Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 07, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Heppner Gazette Times, January 7, 1943
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At Heppner
Bennie Howe, Minister
Sunday, Jan. 10:
Divine worship at 11 a. m. Special
music by choir.
Church school at 9:45 a. m. Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers, superintendent. A
class for every grade and age.
Youth Fellowship for Juniors at
6:30 p. m. t
Evening song and gospel service
at 7::45.
Wednesday, Jan. 13:
Fellowship and prayer service at
7:45 o'clock every Wednesday eve
ning. Thought for today: One life show
ing the way is better than ten
tongues trying to tell it to you.
Come to church Sunday. Welcome
The church board will meet at
the close of the morning service,
ice Nickerson are serving as secre-
VSS 623 A
U. S. Treaaury Dept.
Beware of Monoxide
Gas Officials Warn
With many older cars pressed into
service to provide essential trans
portation in war time, the state
traffic safety division today issued
a reminder to Oregon motorists to
guard against carbon monoxide gas
during the winter months.
This gas is present in many cars,
but normally not in dangerous
quantities, it was said. However,
in older cars where exhaust pipes
or mufflers may be leaky, or heat
ers may be defective, it may accu
mulate in quantities sufficient to
cause death.
To avoid this possibility, the
safety division urged drivers to
keep car windows open sufficient
for adequate ventilation, even on
cold days. There is another import
ant reason for avoiding the urge to
keep car windows tightly rolled up
SAFE INVESTMENT! Americans who are looking for a good, safe investment, as well as a means
f helping the Government to win the war, can well heed the above statement about War Bonds from
. P. Morgan, one of the nation's leading bankers.
"Nowhere in these days, says Mr. Morgan, "can a safer investment be found for savings than U. S.
Government bonds and of all the issues the war savings bonds seem to me the most advantageous."
Martin B. Clark, Minister.
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. A class in coid weflther. the division said.
for everyone. Drivers may fail to hear the whistle
Communion and preaching 11:00 of approaching trains at grade
the neighborhood grocer. There
will be strict curtailment of food
for civilians and many of the ord
inary items will disappear. Short
age of tin is eliminating canned
goods other than for the military
forces and lend-lease. No more
fruit juices nor many of the pre
served fruits grown in the north
west will be found in stores.
Food will be rationed. The ration
Price Control and
Rationing Save 24
Billion Dollars
Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.
P re-prayer service, 7:30 p. m.
Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor
Schedule of services:
crossings under such conditions.
Carbon monoxide gas has no odor
and thus gives no warning of its
presence. First symptoms are drow
siness and headache. Victims should
be given plenty of fresh air im-
Heppner: Mass at 9:00 a.m. every mediately and advanced cases
Mass on 3rd
quire resuscitation. Carbon monox-
Shippers in Gilliam and Morrow
counties have been notified by the
book soon to be distributed will be
a vital possession. Everyone must fcy p A Mollahan chair
jinvc auuu Ct UUUIV LM UJ UiVUlVCU 111
endless difficulties. Meat, butter,
eggs, poultry, cheese, milk, bacon
will be doled out in skimping fash-
ion and these are only a few of the 0PA at Washingt
U,i u.e ions lib., ui u.ii.g Mollahan,
nara xo get.
Shoes will be rationed on the
Sunday except 3rd.
t y ?a , ide drives oxygen from the blood,
tt . J o q iU lsl aunaav thus causing asphyxiation .
The United States government 9:00 a.m. on 3rd Sunday.
andi its civiians have been saved Lena: 10:30 a. m. on 2nd and 4th
approximately 24 billion dollars bundays.
through the nationwide price con- Week-day mass at 8 a.m. First
trol and rationing program of the Friday, 7:30 a.m.
office of price administration, ac- Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 to
cording to an announcement made 8:00 P- Sundays, 8:15 to 8:55 a.m.
man of OPA'S local war price and
rationing board.
This huge saving was revealed
by the research division of the
on. according to
The analysis shows that 20 bil
lion dollars have been saved by the
Sterl D. Spiesz, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Worship, 11:00 a. m.
Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m.
Tuesday prayer service, 7:45 p. m.
Thursday Bible study, 7:45 p. m.
Union Pacific of a tn-weekly in- point system and as the war goes United States government for ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL
stead of, daily service, which began on the quality of the leather will iod fmm M m2 fo Qct M CHURCH
January 3. Explanation is that the become poorer, the better leathers lg42 jn purchases for the armed Church school, 9:45 a. m
change is to save motive power, being conserved for American forc; lend-lease Mornnig Prayer and sermon, 11
Shippers in these counties challenge troops and allied forces. There will and other govemment o'clock .
the statement and are assembling ing, more shoddy and less wool. functjons '
data intended to convince ICC that be a gradual deterioration in cloth- gavin g to dviU Mollahan COOPERATIVE CHURCH OF IONE
a daily serv1Ce is essential and that Even the ga vamzed garbage can stated amounted to four bmion j. Fred gtiwell Pastor
there would be no saving of motive cannot be replaced when needed as d()llarg for Smyd 1Q
power by a three times a week no sheet steel will be available. .. ,,, . , , ' T
schedule Joseph B. Eastman has Farmers who have specialized in J ? TPic: "Freedom of
been advised that there are 1500 berry patches will have to reduce k milW 1 W 1
cars a year of food and lumber their acreage and turn to producing luwn k 7 ChUrdl" Campaign
; ..... -i. i . . . ... truits and vegetables, 50 million hpmns Rimw MVe rnn m
There is a tremendous need for a clean,
wholesome and educational, yet
entertaining boy's publication.
That's why, for 30 years, the Boy
Scouts of America has pub
lished BOYS' LIFE.
It's the magazine you
will be glad to
give your son
... or a
I. yet
tion. i
four Ls nd fW of business altogether. The dairv Averages, 21 nulhon; cereal and Miss Shirley Smouse and Miss Al-
. i T , ; . , ,:it u" j " DaKery proucts,
3,000,000 bushels of wheat stored business will be revamped, reor
along the railroad tracks. ganized, and some way war man-
power commission will see that
War production board has order- dairy workers are found. (Dervart-
ed stopped all work on the Sprague ment of agriculture now suggests r VaSt piT T
river road in the Klamath Indian 5iw n a3 rationing program of the OPA,"
.-tin A- -ffte f s " "'" commented Mollahan.
Senator Rufus Holman an appro-
18 million, and taries for this
other items for a total of four bil-
lion dollars.
"This is concrete evidence of the
value of the vast price control and
Only $2.00 a year . . . $4 JO lot 3 ytarl
Send your order to:
BOYS' Uf I, No. 3 Pork Avs., Nw Ysrk
Or to your newspaper office or local agenr
I't shows
in a graphic manner that our cheer-
And while vou arp tiffhtenine1 r i ...
priation of $150,000 was made for your Mt a few notche9 ZJ Te oTa nT JZl
the building of this road. WPB now win w. workine on a new tax bill , uda
anvs th. ro,d is not. iustifipd .ht "1 ".T fo ' our gvernment substantially, but
tjs- " ,.n.;m. w "lrLutr V each and every one of us as con-
the Indians are asking for partial
V . . 1 . V.. . UW Wl.A " .'1 HKtilt U1C 1.- glJYlCrS
sent tax measure look like milk
The' purest chrome found in the and water-it will hit so deep into S0UAL HYGIENE BOARD
United States, according to gov- fv Prse" And new ax may SET FOR FEBRUARY 5
ernment scientists, is coming from a tax for Vaiposea. 0regon-s second 5.
the black sands on the beach of always opposition h ienp conference hag been
southwestern Oregon. Private cap- to thls- but wf makes more money called for portland on Feb 5 Dr
Adolph Weinzirl, director of the
division of social hygiene education
of the University of Oregon medical
is a
ital is capturing the chrome and neccssary A ks tax
making a better job of it than the 'vuu- U i cnange.
vnrimnta nf mnV vrc in nf. re will be no synthetic rub
tempting to recover gold from these 061 "' im vmd.,a m m xhool stated today The
. . ... . . tliW IClllK W liliuitrilicill.
plants will not be sufficient to turn r(, , ,
r , , , , , . further Oregon s anti-venv?real dis
ease program, already among the
most effective and far-reaching in
sands on a commerical scale.
T1 . . U 1, .... .,1, i Idill nnm.U nC i V. .. n..4-Un4:
ii, wi.o U.UUB.U wiS u, s., u,r , F U- ease gj. already among the
tough will regard it as easy com- duct to more than take care of the most ffwtiw aTvl, fnrMaMna in
pared with what they will be up motorized army and the United Na- a nation.
agamsx in wo. mere wm oe so inere s no prospect or new Health and Jaw enforcement
many sacrifices required that it tires for civilians before 1944, and sicians and my mrk.
will be impossible to keep track of m 1943 nuUions of private automo- eds from 4
them all. Starting Jan. 1, for ex- biles will disappear from the high- u d to attend
ample, the Victory tax became op- ways. This will reduce state rev- '
erative, to be deducted from the enue from the gasoline tax and will nv r
payroll at the rate of five percent, require new sources of taxation by I; n I EET
and applying to all wages over $12 Oregon and other states, a search . The Tef? State Game comnus
a week. This is only one tax. The that may start with the coming 91on 1101(1 a PubUc hearing at
individual income tax will take an- legislature at Salem. Two years from fn oclock. Saturday morning, Jan.
other chunk and there will be pay- now the 1945 session it will be 9- 194,3, m lts, Portland offices, to
roll taxes for social security. What- too late. consider regulations for the 1943
ever your income may be, it will angling season. Bag limits and open
look very small by the time all the RETURNS TO SAN DIEGO seasons for game fish, as well as
taxes have been paid-and these Henderson Privett a member of re,gtllatlon1 f methods of
do not take into account the state thScort aTwXs S '
and county taxes. here visiting his brother, Bill Pri-
The luckiest man in 1943 will be vett, returning to his base at San A bi-weekly British army news
the farmer who grows his own food. Diego the first of the week. Privett paper with a circulation of more
The city dweller will be at a dis- has seen foreim sprvi having than a million is nrintod in eiahi
advantage for he must depend upon been stationed in Ireland.
Frozen Fruits
Strawberries, Raspberries, Mixed Fruits 1
Peas, Corn, Mixed Vegetables, Beans
Rome Beauty Apples $1.60 per Box
Famous Freewater Apples
Deschutes Netted Gem Potatoes
Central Market