Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 26, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, November 26, 1942
Mrs. America
Meets the War
Mrs. America's holiday turkey
won't soar in price when she's
ready to purchase it for the holi
day dinner table, thanks to the of
fice of price administration. While
ceiling prices on turkeys will be
held at present levels during the
holiday season, the OPA regula
tions will permit a rise from Feb
ruary on until August by an av
erage of three percent. But- then
the price will decline to the base
price for the 1942 peak marketing
season. The new maximum prices
for turkeys are pegged to grades
established by the department of
agriculture. That means that no
seller can legally charge more than
the maximum price for a certain
grade and the ceiling prices must
be displayed for each grade by re
tailers. The expression packed "tight as
sardines in a can" may be changed
some of these days to include oy
sters. You see, the WPB has re
quested packers to increase by 40
to 50 per cent the amount of oy
sters packed in various size con
tainers. This is intended to con
serve additional supplies of tin and
steel for war production. So when
you buy a No. 1 can of oysters
you'll be getting 7 ounces instead
of five, and if you choose a No. 2
can you'll have 14 ounces instead
of ten.
Christmas trees and special de
corations will glow within Ameri
can homes as usual this year, but
the WPB is asking that outdoor de
corations be eliminated this year in
the interest of wartime conserva
tion. It is estimated that elimina
tion of outdoor Christmas lighting
will save enough electricity to meet
the lighting and power require
ments of a citv of 50,000 for a year.
Mrs. America and her children
are assured a warm winter by the
WPB and the old-fashioned flannel
night shirt's future is secure. Half
of the looms which had been con
verted into making bag sheeting for
war production: now will be recon
verted to making outing flannels.
That means plenty materials to
keep Americans warm. At the same
time you'll be able to find pajamas
with attached foot coverings for
youngsters. One-piece pajamas in
children's sizes 3, 4, 5, and 6 as well
as girls' sizes 7 and 8 may be made
in this style. A previous simplifica
tion of the WPB designed to save
materials prohibited feet in child
ren's pajamas.
Mrs. America's kitchen garbage
can is the latest household item to
feel the effect of the war in a WPB
order restricting and simplifying the
production of gavanized ware. Fire
shovels, wash tubs, wash boilers
and buckets may be manufactured
for the next two months on a re
stricted basis, but in January there
will be a further cut. After Janu
ary 1, manufacturers of galvanized
ware will be allowed to make only
six products garbage cans, gar
bage pails, wash boilers, fire shov
els, pails and wash tubs. Plastic and
fibre substitutes are being devel
oped to take the place of some of
the galvanized ware, and the wood
en tub industry probably will in
crease production to meet part of the
demand for tubs.
If you're dependent upon curlers
made with iron or steel, you might
as well prepare to do without
them. Curlers for beauty parlor and
home use have just been added to
the list of items for which the use
of iron and steel is forbidden. Stain
less steel can no longer be used
for coffee pots, furniture hardware,
dishes, saucers and plates as well
as cuttlery.
One of these days if the label
comes off a can of food, you won't
be wrackng your brain for just
what it contained. The WPB is ask
ing food canners to mark the con
tents on the can itself. This is be
ing done primarily for canned goods
for the army because sometimes un
der military operations supplies are
handled under difficult conditions
and labels can be torn off.
Hardman School
To Present Play
By Elsa M. Leathers
Get your tickets in advance for
the riotous farce entitled "A Little
Clodhoppsr," to be presented Dec.
4 by the students of the Hardman
Union high school in the auditori
um at 8 p. m. There is never a dull
moment during the entire three
acts. With grand parts for each
member of the cast, bright lines
and witty sayings, this play has
loads of pep and action. Don't
fail to be among the fortunate when
the curtain rises. The cast is as
Septimus Green, a young book
agent, full of pep, Cecil McDaniel.
Ocey Gump, a fresh country pro
duct, Delmar Buschke.
George Chiggerson, innocent lamb
from the city, Owen Leathers, Jr.
Mrs. Chiggerson-Boggs, his doting
mamma, Maxine McDaniel.
Miss Julietta Bean, a Spinster
ville boarding-house keeper, Alene
Charmain Carter, who thinks she
is a vampire, Jennette Renoe.
Judy, a little clodhopper from
the poorhouse, Ollie Hastings.
Stage manager, Ray Patterson.
The schools began serving hot
lunches this week for the first time.
Mrs. Cleo Robinson is instructor of
cooking assisted by N. Y. A. girls.
Carl Leathers' moved their fur
Portland Sunday where
they have purchased a new home.
Mrs. Vern Dalzell of Dry Fork is
here with her mother who has been
seriously ill the past week. Mrs.
Ted Wacken of Salem ,also a
daughter came Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Britt of Hep
pner were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs Loy McFerrin at Reed's
Mrs. Margaret Wick of Condon
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Al
Lougren this week.
Mrs. Al Lougren is driving the
school bus now from Reed's mill.
Van Hubbard, who has been driv
ing it, has moved his family to
Heppner. .
Stanley Robinson was painfully
injured Sunday when he was
kicked in the stomach by a horse.
Mrs. Carey Hastings and daugh
ters spent the week-end in town
from Reed's mill.
Mrs. Harry Owen and small dau
ghter of Portland are visiting her
parents and Mr. and Mrs. Darrel
Farrens and Mrs. Walter Wright.
Catherine Mclntyre attended the
California grape wines will cost
more now that the OPA has grant
ed an upward adjustment in ceiling
prices to cover increased produc
tion costs and the new federal ex
cise tax. This means an immediate
increase of 23 cents per gallon in the
retail price of California dessert
wines, and nine cents per gallon
for California table wines. The new
regulation does not affect wine
produced in other areas.
funeral of Mrs. Andrew Neil of
Condon Saturday. Mrs. Neal was
the mother of Tyndall and Lotus
Robinson. Tyndall came from his
home in Klamath Falls and was in
Hardman Thursday.
Mrs. B. H. Bleakman and son
Leslie are spending this week at
Zornes camp with Mir. and Mrs. Earl
Redding. They will return home
after Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and
girls went to Island City Friday
where Mr. Wright purchased two
registered bulls from the Zur
brick herd.
Elmer Steers trucked the Archie
Bechdolt calves to the Bechdolt
ranch at Boardman.
Don't Wait!
FOR SALE One iron range with
water reservoir; combination safe;
laundry stove; good extension lad
der; 5 tons lump coal 3 cords good
wood; combination bookcase and
writing desk; 6 jack screws; grind
stone and frame; Standard Under
wood typewriter, good condition.
0. M. Yeager, 415 Jones street, or
enquire O'Donnell's cafe. 35tfc
The saving of steel from drilling
13,000 fewer oil wells this year than
last is sufficient to build 26,000
tanks, or half a million 2 -ton block
buster bombs.
In Butte, Mont, traffic fines may f
be paid in scrap 25 to 50 pounds.
Don't let. gas rationing interfere I
with the regular transaction of
business. Your home town news-
paper offers a service hat can't be I
dupVicalbedi A few lines fn the I
classified section will reach more I
prospects than you could contact
with several month's gas supply. ,l"
Bazaar - Carnival
Willows Grange
Booths open at 3 p. m.
Supper Served 6:30-8
Adults 65c - Children 25c
per plate
Music by
Saturday Night
Admission 77c, tax 8c
Total 85c
Lay-away for
Choose Gifts NOW!
A small deposit will hold your gifts until
wanted ... the ring or watch you meant
to give her years ago . . .
The Chain or Fountain Pen for Him . . .
CHOOSE liifc
wwjt u (riia or ta w-m bjr mm usrsw
H t mEer traffic m ) " r-J
smmnmi&r. r
...I'm tfie lowest-paid worker on the airways !
Radio beam stations consist of 5
tall towers. One tower sends out
weather reports.Two towers send
out the letter "A' which in the
Morse code is a short and a long
buzz. Two other towers send out
the letter N which is a long fol
lowed by a short buzz. When a
pilot gets the letter "A" he knows
that he is too far to one side. As
he swings over to the other side
the letter "N" becomes stronger
until finally the signals blend into
one continuous buzz as the plane
heads directly for the station "on
. the beam."
)f Army, Navy and commercial airplanes arc speeding across
the continent night and day, rain or shine, thanks to invisible;
radio beams that keep the pilots on their course.
Four of these powerful radio beam stations in the Northwest
are operated automatically with cheap and dependable PP&L
electricity. A typical station pays less than Sc an hour for all
the electricity needed to operate the complicated mechanism.
This is a spectacular example of electricity at war. More com
monplace pictures show PP&L electricity serving 12,500 farms,
several shipyards and army camps, scores of war industries.
For years you've relied on PP&L electricity to cook your
meals, light your home, refrigerate your food, operate your
radio, wash and iron your clothes . , . all for a few cents a day.
Now you'll be happy to know that hundreds of war activities
are relying on the same low-cost dependable electric power to
speed their work of destroying the axis!
Everybody Every Pay Day