 189 85 1,818 1,680 861 849 128
876 1.000 7 III I UKL IMi 828 " IU '"M '67B "IM 817 8:13
1,000 1.016 80 Bl 1 1,IM 1,878 997 908 04 9,676 8,700 871 .181 987
1.016 1,68 4 mMT Xfc -l.8T IJO-L aiifa mW ',M 941
1,060 1,078 894 Lf0 TrroTr ,7", " "IrT Toll 9,728 9,750 8S1 350 946
i07 1,100 74 1,998 1,880 940 111 107 9,780 1,771 886 864 880
5V kIT 17 78 1,960 1,976 144 18 111 1,778 1,800 801 860 964
flllV-WTlOO 109 68 1,976 1,000 940 8110 116 9,800 9.828 896 374 258
Kj8dT 1,176 10 87 8,008 1,025 983 934 190 9,896 80 401 879 988
k 86jTJ 1.100 110 91 9 1.098 1.080 987 188 194 1.880 1,878 406 384 967
X200 1,218 116 9 9,080 9,076 909 948 120 9,878 9,900 411 8H9 971
1,996 1,880 11 100 1,071 1,100 18 847 139 800 1,996 616 SM 876
1,11 1,178 198 104 1,10 1,166 970 981 187 I.M6 1,980 411 890 980
1,978 1,800 196 100 i 8,116 9,150 17) 986 149 9,950 9.976 426 404 1H4
M09 1,818 189 UI 2 1,16 1476 171 M 14 17 1,000 41 400 989
1 160 IM UT f
TSe inccco. t. ot reported in uM. rur i. fra. incorM ( indudirf inccro. wrikh k wholly exempt fnxa incero. tu)
orlthout way ilmkuliwi. Hw turn la liw tbera tbl. nwuu riknruiM for penaml omptioa. Mmed incoiM credit, tri
ilwlii llii obpms 6 pvtoot l poa hraWb
Use the Simplified form 1040 A -You can qet it NOW from
your Employer or Your Local INTERNAL REVENUE OFFICE