Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE Established March 30, 1883 THE HEPPNER TIMES Established November 18, 1897 CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published Every Thursday by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. O. G. CRAWFORD, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $2-50 Two Years 450 Three Year? 6.00 Six Months 1-25 Three Months 5 Single Copies 05 A Heppner Gazette Times, January 14, 194:3 m limn too bad and others indifferent. They are typical Americans, average youths who have pledged ' their lives, to win' this war to preserve our democracy and guarantee freedom to all men. Having made this pledge they are en titled to every protection this commu nity and all other communities in which soldiers are located can. give them. It is not up to this, community to di rect the moral conduct of these boys. That function is up to their superiors in rank when it is felt necessary. Our function should be to help keep temp tation out of their way by providing wholesome entertainment which they will enjoy and which only young men in their nosition can dulv aonreciate. DON'T TALK! TOO MUCH Doubt may exist in the minda of On every hand Earnings are being gome as to the ability of this COmmu sounded against giving away military nity to provide this entertainment and secrets, and other information that unti! some feasible plan is submitted may injure our cause and lengthen the this doubt may be justified. However, war. It is recognized that the people m other communities less favored than general are patriotic and would not this, have solved the problem and are knowingly speak out of turn. The operating service men's centers with point is that most of us are too ready out USO or other outside assistance, to repeat what someone has said with- it is the belief of many of our citizens out giving thought to the nature of it, that the same sort of program can be or that we gladly and even glibly talk carried out here, about the whereabouts of pur boys, all A small hall properly if not lavishly of which may directly or indirectly be furnished and containing floor space responsible for death or injury, to sufficjent f or from ten to twenty them, couples, to dance would meet the im The Office of Censorship at Wash- mediate requirements. A piano for ington has released information pert- dancing and community sings and a inent to this subject which we ask our phonograph or radio,, a table to write readers to carefully peruse and give letters on and to play games on, a few due consideration. Remember, none of comfortble chairs to read in, a cookie us is. invulnerable and the warnings jar filled always, of course, and a hot may serve to keep us alert. plate to make a cup of coffee or a cup If you know what' ship a sailor is on, of chocolate. What boy wouldn't put or what company or regiment a soldier his 0. K. on such a set-up. is with nvprseas. then von know a mil- o Professional Directory O. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work Country work especially A. D. McMurdo, M.D. Trained Nurse Assistant PHYSICIAN or SURGEON Office In Ms"nic Building HEPPNER. ORE. Dr. W. H. Rockwell Naturopathic Physician & Surgeon Gilman Bldg. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or. NEW AUTO POLICY Bod. Inj. Pr. Dam. Class A 6.30 5.10 Class B 7.00 5.44 Class C 9.80 6.80 F. W. TURNER & CO. J. O. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 17? Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon CLEANING Wednesday-Thursday-Friday SERVICE HEPPNER CLEANERS Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. Abstract & Title Co. Morrow County INC. ABSTRACTS OT TITI.B TITLE INSURANCE Office in New Peters Building Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis cussion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician A Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Red Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER. OREGON Directors of Funerals M. L. CASE G. E. N1KANDER 8G2 Phones 2fi2 Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building-, Willow Street Heppner. Oregon P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GJJNUKAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOG IE RICHARDSON. Mgr RATES REASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, Ore J. O. Peterson Latest. Jewelry and Gift Ooods Watches . Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon r-Y BO .i ALD G. SCETNKIDES ?::! C':vc!r.r.d plain Daalor of Sunday. Dec. 20, 1942 itarv "secret." the Office of Censor- AN INAUSPICIOUS START ship warns. Friends of Governor Earl Snell, and This secret ought not to be published. they are legion, regret, as must, the This is, why governor, the delay m his maugura- A general needs to know the on; Elected by an overwhelming ma- strength of his opponent: how many J" anu prei area lo assume me reins - -- men, Juns, ships, anes there are in tflA 000,000 eucn metier ui war. m-psidenov election The Nazis, and the Japs want to ' ?Sy w-i know these things about our forces. election. Their agents assemble the information . But ? c?n f e said that Earl Snell like this: from one paper, an item re- 18 .one to ,be Yd baclf by, su?h dlsa1p' veals that the GOOth Infantry is in Aus- pointment d now that. Js m the tralia ;another that the U. S. S. Wis- 8acdle he Wl11 canT on wlth character consm is in the Mediterranean; anoth- lstlc energy, er that the 20Gth Tank Battalion is in TjrkT T 0 !, Norh Africa. WHERE ROLLS THE OREGON Add hundreds of these bits of in- Now that the Old Oregon Trail cen formation together, and our enemies, tenmal year has been ushered in. and have a too-accurate estimate of Amer- the name Oregon is on everybody's lips, ican military strength. ' the question will often be asked : Where This is not a "blackout" on the news Oregon get its, name? That ques about our soldiers. Considerable lati- tl0n historians have been trying for tude in reporting personal experiences years to answer but without success, gives the enemy little military infor- In 1765, Major Robert Rogers used mation, if the troop units, the ships the name "Ouragon" in describing the names are kept secret. But in articles district west of the Great Lakes. In about soldiers and sailors and in the 1772, he used it again, spelling it "Ou addresses for them, don't give away rigon." The present spelling was first their fighting units. used in print in 1778 by Jonathan Car- o ver in his book, "Travels through the SAFEGUARD NEEDED interior parts of North America." He A social problem has been created said that he first heard the word in in Heppner by the coming of soldiers 1766 from Indians living on the head to the former Civilian Conservation waters of the Mississippi, and connect Corps camp just east of town. It is a ed it with the Great River of the west matter of some concern to the commu- which flowed into the Pacific ocean, nity that entertainment for these boys He throws no further light on its der be provided on a scale and in a manner ivation. which will provide proper recreation The name Oregon will be forever for them and reflect credit upon the shrouded in mystery, but it stands, sponsors. alone, inscrutable, colorful and allur- - In a group of soldiers will be found ing. It breathes of romance, courage a cross section of the youth of the land, and adventure, an inspiration to the not one class but virtually all classes, writer, poet and artist. There is no meaning some not too good, some not other Oregon. The Lincoln Eloctr'c Co., one of jroi'I.or CleTo'and':j war industries and the vo;.Iu;3 leanest producer of arc welding C'luiinrxnt, yesterday afternoon divided the stasrgering total of almost ?..".,000,000 "among approximately 1,300 employees in what is described as the plant's "incentive wage system." Questioned as to the noticeable absence of the word "bonus" in the description ox the payments, James i Lincoln, president, asserted: 'The word bonus smacks of pater lalism and this definitely is not he case at Lincoln Electric. Our ncentive wage system is to boost he output of all types of labor .aid has met with unusual success." The compensation averaged cbout $2,300 per employee and ;angcd from $10 to $25,000 with v)0 per cent going to shop workers and the remainder to management. Lincoln himself and his brother, John C. Lincoln, chairman of the board, were the only two members of the organization who received none of the compensation money. Although the total sum exceeded that paid last year by about a mil lion dollars, Lincoln said calcula tions were made on the basis of pre-war years. Because of this, War Labor Board officials said the company did not need WLB ap proval. "It is obvious our only chance of success in this war is the American workman's ability with American methods to produce war equip ment more rapidly than our ene mies," the plant president said, "for great as American industry is, it leaves largely untapped its greatest resource, the productive power, initiative and intelligence latent in everv norsnn have been many who have guessed gamzation should use these powers "What would happen when all want to make the wages of all workers, from sweeper to man ager, a maximum? What would happen when all want to make the company profitable since it is largely owned by the workers in it?" Lincoln continued: "The 10 years' experience of Lincoln Electric with incentive wage payments 'includes both war and peace production, panic and prosperity years. It has proved conclusively such incentive payment properly organized and properly applied will result in pro gressively lower prices for the con sumer, progressively higher wagea for the worker and progressively higher dividends for the owner. And this is not only a means for greater war production, so essen tial at this time, but it is also & philosophy which can and has solved the difficulty between labor and management. "As an illustration of this th average yearly production per man in other competing manufacturing plants is between $4,000 and $10, 000. The production this year oi the Lincoln worker will exceed $o0,000 per man. This outstanding record is made at a selling prico of our product of less than half that oi comparable products made by workers without incentive in in dustries other than ours." In 1918 Lincoln Electric tried a bonus system which was not a large percentage of the year's wages and it was not regarded as successful. But in 1934 a second bonus was paid and the ground work was laid for the present "This new plan was more work able than fliif r.4 inio ... j i thoroughly succeeded," Lincoln i li.' ' V, , V .X. h"-;u uior ;fii; i.j . """few Sam. It vvas n.nH nffn. d,,. jih,ujii;-i-lihv leu, entnusiast.ic nr. vf innn i . "J-" " Jr iranntl, t.l,l.l . vi 10 U.il arm vuai nnrVicino much more attractive because of latent in an im ivinn trv - n. , i.ituve Decause oi 1 .hat would happen" found 1J tilt wuvii ciu wuiiu 10 product1 a nrnilnot i 'wku ui uifciuiv at the lowest possible cost? kterest &