Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 29, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    6-Heppner Gazette Times, October 29, 1942
8 i
' T B rK i j " B I
-.C .UrTrmf.-
Washington, D. C, Oct 29.
Word has reached the national cap
ital that the fish and wildlife ser
vice has not heard the last of tha
much disputed question of owner
ship of Lake Malheur in Harney
county. For nearly 40 years the
question of ownership of the lake
bed has been in dispute and the
matter has been in court several
times. The lake is now used by the
federal government as one of the
largest and most successful wild
fowl refugees in the nation. Around
it is more than 50 miles of fence.
Attorneys for ranchers owning
property adjoinnig the lake con
tend that the last court decision in
the matter said the lake bed be
longed to the adjoining property.
Representatives of the wild life
service (recently transferred from
Washington to Chicago) contend
that no court opinion made any at
tempt to apportion the lands among
the individual owners or to deter
mine the extent of privately owned
lands within the bed of the lake,
and hence they were not in position
to pay for the disputed lake bed
since the question of legal owner
ship had not been settled to the
point where legal payment could be
Ranchers contend that before the
famous wildfowl lake was divided
by a dike they were able to cut a
large amount of hay adjoining the
lake in normal seasons and that,
therefore, the land was most valu
able to them. The federal govern
ment has been interested in the
lake as a migratory bird refuge
since 1908.
While practically all foodstuffs
with the exception of fresh fruits
vegetables, fresh fish and peanuts
are new under price regulation, the
emergency regulation exempts from
price control sales made by farm
ers direct to consumers where these
sales were less than $75 in the
preceding calendar month.
Prices were frozen at the high
eft levels of the five days from
now begun to translate into per
Sept. 28 through Oct. 2. Work has
manent regulations the emergency
ceilings. Before the permanent ceil
ings have been declared growers,
processers, wholesalers and retail
ers of the various food products
affected will have a chance to be
heard through a series of confer
Potatoes, dry , onions and citrus
fruits are not included among the
seasonal crops exempted from the
price freeze.
Vacation and pleasure resort ow
ners with heavy mortgages on their
real estate and no business, may
be able to save their property from
foreclosure through the aid of RFC
if the bill introduced in July by
Senator McNary and just reported
favorably by the senate banking
and currency committee gets
sreedy action. This bill will allow
RFC to loan up to 75 percent of
the appraised value of the property
to resort owners to retire existing
mortgages where the resorts have
lost more than 50 percent of their
normal business" by virtue of de
creased motor travel due to gas ra
tioning, and where this travel is not
replaced by common carrier ser
vice. The RFC loans will bear only
three percent interest and neither
interest or principal will be due
until two years after the expiration
of the "unlimited national emer
gency." Fairly early acion may be ex
pected on the bill in the senate and
the legislation should find plenty of
champions in the house.
from that sate. The tenor of the
mesERges is thst this is something
for the armed forces to del with
and that it can be handled by far
bidding anyone selling or giving a
drink of intoxicating liquor to a
soldier or sailor in uniform. Such
was the regulation in the i'irt
world war. As an alternative, op
ponents suggest that a drv, are:1, be
created, but this restriced "one
should not be such as to 'affect
Housewives who have dvpanchd
for years on. the old Mason jar with
its zinc lid for home canning havo
been affected by the recent WPB
order prohibiting the use cf zinc in
making lids for glass contain: is
and this means the old Mar::i i-.r
will have to wear a new cap. The
jars will bs usable, however, as a
substitute for the zme tops is a--vailable
in the form of a porcelain
lid with a steel rim.
A vrevious WPB order has re
stricted the use of zinc in scores of
other articles and the in.creas;'n2
demand for zinc in war plants
made necessary the added rcs.tric
tions on civilian uses,
ENTERTAINING GUESTS Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr and Mrs. C. N. Jones have Graybsil of Eugene. Mrs. wash
as guests this week Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Graybeil are daughters of
Neman Washburn and family of Mr. and Mrs Jones.
Give Oregon's Leaders
A Good Big Vote
m a ....... .jow
Liquor salesmen in Oregon who
have been busy working up a cam
paign aeainst the proposal of Sena- J"1111
tor Lee of Okla. to prohibit liquor
around cantonments have succeed
ed in securing the cooperation of
many citizens, judging from the
number of telegrams which have
b:en received from the delegation
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, clerk of School Dis
trict No. 35, lone, Oregon, will re
ceive sealed bids on or before No
vsmbsr 19. 1942, for the following
property: Two schoolhouses, one
known as the Fair view school and
one known as the Davis school.
Said property to be sold to the
highest and best bidder. Furniture
and fixtures are not included in
The board of directors leeerves
the right to reject any and all bid?.
Gladys L. Drake,
Clerk of School Dist. No. 35
lone, Oregon. 31-33
Mrs. Lawrence Miles has re
turned from Hood River where she
spent th3 past month assisting in
the apple orchards.
Candidate for U. S. Senator,
One of America's outstanding
statesmen; minority leader of
the Senate. He has the confi
dence of his associates; proved
ability to work constructively
and effectively for Oregon and
the nation.
Candidate for Governor. For
the past eight years our aggres
sive and efficient Secretary of
state. He has intimate knowl
edge of the entire state and the
broad experience needed to give
. Oregon a balanced, business
like administration.
Candidate for Congress, Second
District. Born and raised in th
great Oregon wheat and cat tit
country, operates a successful
farm, is an authority on thil
industry. Young, sincere
straightforward; he has tht
physical vigor needed by oj
war Congress.
Candidate for Secretary of
State. Another public servant
of proved ability. An outstand
ing State legislator for 6 yean.
He will administer his office
Intelligently and fairly, giving
diligent service to all parts of
the State.
i '
Willows Grange
! O N E
Sponsored by
Wsffows Grange
iVs'Hoic by
Saturday Night,
Oct. 31
Tsek.ts 30c. Tax 9c. Total 99c
Candidate for Commissioner of
Labor. Experienced as a worker,
employer, union official and
deputy Labor Commissioner.
He is extraordinarily well quali
fied for this office a high cali
' ber man fop difficult toak
BE sure to go to the polls Tuesday and
exercise your priceless American heritage
of the right to vote for the men and women of
your choice. Oregon voters have chosen an
exceptionally able group of Republican candi
dates. Examine their qualifications, study their
records, and we are sure you will agree that
your best interests will be served by electing
these Republicans.
A United Oregon for
a United Nation
To win this war finally and completely is the
number one job of free men everywhere. This
job requires unity. It requires that all serve
and sacrifice equally and without stint.
To this united war efTort the members and
candidates of the Republican Party pledge their
time, their money, their brains, their energy
and if necessary, their lives.
The Republican Party will back the President
wholeheartedly, will insist that he be given all
the power necessary to win the war; but the
people must have this power back again after
victory is won. We must not have a permanent
bureaucracy. ' .
A vote for these Republican candidates is a
Vote for this program.
Niel R. Allen, State Chairman.
Parties Call for Ice Cream
Ice Cream is the high spot of any party,
especially when it's Scotty's ice cream...
made from purest cream . . . smoothly
frozen, delicious!
owe en
Z-Z-Zippy Eggnog Ice
Licorice Ice Cream
Butterscotch Ice
Orange Sherbet
Orange Marshmallow Ice Cream
Your Logical Choice for County Officers
Rex Ellis, Senator, 19th Senatorial District
Giles L. French, Representative, 22nd Representative District
Henry E. Peterson, Representative, 22nd Representative District
Uert Johnson, County Judge
('. W. McNamer, County Commisioner
Leon W. Briggs, County Treasurer
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