Washington, D. C, Aug. 6 While it had been supposed that an artil lery range would be located some where' between Bend and Burns, it has now been decided that some 50,000 acres are wanted east of Har risburg and Halsey, in Lane county. This is to be used in connection with Camp Adair, near Corvallis. Protests to the army engineers have been unavailing. The engineers say the target range is an integral part of the cantonment and while they regret that there is opposition by numbers of farmers in the affected area, the range will be located as planned. Business men of Burns are on the rampage against the federal bureau " of mines; think a congressional in vestigation should be made, and a petition has been received at the White House, by Vice President Wallace, and by members of the Oregon delegation. Burns people are convinced that there is a deposit of tin at Squaw butte. Much pub licity was given the Squaw butte "find" last year, for if there was tin it is just what the government wants, tin being so scarce that it cannot be used on bottletops and tin allocated to canneries has been reduced to a minimum. (In the east tin cans are being saved and sent to detinning plants). The Squaw butte area has been examined and tested by every known method of disclosing tin and none has been found. "Bureau of mines has assayed samples and has used a machine that unerringly dis closes the smallest trace of any known mineral or metal, but there has never been the slightest sign of tin in the bureau samples taken from Squaw butte. A dozen scientists have made individual studies and still no tin. In the face of all this, Bums insists that tin exists in quan tity at Squaw butte and wants the president or congress to do some thing about it. The plywood industry of Oregon was given a substantial boost when Gunderson Bros, of Portland sold the government on the idea of mak ing lifeboats of this1' material for the maritime commission. The con tract recently signed calls for the construction of 1000 such boats in the Gunderson plant, involving more than $1,300,000. Heretofore lifeboats for the Liberty ships have been made of steel. Tests have proved that the plywood boats are much stronger and lighter than boats' made of steel, and more than 1000 tons of this metal which heretofore says... "Every wasted penny adds to Hitler's bank book" NEVER walk away from the refrigerator without closing the door. Leaving the door ajar wastes either ice, electricity, or gas and does the food no good ! Even if you'll need to open it again soon shut the door! Those pennies you'll save will bring your family and your coun try added security if invested in V. S. SAVINGS STAMPS AND BONDS ! OREGON SEED TO RELEASE NEEDED BOMB MATERIALS Oregon's winter legume seed ranks as a strategic war material in fact, the estimated 200,000,000-pound crop of vetch, Austrian winter pea . and crimson clover seed being produced in the state this year is the equiv alent of 12,000,000 hundred pound bombs. This information as to the im . portance of Oregon's 'seed industry in the war effort was given by Wash ington, D. C, officials of the depart ment of agriculture here attending the recent conference of western states USDA war board chairmen. Farmers in the southern and east central states have been using large amounts of nitrate fertilizer to pro duce food and fiber crops vital to the war effort. Now all available nitrates are needed in the manufac ture of munitions. One bag of ni trate of soda will supply nitrates enough for two 100-pound bombs. - To replace nitrate of soda, south ern states' farmers are growing their own nitrogen with winter le gume cover crops, using seed pro duced on Oregon farms. About 25 pounds of cover crop seed will pro duce a crop to replace 150 pounds of nitrate of soda enough to make three bombs. To make certain that seed is avail able to farmers in all areas where it's needed, the AAA is buying all winter legume and common ryegrass seed that is offered by Oregon grow ers this year. Purchases are made direct from the grower through es tablished warehouses and dealers, who are paid a handling charge of 45 cents a hundred pounds for hairy vetch, and 40 cents for all other seed. The state AAA office reports that orders for 250 carloads of seed had already been received from southern states by August 1, with more com ing in every day. has gone into the construction of lifeboats will now be available for other purposes. Much opposition was overcome to induce the maritime commission to accept lifeboats made of plywood but the Gundersons doggedly stuck to the task, spent thousands of dollars proving the practicability of plywood and month of engineering before they finally convinced skeptical naval officers of the merits of their plan. Not only does their contract open the way to wider use of Oregon lumber but its immediate effect is greatly to increase state payrolls. - Between Medford and Ashland, in Rogue river valley, there is a deposit of low grade coal. Bureau of mines has directed one of its en gineers to make a survey of this coalbed to determine its depth, ex tent and quality of the coal. Army is interested, for the White canton ment in Rogue river valley will re quire 80,000 tons of coal and the army always prefers obtaining coal as close to an army post as possible. If the coal proves satisfactory this Jackson county fuel will be almost in the heart of the cantonment. War production board has been advised by the local grange and shippers that the Brogan branch of the Union Pacific in Willow creek valley, Harney county, will handle 2100 head of cattle and 6000 lambs this fall, and the only way to mar ket is over the railroad. War pro duction board, however, announces that the road does not contribute to winning the war and it will take the rails and use them elsewhere. Dr. S. R. Hyslop, chairman of the Oregon flax and linen board, has been advised that flax importations are now restricted to government agencies. Commodity Credit corp oration has just closed a contract for flax from Peru, where seed was exported last year from the flax or ganization at Mount Angel. With level country and plenty of sunshine, Ontario, Ore., is asking the war department to establish a train ing school for fliers at its new air port. A war department engineer at Portland has been instructed to visit Onario and make a study. The war department promises nothing, but says Ontario and its facilities and possibilities will be given con sideration in the event new training fields are decided upon. More Enriched Flour Aim of Campaign Only about 50 percent of the white flour being offered for sale in Ore gon is vitamin enriched, according to a spot survey made in various parts of the state by the O. S. C. extension service. While enriched flour is generally available to con sumers, it was found that much of the white flour in the widely used lower priced grades is not enriched, said W, L. Teutsoh, assistant direc tor of extension. In an effort to encourage a wider demand for the enriched flour, the extension service, through the now ly ' organized neighborhood leader system, soon will initiate a state wide educational program on the value of enriched flour. This move ment has the strong support of the food and nutrition board of the Na tional Research council and of the state committee on nutrition for de fense. Efforts are being made na tionally to bring about the enrich ment of all types and grades of white flour with vitamin B ele ments and iron. GRASS CONTROLS THISTLE Oregon City Use of fescue grass es in the control of Canada thistles is becoming a general practice in Clackamas county, reports J. J. In skeep, county agent, who says that many farmers are controlling the thistles in about three years in this manner. Chemical weed killers are now used mostly, for controlling small patches of thistles, blackber ries, and other noxious weeds. HAS 0PEN-C0IL MELT AND MAKE YOUR ELECTRIC RANGE LAST'. ... so PP&L's cheap electricity can keep on cooking your meals the cool, clean, fast way. Heppner Gazette Times, August 6, 1942 3 SOME LIGHT SHED ON FUTURE TREND IN FARM DIVISION A partial answer to the question of how many additional farms can be developed in Oregon by subdiv iding present farm lands is given in a new bulletin, "Land Settlement in the Willamette Valley, with Spe cial Reference to Benton County," just issued as 0. S. C. station bul letin 407. . The bulletin embodies the report of an intensive study made in Ben ton county by Vernon W. Baker of the bureau of agricultural econom ics, in cooperation with the depart ment of farm management at 0. S. C. Because of its fertile soils, mild cli- HEPPNER MEN IN WYOMING Ft. Warren, Wyo., Aug. 6. (Spe cial) Three Heppner men are am ong recent arrivals at the Quarter master Replacement Training center here where the will enter a dual training program combining basic military with special school training. All in Company B of the Third OM training regiment, they are Albert E. Winkelman, Alf Haaland, and Wilfred L. Plumondore. Plumondor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Plumcndore of Heppner and former ly was employed by the Heppner Lumber company. The new soldiers will be trained in basic military subjects (first aid, map reading, squad drill, use of the rifle, etc.) and then will be enrolled in the ' motor operations school and taught truck driving. ' $M this mNBSfom J D0NT ENDANGER YOUR ELECTRIC RANGE BY LEAVING HEAT ON UNDER A PAN THAT MAY SOON GO DRY-ESPECIALLY IF YOUR RANGE UNITS. THE DRY PAN RUIN THE HEATING COILS. When any appliance is damaged or out of adjustment, no matter how slightly, consult your local electric dealer at once. He's equipped to make thorough repairs. His charges are reasonable. When you "put it off" you invite larger repair bills later and possibly permanent damage. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPJ&NY 32 Lfsate 'PubUc ewo. 11 BUY WAR mate, and general reputation as a region that can support additional setlement, Willamette valley has been experiencing a steady infiltra tion of new farm families, the bul letin points out. While the future is heavily cloud ed by the present war and uncer tainty of coming conditions, the sit uation at the time of the study was made showed that only about 7 per cent of the present farm ownerships in the county are sufficiently large to permit subdivision into two or more adequate sized units for full time farming. Most of these, in fact, live along the flood plains of the Willamette river, where both clear ing and flood control protection will be necessary before subdivision and further settlement could safely be encouraged. About one-third of Benton coun ty's present crop land in the main valley is devoted to grain crops, ev en though it is well adapted, under proper management, to the produc tion of more intensive crops. With possible future irrigation and drain age development, these lands posse ss a vast store of additional potential productive capacity, for which new markets are also essential before they could be considered for com mercial subdivision. Those who made the study con clude that, regardless of the pattern of future settlement in western Ore gon, it is desirable that it be controll ed and directed to some extent by means of educational programs, co ordinated credit policies, and sub division control. MAY isU0 SEE YOUR DEALER FOR APPLIANCE FIRST AID! BONDS AND STAMPS'