Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 04, 1943, Image 1

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Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 4, 1943
Volume 59, Number 45';
IF or Control
Users of fuel oil will be required
to visit the nearest high school on
4-v, firf fVnwi rfavs of next
week, Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday, and there fill out blanks
showing what their requirements
were in the period May 31, 1941
May 31, 1942. -
Al types of fuel oil will be ra
tioned, such as that used in oil
furnaces and heaters, diesel oil and
kerosene. This was learned by
Supt. George A. Cbrwin, Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers and Mrs. Shirley Blake,
who were called to Pendleton Sat
urday to confer with Harley Rich
ardson of Le Grande, district OPA
director. Any kind of oil used for
domestic purposes such as water
heating, room heating, cook stoves,
brooders, incubators or portable
heaters, comes under the ruling
Richardson informed the Hepp
to go into effect next week,
ner delegation that users must get
a certification from dealers on the
amounts' used between the months
above mentioned. If unable to get
a certificate the users will be rated
according to the amounts set up by
the OPA.
Regulations governing
fuel oil in the future will be pub
lished by the OPA but the Heppn
ner group learned Saturday that
the program calls for use of oil for
imumof 65 dlgrees has been fixed For first, Charles B 0 and Ll ,
as the comfort mark.
Rose wall Chosen
C of C President
Directors of Heppnjr chamber of
commerce in regular session Toes
day evening elected Clarence Rose-
i f wall president for thl- ensuiing year.
rVOtWclil Wcta wic umwLuijww
of the board and was elevated from
the office of first vice president.
Contests featured th'j election of
first and second vice presidents.
Bisbee were nominated. ' The vote
Behind the
Scene at
By Rep. Giles French
The tax program moves on. It is
still the most important matter be
tore the session as Senator Steiwex
said at the Chamber of Commerce
luncheon Monday; nothing has aris
en to remove it from the place at
the top of legislative musts.
No one could tell from reading
the papers, except this one, that
much had been done to achieve
an opinion on which a majority
coculd agree. Nevertheless there
has. For the first time a series of
meetings were held at which com
mittee members listened to and
talked with those who are supposed
to be informed about taxation mat
ters. These meetings have given
the committee members some In
formation about the problems of
taxation that usually come much
slower and much later in the ses
sion The total should be that the
taxation program will be out in a
shorter time than usual.
The Heppner Mustangs play host The Ways and Means committee
to the Condon Blue Devils this is getting 1 with its work
Fridav Feb 5 at the high school wiU Probablv have 3ob done
iriday, reb. a, at the high scnooi statutory 50 days under Carl
gymnasium. If this game is won ' ' ,
U.. 1T,, H ,.,-iTl rv, " " " "
Salvage Committee they a4 still ta.tSb running for J Aan who haf he?ded
A A nJ I , ,AA league championship and then a
rnu rUJiC iuuucu triD to the district tournament If
By State Group
"The state salvage committee is m the tumament.
Photo Courtesy Oregon Journal
The above scene shows Rod Finney, representing the state salvage committee, presenting the pennant to
Mrs, Lucy Rodgers, county school superintendent, w hich is awarded to counties turning in 100 pounds or
more per capita of scrapiron. The third member of the group is C. D. Conrad, Morrow county salvage com
mittee chairman. The presentation was made at the Lucas Place on the evening of January 8.
Presentation of
Awards Feature
Of Dinner Party
Crucial Game Set
For Friday Evening
that committee in recent sessions.
The house has been introducing
frwnrai -anna no thw Aid earlier in bills, getting them through commit'
the season, it will assure them of a tee and passing them more quickly
resulted in the electioin ot uisoee ight wi of Morrow county for Tih. Tvr.,fancw r,H ,h whn,l ahi-
The high schools of the county R Q pinckney B.
. . i j l 1 .. tauJ J
Vice TO aSSll Uiue WX way iicctj.
such service.
. V.. mnnTusr in Mrnifll it rpmnrflf"l janf Unir lrnrvur iviVia this Olamo
ElUott ran a close race witn . . , , " . i n work and time
. , ! , to me scrauirun aiiu oi.tx;i taiu- j j o
nncKney uul- a victorv. CWon won the last
than usual this session. There is
always a great supply of unanimous
consent bills that require some
but are not con tra
versal. Among these are county
xi u ur WKrv ha held, paign, as mai aa au. win oib -, . ... . oa saiary duis ana oiner sucn matters
"March Of Dimes" sectary and drives -JMt Mg-0 ZZ -f-JP-t - the
JVtarcn OF brim6 trpnsurer the past two years Jn- that I present this $1,000 war sav- imnmvw1 r state, usually, and bills that are
W Cknirman av to t out of the job but mgs bond to you m recognition or - - - ht rv generally conceded to be desirable
-warn ww -r -rwlvv-rrt-H tH. Mat- m "
ura a nuarniiHL
according to uwries o. ivAur- .w ftWr a, Section and aU who participated in the onve to
coiw cnaini w . over to Rosewall help maKe uie stae 01 vregpn 11 in all states. These have been dis-
will really bb out to upset 7 UU3 8easnn ,m
cum a large part or uiem are now
Money is coming in at a good rate mTU: tiri oresi- row county salvage committee and J TlJu abt 75,7
ent. presided over tho election and all who participated in tfu driw to J?., unanimous consent bills. It is true
f Dimes" camiDaien to raise funds '-"r r , - ,
u- f nHn Ma- in the United btatea inus spoe
j i vr Rod Finmev. rewresentinitf the state 80
noney expres. - .. . ' ' . ui Condon.
ing had an opportunity to serve X"";" "
for the war on infantile paralysis.
Th., "march" has eained momen
yum aurmg ue the club an the community in xne - - WrtrlJ rlr
9 that ne nam noi s" - - -
the various fund and other cam- , , ,. t d at alized from sale of the bond to dTUOieQ Dy LlOnS
looks like the county will retain its ty of president, stating that Morrow county public health as
nxvmt for eointf over the top in , - ra t v V.ar! not sodatiom, custodian of the fund ri-
- & : - T f Ts,. TT.orm.
tention it demands and deserves. y - - - . for a .y calen
Indications at present are urn turn, Eotiwall pledged his oesx tresentauom took piace at waa submitted to Heppner Lions than any. - Gilliam, Morrow Sher
h 1943 nLea -for funds for this ra anHi all thp time his busi- ner party at the Lucas Place , , hj, nw ni
f- - t - - , , , , . liu-u mmiua; ii.vuswia incui tuiu iicerr oounues au
great humanitarian L-ffort wiU far permit in maintaining the Thursday evening, at which time evinced a more or 1 neutral at- have some suggested changes in the
exceed previous years. Numerous chamber as an agency for good in Finney also presented a large pen- titude matter was presented rate of pay of county officers,
groups have set objectives to ob- commumty. nant (shown in the accompanying by j Q t, program chairman, Most of these will be passed if they
tain money enough to remove all Work plans for the year discussed picture) to be flown from the court who left it up to club -en- are within a general limit of pro
doubt regarding the ability of this Tuesday evening included an ef- house flagpole. The pennant is dorse OT ject it dub did approved by
county to raJet and destroy this fort to interest families at Camp awarded to all counties attaining a neither m grwmd that it would the county courts of the counties
hidden enemy which has terrorised 5 trading in Heppr.Lr. John rating of 100 or more pounds per take more time for affected.
thousands of homes Wiehtman was named to head a capita in the coUectiion of scrap- -io,in- i, tv, u:- , 1. - .
committee to dve this matter im- iron, NinefaUi counties have earn- " ';r? TTTrZi:,: "T 1?.gerns.iM
--j ,T rVW Tw.nnt.s. he stated. . . L ... 1 . UtU a"enllon- "y tins time the
IILcUlCllLC? lllVtCH.15uwu.ii v x
over in the senate, having passed
the house.
County salary bills are numerous.
There are usually many of them,
but the conditions are such that
this session seems , to have more
bers are Frank Turner and O. G. County Chairman C. D. Conrad
Thursday, Feb. 4, 1943, will likewise
be Thursday, Feb. 4, 1944 and suc-
VTbile Morrow county lags be- Crawford. It is pointed out that spoke, outlining the object of thL- ceeding years, month in each
C::j orwQitfn frvr mat the camp is moitj- adjacent to Hep- briefly, outlining the object of the Qr ,ir;n v,Q,r 01 ja,ro tv,
hangers, students at the University pner than other points and that meting and stating why that par- imce 30 dayg d last day of the
of Oregon have gone al-out for while it is located just over the ticular group was invited to the yeaI now Ec 31 would be declar-
hangers and have gone over the top line in Wheeler county, timber op- dinner. The Utire county should a widwide holiday. .
, . rnirvn,! nrp in, MotTOW COUmV. Von inliicl Vio, ctatfrl Vint.
a big way. " . """ """" ; r ' The movement has the endorse -
1 ravei uus way uvci urc ixvf -'- as It was lmpossioie 10 buuoiiuiiu-
Continued on Page Eight
Color Week" Puts
Color in Windows
, , 1 r r ii a v,i uu nwj w.x. - xj i- il wcta iiiiLnaoiwAC viy cvuiiiiiw , -
News reports are to me enec more ""t,01.
that Mr. Joe College decided hb Tna trwards uj v j v, 80(1 s
Windows in business houses along
Main street r ece uevi ptdoac-15
Main street received a touch of
numerous organizations color this week when trrouns of'
sponsor is seeking similar high school people embarked on
could hang his zoot suit on the c T, , . . expressions from local groups. their annual "Color Week" decora-
floor or elsewhere if by so doing . , absence of L. E. Dick, no efanincf in th ramraim. The list Mrs. C. C. Dunham, accompanied tions in recognitioin of the forth-
he could lend assistance to the ,n aaiiaKU nn ihP nrotios- :i,.jj v vi n,)! by Mrs. J. O. Turner, favored the coming expected big earne of the
A prize posted by the Pep club
of the high school is the inspiration
for the various clubs of the school
ing of business house windows.
war effort. Result-6.000 hangers, ed k and it brought up the United States DLpartment of club Wlth tw vocal lo3-
or about two hangers per capita
.at the next meeting.
A ...Univ. 3;.rw iVWl4ll
frw hP entire school were turned ' " ,. , x i. u . a , WHAT ABOUT TIIAT
for the entire school, weie turnea . preseT1t held to the with the farmers put him in place 1IT1vrrfvr KMirP,
over to the soldiers at Camp viewpoint that a chamber of com- to render caluable aid to the drive; 11LJIlir,iU mirtu.
Adair. merce has something cut out for it TConnMh Hi anri Rnd Hanlon of Hunting knives either are high-
This district has no big can- these days and that it is more es- thU Pacific Power and Light com- W Pnzed in this vicinty or there to enter into competitive decorat
tonment nearby to bring to the sential than ever that the business pany rendered assistance in load- are very few- Ono such implement Streamers of vari-colored crepu pa
public eye the need for supply- interests of the community bL- tied mg and handling metal; Mayor J. k Pn display in the Gazette Times per, placards and other types of de
ing more than 100,000 coat hang- together in a united effort to help o. Turner, chairman of county de- office, another at Aiken's and the coration are in evidence up and
ers. One must draw on the imagi- pilot the community safely through Continued on Page Eight Ellks have a small collection. down the street and the public is
nation and even then it is diffi- the present emergency and prepail . PORTLAND 11 1x33 heen SSsted that there pner's Mustangs hope to put Con-
cult to visualize that many hang- it for whatever may come follow- may be butcher knives that could given the general idea that Hep-
ers, or that many suits of clothes, ing declaration of peace. With that Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hall are be filed down and converted into don in a hole here Friday evening
However, Morrow county has been in mind an effort wll be made to spending a few days in Portland hunting knives. A heavy blade four when the league leaders come for
asked for a measly 1,000 hangers add more namU to the roster on this week on business in connection inches or more in length and set a bit of casaba tossing at the high
nd to date we have sent in 135. the front of the secretary's office, with Scotty's ice cream emporium, in a good handle is desired. rjhool gymnasium.