Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 19, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-Heppner Gazette Times, November 19, 1942
ji nil n Hardman News
nave vou meara:
A column devoted to the analysis, the source, the motive, die
effect and the answers to the many rumors now being passed,
innocent and otherwise, by word of mouth to the detriment of
our war effort.
I heard it again from a fellow bus passenger while I was on my way
to the office. We were passing one of the 'numerous scrap piles that are
still in evidence in various parts of the state. Hit kative one made
this time-worn remark: "If we are so short of scrap, why haven't they
picked that up?" The surprising part of it all is that thousands of words
were used explaining this situation during the recent scrap drivt.
The facta am we are and hope tion among proper officials proves
to be manufacturing armaments that there were no Axis planes
every day of the year. We are not over Portland, therefore no need
having scrap drives every day, con- for our defense planes,
sequently a surplus must be built This one has as its purpose the
up. Does it make any difference creating of friction between local
whether it is stored at the school who recently were imported from
house, junk- yards or in much out of town,
needed space at the defense plants? Rumor: That 95 percent of the
Of course it was an innocent re- men recently employed by the Ore
mark and no harm was intended, gon Shipbuilding corporation are
but I suggest that some of us should parolees and exconvicts.
read ad think more anjd talk Fact:-Out of 2500 workers sent
jesg here only one was a parolee and
The important part about it all he was not found guilty of a hei
is that we must learn to stop this nous crime. A simple method was
kind of talk. If we cannot say any- used to check every one of the
thing creditable about our prose- applicants. Every worker who was
cution of the war, let's keep still, selected was asked to show his
Surely our coup in North Africa is draft registration card. Those with
sufficient to keep conversationalists 4-F classifications were carefully
busy for some time to come. checked and those with a cnmi-
Vicsou rumors are being re- nal background were not employed,
ported to the rumor and propa- The food situation, too, comes
ganda division of the Oregon in for its share of attention. This
state defense council every day. one is designed to create the im
Some of them start innocently pression that the government is
enough from small incidents that permittng food profiteering,
have no bearings on the war. Their Rumor: That canned pineapple
constant repeating magnifies their is being hoarded by the brokers
importanct so that actual damage and wholesalers until higher pne
is done. Others are the result of es are possible,
well-laid plans of our enemies, Fact: One of our leading whole
through fifth columnists and short sale grocery firms reports that
wave radio. it .has not a single can of pine-
Here are some of the more re- apple. Under the OPA ruling only
cent rumors that have been re- a certain percentage of canned
ported, goods is released at regular inter-
Here is one with a definite Axis vals. For instance, those who have
coloring, designed to create fear pineapple stocks, on hand; are not
and dissatisfaction with our local permitted to release any for sale
defense setup: until next month.
Rumor: That a short time ago Stop repeating and repor such
Axis planes were seen taking pic- rumors you hear to David Robin
tures while flying over Portland son, manager of the rumor and
at dawn. That our planes did riot propaganda division of the. Ore
go up until after the alleged aer- gon state defense council, located
ial invader was gone. at 101 Oregon building, Portland,
Fact: A thorough ' investiga- or to your local defense chairman.
By Elsa IVL Leathers.
Mr. and Mrs. Saim Mo Daniel
received word that their grandson,
Roger Howell, who has been in the
Hawaiian Islands has been sent to
the hospital in San Francisco.
Hatttie Bleakman of Heppner vis
ited her sister, Mrs. C H. McDan
iel several days while her husband
hunted elk. He came home with
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel Jr.,
moved to Heppner this week where
they expect to live this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reid vis
ited over the week-end with Mrs.
B. H Bleakman.
Frank McDaniel is spending a
few days at home getting his wood.
Mrs. Mary Wright and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Wright visited over
the week-end at Monument. Mrs.
Harold Wright's brother was on
furlough from the army.
Mrs. Stanley Robinson entertain
ed her room Friday with a party
in honor of Gay Harshman who left
school to join his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Harshman in Portland.
Mrs. Joe Batty and Mrs. Kenneth
Batty were over from Kimberly on
Saturday for the shower given Mrs.
Kenneth Batty.
. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers and
daughter Jeanne moved to Port
land Tuesday where they plan to
work. Miss Jeanne will enter school
Due to sickness, Doris Robinson,
George Moore, Ivan McDaniel and
Roger Palmer were absent from
school. Alene Inskeep was also ab
sent due to the illness of her
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams and
son spent the weekend in Heppner.
In Hest Pressed
Circles It's
Arrow Shirts . . . the unchal
lenged leaders In style . . . are
likewise unmatched for fit
and comfort.
Tailored in the patented Mi
toga design, they trimly con
form to your body lines, allow
ing ample room, where room
is needed.
Wilsons Mens Wear
Domestic Tree
Nuts To Feature
Victory, Special
High production and loss of ex
port markets have resulted in de
signation by the Agricultural Mar
keting Administration of domestic
tree nuts as the Nation's Victory
As part of wartime; food conser
food special for Nov. 16 to 28.
vation, housewives are being asked
to make effective use of the near
record crop supply of English wal
nuts, almonds, filberts and pecans,
nuts, stated Ray Schwartz, state
equal to 300,000,000 of unshelled
supervisor for the AMA distribu
tion division in Oregon.
Food retailers are cooperating
with the AMA in this national
drive to get increased consumption
highly concentrated foods will get
of domestc tree nuts so that these
maximum use in the daily diets of
all Americans.
It is estimated1 that over 184,000,
000 pounds of ths season's national
supply of domestic tree nuts will
be produced on the Pacific coast.
National commercial production of
English walnuts, almonds and fil
berts is centered in Oregon, Wash
ington and California.
The healthful qualities of tree
tnuts offer housewives an excellent
opportunity to utilize this abun
dant supply in combination wth
other foods in a manner which will
cut down on the family's meat
consumption. Tree nuts contain
both proteins and fats, and are
good sources of certain essential
vitamins and minerals. Homemak
ers are being asked to uss nuts as
a basic part of the menu, rather
than as a supplement to an already
adequate meal.
A 92-year-old citizen of Ninook,
HI.., rolled up his sleeves and got in
17,000 pounds of scrap for the local
scrap drive.
A Challenge to Pet
Lamb Raisers
James Carty, pioneer sheepman
of Morrow county, writes the Ga
zette Times that he thinks a record
has been hung up by Mrs. Charles
Marshall in raising pet lambs. He
challenges pet lamb raisers of both
Gilliam and Morrow counties to
come forth with evidence match
ing or beating Mrs. Marshall's re
cord. Mrs. Marshall's flock consisted of
seven head lambed in March and
April. They were RambouSllet
stock from the Pat Carty sheep.
When weighed in at Portland in
October they scaled 113 pounds
per head and brought the season's
top price.
Power Company to
Award Scholarship
Pacific Power & Light company
will award a summer school schol
arship at Oregon State college to
the Morrow county 4-H club boy
or girl who prepares the best re
port on rural electrification and
farm use of electricity, K. A.
House, local manager for the com
pany, has announced.
Rules of the contest, entry blanks
and information on preparing a re
port will be available at the coun
ty agent's office.
Arrangements for the P. P, & L.
scholarship, which will supplement
regular 4-H club work,' have been
mad'9 through H. C. Seymour,
state club leader, and William A.
Schoenfeld, state director of agri
cultural extension work, said
- , ( Hrwmnm )
111 '
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ayers of Pine
Qty were Heppner visitors Mon
day. While here they arranged to
receive the county's news for the
ensuing year by subscribing to the
Gazette Times.
. . I'm the lowest paid
hastdon the ranch!
To maintain a soldier for a year requires the wool from 23 sheep. To raise that
much wool entails a lot of care and time. But when the wool is fully grown, a
skilled worker can shear it off the backs of 23 sheep in a little over with
the aid of only a penny's worth of PP&L's cheap electricity.
And when the wool gets to the mill, another penny's worth of PP&L's electric
power operates the giant looms while they weave a complete uniform or
blanket. Nearly 90 of America's wool production is going to war . . . and
cheap electricity is speeding the job all along the way.
.This is not an unusual example. In practically every phase of th Pacific
Northwest's war effort cheap and dependable PP&L electricity is busily
at work ... in shipyards and airfields, on 12,500 farms, in hundreds of war
factories, in food processing plants and army camps.
The same low-cost electricity that makes home life
comfortable for you is making trouble for the Axis!