Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 13, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette TimesAugust 13, 1942
Storage Bin Collapses
With 25f000 Bu. Grain
An unuual accident happened at
the Delbert Emert ranch on Wed
nesday afternoon when his farm
storage bin filled with 25,000 bushels
of new grain collapsed with such
force that six by six boards were
hurled a distance of forty feet.
Fortunately no one was injured al
though the bin was located near
the ranch house. The accident was
caused by one of the clamps on the
cable slipping thus releasing all of
the cables and allowing the walls to
fall. The grain conveyor was also
wrecked. The bin was a 30 x 80
foot building. A new one is under
The lone school board announces
the selection of two new teachers.
Mrs. Harriet Hunt of Corvallis was
elected for the third and fourth
grades replacing Miss Marjorie Sell,
who has resigned. Miss Dorothy
Guerney of Corvallis was elected for
the home economics and English
Algott Lundell had the misfortune
to fall off a pile of wheat last Wed
nesday and break his leg near the
Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Linn and
daughter Leeta left on Tuesday af
ter a month's vacation spent here
visiting relatives. Mr. Linn is em
ployed with the Bonneville admin
istration and expects to be stationed
at Shelton, Wash.
W. M. Rowell of Beaverton arriv
ed on Monday to visit his daughter,
Mrs. Harry Ring.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harmon
and two children of Walla Walla
were week-end guests at the home
of Mrs. Harmon's mother, Mrs.
George Krebs and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Van Schoiack
and family of Heppner were Sun
day guests at ..the George Krebs
home in Cecil.
A group of friends honored the
newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
O'Connor with a charivari on Fri
day night.
Frank Lundell and son Merle of
Portland were week-end visitors
Carl Troedson of King City, Cal.,
is a guest of his sister, Mrs. Henry
V. Smouse.
'Mir. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor
returned on Friday from a honey
moon trip to the coast and are mov
ing into their new home.
Mrs. Mary Cunningham of Post
Falls, Idaho, who has been a guest
at the home of her sister, Mrs. El
mer Griffith, departed on Monday
day for Eugene, where she will visit
her daughter, Mrs. Earl Couch, be
fore returning to her home.
Mrs. Nora Holland of Seattle is a
guest at the home of her nephew,
E. G. Sperry, while visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Louisa Louy.
Mrs. Elmer Griffith enjoyed a visit
from her sister, Mrs. Kittie G. Tur
ner of La Grande over the week end.
Mrs. Turner came as far as Hermis
ton with her granddaughter, Mrs
Glenn Ingle of Bourne, who was
called there by the serious illness of
her grandfather, R. F. Wigglesworth.
Charles O'Connor sustained a ser
ious bruise in the upper part of his
right arm on Monday, while inflat
ing a truck tire. The ring that holds
the tire on the rim snapped off, al
lowing the tire to blow out and the
rim to strike him across the arm and
chest. Walter Bristow took him to
Heppner to a physician, where a
clamp was placed on the cut.
Bert Mason, Jr., of Photo Liaison
Unit, North Island, Calif., writes of
his early experience in aerial pho
tography. "I flew with one of those young
ensigns a few days ago in a two
seater advance trainer. Evidently
he felt the need for action for he
went up 2000 feet and for half an
hour practiced wing-overs, vertical
banks, and 180 degree turns. Then
he did a power dive to 2000 feet and
started playing tag with the cliffs
and trees in the canyons east of
El Cajon.
"Tiring of this he took a turn at
hedge hopping over towns and
farms in the open country.
"Finally he leveled out and flew
to our objective, where I reseated
my stomach which had lagged about
a foot behind me during the entire
ride, and took the pictures which I
Rires Solemnized
Edwina Joan Breshears, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears,
of Lexington, and Douglas Richard
Gibson were married Sunday after
noon at 2:30 at the Catholic rectory
in Heppner with Francis McCor
mack officiating. The bride was
charming in an afternoon dress of
black and misty green with an or
chid corsage. The matron of honor,
Mrs. Carl Whillock, sister of the
bride, wore a green frock with a
corsage of white gardenias and pink
rosebuds. Carl Whillock was best
man. Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs Charles Breshears, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Steagall, and Mrs. Everett
Ciump. The young couple left for
a trip into Canada where they will
visit relatives of the groom.
Kenneth, George and Elwynne
Peck, and Harry Tamblyn of Hepp
ner spent a few days last week at
Paulina and East lakes.
Kenneth Peck left Saturday eve
ning for the naval training station
at South Bend, Indiana. He was one
of thirty boys from Oregon called
to report there on August 11.
Business visitors in Pendleton
Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Lonnie Henderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Whillock, and Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Crump of Heppner.
Ernest Gerard and family spent
Tuesday here from their farm home
Mary Buchanan visited at her
parents' home Sunday from the
Bonnie Smith farm.
Mrs. Flo Christy of McMinnville
is visiting her brother, T, R. Burton,
and family. She was. accompanied
by Miss Virginia Powell from Cal
ifornia. had been ordered to bring back.
"He certainly satisfied any desire
I may have had for an exciting ride.
"During one of my patrol flights
last week the fog was so thick that
observation was useless, so we clim
bed above it for the return journey.
Had we not been ordered to photo
graph only assigned objectives, I
could have gotten some beautiful
shots of our companion planes over
the endless snow white rolling blan
ket of fog which stretched from the
mountains of Mexico to the horizon.
"Wich reminds me, today I saw
the first sunrise in several months.
We were beginning "to wonder if
someone just hung it out there about
eleven o'clock every morning. The
fog, except for today, never clears
away before that time.
"In the back of my mind I'm work
ing on a scheme to get 15 days leave
in October which will give me about
10 days, at home. Figured I would
try to get off about October 10-25
so as to hit the end -of the buck
season, doe season; and start of elk
season, fishing and some birds."
A handsome young ice
man, Jack Frost,
Said "War is a terrible
t cost,
And yet it's far littler
Than bowing to Hitler
And letting our Freedom
be lost!"
Your county can help freeae
i5 out the Asia by reaching ita
-3 Wax Bond quota. Be aura
you do your ahara . put
10 of your earning Into
War Bonds and Stamps.
V. S. Treasury Dept.
Inspection Given 4-H
Gardens at Hardman
C. D. Conrad, county agent, vis
ited the 4-H club boys and girls
here Wednesday morning and in
spected each garden. Misses Vern
McDaniel and Jeanne Leathers came
down from Reeds mill.
Forest Adams took Delbert Os
born of Reeds mill to The Dalles
Tuesday to visit his brother Robert
who was injured in an auto wreck
near Condon last Sunday, that took
the lives of Jack Andrews, Condon,
and Russell Parks, Parkdale. Mr.
Osborn brought his brother home
with him and he will stay here a
couple of weeks. Jack Andrews
was the nephew of Mrs, Oren Mc
Daniel of Hardman.
Eldon McFerrin moved his fam
ily to Heppner for school from
Reeds mill where they have lived
the past 8 years.
Mrs. Victor Lovgren and children
and Betty and Bob Lovgren and
Yvonne Hastings visited Mrs. Al
Lovgren Thursday.
Word has been received from
Guy E. Hastings that he had arrived
at the reception center at Ogden,
Mrs. Walter Becket and Mrs.
Claud Buschke and sons spent Sun
day at' the Buschkes' mountain
home. '
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Robinson and
Mr and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Jr., of
Reeds mill were visiting in town
Mrs. Joe Batty and son Kenneth
visited in Hardman and at the Louis
Batty home over the week end from
Yvonne Hastings is visiting at the
Victor Lovgren home in Eight Mile
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnsde and
girls and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams
visited with the Harlan Adams' at
Kinzua Sunday.
Ivan H. Leathers has been visit
ing the past week with Owen Leath
ers and family and with a sister,
Mrs. C. C. Carmichael of Lexington.
Mrs. Carmichael visited in Hard
man Sunday evening.
John Hastings and sister LaRilla
visited in Kinzua Sunday with Sa
bin Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings and
girls moved to Reeds mill Sunday
evening. Mr. Hastings has been ill
for some time, and will not be able
to resume his work before next
Mrs. Victor Lovgren took her fa
ther, Ed McDaniel, to Heppner Mon
day to see a doctor. He has been
ill for several days.
Delmar Buschke is working for
Roy Robinson, helping with the hay.
E. J. Merrill was in town from
his ranch east of town, Tuesday
morning, on business.
Mrs. Rogers and daughter Leatha
and son Glen and Mr. and Mrs.
Clease Rogers, all of Portland, vis
ited at the E. J. Merrill ranch with
a son and brother, Dick Rogers, ov
er Sunday.
John Allen and son Irvin were in
town over Sunday. Mr. Allen is
working for Oral Scott near Lex
ington. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore and
son spent several days in Baker
this week. Mr. Moore was on busi
ness and Mrs. Moore visited a sister.
Clarice Moore visited with her
aunt, Minnie McFerrin, at Reeds
J. B. Adams and family moved
back to town after spending several
weeks at Reeds mill.
Oren McDaniel helped Ed Craber
trail his sheep to Kinzua. Mr. Cra
ber sold his lambs and delivered
The union high school held a spe
cial meeting Monday evening, and
the wood bid was let to LaVerne
Hams, the only bid offered.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Hubard and
family wish to extend their sincere
thanks and appreciation for the as
sistance and sympathy of neighbors
and friends when their home burn
ed recently near Hardman.
An Italian domestic broadcast of
the "high morale" of the Italian
people and then went on to admit
that "here and there a little grumb
ling is heard in the corners of the
alleys and stairways, the halls and
the sidewalks."
Miss Helen Vogler has finished
summer school in Pullman, Wash.,
and is spending a week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogler
on Butter creek.
Miss Isabella O'Brien is spending
a week in Portland.
Jean Wigglesworth of Echo spent
the week end with the Burl Watten
burger children.
Junior Wattenburger spent the
week end with Johnny Harrison at
the George Currin home.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
Mr. and Mrs. Eb Hughes and Mr.
and Mrs. Art Hughes spent Sunday
at Hidaway springs.
Russell Moore and Garnet Aber
crombie and Henry Vogler have fin
ished harvesting for this season. Mr.
Vogler has had four combines run
ning this season.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger's
car was run into Sunday afternoon.
One side was bent up quite badly.
They took it to Pendleton Wednes
day to have it fixed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ayers of Her
miston spent Sunday evening with
Mr and Mrs. Clayton Ayers.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill of Hepp
ner spent Sunday at the Charley
Moorehcad home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Farley.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore and
sons Marvin and Gary, and Miss
Betty Finch called Sunday evening
on Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers and
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger
and family left Wednesday with a
truck load of new honey to go to
the stores in the John Day country.
They plan to visit Mr. and Mrs
WE'RE IN A WAR; a fact that is being brought
home to us in many ways. No longer can we enjoy all the
privileges to which we ha ve become accustomed. Johnny
can't use the car. Mother can't bake so many cakes.
Place the blame squarely where it belongsin Berlin.
The shadow that has darkened so much of the world
could lengthen still farther; could bar our freedom of
speech, press and worship; yes, and our right to travel
when and where we choose.
What are we doing about it? Ask any Union Pacific
man. He and thousands of other American railroad
workers are exerting every effort to stop that creeping
shadow; transporting armament and munitions as fast
as our factories can turn them out . . . transporting
troops in ever-increasing numbers. It's a job that must
ue uone so we Americans may always
be free to go wherever we please,
unquestioned and without fear.
For information concerning passenger
and freight rates consult local repre
sentative. Phone 132, Heppner.
Ordnance Depot Jobs
Paying $200 a Month
Civil service jobs paying a min
imum of $200 a month for a seven
day week and $160 a month for a
six day week are now available at
the Umatilla Ordnance depot, Her
miston. Barracks and mess halls are avail
able for single workers. Rooms cost
twenty-five cents a day and meals
average fifty cents each.
Despite the flow of men to the
depot from throughout Washington,
Oregon, Idaho and Montana, the
need for workers is still urgent.
The work is steady with no shut
downs or layoffs. All qualified
workers will be given appointments
for the duration of the war and
six months thereafter. To be eli
gible for such appointmens, appli
cants must be American' citizens,
over 18 years of age, weighing over
130 pounds, and free from serious
physical disabilities.
The Civil Service commission and
the United States Employment ser
vice are cooperating in an intensive
drive to secure many more workers
for the depot. All who are inter
ested should inquire at .the nearest
employment office where full infor
mation about the job and how to go
to work there will be available.
"Blackout and blackout at all
times," is the word State Forester
N. S. Rogers passes along to the
general public. He is referring to
army regulations which restrict all
burning after night. Even during
the day your dobris burning must
be guarded against, so that Oregon
may be kept green.
Reid Buseick of Long Creek and
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Akers of Ham
ilton while away.
1U Sbudetfic AfiML Route