Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 21, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, January 21, 1943
Another interesting
Pfc Johny McNamee
is setting an eyeful
the other sid
a it ms worthwhile reading
From the Middle East, Johny
writes his mother, Mrs. Dennis Mc
Namee of his experiences.
Dear Mom:
How are you? I am getting along
fine. I am stationed in an American
camp somewhere in the Middle
East and will probably be here for
some time.
We had a swell trip over and I
have seen a lot of places that I
never even thought I would except
in a picture show.
Have you got any of my letters
yet? I wrote about four since I left
the United States and haven't re
ceived any of yours except your
Thanksgiving card. I would sure
like to have been there to help you
with that turkey dinner. We had a
swell dinner on ship coming over,
with turkey and all the trimmings,
and they gave us a carton of cig
arettes apiece. Everything seems
to be high here, especially Ameri
can cigarettes. They are almost 60
cents a package for Lucky Strikes
and Camels and we can't afford to
buy them.
There are all different kinds of
soldiers here Australians, New
Zealanders, British and Americans.
I was in Cairo, Egypt for a visit
and was surprised that the people
and buildings were as modern as
they are.' The people in Egypt are
an altogether different race to the
people of India. The people of India,
as a whole, are all professioal
beggars, are filthy and look like
they are about half starved, it
seems to me.
I also saw Rio re Janeiro from the
harbor and it is the best looking
country I have seen yet. Well Mom,
that is about all I can write about
this time, so I will close. Hoping
STAR Reporter
Friday-Saturday, Jan. 22-23
Apache Trail
Donna Reed. William
Screen adaptation of the magazine
story "Stage Station" by me pro-
. . T? Vt.,,t
nuyiy kiuiju uwuwu wj i--"
minent Oregon writer Ernest Hay-
ljUX- board.
PLUS . , ,
Enemy Agents Meet Mr and Mrs Li B. Ledbetter of
EllerV QlieCn Heppner have received word from
J their son Jimmie that he is taking
William Gargan, Margaret Lindsay, training at the naval training sta
Charles Grapcwin, Gale Sonder- ion at Farragut Ida.
gaard, Gillbclrt Roland
Another of this popular sleuth's ad
ventures and one of his best.
Sunday-Monday, January 24-25
Sonia Henie, John Payne, Jack
Oakie, Sammy Kaye and His Ork
The Marines have landed to bring
you another spectacle of fun,
laughter and thrffla
Tuesday, January 2G
m TI. 1 1 tt,1
ine Hiaaen liana
Craig Stevens, Elizabeth Frascr
Julie Bishop
The mad Channings run riot in a
thriller-chiller based on Rufus
King's play.
Also "Spirit of Annapolis" a tour
of the Naval Academy at Annapolis
with the Band and Glee Hub.
Wednesday-Thursday, Jan. 27-28
The Pied Piper
Neville Shute's Mighty Story been shipped to Camp Adair, states
of Today Rev. J. Fred Stilwell of lone. Thia
Monty Woolley, Roddy McDowall, leaves 865 more of the articles to
Anne Baxter, J. Carol Naish be gathered in if Morrow county
If you are looking for a brand new meets its quota of 1,000.
movie adventure one for your The box just inside the door at
memory album just follow "The the Gazette . Times office has a
Pied Piper." It's good! few hangers in it now just enough
PLUS for bait but it should be filled be
Latest issue of March of Time fore shipping. Bring them to this
' office if in the Heppner area, or
1 take them to Rev. Stilwell in lone.
letter from . . , . t ,y , wjV V? H r V i , . 'L. JC . J ,,
this week e 4 1 I&n lWvll V'VI an,
eoimewonu UtnWJ' . ""WffWrV V-W'iML TmWlv in two
r S Q "kmWWTa organizations,
. V r.h,4Li5aim of either group.
t4 lIf!xJ-
it v
(J. S I ciiHiM l mm.
this finds vou well-and answer
soon. Tell everybody hello for me.
Love, Johny.
t i w u t, T?
mona n. iumer
that he is all out for the air corps.
Raymond is a technics plane me-
chanic and has been in the air
mq since Nov. 1. He was the
first Morrow county boy under 20
years of age to be inauctea Dy uie
. x u AA W V.o
years 01 ug iu uc uiuuvu
selective service board here. He is
me 0f Mrs. Grace 'limer, sec
. . ... .....
tne soil in avxia. vjiciv ww
retary 0f the selective service
A news dispatch from the pub
lic relations officer, U. S. Naval
Training Station, Farragut, Ida.,
tella of the arrival there of two
Heppner boys, Merle Edwin Bur-
kgnbine, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Burkenbine) and Donald Kenneth
Evan9i son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
M Evans For me next several
weekg given 0
training and physical conditioning.
On graduation from the U. S. Naval
Training Station located here on
the shores of Lake Pend Oreills in
the northern Idaho mountains, they
will be mentally, physically and
spiritually prepared to fight the
best our enemies have to offer,"
the officer states,
To date, 135 coat hangers have
" ---r- -, T Hlq)i-rT1.T- -i, t irmnMltwulil mr. -
f v F r v . v ' i
Mrs q q Dunham' of Ashland is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. G. Crawford, and other relatives
in Heppner. She came from Port-
J" T h3b,nd, Dr. Dun-
h examinatlons for army
& siura
physicians the fore
use u-i warn aus iu uia w.
Ti -I m x l JJ a n rf
. ,
yur surplus stocn.
These Two Things
This is
Oyster Season
The Elkorn
Is the Place to get
Oysters Served to
your taste
Other Sea Foods
In Season
Follow the Crowd
Ed Chinn, Prop.
tlwiMt THfinttr.
BATTLES these days are fought in the air, on
sea, on land and with the help of the Nation's
communication lines.
Operators, handling the greatest volume ol
calls in the telephone's history calls dealing
largely with war and war production occupy
a "hattle station" of vital importance.
You can help them to bring Victory closer.
Though materials for more telephone lines are
not available, due to war's requirements, you
can help keep the lines clear for war by making
only vital calls to the war-busy centers.
Your cooperation helps us to serve yon and
our Country. We deeply appreciate it
The annual meetings of the Lex-
ion Oil Co-op. the Lexington
Hi strict, and the Heppner Soil
nervation district will be held
the Lexington grange hall, Mon-
Feb. 1, beginning at 10:30 a. m.
cctors of all three organiza
fp.pl that combining the three
ual meetings will save time and
as many people are directly
or more of the
and everyone is in-
the annual meeting
Reports of the past years oper.
ations and elections cf directors will
be taken up in the forenoon.
Lunch provided by the Oil Co
operative will be served everyone
at noon by the Lexington grange
The afternoon program will fea
ture speakers and motion pictures
on cooperative matters and soil
Mrs. Laura Well?, nutritionist
for the rtyt? boaul of health has
been in the county this weak. She
has met with high school girls and
advisers under the direction of Mrs.
Ann Thcmas health nurse and Mrs.
Lucy Rodgsrs, county school sup
erintendent. This afternoon she is
rcheduled for a conference with
the nutritional council of the coun
ty at the office of C. D. Conrad,
county agent.
Sam G. McMillan, son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. G. McMillan of Lexington,
has been promoted to Staff Ser
geant according to word received
from Williams Field, Chandler,
Aiiz. SSgt. McMillan has been in
the service nine months.
Ruth Chapter of the Order of the
Eastern Star will hold regular meet
ing Friday evening, Jan. 22, accord
ing to announcement by the worthy
matron, 'Mrs. Emma Evans.
Both are at
vited ot attend
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