I A I 131 J I IONS NEWS NOTES up to date. ' Walter Roberts has had news that her nephew, Walter Neer of Chehalis, Wash, is being held a prisoner in Japan. This is the first news of him since he was reported missing when Bataan fell. Harold Buchanan is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buch anan on an eight day leave from Seattle where he is located. The Topic club held the January social meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell Saturday evening with Messrs. and Mes--dames E. R. Lundell, Milton Mor gan, Carl Feldman and Cleo Drake acting as hosts. Five tables were in Mrs. high score for guests; low, Lloyd Mor gan; Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Omar Rietmann, high; Mrs. Charles Carl son, Clyde Deriney,' low, for members. Class Rehearsing Three Act Play By Mrs. Omar Rietmann The iunior class of the lone high school is rehearsing for a three act play, "Everybodys Crazy Now." to be presented in the gymnasium Saturday night, Jan. 30. The Wil lows Grange has scheduled a dance later in the same evening. The cast of the play includes Melba Crawford, Pete Cannon, Wil- ma Doybns, Bob Everson, Gladys play. Prizes were won by Seehafer, James Doherty, Pat Do- Lloyd Morgan, Bert Mason, herty, Alice Nichoson, June Grif fith and Bill Morris. Mrs.' Delia Nance is directing the play. A family reunion and dinner was held Wednesday, Jan. 6 at the home of Mrs. Lana Padberg in honor of her nephew, Earl Padberg, who was home on furlough from the navy. Those present for dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Les Roundy and daughter Kay cf Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Pad berg and daughter, Leann, Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Benge and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Padberg Mr. and Mrs. Orris Padberg and son, Char les, Mrs. Ruby Kincaid and boys, Lewis Padberg, Arley Padberg, Cecil Padberg and Archie Padberg. Other relatives and friends called laiter in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Padberg and Mr. and Mrs.. Ir vin Padberg called Tuesday eve ning. Earl accompanied Mrs. Roun dy and daughter to their home in Spokane where he will visit for a few days and later return to his ship, the San Francisco. Mrs. Fred Mankin returned to her hoTie Wednesday after a three months visit in Portland. She was accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Alvin C. Bunch and small son Ger ald Alan. The basketball games with Board man Thursday night were evenly matched and exciting. The lone first string won 25 to 22 and the second team losing 27 to 13. After the games the young folks enjoyed a free dance at the open ing of the Eubanks Victory cafe. The Boardiman players and rooters remained for some time and en joyed themselves as much as the lone young people. Alfred Owsley had the misfortune of having his car skid off the high way a mile west of lone last Sat urday. Small damage was done to the car and neither Mr. Owsley or his son was injured. Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Severson have moved from the Park apart ments to the Dorr Mason home where they will live during the ab sence of the Masons. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blake are mov ing to Kellog Park in Sellwood, Portland, to be near Mr. Blake's work at the Iron Fireman plant. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake and children were Heppner visitors Saturday. They took their daugh rer Dolores for medical consulta tion. Mrs. Hal Ely was taken ill sud denly Thursday at her home near Morgan and was taken to Heppner Friday. Her condition Sunday was reported serious. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gorger have taken two of their sons, Bobby and Donald to the hospital in Pendleton where Bobby is quite ill with pneu monia. Mrs. Gorger's mother, Mrs. Driscoll of Heppner, is caring for their home during their absence. Jim Leadbetter left for Port land Jan. 7 to report for training in the navy. The regular meeting of the mis sionary society was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Swanson Jan.. 7. The annual election of officers was held. These officers serve for both the union Ladies Aid and the missionary society. They are: pres., Mrs. Olive Engleman; vice pres., Mrs. Ann Blake; sec, Mrs. Jenny Mc Murray; treas., Mrs. Mary Swan son. The ladies meet every Thurs day afternoon at the Congregational rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Isom have been conducting dancing lessons at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Yarnell during the last two months. Several young people have learned the art of dancing and some of the older people might bring their steps Letterless Soldier Is Forgotten Soldier BOARDMAN NEWS By Margaret Thorpe Mr. and Mrs. Bob McLouth have moved to Coyote where Bob is working on the section! Ladies Aid met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bechdolt. Officers and standing committees of Greenfield grange met at the home of Mrs. Minnie McFarland Wednesday night. The kitchen and store building in the grange hall have been rented to the contractors on the Boardman landing field for headquarters for about 100 men. Grange members spent Friday and Saturday putting on roofing and cleaning the rented portion. Arthur Allen spent three days at his home this week. A shower was held at the home of Mrs. Nathan Thorpe Thursday afternoon for Mrs. David Sheets. Many nice gift? were received. The local basketball team motor ed to lone Thursday night and met defeat. Bob Smith was knocked out in the game. Mrs. Nels Kristensen and Buddy went to Portland Wednesday where Buddy will have a medical examination. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Rands and children have returned from Port land where they have been since Christmas. Mrs. Hazel Stutte of Portland is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Nick Faler. Mr. and Mrs. William La Londe of Hollywood spent Sunday visit ing friends in Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harter motored to Pendleton Saturday. PINE CITY NEWS By BKRNICH! WATTTWKURGER Mr. and Mrs. Garnet A. Aber crombie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughter, Patty, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburgar and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and daughter -enjoyed an oy ster supper at the J T. Ayers home in Hermiston Friday evening. A group of friends gathered Sat urday evening at the Clayton Ayers home and played cards. Three tables were in play with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch winning high scores. The party was in honor of Mrs. Ayers' birthday. Wilbur Myers of Jerome, Idaho, is here visiting his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore took their son Jerry to the doctor Sat urday. He is ill with a cold. Mr . and Mrs. Clayton Ayers made a business trip to Heppner Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogler left Monday for Pasco to spend a few days on business. A letter recently received by Bert Mascn from cne of our Mor row county boys in tb" tervice leads Bert to believe that soldiers may be classed 2t: "forgotten men." After leading the letter, the lone mer chant was struck wiih the thought "how many forgotten boys from Morrow county are serving their country at war?" The soldlier's letter in part states: "Dear Bert: I received your most welcome letter several days ago so 1 will take time to answer. I have n't heard from anybody in that part of the country for so long I thought they had forgotten us soldier boys." This boy, like many others, craves home news and Mason suggests that everybody attempt to get the ad dress of a soldier and write him of the happenings around his home community. This particular youth stated that he had met but one ether boy from the old home since joining the service. The community and both schools enjoyed a very nice party and pot luck supper Friday evening at the high school. This was the first par ty given in the n:w auditorium. Mi 3. Joseph Mahon, nze Maxine McDaniel, will be honored with a shower on Saturday, Jan. 23 at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sam Mc Daniel, Jr. Everyone is welcome. Due to the zero weather in the mountains the past few nights, Don Zornes resumed logging operations this week. Elmer and Richard Steers are helping from here. ?cr.h. leaving Friday and returning Tuesday. He found plenty of win ter conditions prevailing in the rrea to the east with much snow c 'id '.,me cold weather. MAKES TRIP TO JOSEPH Steward Cole, right bower of the mechanical department of the G-T, spent a few days on a trip to Jo- CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the neighbors nv.d friends who assisted and who expiessed their sympathy in words and floral offerings during our re cent bereavement over the loss of cur beloved mother and grand mother, Sarah Alice Esteb. Eunice Keithley and family Sam Esteb and family Fred Esteb and family Use G-T want ads to dispose of your surplus stock. . llll(IIIIMIIIHItlllltlll(llltlllll(IMItllllltllMI Hardman News . . . By Elsa M. Leathers Pfc Vester Hams and wife are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hams this week from Camp Hale, Colo. Vester was .released from the hospital there for his fur lough. He will return to camp this week. Miss Clara Bell Adams who is a student at Oregon State college was on the honor roll this term. She is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Adams of Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dalzell of Dry Fork visited in town Sunday. Mrs. Rita Robinson Wright was honored Saturday p. m. with a shower at Ethel Robinson's home. She received many lovely gifts. Those from out of town were Mrs. ' C. G. Wright, Mrs. Harold Wright, Mrs. Ray Wright, Mrs. Barton Clark, Ella Bleakman, Roxie Lov gren and Mrs. Ray Robinson. Mrs. Pete Hams and smoll daugh ter were visiting a short time in Hardman Monday. Betty Adams spent the week-end with Carolyn Bergstrom on Eight mile. Mrs. Anne Thomas, county nurse was visiting the schools in town and some of the homes on Monday. Y V r .7 !iYFLJlj3 FIRTEX for Insulation TILE for your ceiling Wallboard for side walls Easily applied . . . saws like lumber. Leave it as is or kalsomine it, paint it, or paper over it. BUY MORE BONDS Tum-a-Lum Lumber Company (IHIIIIKHII r MRS. DEVIN ILL Mrs. S. P. Devin has been quite ill for some time was removed to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Loyal Parker, Sunday. Another daughter, Mrs. Adolph Hayden, spent the week with her, returning to her home at Stan field where she teaches school. RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS Mrs. Cora D. Crawford, who has been ill the past two weeks is greatly improved. She is staying at the J. 0. Turner home where she will remain until completely recovered. 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