Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 26, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, November 26, 1942
WASHINTON, D. C, Nov. 25
Northwest farmers, out in the open
spaces, will soon be in more trou
ble through the gasoline ration for
trucks. Practically all the farms in
Oregon are mechanized. They use
trucks, not for pleasure driving, but
to take farm products to market.
There are few farms using horses
or horse-drawn vehicles and if all
would not be enough animals to
farms went back to horses there
meet the demand. Wagons are no
longer manufactured and only a
few can be found on farms.
As a general rule the farmer
lives many miles from his market
and 50, 75 or 100 miles is not un
uncommon distances he could
not travel with a horse-drawn ve
hicle under several days, whereas
a few hours would be ample with
his truck. Central Oregon will be
especially hard hit. Certificates of
war necessitiy are cut from 25 up
to 50 percent of gas requirements
and the farmers are in a quandry
what to do.
With the administration urging
greater production of fopd, selec
tive service and war activities
taking labor from the farms, with
owners leaving their farms be
cause they cannot work them
alone, now comes he ration
ing which imposes another handi
cap on tillers of the soil. Congress
men are being showered with
letters asking that something be
done if they are to continue pro
ducing food.
The food requirements commit
tees, composed of the department
of agriculture and the war produc
tion board, may issue an order re
stricting the amount of milk that
can be diverted to cheese making.
Also, and more immediate, is the
possibility of reducing the amount of
buttcrfat in ice cream. The cheese
industry in Oregon is important
and not long ago the people were
urged over the radio to eat cheese.
Now comes the threat of a shortage
in the hope of saving as much fluid
milk as possible for consumers. Not
sufficient milk is produced to meet
the requrements of cantonments and
their immediate vicinity, and part of
this is due to the disposal of many
herds of dairy catte.
The rationing of coffee is causing
many people to drink milk as a
substitute. Although there is a drain
on the milk supply for domestic
consumption, lend-lease is shipping
quantities of powdered milk to the
allies and to some of the American
units on the fighting front.
There are a few farmers in Ore
gon who have written to the de
partment of, agriculture to inquire
whether that section of the country
is suitable for growing of soybeans.
The soybean has become an impor
tant crop in the midwest for food
and commercial purposes parts of
automobiles- are made from this
bean, the dash, steering wheel, fen
ders, ash trays, etc. Henry Ford
tried to break a plastic fender with
an axe without success. Soybeans,
formerly imported into the north
west ports from China by the ship
loads, have become Americanized,
just as the golden pheasant.
Little information can be obtain
ed by the state department as to
the identity and treament of prison
ers of war taken by the Japanese.
However, a former resident of the
northwest has written a letter which
came through somehow, in which
he said: "The Japanese are treating
me fine. I am holding my old
weight of 135 pounds. I expect to
see my mother soon." The writer
weighed almost 200 pounds when he
lived on the Pacific coast. His mo
ther has been dead for several years
and he knew it.
Farmers of Oregon are just be
ginning to understand the recent
decision of the supreme court which
forbids a grain grower from feeding
wheat or corn to livestock above
his allotment. Feeding this surplus
grain, declares the supreme court,
brings it within interstate com-i
merce. Such a protest is now be
ginning to make the welkin ring
that the senate is considering an
amendment to the law and specifi
cally exempting wheat farmers who
feed grain and do not sell it. If it
is possible, and time permits, a cor
rection will be made in this law
before the present congress expires
Jan. 3. Every grain grower in Ore
gon is more or less affected by the
court's decision.
1 M
Record War Bond Sal
Of Women At War Wee!: Nov. 22
WASHINGTON, D.. C America's women in the cities and, on the farms
in war factories and in their homes are determined to make Women At
War Week the greatest War Bond selling effort since Pearl Harbor.
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt sounded the keynote for the Treasury Depart
ment's Women At War Week, Nov. 22 to 23, with an appeal to women to save
on "little things to pro
vide money for War Bonds.
"We women want to
work hard, we want to be
a part of this strenuous
period because unless we
are, we will not be able to
face the men when they
return and claim our
share of the future respon
sibility for building a
peaceful world," the First
Lady declared.
The overall direction of
Women At War Week rests
with the Women's Section
of the War Savings Staff
under the leadership of
Miss Harriet Elliott,
Associate Field Director,
and Mrs. Henry Morgen
thau, Jr., Chief of the
Special Activities Unit.
From coast to coast
women in every commu
nity have made plans for
torchlight parades, fash- DurinR Women At War Week volunteer War Bond
ion shows, teas, rallies, saleswomen will wear an armband similar to the one
!tnrp windnw HisnKvs being attached to the sleeve of Mrs. Henry Morgen-
Biore winaow displays, th j b Miss Harriet Eniott.
Stamp and Bond booths,
pageants, civic sings, balls and mardi gras. In each locality administration
of the one week drive rests with the local War Savings Committee which
has worked out activities adapted to their areas.
Mrs. Morgenthau, in a special message for Women At War Week, de
clared that the spirit of America's pioneer women lives today more strongly
than ever.
"The average American woman began to rise to new heights on Sunday,
Dec. 7, 1941," Mrs. Morgenthau said. "This winter the average American
woman will be spending less in order to save more to invest in War Bonds
and Stamps. She will not, please God, ever have to fire a gun or fly a
bomber. But she will, please God, always do everything she can to help
buy anything and the best of everything that fires or flies or floats in.this
terrible war."
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Already Oregon has provided al
most 200 billion U. S. P. units of
vitamin A fish-liver oil for the lend
lease program. The fish liver used
are chiefly from the soup-fin shark
caught in the . waters of the north
Pacific and then processed. Dog fish
are another source of supply. Dur
ing the coming year lend-lease will
purchase approximately 15 trillion
units from processors on the wast
coast. Vitamin A is given to avia
tors to improve their vision at night;
it also enables the body to resist in
fection. OPA has placed a ceiling
on the price of fish livers which is
about one-third the market price
received by fishermen last year.
Lexington News
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Steagall are
the parents of a son, William Floyd,
born at their home Friday, Nov. 20.
Mrs. Ralph Jackson and daughters
are speridng several days in Port
land and vicinity.
Mrs. Otto Ruhl, son Norman and
grandson Skippy are spending sev
eral days at Wallowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Vinson and
son of Spokane are guests at the
Charles Buchanan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt and
George Tucker are spending a few
days in Portland and vicinity.
James Pointer of Selial, Wash, was
here Thursday to get Mrs. Nettie
Dairs and son Jimmy who will visit
relatives in Yakima and vicinty.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dougherty
motored to Portland Thursday for
a short vacation.
George Peck spent several days
last week in Portland.
Mrs. Paul Nichols of Portland
was here last week to visit rela
tives. Jay Totterdell of Mountain City
Nev., Mrs. R. E. Schoonover and
Clifford Dodge of Hanford, Wash.,
vsited at the Frank Papineau and
Richard Schoonover homes this
The junior class play "Second
Story Peggy" was presented in the
high school auditorium last Thurs
day evening with the following
cast: Mrs. Delancey (a woman of
few words) Jean Rauch; Billy Du
rand, (her star boarder) Joe Way;
Daisy, (a little smarter than she
looks) Barbara Ledbetter; Murphy,
(the cop on the beat), Albert Ed
wards; Helen Henderson, (more
fickle than faithful), Juanita Bellen
brock; Kenneth Sterling, (the lucky
man?) Leonard Munkers; Peggy,
(wanted by the police), Marcie Jack
son; Dexter, Carl Marquardt. Com
mittees: stage manager, Claude
Way; assistant, Leonard Munkers;
business, Leonard Munkers; assist
ant, Clarence Buchanan; makeup,
Jean Rauch prompter, Coleen Wal
lace. The play was written by Kath
erine Kavanaugh and directed by
Helen Niger.
Proceeding the play the public
speaking class under the direction
of Marie Clary presented a one-act
play entitled "Orville's Big Date."
Members of the cast were: Orville
Browning, Elmer Pieper; Beatrice,
Estelle Ledbettetr; Vivian, Majo
Marquardt and Ethel, Louise Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer
are the parents of a baby daughter,
born Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Hep
pner hospital. She is . the grand
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Palmer.
Mrs. Kenneth Palmer was hon
ored by a shower Thursday after
noon at the Ladies Aid room with
gifts were received and refresh
Marie Ledbetter and Florence Mc
Millan as hostesses. Many lovely
menits of jello, cookies and coffee
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. William Anhorn
and small son of Central Point,
Oregon were in Heppner Friday
night, guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Gertsen. Satur
day morning Mrs. Gertsen accom
panied them to Portland where
they were overnight guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Goheen. Mrs.
Anhorn and Mrs. Goheen are
daughters of Mrs. Gertsen. Mr. and
Mrs. Anhorn returned to their
southern Oregon home and Mrs.
Gertsen returned to Heppner Sun
day evening.
We carry complete coverage in all
types of insurance. You can't af
ford to be without full coverage,
wind and fire on your house, barn
and outbuildings.
Consult us about your
Insurance Problem .
Real Estate and Insurance
Phone 152
We have hundreds of such items on our floor, ranging
from rugs on the floor to mirrors on the wall.
Just Received a Shipment of
Extra Special while this stock lasts! Costs you but little
more than ordinary wallpaper!
Case Furniture Company