4-Heppner Gazette Times; October 29, 1942 Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE Established March 30, 1883 THE HEPPNER TIMES Established November 18, 1897 CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published Every Thursday by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. O. G. CRAWFORD, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $2.50 Two Years 4.50 Three Years 6.00 Six Months 1.25 Three Months 65 Single Copies 05 IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! "It's time for a change." That's what one hears on all sides as the campaign draws to a close. It is a feeling, or state of mind, that may result in many new faces in the house and senate chambers at Washington. People are wondering just where we are headed and this wonder is grow ing into anxiety in many quarters, for it is apparent that after 10 years of New Deal power grabbing there will be no change of purpose in succeeding years so long as that political group is in power. Just how far this vote will go is a matter of conjecture, but expressions heard from a few voters, some of them farmers, mind you, the intention is to do a lot of scratching of names that have been in public places for several terms. Their argument is that the pre sent congress has failed to properly function as a lawmaking body and is, subservient to the administration. In this they may be a trifle harsh, for it must be remembered that in war time the president has, powers far greater than those delegated him in peace time and that when things go wrong it is easy to pass the buck to congress. Nev ertheless, voters figure that a change is necessary and so long as they have the right to express their likes and dis likes through the medium of the ballot they propose to do a little target shooting on their own. Some of these voters have consist ently supported Mr. Pierce in his va rious political campaigns, helping to put him in congress and seeing that he stayed there.. They are now saying that Walter has been there long e nough, that new conditions are aris ing daily and no one knowTs what will develop following the war. It is time for young men to learn the inside op erations of government and they are going to cast their ballots accordingly. None of these people have other than than the kindest words for Congress man Pierce, who they believe has been a faithful servant of the people, but when they recall that he has been on the public payroll more or less for the past half century and that a vote for him now would be against their belief that the New Deal must be unseated, they will remain steadfast in their re ent. nent. On the other hand, it is realized that Mr. Stockman will have to learn the ropes and may not, because he is anti administration, loom large on commit tee appointments during his first term. The opposition is playing that string fwith fervor in an attempt to scare wheat farmers into the belief that all will be lost if Congressman Pierce is defeated. The farmers are not scaring as easy as they might have a few years ago, because they are wondering about just how well off they are or will be if the New Deal remains on the throne. So long as the old crowd stays in power there will be little chance for the public to find out just what is go ing on in Washington just what plans, are under foot to seize more au thority. The farmer may be getting a little the best of it just now through the wheat loan but where will he.be when labor "gets complete control of the administration? Just about one more election and labor will be com pletely in the saddle. If the farmer thinks that will be a good thing he should vote to retain the New Deal ; if not, he should start the ball rolling for a change of administration by casting his ballot for Lowell Stockman for con gressman from the second congressio nal district. VOTE THE COUNTY TICKET! Importance of voting for officers where no contest exists, is called to the attention of voters. The office sought by candidates without opposition is as important as, if there !were several con testants. To slight a candidate just be cause he is the only one seeking the of fice is to place no importance on that office. In addition, the candidate feels the indifference and it makes him won der if it is worth while to give his best efforts in conducting the office. So do not fail to mark between the number and name of candidate voted for where there is no competition. It is a courtesy and a mark of appreciation that will be cherished by the one seeking the office. SNELL LOGICAL CANDIDATE , Earl Snell is popular with the people of the entire state. He is known in ev ery nook and cranny, not as a political handshaker but as a man with a record of achievement in one high state office which warrants giving him a trial as, the state's chief executive. His service on the board of control, as well as the conduct of the office of secretary of state, has been marked by real achieve ment. Few men serving in the same ca pacity have exhibited the rare ability possessed by Snell, whose record in promoting safety on the highways is unequalled by any other official. Attempts are being made to smear Snell's record as a state official, but the opposition has gained little head way with such a program. His record will bear investigation. The voters can rest assured of a businesslike adminis tration of the state's affairs the next four years under the experienced leadership of Earl Snell. o DON'T BE A SABOTEUR! Things are different this year. We are living in a world at war and our very future existence depends upon how well we conduct ourselves for the duration. The slightest overt act has an entirely different meaning than it had before America entered the war and what may have appeared as in'no cent fun then is viewed with stern sus picion today. To the youth who may be inclined to take a fling at Halloween pranks, let us issue this word of warning : Be care ful what you do lest you be termed a saboteur. Keep your hands off other people's property; refrain from dam aging anything, for there is scarcely an object you might injure or destroy that is not difficult to replace, and such replacement is taking something from the war effort that will handicap our boys at the front. A broken win dow, a smashed light, or anything that will embarrass or stop the regular operation of business, or transporta tion may result in serious trouble. Forget Hallowe'en al together. Stay inside and mind your own business, and you will be much hap pier. Selfishness is the card inal sin of the age. Dr. W. H. Rockwell Naturopathic Physician & Surgeon Gilman Bldg. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or. Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. J. O. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Hsppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr BATES SEASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, Or 5 P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St Entrance LEADERSHIP for the four critical years ahead. LEADERSHIP seasoned by exper ience as a Legislator, Speaker of the House, Secretary of State. No candidate for Gover nor in the history of Oregon ever had so broad a background of experience in affairs of the state. LEADERSHIP that is able, aggres sive, dynamic. Leader ship that is friendly. Cast your vote with those who will elect EARL SNELL as Oregon's next Governor! ONE-DAY CLEANING SERVICE Wednesday-Thursday-Friday HEPPNER CLEANERS J. O. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Good Watches . Clocks Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon NEW AUTO POLICY Bod. Inj. Pr. Dam. Class A 6.30 5.10 Class B 7.00 5.44 Class C 9.80 6.80 F. W. TURNER & CO. Heppner City Council Meets Firsl Monday Each Month j Citizens having matters for dis cussion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDf. Rec. Phone 1102 Office Phone 42 HEPPNER, OREGON (Pd. Adv.) Snell for 'Gov. Com. Jerry Sayler, Sec, Piatt Bldg., Portland Professional Directory Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Reasonable supply of horseshoes on hand. Sizes 1 to 6 inclusive McCLINTOCK'S WELDING & REPAIR SHOP SEE US OR TELEPHONE 822 Morrow County Abstract Cr Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office In New Peters Building M. L. CASE G. E. NIKANDER Directors of Funerals 8G2 Phones2G2 CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work Country work especially When Eating in The Dalles REMEMBER JEFF'S CAFE GEORGE COOK, Prop.