8 Heppner Gazette Times, JonuqryH,J943.. A 60-year-old blind woman of rationed under the "points" system, Owasso, Okla., collected 180 pounds as it comes in standard size cans, of metal scrap in her back yard, but liquid milk is rationed by vol- lone. On the occasion of his 21st birthday, Dec. 23, 1942, Dale wrote his parents some mature reflections on the war: Dear Mother and Dad: A T U t,nm ViinHnc rvf th DO PEOPLE READ TIIE G-T? READ TIIIS! A few weeks ago the Gazette Times announced that a box was placed just inside the door to re Oil. M W w m mi - srf - - without assistance. Substitution of glass containeds ume. In Service Conversion of jallopies to scrap throughout the country is at a rate exceeding auto production in 1929, a banner year for new cars. A G-T want ad will do wonders ceive donations of coat hangers tor r3 L on , i ... m.. l . . . . . . ... Vmnnv mrvmpnt2 in m V life and the the soldiers at Uamp Adair, ine dox tor metal cans in me paini inausuy From "Somewhere in India", peaceful events of the past it seems remained empty for a few days, nrUAT .; v,;. imcCiH to visualize how then W. P. Hill deposited a dozen few days, reauce its steel consumption Johny from 73,000 tons to 6,600 tons. Mrs. Dennis McNamee of this city Dear Mom: the world is once more a flaming nangers. Winers oegdn torch and to realize that our coun- and one day last week there was a In England evaporated milk is How are you? I am getting along try is once more plagued with the call tor package in ine u-i man fine. We finally landed here and ' mlectious -s - were sent out to a British camp and this period JPP"f8 . " foroe Abound. When it was infprtions virus we call "war. in me pauis w vv be sent some place else Erases concerning revealed. And where did they come We are staying in buildings that " J wOo m4 " from? The Main Street Garage in have cement floors and wicker P J" W at work Madras, John E. Conroy, proprietor, sides and we have wooden . cots wltn so manv millions nam ax wont . - , , with rope weaved to our matresses. figuring out ways to conquer and There is a story back of this that I sure get a kick out of watching reduce other millions to slavery would take too long to tell but m the natives They carry all their death. It is difficult to per- behalf of Camp Adair and those m loads on top of their heads and eeive the difference between man- charge of gathering the hangers, we they use ox teams and high wheel kind and the ignorant, gibbering thank Mr. Conroy as well as others wagons for the heavy loads. A few savages from which we have evolv- who have contributed. The first box natives can talk English but most Perhaps this opinion is too is full and will be shipped soon, of them are uneducated and dirty harsh and my viewpoint too pessi- In the meantime, let us keep up and they get only about half mistic. Of one thing I am certain: the' good work and bring Morrow enough to eat wnen faim is lost lost- county to the front in this personal When we go to the village there Let us keep with us the thought ift to the men in uniform. We are is always a bunch that grabs your that the freedom loving people of far from the quota of 1,000 hangers arm and begs for money to get the world, as well as the peace lov- but it can be reached with a little something to eat. m& people throughout this great more effort. They have native barbers here country, nave tne courage xo once and you can get a haircut, shave again sacrifice for the things we and shampoo for six annas, which hold essential to life and happiness, is about 12 cents in our money. necessary, we must defend these Your loving son, principles until the last man has Johny. fallen and our fighting resources have dwindled to dust. We should . .. r C A 1 j.- 1 n a recent issue r the Uregon- .i lu. ,! w ramnueu . nb j collection of his ian iWo anwarpfl a nir-t.ure of that our freedom was not borne ,& . ' j c DJe gtHwell, member of the Air from idle desire but from the vio late Advanced Flying school at lence of dry gunpowder and the Slbckton, Calif. He was credited blood of our forefathers, wi'th being .a cousin of the famous But then, above all, when the PIERCE GIVES DOCUMENTS TO OREGON STATE COLLEGE Walter M. Pierce, former con gressman from the second Oregon district and for many years prior to that a regent of Oregon State college, has presented to the col lege library a large collection of his documents on agriculture and fores try. A considerable number of these including numerous yearbooks and reports, are in sufficient number tighter Joe btuweu out notmng was uuu uyuu. terested studnts in the respective said about his being the son of us, let us retain reason enough to j as j lasts t- 1 t W -r Try 1 t l ' A 11 f V - m "nhn vn Tr (am oil nt j-J w n 1 1 sr n . aev. ana lvirs. j. area oxuweu oi jiqv aii cum inxi iw- .. ward none" for if the world must go through this again, mankind is doomed. This time it has to be, Others will be added to the perma nent files of the library. STAR Reporter Friday-Saturday, Ja.15-16 Bad Men of the Hills Charles Starrett, Russell Cliff Edwards An unusual western that is solid fare for all. PLUS Mrs. Sarah H. Parker, who resides as I am sure it will be, a better, at the home of her son, Frank S. Parker was very ill earllier in the week but is better again. Grand mother has been bedfast since Christmas but suffers very little pain. greater, more understanding world. Your loving son, Dale Stilwell. Pfc Fred E. Ritchie has written to inform this paper of his new ad- Hayden, dress apo No. 827, care of Post master, New Orleans, La. Dear Sir: Just a line to inform you of my noMir nrwaoa nrA trw ovnroco rvr lit The World at War most appreciation of your thought Authentic camera record of the fulness. I assure you, sir, I have march of the axis taken by their enjoyed each Heppner Gazette own photographers and later con- Times that has been forwarded to fiscatcd by the U. S., England and Russia. Splendid for all Adult Am ericans desiring knowledge of the world strife . . . not recommended for children. This feature will be the last part of the program, so that children may see the short subjects and first feature and not remain to sue this film. me and am hoping there will be more in the near future. May I wish you, sir, and your staff the veiy best of luck throughout this crisis. Yours sincerely, Fred E. Ritchie. M RELY ON M 4-leaf y ynr w gCLOVE W cun WANT ADS ARE LUCKY TOO Sunday-Monday, Jan. 17-18 Tales of Manhattan Charles Boycr, Rita Hayworth, Gin ger Rogers, Henry Fonda, Charles Lauglilon, Edward G. Robinson, tioned at Farragut, Ida. Two other mil imiucmiii, I'.imi Milieu,, r.uiiiu u,.ntll,.a PavmnnJ nnr tfomv Mrs. Lee A. Sprinkel has i-eceived word that her brother, Elmer L. Blahm, who enlisted in the naval reserves a couple of months ago, has received his call and is sta- (Rochcster) Anderson, Thomas Mit chell, 'Eugene Pallette, Cesar Rom ero, Gail Patrick, Roland Young, Marian Martin, Elsa Lanchester, George Sanders, J. Carroll Naish The story of a tailcoat that is a thunderbolt of entertainment, with the mightiest cast ever assembled in one motion picture. Also "The Battle of Midway," offi cial U. S. Navy pictures, photo graphed in Technicolor. Tuesday, Jan. 19 Atlantic Convoy John Bcal, Virginia Field, Bruce Bennett Yankee planes blast the sea lanes open to America's fighting fronts! Wednesday-Thursday, Jan. 20-21 Moonlight Masquerade Dennis O'Kccfe, Jane Frazee, Ed die Foy, Jr., Romance, laughter tuneful melodies PLUS Moscow Strikes Back Just to get your dander up, come and see what the Nazis did to Rus sia and how the Reds paid them back. Every foot exposed under fire. Qwrunentary by Edward G. Robin son. Note: This picture is strictly adult fare. lit will be the last part of the program so that children may see the short subjects and first feature and not remain to see this film. We urge all parents to accompany their children or instruct them not to remain for this film. Blahm, are serving with the armed forces somewhere over seas. VISITS HOME FOLKS Cpl. Francis Healy, stationed at Fort Stevens, arrived in Heppner Monday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Healy. Lexington Grange Hall Saturday, Jan. 1 6 Music by YARNELL'S Modern 4-Piece Ork. Everybody welcome and i time assured. SUPPER AT 12:30 good Admssioo 85c, Tax Included REMEMBER" These Two Things This is Oyster Season . and The Elkorn Restaurant Is the Place to get Oysters Served to your taste Other Sea Foods In Season Follow the Crowd ELKHORN RESTAURANT Ed Chinn, Prop. ome Goo d s Buys Left Our stocks are dwindling--many lines cleaned out but there are numerous items of wearing apparel of sterling value on our shelves that may be purchased at genuine sav. ings. You will have no such opportunity again for a long time. loneto()l o ovef ' a room! j MIRACLE WALL FINISH 2 98 GAL I PASTE FORM 98 QUART One tal- Kern-Tone paite make ltt sal. Kern-Tone finbh. ONI COAT COVERS WALLPAPER, painted walls, wallboard, basement walls. APPLIES EASILY. 1 GALLON DOES THE AVERAOI ROOM. NO OFFENSIVE MINT ODOR. Kern-Tone ROLLER -K0 ATE R RoIIm K em-Tone right over your walls quick ly, easily, smoothly. Rosewall Moto -gv r Co.