SOCIETY CHIT-CHAT By JUNE SMITH .Among those who drove to Hood River Sunday to attend the wedding of Miss Arlene Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Morton, were Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pinckney, Mr. and Mrs Fred Lucas, Mrs. L. E. Dick and Charles Cox. Miss Morton was married Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Hood River Methodist church to Sgt. Sidney H. Sinclair. She was dressed in a white brocade gown with long train and veil held in place with a cornet of lace. She carried a bouquet of pink and white flowers, and was given away by her father. A reception at the Morton home for 100 guests was held, after which the couple left for a few days' trip to Portland. They will make their home in Colorado where Sergeant Sinclair is stationed. Mrs. L. D. Tibbies entertained the Wednesday club at her home yes terday with a dessert bridge. High score was won by Mrs Orville Smith and second by Mrs. Leonard Schwarz. A state Woolgrowers Auxiliary meeting will be held at the Mac Hoke home in Pendleton tomorrow at 10 a.m. This is the day of the ram sale to be held in that city, and it is hoped a number of members will attend. Several more parties have been Want Ads For Sale Electric Maytag washer good condition; 1 practically new Vernois wood-coal range with 40 gal. water tank, like new. Inquire G. T. Good, young, all-purpose work team for sale. Ralph Beamer. For sale or trade for livestock, International pick-up and Chevro let automobile, good condition. V. R. Runnion. Creditors of Dr. R. C. Lawrence may pay accounts at the office. Ad. Dry wood, any length. Order now. Blackburn mill, Rhea creek. 21-23p. Four room house for sale. Call 1435. Used piano for sale, in tune, at a bargain. Apply G. T. Peackes to can, $2 per apple box. Also pears, prunes, grapes. W. T. Bray, Umatilla, Ore. 21-22. Fresh cow and calf. Gentle for lady to milk, $80.00. Harry French, Hardman. 18tf. 1932 Chev for sale, good condition, good tires. Inquire G. T. office. , Anyone wanting cattle of any kind for fall delivery get in touch with Bob Runnion. 18-21. Bucks for sale, purebred Romneys, Hamps 'and Shrops; yearlings and lambs. F. M. Page, Monument, Grant Co., Oregon. 20-27. Taylor's rooming house for sale, $2500. 15-22p. Combine for sale, in good condi tion, nearly ready to go. See Sid Zinter. 10tf. LIVESTOCK MARKET now open at Echo. Ore. Can handle all kinds of cattle. I. A. Witten, Box D, Echo, Oregon, phon ILL 27-34p. tf. New or Used Office Machines sold, serviced or rented. Leave word at Eazette Times office. 12tf. biFF AND BANG By F. H. Cumbenvtnth given the past week honoring two visitors from California, Mrs. W. P. Mahoney of Los Angeles and Mrs. J. W. Beymer of San Francisco. Last Friday afternoon Mrs. W. O. Bay less and Mrs. Frank Wilkinson en tertained for them at the Bayless home with a dessert bridge. Mem bers of the contract club to which both honorees belonged when they lived in Heppner were the guests. Guest prizes were given to Mrs. Mahoney and Mrs. Beymer, and high score was won by Mrs. L. E. Bisbee, withy Mrs. Mahoney receiving low score, On Tuesday afternoon the same group met at the Lucas Place for a no-host luncheon, at which event Mrs. C. W. McNamer won the prize for high score and Mrs. Mahoney received the consolation prize. Mrs. W. P. Mahoney is leaving this evening for Bonners Ferry, Idaho, where she will spend a week. Mrs. Richard Lawrence, Mrs. Bert Kane, Mrs. Henry Happold and Mrs. Edward Rice left Monday for a ten days' trip to California. They will visit Mrs. Lawrence's sister, Mrs. Boss Draper, in Susanville. Among those from Heppner who attended the funeral of Mancell Krebs Wednesday at Arlington were M.vs. Robert, Thompson and Miss Katherine Thompson, Mrs. Ed Ben nett and Miss Frances Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoars, Mrs. O. Currie, Leslie Peppers and Mrs. W. O. Bayless drove to Monument Sunday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swick. A baby boy named Louis Steven was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Est- berg at The Dalles on August 3. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lockhard be came the parents of a son at Yakima August 13. - Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Crawford, son Jim, Mrs. Cora Crawford and Frank Anderson drove to Portland last Thursday, where they remained un til Sunday evening, visiting rela tives. Mrs. Beuliih Man kin, who has been in the hospital in Portland for a major operation, returned to her home near lone last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buhman anc' children are leaving Friday morn ing for Portland. On their return they will move their household ef fects to Lakeview, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson spent the week end on a visit from Port land with Mrs. Nelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parker. Mrs. Raymond Rice of Victoria, B. C, and Mrs. Oscar Borg of Portland are spending two weeks with their sister, Mrs. S. M. Sigsbee. Mr. Rice had been with Mrs. Borg at her home for the past month. Captain Rice is stationed at Vancouver, B. C, where he is with the medical corps of the Rocky Mountain Rang ers. Miss Rhoda Peck of Portland is visiting Miss Shirley Wilkinson this week. Shirley had the misfortune of breaking her ankle last Saturday when her horse slipped and fell on it. Mrs. Harold Cohn took daughter Sally to Pendleton last Sunday where Sally was entered in the hos pital for a tonsilectomy Monday. They returned yesterday. Miss Betty Doherty of Pendleton is spending a two weeks' vacation in Heppner. Donna Lee Cole of Coquille is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Groshens. Mr. and Mrs. William M. McAllis ter of Medford called on Mrs. E. Harvey Miller Monday afternoon. Charles Cox drove Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas and Mrs. W. O. Bayless to Ritter springs Wednesday evening where they will remain for about five days. Mr. Cox returned this morning. J. O. Turner injured his wrist when he fell from the combine last week, during harvesting. The Tur ners report an excellent crop. Miss Marjorie Werner and her mother left Wednesday for Den ver, where they will visit for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Frederickson and Mrs. Lilly Aiken, drove to The Dalles Sunday. Mrs. Frederickson remained there with her daughter Louise who is serious ly ill at 'Ihe Dalles hospital. Mrs. Ai ken visited her son Paul, who is also at the hospital, and Mr. and Mrs. Schwarz visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Schwarz of that city. Mrs. Garnet Barratt and son Bill attended the funeral of Mancell Krebs in Arlington Wednesday morning, and then drove on to Port land. Mrs. Lera Crawford is expected home tomorrow from Berkeley, Cal., where she has been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Githens. Hugh Gaily, Pendleton, spent from Monday to Friday last week in Heppner. Mrs. Roger Thomas, Miss Katie Minert and Mrs. Berl Coxen and Miss Betty Coxen drove to Portland Monday, and plan to return Friday. Only 12 American cities, including New York and San Francisco, use as much water in the course of a day as is used daily by one of the big new smokeless powder plants. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT PARTNERSHIP ESTATE OF R. A. THOMPSON AND C. H. VAN SCHOIACK, R. A. THOMPSON, deceased. No. 965 In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mor row. In the Matter of the Partnership Estate of R. A. Thompson and C. H. Van Schoiack, R. A. Thompson Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the partnership estate of R. A. Thomp son and C. H. Van Schoiack; R. A. Thompson, deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, and that Monday, the 24th day of August, 1942, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day has been appointed by the said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published July 23, 1942. C. H. VAN SCHOIACK, Administrator. Heppner Gazette Times, August 20, 1942 5 LOCAL ITEMS . . . Mary Ellen Kilkenny, daughter of Mrs. Frank Kilkenny, spent sev eral days here this week visiting relatives and friends, and was guest of honor at parties tendered her b Mrs. E. R. Schaffer and her cousin, Mrs. Ilene Laughlin. She joined her mother at Ritter before returning with her to her home at Salem for a visit. E. L Bucknum recently received word from his son, Gordon, that he is in charge of a USO center in the Panama canal zone, and likes his work very much. Before taking up this work, Gordon coached a high school basketball team at Phoenix, Arizona, which won the state cham pionship. Mrs. Hilma Anderson who re cently underwent a major operation in Portland left the hospital Sunday to remain for the week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Norton King, in the city. Mir. and Mrs. King ex pected to drive to Heppner next Sunday, bringing Mrs. Anderson home. Born this week to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomas of Spray at the Corda Saling home in Heppner, a son. Born last Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson at their home in, this city, a boy. M. L. Case departed Sunday for Portland to attend the convention of Spanish-American war veterans. Mtrs. W. H. Rockwell was called to Portland the first of the week by the serious illness of her mother. Ben E. Titus Heads Information Service The Office of War Information to day announced the appointment of Ben E. Titus as director of the news and radio bureau of OWI in Oregon. For the past three months Titus has served as Oregon diector of the information division of the Of fice for Emergency Management. The OEM agency was absorbed into the Office of War Information when President Roosevelt created the new office and appointed Elmer Davis as director. The office headed by Titus, with headquarters at 713 Bedell building in Portland (telephone Atwater 7241), will clear and issue all offi cial war information originating in war agencies in Oregon. The news and radio bureau pre pares, clears and issues news stories, radio programs, educational motion picture films, posters, charts, pamph lets, and similar material for public consumption for some fourteen war agencies, including the War Produc tion board, Office of Price Admin istration, Office of Defense Trans portation, War Manpower commis sion, War Pidocation authority and the War Labor board. HAY SCARCITY ALTERS FEED Tillamook A dairy feed program based on molasses and home-grown hay is being advocated by C. H. Bergstrom, county agent, because of the scarcity and high price of good alfalfa. When home-grown hay is treated with molasses and supple mented with barley, wheat, and soy bean meal, it will provide a satis factory feed for the low production months of November, December and January, reserving the alfalfa hay for spring freshening time, says Bergstrom. VICTIM OF RUNAWAY Carl Harrison received treatment here Monday for several broken ribs and other injuries received when a team he was driving ran away at the Stephen Thompson ranch on Rhea creek. 17 to 50 Year Men May Enlist in Navy The Navy is accepting enlistments of men between the ages of 17 and 50 in 55 different trades. Those men already skilled in a particular trade are enlisted with a petty officer's rating, while those who are not yet qualified are sent to the trade school of their choice, after which they re ceive the best training available, have the use of fine, modern equip ment, and leave the Navy with a trade skill which will always be useful to them. Men who are subject to the selec tive service may enlist in the Navy until the time they are actually in ducted into the army. Those inter ested are urged to contact the Navy Recruiting Officer in Room 250, Post Office Building, Pendleton. BROWNS RETURN Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brown and son Frankie returned to Heppner Monday from Warrenton, where they have been located for several months while Mr. Brown was con nected with the Civilian Conserva tion Corps camp at that place. They expect to reestablish their home here for the "duration." Mr. Brown enlisted some time ago in the naval reserves and expects to be called soon. He will enter the service as chief carpenters mate to be assign ed to foreign duty after six weeks training at Norfolk, Va. " Passing through Arlington Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Brown stopped at a service station where they saw a man slumped over the wheel of a car, apparently asleep. Returning to the station a little later they were informed by an attendant that the man was dead. Relatives have been informed that Omer McCaleb and William S. Tuck er, recent inductees into the army from Morrow county, are stationed at Kearns, Utah. PORTABLE WELDER We go out and fix anything on ranches. Just telephone 822. McCLINTOCK'S WELDING & Repair Shop Heppner 0. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Cabinet and Mill Work HEPPNER, OREGON ONE-DAY CLEANING SERVICE Wedncsday-Thursday-Friday HEPPNER CLEANERS NOW HERE FACTORY MACHINE for lawnmower sharpening. We'll make your lawnmower like new. We also do saw filing, bi cycle repairing,' floor sanding, knife and scissor sharpening and band saw work. N. D. Bailey