Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 13, 1942, Image 1

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A Week
of the War
o to
o r
(Summary of information on the
important developments of the week
made available by official sources
through noon EWT, Monday, Aug
ust 10.) '.
Admiral William D. Leahy, the
President's Chief of Staff, in a radio
broadcast August 9 marking the first
anniversary of the Atlantic Charter,
said "this war will probably be long.
It calls for the united power of ev
ery American, in uniform and out
of uniform, on the firing line and
on the production line I have no
doubt of America's decision."
President Roosevelt, in a message
read on the broadcast, said "great
progress" has been made in the bat
tle of production, but "in terms of
what will be required to defeat our
enemies we have only just begun to
get into our stride." Elmer Davis,
director of the Office of War In
formation, said America's conver
sion job has largely been completed;
the emphasis now must be trans
ferred from finished goods to raw
materials from which they are made.
"We will get them by full use of
existing facilities, and by tapping
new, or marginal, or abandoned
sources of supply. We will develop
new processes, eliminate waste, and
work for full salvage by every cit
izen," Mr. Davis said.
Vice Chairman Batt of the War
Production Board, on the same ra
dio program, said the public must
see to it that all waste and scrap
metal is collected and "sent to the
mills quickly. There is pleny of
iron and steel scrap that must get
back to the furnaces if the steel
needed for the war is to be pro
duced. You and I can help by keep
ing our eyes open."
In a general review of the war sit
uation, the Office of War Informa
tion said June production of mili
tary planes fell slightly behind
schedule, despite the fact that the
U. S. made more planes than any
other country in the world. The same
was true of tanks, of most types of
artillery, and of naval vessels, the
OWI said. Because of enemy sub
marine activity, the office said, it
Continued on Page Four
Free War Work
Tra ininq Offered
Uncle Sam needs high school grad
uates and "out of school" youth to
work in his war industries, comes
word from Glenn T. Norton, NYA
personnel officer at La Grande. Op
portunity is being offered these boys
and girls, aged 17 to 25, to earn while
they learn. Free defense training
with board, room and pay if the
home is removed from a defense
training center is offered.
Training centers are located in
Pendleton, Albany, Eugene and
Chemawa, and courses include avi
ation sheet metal, clerical (typing,
shorthand, etc.), general sheet metal,
machine shop, radio, welding, tele
type. All trainees receive board, room,
medical care, and $9.00 cash per
month for personal expenses. NYA
furnishes towels and bedding with
laundry service for these two items.
Complete supervised activity pro
gram is conducted at the centers.
Enrollment period varies with the
course, usually from eight to twelve
weeks, although a trainee may be
referred into a defense job in less
time. Transportation is furnished
from the youth's home to the train
ing center if. he is unable to furnish
The NYA representative for east
ern Oregon will be in Heppner at
the city hall on Friday, August 21,
to interview all youth interested in
national defense training which leads
into vital war jobs. The time is 2:30
to 5:30 p. m.
24 Tons Scrap Rubber
Sent in First Shipment
First shipment of scrap rubber
from Morrow county was sent out
this week by Standard Oil company,
the shipment totalling 24 tons.
Mrs. Bt rt Warren from Walla Wal
la, her grandsons, Nat and Michael
Vale, and Mrs. Percy Hughes' grand
children, Larry and Susanne Luch
er, are spending the week with Mrs.
Hughes on Butter creek.
Volume 59, Number 20
New 3-Year All-Risk
Crop Insurance
Policies Available
Past Benefits to
County Cited by
Triple-A Chairman
Two years of big crops is no guar
antee against crop failure next year
or the year after, county wheat pro
ducers are reminded by Henry Bak
er, chairman of the county AAA
committee, who this week announc
ed that the new three-year federal
all-risk crop insurance contracts will
be available until September 30.
Those growers who have the im
pression that bumper crops will con
tinue indefinitely should remember
what happened in 1935, the chairman
said. In that year, Morrow county
farmers lost 1,250,000 bushels of
wheat because of drouth. Translated
to dollars, based on the average net
price to farmers in that year, this
amounted to $765,000 lost.
"Three-fourths of that loss could
have been recovered had federal
crop insurance been available at
that time," Baker said. ""Since this
insurance is now available to all
wheat growers, it is no longer nec
essary for the grower to gamble a
whole year's labor and expense."
Another year like 1935 is sure to
come again and it might be this
year, Baker reminds, pointing out
that with prices supported by the
loan program, growers who do not
insure are gambling with dollar
While the new three-year contract
insures wheat crops through 1945,
premiums are payable in annual in
stallments on the acreage seeded
each year. The first installment is
not due until August 18, 1943, and
like the plan in effect now. may be
paid in cash or deducted from the
growers AAA conservation payment,
wheat loan, or any loss indemnity
paid the grower under his crop in
surance contract.
Baker cited two other features
that have been added this year to
make the program more beneficial
to the grower. They are a uniform
method of determining premium
rates, and a reduced premium- plan
for the grower who stays in the
program over a period of years.
George Morgan sustained a frac
tured skull Monday evening when
the truck loaded with logs that he
was driving cracked-up half way
between the Schilling place and
Slocums mill on upper Rhea creek
He was found unconscious and re
mained so after being brought to
Heppner hospital until yesterday
evening when he showed signs of
recovery, though his condition is
Morgan was driving for Russell
Wright who is under contract to
hring logs to Heppner Lumber
Wright, following behind Morgan
with another truck load of logs, was
the first to come upon the scene of
the accident. He had to return up
the road two miles to get a pick-up,
work it around the accident which
had the road blocked, and drag the
pick-up onto the road with a tractor
before the injured man could be
brought to town for medical aid.
From undetermined cause, Mor
gan's truck apparently got out of
his control as it descended a steep
pitch in the road. Crashing into a
tree two feet in diameter, the front
of the truck to the rear of the cab
was pulverized. The tree was shorn
off like a toothpick. Morgan had ap
parently jumped before the crash, as
he was found in the road behind the
wrecked truck.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mahoney spent
Tuesday in Pendleton.
CSRCUS HERE monday has famous
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Jorgcn M. Christiansen, head of Russell Bros.' Circus equestrian de
partment, mounted on his famous palomino stallion, Oregon Sunburst,
which originally came from the Swaggart ranch in Morrow county.
A "success story" that would be
the envy of any boy's heart is the
story of Jorgen M. Christiansen,
world famous horseman, coming
with Russell Bros.' Great 3-Ring Cir
cus to Heppner, Monday, August 17,
for afternoon performance only on
the Cummings' lot opposite the grain
warehouses on Riverside avenue.
As a lad he longed to go with the
circus. At 19, he quit a white collar
job in his native Denmark to join a
small show touring northern Europe.
He became an expert horse trainer
and proficient linguist. For years he
was with a leading circus in Russia.
Later in Warsaw he broke thirty
head of horses in a single act, and
when this group was sold to Ring
ling Bros, he came to this country
with them. He is now a citizen of
the United States and the most im
posing equestrian in American cir
cusdom. He has given an added interna
tional aspect to his career by pre
senting a "liberty act" of South
American Criole horses. With in
comparable rhythm and precision,
he puts these magnificent golden
Much Grass, Wheat
Burns at Edmondsons
Several hundred acres of grass and
wheat were burned last Saturday in
a , t.tubborn blaze that struck the
Alonzo D. Edmondson, Hugh Smith
and Osmin lands on Balm fork.
Many volunteer fighters respond
ed from neighboring farms and from
Heppner. An estimate of total dam
age was not given, but serious dam
age was done to fall rangeland, be
sides the loss of several acres of
County Buys $10,000
Worth War Bonds
A big lift toward raising the cur
rent month's quota for the sale of
war savings bonds and stamps was
given this week when the county
court authorized purchase of $10,000
worth of bonds from county funds,
reports P. W. Mahoney, county sales
Morrow county's war bond and
stamp quota for August has been
set at $27,400. Map showing quotas
for all counties may be found on
another page.
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, August 13, 9$2L
hortes through a series of intricate
drills and formations said never to
have been achieved by any other
living trainer.
Christiansen further distinguishes
himself astride his famous palomino
stallion, Oregon Sunburst, in the
Russell Bros, high school horse dis
play. This fine horse is the product
of the Swaggart ranch in Morrow
county, and Christiansen's reputa
tion as an outstanding trainer of
horses is already well established in
this section. Sunburst is an equine
marvel that can walk, trot, gallop,
and march forward, backward, and
in double time; side-step, right and
left; do the cake-walk, the Spanish
trot, the waltz, the one -step and the
carioca; and change legs during the
"flying moment."
Doors to the menagerie open at
1 p.m. to give circus patrons time to
view the horses and other animals
at close range before the start of
the big show at 2. The two-hour
performance embraces all manner of
trained animal features, and the
very cream of aerial, acrobatic and
arenic talent.
W. F. Pigg, deputy collector of
internal revenue, in (he city last
week end warned that too many vio
lations of the motor vehicle use
stamp tax are being found.
Pigg emphasized that violation
of the stamp law calls for a $25
fine or throe days in jail, or both.
The $5.00 use stamp must be dis
played in the upper left hand cor
ner of the windshield of the truck
or automobile, and no place else
will do, Pigg added.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drake have re
ceived word from their son, Douglas,
recently inducted into the army,
that he is now stationed at Fort
Riley, Kansas. He reported that Guy
Hastings of Hardman is also sta
tioned there.
Rosewall Motor company has an
nounced the arrival of L, A. Shide
ler as new shop foreman. Mrs. Shi
deler accompanies her husband to
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93,353 Acres For ' c;
Wheat Next Year
Individual Quotas
Go Out; Marketing
Quotas Foreseen
Morrow county wheat growers, in
the midst of harvesting the second
bumper crop in many years and
wrestling with the problem of find
ing storage space, this week are be
ing notified in a letter from the
county AAA office of each farm's
individual 1943 wheat allotment.
At the same time, Henry Baker,
county AAA chairman, announced
that marketing quotas for the 1943
wheat crop have just been proclaim
ed by the secretary of agriculture.
A referendum will be held next
spring, Baker said, in reminding
growers that they can plan their
seeding operations this fall with the
knowledge that quotas are almost
certain to be in effect again next
Morrow county's share of the 1943
national wheat allotment is 93,353
acres, and this has been prorated
among all eligible growers on the
basis of the wheat history on each
farm. Farms that would normally
be in summer fallow next year, or
those which did not grow wheat for
harvest in 1939 or 1941, will have a
zero allotment, the chairman said.
The acuteness of the storage sit
uation has brought the wheat sur
plus situation much closer to home
this year, the chairman believes.
Growers who have had to provide
their own storage space or pile the
wheat on the ground can under
stand why Secretary Wickard is
asking that growers underplant 1943
wheat allotments and divert land to
more-needed crops wherever possi
ble The national allotment for next
year is 55 million acres, the mini
mum allowed by law, but 40 million
acres would produce enough wheat
for present domestic needs without
using any of the carryover of close
to a billion bushels, Baker pointed
The Frank Turners have had as
their house guests this week, Mrs.
Gertrude L. Whiteis from Prineville
and her daughter, Miss Helen Whi
teis, who is a secretary on the Ore
gon State campus, working in con
junction with Charles Smith in ag
ricultural work. Mrs. Whiteis began
her high school teaching career in
Heppner the autumn following the
Heppner flood when D. V. S. Reid
was superintendent of schools. In
her first graduation class were both
Leonard Gilliam and Mrs. Franl'.
Turner. Since leaving Heppner
32 years ago, the Whiteis family
have been living in or near Prineville
Mr. Whiteis passed away there sev
eral years ago. The son and family
reside in Prineville. Mrs. Whiteis
teaches in Prineville high school
where she is dean of women and
head of English and Latin depart
ments. She noticed many changes
over town, this being her first visit
since she left when her son Paul
was a baby. On Monday evening
Mrs. Whiteis, her daughter and Mrs.
Tur ner enjoyed a lawn party with
Mrs. Percy Hughes and Mrs. Bert
Warren and grandchildren at the
Hughes home on Butter creek. Mrs.
Whiteis was especially happy to
meet several of her former pupils
and friends while here, since she
remembers Heppner as a very hos
pitable community.
The churches of Heppner are
sponsoring a Union Daily Vacation
Bible School for all school children
interested. Be sure and investigate
the possibilities of fine Christian
training for your children.
Peaches Ripe at Edmonds orch
ard now to Sept. Light crop, come
now. Umatilla.
County Allotted