Worthy Grand Matron Meets With OES of County MrsT Marjorie' Simpson, worthy1 grand matron of the Eastern Star of Oregon paid an official visit to the district, meeting , held in lone Monday evening. Chapters taking part were Locust chapter of ' lone with Worthy Matron Lena Lundell and Worthy Patron E. R. Lundell in , the east, and Ruth chapter of Heppner with Worthy Matron Ella Benge and ' Worthy Patron Archie. Ball presiding. Locust chapter ex, emplified the opening and closing and escort duty while Ruth chap ter exemplified the initiatory work. Mrs. Ture Peterson sang the solos. Refreshments were served in, the dining room after the business meeting-Autumn flowers and leaves were used in decorations. Francine Ely, twelve year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely of Morgan was thrilled to re ceive this week a letter from a girl of the same age in Melbourne. She said that Francine's name and ad dress had been given to her fa ther by Ross Perry, with a request that she write. Mr. Perry, a neigh bor of the Elys, is a member of the merchant marine, and left here last June. Mrs. Lena Ray left here the last of last week to go to New York to bid good bye to her son, John, who i3 leaving for foreign service. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke of Morgan have received a photosta tic letter from their son Louis, telling them that he was recently removed to a Pacific island. Misses Eunice Peterson and Dor othy Bergstrom spent the week end in Portland where they visited Eunice's mother, Mrs. E. O. Peter son and other relatives. Mrs. Grace Misner of Thornton, Wash, is a guest of her daughter Mrs. Fred Mankin. ' Door Mason of Portland was here the first of the week visiting his family. The next meeting of the Wo men's Topic club will be held at the hoiPo of Mrs.- J. E. Swansoh on Saturday of this week. Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind of Mor g n is spending a vacation at the h me of her nephew, Lyle Van D::usen, of Top. Her children, Gene ard EliEo, spent last week-end with her. According to woid re ceived by her husband, Mrs. Bau ernfeind has bagged a nica buck. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith and June and George and Mrs. R. W. Lindstrom spent Sunday at the J. W. Howk home in Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dobyns of Portland arrived Sunday for a vis it with Mr. Dobyns' brothers, Wal ter and Noel and their families. They were married the last of the week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright of Ba ker are visiting Mrs. Wrighf s mother, Mrs. Ida GrabiU. Mrs. Harvey Smith is enjoying a visit from her brother, Ronald Wil son .who is in the army and sta tioned at Camp Lewis. High School students will hold the freshman return party at the school house next Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wilson and Dr. C. C. Chick of Hood River visited the David Rietmanns on Sunday. Hardman News . . . By Elsa M. Leathers Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams and sons visited in Kinzua over Sun day. Perry Adams returned home with them. John Kenney has been trucking sheep the first part of the week from Catherine Mclntyre's place. She sold sheep also to E. J. Merrill, Jim Burnsides and to a Pettyjohn. There will be a dinner given Saturday evening in honor of Ellis Salings and Forest Adams who are called into the army on Oct 26. This is the second call Salings has had. He was rejected in early spring. Mrs. Walter Wright is spend ing the week at Wilson Prairie with Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Farrens hunting. Her two small daughters are visiting at the grandparents, the Glen Farrens. Mr. and Mrs. Van Hubbard and family spent the institute vacation at Dayton-, W.asfcMisS -QfiHaV .tings . went.to::he? "Jiime at Kihzua, Cecil; 'teGPiejtfed;''at",lteppner with:;Vs mar Buschke at- BueiF Prairie -with fas'lf atRe' ia-suifeceeded ' tag- gng a .very, fine bUcfc Oen.a- thers Jr. was at Rock Springs; with snummurci, iju fipuiin. . : lyan fathers vt; Saturday ijuu tjuuuay ; wiul avu. culu ' ivxrs. v c uarmicnaei ana Mrs. laaa oner- man and daughters. , '" Mr, and Mrs. Ted Whacken and 'children of Salem left, for their home Tuesday after spending the week, with Mrs. Whacken' s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A D. Inskeep. While here they hunted with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dalzell and Oscel Inskeep. Mr: and Mrs. Charles' McDaniel moved to their home here Tuesday after spending the. fire months at the John Day Fire Patrol station at Parkers' Mill. Mike Saling visited in Hardmari the first of the week. Marion Saling of Pendleton was in Hardman Sunday having come to hunt. He was successful in bag ging a nice 4-point buck the first hour he hunted, therefore his week's vacaton ended. Mrs. C. G. Wright and Mrs. Har old Wright of Rhea creek visited at the L. H. Robinson home on Wednesday. Vera McDaniel returned to school at Heppner after a six weeks' ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Robe, Mrs. Neal Knighten and Mrs. Stanley Robison, high school and grade teachers, attended institute at Ba ker last week returning home late Friday night. Mrs. Stanley Musgfave and small daughter are visiting at the L. n.. Robinson home from Top this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keene vis ited with Mrs. Keene's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loy McFerrin on Monday. Claude Hastings was visiting friends and relatives in Hardman Sunday from Yakima, Wash, where he is stationed. He has served ov- er a. y-ear m the army. D". J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Speciplirt o' Pendleton, will be at the ! lEPI-NiTR HOTEL on WED NESDAY, OCTOBER 28; h. IIECE FROM PORTLAND Mrs. George Hayden and son Marion of Portland are in the county for a week's vtisit. Marion is a shipyard worker and is enjoy ing a week's vacation. The Hay dens reeded at Hardman a num ber of years where the late George Hayden was engaged in the saw mill business. ' Prepare for the needs of peace. Buy "War Savings Bonds. rfpi LiirHMi iTininrBii i Ilis Record is: RIGHT ON THE WAR RIGHT ON RUBBER RIGHT ON FARM CREDIT RIGHT ON LABOR CONGRESSMAN O'CONNOR OF MONTANA SAYS: "I take this occasion to compliment the gentleman, (Pierce) on the matchless service he rendered the American Farmer as a member of this house. I do not know any member of the house who has been more faithful to the interests of the poor man and the farmer, regardless of what he has been producing, than the disinguished gentleman from Ore gon. We in Montana, as well as the people in the gentleman's state are to be congratulated that we have the benefit of his splendid service." . The Pierce Bill II. R. 6315 resulted in a saving of $31,737.00 In this County alone RETAIN HIM Paid Advertising by Pierce for Congress club. C. J. Shorb, Secretary. xfnafil 'ti'eit l-e-in9'On le,W5 cii D-.a,La, .tf''" ra.!. ,n. fWfpnip; Frnrhii'c Arm ' , - - ' - . " 'BSr MAAOaret SCOTT ;. !' Mrs" Tempa' Johnson received a rauwu cum wncjr..oiK? rcu ui uro bathtub af the Elmer Hunt home. octiuiuctjr. a ui uitt inrpHici nospnai. tier aaugmer, Mrs. faux Nickols came from Corvallis to be with her. Elmer Hunt spent the week-end with his family here from his work m Salem. Week-end guests at the S. G. McMillan home were Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMillan of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hill and fam ily of Madras. ' Jerry and Timothy Scott and Mrs. Otto Ruhl and son Norman spent Sunday at the Laurel Ruhl home. Mrs. Ladd Sherman and daugh ters of Irrigon were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Car michael. Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Hara spent Fridav in Pendleton. A fire which started from a spark on the roof damaged the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whil lock Friday, The house was in sured. Billy Nichols was painfully in jured this week when the tractor he was cranking kicked back and almost severed his ear , from his head. Several stitches were requir ed to close the wound. Vonnie and Jerry Daugherty were week-end guests of Doris Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Vinson an(j n of Spokane spent Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchanan. George Tucker is visiting in Se attle and vicinity. Otto Ruhl is at Wallowa for a few days. A special meeting of the P. T. A was held at the school house Tues day evening with Margaret Miller presiding. After a business meet ing a program was presented with Emma Breshears and Juanita Car michael in charge. The next meet ing will be held Wednesday No vtmber 11 at 2:30 in the afternoon. Everyone is welcome and urged to attend. The H. E. C. met Thursday at the home of Norma Marquart with etn ladies present. At the close lovely refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her sister Miss Miller. The next meeting will be 'held Thursday, Nov. 12 in the afternoon at the grange hall. All members are urged to be present. ' Mrs. Ray Dolvin and baby are visiting her mother Mrs. Wheeler OREGON NEEDS The Prestige of WALTER M. PIERCE in CONGRESS He is the only man west, of the Missouri river on. the Agriculture committeehe is in a position there to do a lot of good for the people of eastern Oregon as he has in the past. No New man can acquire that seniority without many years of service. hr gazette Times, . Ua.renaieton. .;, Betty .Chancer;; young daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bus Chandler! is ill "at her home with measles. 1 Local students enjoyed a short,., vacation : "Thursday and Friday while the teachers attended the In- ' stitute at Baker. ; jfj A. Q Piper dauuhter Mar ' Portland While there they enjoyed a vitis with ( Mrs. Piper's parents and with her other daughter, Mrs. Kemp Dick who is now employed in Portland.Mrs. Dick has recent ly returned from Watsonville, Calif, where she visited her husband. He has been in the hospital the past month but is greatly improved and To the Many Friends and Past Supporters of WALTER PIERCE Walter will be with us Wednesday Evening, October 28th Come hear and see him at 8 P. M. at Elks Temple in Heppner Then you may learn for yourself as to the merits of the vicious propaganda that is being circulated in our County and over .the Second Congressional District. PIERCE FOR CONGRESS CLUB H. L. Duvall, Chairman i t-4 p3S Have iPM d 1 You JL a i n 1 Gathered tfiML 1 Your Be 1 Scrap? m3. Thorough 1 Who Is This Woman? She has a limited INCOM3 to She spends less than many but her meals have variety and full nourishment. She depends upon this friendly store-for value-for quality Central October 22, 19423 expects. td be out soon and likely wiffl' be .moved to some 'other plate Aiirt.lv : 1 " v - ! ,: . QUICK RELIEF FRO Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrecBookTells of HomeTreatment that Mutt Help or It Will Cost You Nothing Orer two million bottles of the WILL ARD TKEATMKNThavebeen sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from ttamach and Duadanal Wear due to Emwi Acid Peer Digestion, Sour or Upeet Stomach, : Gaaalnaaa, Heartburn, SfeeplenneM, etc., due to Exeat Acid. Sold on 15 dajra' trial I Ask for "Willard't Metaace" Which fully explain! tbia treatment free at GORDON'S DRUG STORE cpe.id but feeds her, family well. Market k3