Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 19, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, November 19, 1942-7
Classified ; and s Legal : Advertising
" the estate of Ada C. Curtis, deoeas- tate of James T. Morgan, deceased,
T J7 has her fina1 account in has filed with the' County Court of.
Ctwll .(JLS Coy Court o State of. the State, of Oregon for Morrow,
Oregon for Morrow . County, and County her final account of her ad-
I, I ggSB that Tuesday, the 8th day of De- ministration of the estate of said,
NOTICE Tfr l f hT a deceased,' and that said court has
o'clock in the forenoon of said day .. . -7! . 11fl 101
n vr vor , m r,4 fixed Monday, December 14th, 1942,
of Heppner, with wide experience has been appointed by said Court at' the hour of 10:00 o clock in the
in all lines of building work in all as the time and place for the hear- forenoon of said day in the County
the western states, has come back in objections thereto and the Court room at -the Court House in
to Heppner to stay, and will be glad Be?lt er . M Heppner, Oregon, as the time and
to talk to you about your building Jj? ffLJ" No" place for hearing objections to said
problems. See me at 415 Jones St., V6mber ' mpENDERGRASS. final account and the settlement of
or leave word with Frank Turner. Administratrix. d estate- md 811 t? ving
j g MiDDLITrON objections thereto are hereby re-
FOR SALE-Good yearling ewes; Attorney for Administratrix. quired to file the same with the
good full mouthed ewes and good J 3236 said court on or before the time
broken mouthed ewes. Frank . fixed fo heari
Wilkinson, Heppner, Ore. 27-tf N(mcE fO CREDITORS knd first
FOR SALE Saddle horse, 9 years Notice is hereby given that the 12th day of November, 1942.'
old, well broke. A. G. Piper, Lex- undersigned was duly appointed EFFIE E. MORGAN ,
ington, Ore. . 29-tf by the County Court of the State 33 37 Executrix.
. , , : " of Oregon for Morrow County ad- . .
months old m H Instone Lena of e Btenrf Ckra NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY
months old. Wm. H. Instone, Lena, Newlin and u PROPERTY
' : Sleets S tret rulrel BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF
FOR SALE Dry mill wood de- JlM THE COUNTY COURT, dated No
livered to Heppner. 260 cu. ft. . . , , , , , T ,
load $14.00. Dan Bishop, Black- gned with proper vouchers, duly vember 10, 1942, I am authorized
burn mill or leave orders at venfled. a offlce at Heppner, and directed to advertise and sell
Gazette Times office. 32tf 0regn within six months from at jhUo auction the following
: ! the date thereof. described property at not less than
STRAYED Hereford heifer calf, Dated and first published this the minimum price herein set
weight 600 pounds. Carty brand, 12th day of November, 1942 forth:
split right ear. Reward. Dave j j NYS) Administrator. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block
Rietmann, lone. 33tf 33-37 A, Adam's First Addition to
VTT 77TA e the Citv of Hardman, Morrow
IF YOU want - taat 4 or 5 room NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT County, Oregon for the mini
house, youd better call this Notice hereby given the mum price of $12.50, cash.
offlce- 34t2P undersigned executor of the estate Lots 2 and 3 in Block D of
FOR SALE-Purebred Hampshire of Mahala Minor, d ecea sed has filed the City of Hardman, Morrow
Dies Frank H Lindsev Mor- w Cotunty Court of the State County, Oregon, for the mini
pigs, rranx n. iinasey, mor- f Oregon for Morrow County, his J'. t -,nnn M .
gan, Ore. 34t2c final account of his administration TY o -$ m't i
- of said estate and that said court Lots 8 and 9 in Block 2, Hal-
FOR SALE 16 grade Durham cows. nas fixed Monday, the 30th day of vorsen's Addition to the City
Reasonably priced. John W. Gra- November, 1942, at the hour of of lone, Morrow County, Ore-
ves, Route 1, Hermiston, Oregon. 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of gon, for the minimum price of
34-37p said day in the County Court room $20.00, cash.
at the Court House at Heppner, g 1Q u and 12 fa Bbck
WOMAN wants house work m Oregon, as the time and place for ,0 j . Morrow Countv
Heooner for room and board and hearing objections to said final ac- imgon, sorrow county
xieppner ior room ana Doara ana j Oregon for the minimum price
small wages. Good, housekeeper, count and the settlement of said Df $5000 cash
Box 158, Lexington Ore. 34tlp estate and all persons having ob- j,y4 o' j, N
FOR RENT Room with outde jjg iffiSS of SEV4 of NEV4 of Section 28
entrance, close in. Inquire at Ga- on or te fixed for m Township 1 South, Range
zette Times office. 34-35p hearing. 23 E W M for the minimum
FOR SALE-aOO acres wheat land- Dated and first published this P1' ...
$1200. Five miles from Lexington. 29th day of October, 1942. THEREFORE, I will on the 12th
Luire Gazette Times. 34-36P. STANLEY " OOT' SS
Y i J 31-35 ' of the Court House in Heppner,
Legal nonces N(mcE TO creditors hn"dbiSeTrty to "
wrvnrF OF SALE Notke 13 hereby c- J- D- Bauman,
NOTICE Ut tAUC undersigned was duly appomted ' sheriff Morrow Countv Oreffon
Df THE COUNTY COURT OF THE theCounty Court of the State regn-
UMAIUla wuwii. nunistratrix of the estate of Ervin ormRFT? iqi?
In the Matter of the Estate of perlberg, Deceased, and all 8. Z
THOMAS P. HANSEN, Deceas- having claims against the Warrants Drawn on General Fund
mAtt T HEREBY GIVEN estate deceased are hereby f . Huhes' aerk,1ftAAn
J? F'K:'J52T required to - present the same $100.00
Sf"i a ; - WeU 14970
Hansen,, deceased, has been duly to said administratrix at the "3
licensed, authorized and directed by office of Joa J. Nys, at Heppner, John H. Fuiten, Deputy
the County Court of Umatilla Coun. Oregon, within six months from salary 129.70
ty, Oregon to sell all the right, title, the date hereof. Eva Swanson, Deputy Salary 100.00
estate and interest of Thomas P. first blished this J.0 Archer Janitor Salary 85.00
Hansen, deceased, and of his estate 22nd , m2. A D' McMurd
in and i 'to the following described NORA PERLBERG Physician's Salary 25.00
real property located in Morrow inuiui r , Henry E. Neer, Court Re
County, Oregon, to-wit: Admmistratnx
. TheNorth haU of the North- 334 Gwen Gjasgo s t Asst 28 15
SSNSauS 26 NOTICE OF SALE OF West Coast Printing &
EW U in Morrow County, COUNTY PROPERTY Binding Co., Assessor 23.25
Oregon. By virtue of an order of the Coun- Gwen Glasgow, Assessor 22.50
Said " land being subject to sell ty Court, dated October 14, 1942, I Thomas J. Wells, Assessor
for cash at the time of the authorized and directed to ad- $3.00 Field Work $68.50.:.. 71.50
sale, and confirmation and approv-1 vertige and sell at public auction Bushong & Co., Election
by the Court. the following described property at $3.11; Clerk $1.55; Sher-
NOTICE is furtker ven that mhmjm rioe iff $3.83 8.49
?rJL 10 00 herein set forth: C J. D. Bauman, Sheriff
v a' M ' ! dX at the Lots 1. 2, and 3 in Block 8, $83.45; Cir. Court $4.00.... 87.45
?ronfdrMofk Jones First Addition to the John H Fuiten Sheriff 8.65
House in Heppner, Morrow County, City of Heppner, Morrow Tax Collectors Association
Oregon, this arministrator will pro-- County, Oregon for minimum of Oregon, Tax Collec-
ceed to sell the hereinabove de- price of $600.00, cash. tions 2.50
scribed real property in one parcel Lcte i to io inclusive in Block Shorb's Stationery, Supt 2.91
at private sale for cash. 28, Irrigon, Morrow County, Rex Putnam, State Depart-
iq3 November, 0regon) for the minimum price ment of Education, Supt. 15.00
A. D , 1942. tnra of $25.00 cash. Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt $8.-
Administrato of Se Estete of THEREFORE, I will on the 14th 50; Supt Travel Expense
TV,nrvaa P WpnqpTi dpepad day of November, 1942, at the hour 5io.bu ti.iv
A. a Styrettor of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of George N. Peck, County
Administrator, Pendleton the Court House in Heppner, Ore- Court - w.au
Oregon. 32-36 gon, sell said property to the high- L- D. Neill, County Court ' 10.00
- est and best bidder. A- E- Simmons, Sheriff 10.50
No 8S7 r t n rattman C356 Furniture Co., Court
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. Market Jail 2 46
STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Date of last publication Decern- Swn Ph
COUNTY OF MORROW ber3, 1942 dvST 80 00
In CCurtirceSef NOT1C'E F ACC0UNT Anne Thomas,'' County'
Notice is hereby given that the Notice is hereby given that the Nurse 125.00
undersigned, as Administratrix of undersigned executrix of the es- Dist. Attorney Assoc., Dis
trict Attorney 5.00
P.' W. Mahoney, District
Attorney 10.00
Shorb's Statinoery, Current v
Expense 25.65
Pac,- Telephone & Tele
graph .Co., Current Ex: 53.37
State Pept. of Agriculture,
Dist Sealer 6.15
Raymond Pettyjohn, weed
Control 84.40
Gilliam & Bisbee,. Weed
Ccmitrol 5J69
Thomson Bros., Pail 10.18
Pac. Power & Light Co.,
Court House 35.58
State Industrial Accident
Com., Sher. $4.60; Sher
Sal. $0.30; Sher. Dep.
$0.60 5.50
First Nat. Bank of Portland,
Rationing Board Rent 50.00
Lucy E. Rodgers, Institute 100.00
Cora D. Crawford, Official
Publications 8.00
Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen
eral Assistance 32.80
Bureau of Labor, Court
House 5.00
C. J. D. Bauman, Stamps
and Envelopes 50.00
Bert Johnson, Judge, Aid to
Dep. Children. 47.80
Bert Johnson, Judge, Old
Age Assistance 319.80
Bert Johnson, Judgt, Aid to
Blind, 6.00
0. W. Cutsforth, Bang's
Disease Control 12.00
. Warrants Drawn on General
Road Fund
M. V. Nolan 68.62
L. N. Morgan 142.74
W. Cunningham 103.74
Jack Stotts .v. 104.74
Dale Ray 93.52
Harold Sherer 144.12
Albert Connor 82.35
Henry Schwarz 103.74
Charles Williams 54.26
E. A. Kelly 82.35
Ivan Brandon 7.99
Robert S. Wilson. 80.27
A. J. Reese 1.62
Frank- W. Gentry 101.10
H. S. Taylor 126.27
Cladr Ashbaugh - 10931
A. J. Chaffee..: 76.86
Wm. Harrison 59.85
Sam Forman 21.00
Rosewall Motor Co 2.70
1. R. Robdson, 132.00
Rostwall (Motor- Co 2.03
Tress McCliritock. 4.00
Tum-A-Lum Lumber - Co..... 35.05
Columbia Equipment Co 27.32
Frank Nixon 29.85
Penland Bros. Transfer..... 2.40
A; E. Simmons... 2.25
Jack Allen Supply Co, 15.83
D, H. Jones 1.75
Braden Bell Tractor 6c Im
plement Co 69.37
Shell Oil Company 83.11
General Petroleum Corp.... 84.89
Feenaughty Machinery Co... 36.40
Gamble Stare Dealer 10.65
Ferfguson Motor Company.... 6859 '
Dale Ray - 5.00
K" Sherer t - 759
City of Heppner, Water1
Department .. : 5.15 i
C J.; D Bauman. 30.00 '
H. Tamblyn 108.99
Gilliam & Bisbee....... 78.19
Thomson Bros. 1.05
Pacific Power & Light Co.... 2.98
State Ind. Accident Com 55.05
Union Oil Company 68.38
Standard Oil Company 214.75
Columbia Equipmient Co. 3.66 1
Standard Oil Company 143.53
Warrants Drawn on Market
Road Fund
Clair Ashbaugh 27.45
A. J. Chaffee 60.39
William Harrison : 39.90
H. Tamblyn 121.41
Warrants Drawn on
Miscellaneous Fund
CUff Conrad, Fair Fund...... 500.00
Claud Huston, Dag Fund 10.00
Frank S. Parker, Dog Fund. 19.00
18 U. of O. Alumni
Sacrifice Lives
Eighteen University of Oregon
alumni have given their lives thus
far in helping to protect the nation
against Axis tyranny, it was of
ficially announced by the alumni
office this week. Each of the men
will be honored by a gold star set
in a large new service flag which
will be hung from the administra
tion building.
The service flag was presented to
the university by alumni and stu
dents who contributed $81.42 to a
"penny parade" at the annual
Homecoming football game Satur
day; A' new star will be added for
each alumnus killed in the service,
officials have announced
Those listed by the alumni office
as having made the supreme sacri
fice are Ensigns Verdi Sederstrom,
formerly of Salem, and Elden Wy
man, Portland, killed' at Pearl Har
bor; Captain Dale Lasselle, Captain
Earl C. Williams, Cadet Leonard
Ballif, Captain E. Swanson, all of
Portland; Second Lieutenant Ernie
Robertson, Cadet Leonard Card,
Colonel James A. Meek, Charles F.
Goettling, Harold C. Jepsen, Captain'
Harry Q. Findley and Cadet Her
bert Jones, all of Eugene; Second
Lieutenant Edwin Morene, Reeds
port; Naval Cadet Donald Rock
well, Pilot Rock; Lieutenant Kent
Stitzer, Colorado; Cadet Byron Van
denburg, Sacramento, and Lieuten
ant James O. Reed, Raymond, Wash.
We carry complete coverage in all
types of insurance. You can't af
ford to be without full coverage,
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Consult us about your
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