0 O C JO -own or0 - o I Campaign Under Way for Sale of Tuberculosis Seals Health Unit Starts Drive to Boost County Over Top To fight the enemy from within the Morrow County Health assoc iation Monday launched the an nual tuberculosis seal sale to se sure funds for carrying on the battle another year. Under the di rection of Mrs. J. O. Turner, pres ident of the county unit, seals were mailed to scores, of citizens with the hope that the response will be generous and the work not handi capped by lack of funds. "Total war isn't total war unless it includes a continued vigorous attack on tuberculosis," states Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive secretary of the Oregon Tuberculo sis association. "For the first time in nearly 20 years we face the pos sibility that Oregon's record of a continued downward trend in its tuberculosis death rate may be re versed," she said. "Wartime living has introduced the conditions under which tuber culosis thrives. It has brought bad housing conditions and has placed many persons into jobs for which they are. not physically fitted, with the attendant danger of nervous exhaustion which makes them eas ier prey for the disease." Mrs. Dunbar points out that tu berculosis robs the war effort of countless thousands of man hours stating that it strikes hardest be tween ages of 15 to 45, the group that contributes both the armed s ervices and war production, "If the Oregon Tuberculosis associa tion and affiliated county public health associations are to carry on the year-round battle against the disease, we must have the financial Continued on Page Eight vV A Forest Rangers View of the Thanksgiving Outlook in General By F. F. Wehmeyer Nearly a year has gone by since be thankful for and this Thanks Pearl Harbor, and as a nation we giving day should be one of real have every riffhfc to Hp tctkhA nf r,i0Uo4:nn f. ,i;..u - the achievements , of our armed luicts,. n me facinc our navy has complete victory over the forces of not only held its own against over- evil which are now trying to dom whelming odds but has whittled the inate the world. enemy- down until we are close to its equal in naval strength. Our army has just accomplished a bril liant piece of strategy in coopera tion with the British armed forces in Africa. It begins . to look as though the enemy leaders would be driven back to the sewers or beer cellars from whence they emerged a few years back. production On the home front, hag more than kept pace with our needs. We have had some confusion and neEdless sacrifice due to men tal clowns dabbling in various pha ses of government and financial Quislings who have exerted pres sure favoring their individual poek elbooks. Humanitiy being what it is, we have to expect this and trust that the enemy also suffers a great- er amount of inefficiency from the same political disease. On the whole, we have much to Salvage Drives On for Duration There will be no let-up on the drives for old metal, rubber, silk and other essential wartime ma terials, C. D. Conrad, Morrow coun ty agricultural agent and chairman of the county salvage committee, told Heppner Lions club Monday. "While the drives already con ducted1 have produced vast quan tities of materials," Conrad stated, "the wcik will have to continue until every usable- pound is cleaned up. For that reason we are launch- mg Wo-aay campaign xnis weex to clean up as much as possible be- fore winter sets in. Cars will be available on sidings at lone, Lex- ington and Heppner and it is hop- ed the work of loading will not be : . j -i ii t left in the hands of a few." Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, November 26, 1942 Volume 59, NumberS5 www ments and prayers for an early and We of Morrow county have every and special reasons for thankful ness and pride in our local efforts. The scrap drive was a tremendous success, agricultural nrnduotinn has mt every goal our naval enlist. ments have led the state and am sure Oregon leads the nation. Our draftees have steppd off wiling and proud to go. Every one has contributed generously to . the Red Cross in either time or funds. What we have done might fill many para- graphs in the telling, but as our president has pointed out in a re cent radio address, "there can be no coasting on the road to victory" end it is up to us to tighten our bdts and pledge even greater efforts the coming year, knowing that if To jc, Musso and Schickelgrubcr do,n't gct a whale of a spanking, it wpn't ba th,3. fault of Morrow county. WEEK-END IN VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and daughter Mary Leu, and Mr. and Mrs.. Lee Scrivner spent the week- end in Eugene and Corvallis, at Eu gene to visit their sons, Kay Fergu son and Bill Scrivner, and at Cor vallis to witness the slaughter of the Ducks by the Beavers. TAKE IN CIVIL WAR Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tamblyn took advantage of the pre-ratoning per- iod to drive to Corvallis last week- end. They visited their daughter Peggy and incidentally saw Oregon oo. gtate wallow Oregon m the mud , Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice, promi nent Sand Hollow residents, have written the Gazette1 Times asking that the paper be sent them at Junction City until further notice. Wiim Ms MM Bob Runnion Buys Merrill Restauhant A deal which has been pending for some time was closed the past week when V. R. "Bob" Runnion purchased Merrills Cafe from Mr. and Mrs. Mark Merrill Run- wwa wt . 1 -114. XVUil nion announces that the cafe will be closed for a few days after Thanksgiving during which time the place will undergo some reno vating. Dialing operation of the cafe by the Merrills it has been a popular eating place and Runnion will de- vcte his time and energy to maintaining the reputation already established. The Merrills have not indicated their plans for the future Kunnion has a broad acquain tance in this section of Oregon where he hr.s a well established reputation as an auctioneer. With gas rationing entering the picture to limit the extent of public auc tions he decided to enter a mor permanent line of endeavor. lone School Sends I m M(iotiiif inn iu, , 3 ,ivW . Not to bo outdone by other schools, the- lone school this week sent in a contribution of $38.12 to the Morrow county USO fund. This is only the beginning of the lone ubscription to the fund, according to J. Fred Stilwell chairman of the drive in that district but he indi cated that the lone school doesn't propose to be outdone by other schools by comparison. It will be recalled that Mr. Stil- well, who when not engaged in pudsuits aiding the war campaign directs the work of the lone Com- munity chuich, was one of the larg- St individual contributors to the October scrapiron drive. He stated in Heppner Monday that he had not found time to start the campaign but that he would be heard frcm soon. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH There will be Morning Prayer at 11 a. m. Sunday. Its f & ff M. D. Clark Sell Grocery Stock To New Firm O O Pioneer Merchant 1 Putting House in Order to Retire A business deal consummated within the past week will see the grocery department of M. D. Clark into new hands Dec. 1. Roy Quackenbush and Harry Van Horn are the purchasers. Inventory will be taken Sunday, according to Mr. Clark, and the new owners will take over as soon as the stock is checked. Quackenbush, a Heppner boy, has been associated with local stores for a number of years. He "'rv with the Safeway store for five years, following that with two years in the grocery department of Central Market, operated by C. W. McNamer and Ture Peterson.' Vnn Hcrn is a rcsidcnt of Ariing ton and for a number of years has o"--r rated a bakery wagon. He is thoroughly familiar with the field here and having made up his mind to forsake the road decided upon Hoppner as the most favorable lo- cation. He is making arrangement to move here as soon as living quar ters are available. The new firm will operate the grocery department as it is pend ing the sale of the dry goods de nartment. which Mr. Clark expects to put through as sooh as possible elter the grocery deal is completed. Eventually the entire room will be converted to grocery use. ' - M. D. Clark holds the distinction - of being Heppner's pioneer busi- r:r man. Coming here first in 1888, h worked two years for the firm of Minor & Dotson. He thought a little bipger field would be more desir able and left in 1890 for Belling- ham Wash. Wrvrkincr hrt fnr a timff later went to & Continued on Page Eight