LOCAL NEWS Reese Burkenbine went to Pen dleton Tuesday evening to report at the navy recruiting station at the end of a five-day leave period, af ter having been accepted for enlist ment. He enlisted for a regular two year hitch with privilege of reenlist ing for six years at the end of the first two years. Orrin and Katherine Bisbee ar rived. Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bisee, for a two weeks' visit. Orrin is located with Standard Oil company in San Francisco and Miss Bisbee is county health nurse in Clackamas county. Morrow county friends and rela tives received word of the trans fer of Lt. Bertha Akers and Lt. Ha zel Adkins from Ft. Lewis to Ft. Stevens. Both are army nurses and may be addressed care of the sta tion hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kinton of Kemmerer, Wyo., have announced the arrival of a baby daughter, Sha ron Louise, born at that place, Aug ust 20. Mrs. Kinton is the daughter of L. D. Neill of this city. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe cialist of Pendleton will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith re turned home this morning from a two-day business visit at Bend. Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis visited last week end with Mr. Ellis par ents near Heppner Junction. Want Ads Wanted: Good fry cook, at Red mond Hotel Coffee Shop, good wag es, permanent job. If interested phone 61Y, Redmond, or write. If you want a good 5 -room house, here is your chance. Call at G .T. House for rent, partly furnished. Alex 'Wilson, 21tf. Four registered Hampshire bucks, yearlings, at $20 a head; 9 registered Hampshire buck lambs at $15 a head. Mrs. Alcy J. Madden, Lonerock, Or. 22-25. For Sale Electric Maytag washer good condition; 1 practically new Vernois wood-coal range with 40 gal. water tank, like new. Inquire G. T. Good, young, all-purpose work team for sale. Ralph Beamer. For sale or trade for livestock, International pick-up and Chevro let automobile, good condition. V. R. Runnion. Creditors of Dr. R. C. Lawrence may pay accounts at the office. Ad. Dry wood, any length. Order now. Blackburn mill, Rhea creek. 21-23p. Four room house for sale. Call 1435. Used piano for sale, in tune, at a bargain. Apply G. T. Peaches to can, $2 per apple box. Also pears, prunes, grapes. W. T. Bray, Umatilla, Ore. 21-22. Fresh cow and calf. Gentle for lady to milk, $80.00. Harry French, Hardman. 18tf. 1932 Chev for sale, good condition, good tires. Inquire G. T. office. Bucks for sale, purebred Romneys, Hamps and Shrops; yearlings and lambs. F. M. Page, Monument, Grant Co., Oregon. 20-27. Taylor's rooming house for sale, $2500. 15-22p. Combine for sale, in good condi tion, nearly ready to go. See Sid Zinter. lOtf. LIVESTOCK MARKET now open at Echo. Ore. Can handle all kinds of cattle. I. A. Witten, Box D, Echo, Oregon, phone) 11L 27-84p. tL New or Used Office Machines sold, serviced or rented. Leave word at Gazette Times office. 12tf. PORTABLE WELDER We go out and fix anything on ranches. Just telephone 822. McCLINTOCK'S WELDING A Repair Shop Heppner SOCIETY CHIT-CHAT By JUNE SMITH Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dick left today for a trip to the McKenzie river, and from there to California, where they will visit son Kemp who is stationed at Camp Callan, and will be moved soon to Camp McQuade. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix, accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Beymer and Mr. Charles Thomson, drove to Ritter springs. This afternoon the Wednesday club is honoring one of their num ber, Mrs. J. V. Crawford, who is leaving tomorrow to live in Port land, with a no-hostess bridge party in the ladies room at the Elks club. Three tables were in play. A gift was presented to Mrs. Crawford. Dick Hoyt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Hoyt of Portland, and Dick Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown of Portland, are visiting at the Garnet Barratt home. The American Legion Auxiliary wants to remind any of you who have not turned in your old phono graph records to please do so soon. There is a box for them placed out side the Humphreys Drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom and daughter Harriet spent several days last week in Pendleton where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Struve. Among those who attended the state woolgrowers auxiliary meeting last Friday in Pendleton were Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mrs. B. C. Pinck ney, Mrs. Stephen Thompson, Mrs. Howard Cleveland and Mrs. Orville Smith of Heppner. The meeting was held in the morning at the home of Mrs. Mac Hoke, who provided re freshments for the ladies. It was followed by a no-hostess' luncheon at the Pendleton hotel. Other people from this vicinity who were noted at the ram sale held there that day were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cleveland, Harlan Mc Curdy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kenny, Harold Cohn, Ralph Thompson and Cliff Conrad. Mr. and Mrs. George Corwin and family are spending a week in Port land. Miss Effie Andrews accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Fuiten when they left last Saturday for a week's vacation, as far as The Dalles. We've got Axis to grind. Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps. RIGHT DRESS ! "TRIUMPH HEAFFER3 10 1 U.I, FAT. OM. Sheaffer'j new "TRIUMPH" Tuckawoy pen let meets all U. S. Service requirements, and carries safely in ANY position in shirt, coat, or trousers pocket. It's the ALL-PURPOSE pen-wearable in iH climates, no matter how much or little clothing is worn. Give this newest fine set to your loved ones get letters back. Sheaffer pens, alt colors, '2.75 to 20. See our selection. PETERSON'S t AT ItHE' Washington, D. C, Aug. 27. A new order on buses may be of im mense benefit to various Oregon communities. It gives office of de fense transportation control of all buses, not disposed of and those to be built. Getting workers to and from war work is becoming increasingly difficult not only at Portland but at Corvallis and Medford. Under the new arrangement a bus for the city can be purchased through ODT, with a proviso that when ODT wishes to send it to some other section it can do so. A bus, in this arrangement, is ever under the control of ODT and will probably bear the ODT insignia. A city bus cannot operate more than 2000 miles a month, about 66 miles a day. Grants Pass, sending workers to the Medford cantonment, or Salem sending workers to the cantonment at Corvallis (or Salem to Portland shipyards) are eligible to an intercity bus, which is limited to. 4000 miles a month. These limita tions are made to preserve tires for what may be the duration. If ODT decides that a bus is needed some where else the first purchaser is paid the first cost of the bus minus a small percentage for each month, the bus has operated. War department refuses to store all its aviation gasoline in one spot on Columbia river. The planes at Walla Walla, Pendleton and Pasco will each have their own gasoline storage facilities. Ordinarily, in peace time, says the war department, it would be good business to consolidate the supplies at a convenient spot, but war presents a different picture and costs are forgotten. The war policy is to distribute gasoline depots and thus make it more difficult for an enemy to destroy the supply. A suggestion was made that a storage be located on the river bank at Umatilla. Shortage of lumberjacks in the Oregon woods has reached a point where the war department, man power commission and the U.S. em ployment service are trying to figure how relief can be given. One sug gestion is that soldiers be sent into the woods, as in the first world war when the spruce division filled the forests along the Oregon coast and back into the mountains. Labor or ganizations, however, have protested use of soldiers, who would draw soldier's pay, which is much less than a lumberjack receives from his logging boss. An Oregon sawmill operator came to the national capital last week to ask for a priority on sufficient cop per wire to connect his mill with a transmission line. He had to travel 6000 miles and pay railroad fare of about $250 and a hotel bill in Wash ington. Then the priorities board informed him that it was not his place to ask for a priority but the company from which he hoped to obtain electricity. Eighteen months ago the govern ment found 147,000 head of horses in Oregon on which they placed a uniform value of $61 a head, or $8, 972,000. That was before the Jap anese took Malaya and the rubber plantations. With a scarcity of tires and gradual return to the horse, the animals in Oregon are now worth much more than $61 a head. Government officials say the ar my cantonments at Medford and Corvallis will require 20,000 gallons of milk a day. At that rate the drain will be rather severe on the dairy herds when, at the same time, they must provide for civilian needs. One of Henry J. Kaiser's jobs is to convince aircraft makers that he does not intend competing with them; his proposition is to build Heppner Gazette Times, August 27, 1942 5 Announcement . . . k The Heppner Transfer Company, operated by Don Jones, will be man aged and operated by Vernon Flatt of Moro. Daily mail and freight service will be maintained on schedule as nearly as possible. HEPPNER TRANSFER CO. By Vernon Flatt State Scrap Harvest in Country Starts Soon A statewide "scrap harvest," de signed to produce Oregon's share of the scrap metals needed to keep America's war industries rolling, is scheduled to start September 7, Rob ert B. Taylor, chairman of the state USDA war board, announced this week. Although 70,000 tons of scrap iron have moved from Oregon farms since Pearl Harbor, war board sur veys show that at least that much more remains on farms, Taylor said. Much of the remaining scrap is largely in remote places and will be more difficult to get. Every farmer will be contacted during the coming drive, which will be jointly directed by farm imple ment dealers, county USDA war boards, and county salvage commit tees. 1 The program will be inaugurated in each county by the chairman of ; the county war board, the chairman of the salvage committee and the county agent. A meeting will be held in each instance to be attended by members of the war board and representatives of the county and state salvage committees, who will make final detailed plans suited to each county situation. Grasshopper Outbreak Causes Damage Severe outbreaks of grasshoppers in certain sections of the Columbia basin have caused considerable loss es this year and are causing agri cultural officials to look ahead to early handling of a possible out break next year, according to re ports from various county agents in the district. Severe losses were experienced in Grant county in July and early Au gust, where, in addition to range and crop losses, more than 150 vic tory gardens were either damaged or completely destroyed by the grasshopper invasion, reports Coun ty Agent M. E. Knickerbocker. While 24 tons of grasshopper bait were mixed and distributed in the coun ty, shortage of labor and unfamil iarity of farmers with control work reduced its effectiveness. something larger than they are fab ricating and his proposed planes would be devoted exclusively to car rying cargoes. About half the air craft made in the United States comes from plants on the west coast. Airship makers are only part of the opposition Kaiser must overcome if he is to turn out 70-tonners. The people are with Kaiser but the men who have the say are not, although they gave him lip service when he was in the national capital. Until the senate writes its new tax bill and acts there is nothing certain as to the measure except that it will make the taxpayer know there is a war on. One suggestion sent in by an Oregon man is that $1 a week be imposed on every man and woman until the war is over in lieu of all other taxes for the in dividual. A number of the large war industries, with government contracts, have opposed the super excess profits tax, explaining that as this tax works out their profit would be reduced to not more than 1.5 per cent. The bill will be before the sen ate next month and will then go to conference, the compromise' being the tax bill for 1943. llliilllillllilllillllll OSC Pilot Training Serves Army, Navy Oregon State College A broaden ed program of civilian pilot training under the direction of the college has been announced by B. F. Ruff ner, professor of aeronautical en gineering and coordinator of CPT at the college. Under an arrangement with the military forces, the training pro gram is now helping prepare men for the army and navy reserve, par ticularly in the preparation of glid er, service, and liaison pilots and in structors. For the first time the pro gram has been opened to men be tween 27 and 36 years of age and also to those in the former age span of 18 to 27 who have minor physical defects. Applications for a class starting about the middle of September are now being received by Ruffner at 301 Mines building, Corvallis. Ore gon State's flight training center is now located at Madras, where all ground instruction, housing, and feeding of trainees is under direc tion of the college. Actual flight training is conducted by the Port land Flying service. Those acceped for the work are on deferred status while in flight training and during this time all ex penses of training, insurance, board and room are paid by the CPT ser vice of the Civilian Aeronautics ad ministration. LABOR-SAVING METHODS SEEN Redmond Various labor-saving methods in haying are being ob served this year by County Agent G. Y. Hagglund, who is making rec ord of the most .practical methods on colored lantern slides. One of the most practical methods seen so far consists of placing six 4x4 tim bers against the stack to form a slide on which the hay is slid up by means of a rope net and cable, using tractor power. With the aid of buckrakes to bring in the hay, this method has made possible put ting up 10 to 13 tons of hay per man day. Peaches Ripe at Edmonds orch ard now to Sept. Light crop, come now. Umatilla. O. M. Y EAGER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Cabinet and Mill Work HEPPNER, OREGON ONE-DAY CLEANING SERVICE Wednesday-Thursday-Friday HEPPNER CLEANERS NOW HERE FACTORY MACHINE for lawnmower sharpening. We'll make your lawnmower like new. We also do saw filing, bi cycle repairing, floor sanding, knife and scissor sharpening and band saw work. N. D. Bailey