2 Heppner Gazette Times, August 6, 1942 LEXINGTON NEWS . Mrs. Carmichael Given Year's Leave at Lex By MARGARET SCOTT John Miller and Kenneth Peck spent the week end in Portland. George Wallies is a patient in the Heppner hospital. Bobby Burnside was painfully in jured last week when he dove into the creek and cut his head. Mrs. John McMillan and family and Herman Wallace spent last Sun day at Hermiston and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty . are the parents of a son, Dennis, bom Wednesday in Pendleton. Eleanor Ross of Hermiston visit ed the Corey family here this week. Mrs. Charles Breshears and dau ghter Bunny and Douglas Gibson were Heppner visitors Friday. Mrs. Kemp Dick is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pieper. Gerry Cutler spent last week' at the home of Colleen McMillan. Sonny Frederickson of Salem is visiting here. Doris Williams has returned home from a visit with relatives in Vader, Washington. Mrs. Merle Miller entertained with a birthday party Sunday for her daughters Carol, ten, on Saturday, and Peggy Ann, ' six, on Monday The group attended the picture show in Heppner and enjoyed ice cream and birthday cake at Scotty's shop. Guests were Dorothy, Faye and Vester Cutsforth, Eleanor Pace, June Steagall, Elizabeth Edwards, Doris Williams and Margy Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Papineau and family have moved into the Ira Lew is house. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears visited at the Hynd Brothers farm Sunday. Delbert Vinson spent the week end in Spokane. Mrs. Sloan Spencer and children of Hermiston are visiting here. A small fire broke out on the roof of the Oris Padberg home Thursday. Damage was slight. Lou Broadley who is working at the Dee Cox farm spent Sunday in town. Deanna Steagall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall, was pain fully injured Monday when she fell at her home and cut her ear. She was taken to a Heppner physician and three stitches were taken to close the wound. At a school board meeting Mon day evening the board granted Jua nita Carmichael a year's leave of absence. Patty O'Harra, Marcella Jackson and Louise Green of Heppner were hostesses Saturday night for a danc ing party in the Leach hall. Guests were Eunice Hiatt, Betty Marie Coxen, Claude and Claudine Drake, Tad Miller, Joe Farley, Jack Cant well, John Lane, Tommy Starkey, Mary Lou Ferguson, Jean Turner, Don Hanson, Hugh McLaughlin, Johnnie and Walt Skuzeski and Phil Cohn of Heppner. Lexington guests were Alice and Buddy Mar shall, Jack O'Harra, Mrs. Ralph Jackson and Carol, Mrs. Newt O' Harra, Roy Martin, Leonard Mun kers, Billy, Carl, Majo and Janet Marquardt, Jean Rauch, Estelle Ledbetter, Louise Hunt, Melba Burnside, Juanita Bellenbrock, Jer rine Edwards, Joe and Claude Way, and Clyde and Albert Edwards. A punch bowl was featured. (Too late for last week.) May Rauch is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Al Fetsch, in Washington. Sherman Tucker spent last week in Oregon City with his sister, El sie Connor. He is visiting here this week and will soon leave for army duty. Aileen Scott is visiting friends here. Mary Hunt is spending a few days in Salem and vicinity. Patty O'Harra has returned home after several weeks spent in Ath ena. Lon Edwards has returned home from Boardman where he drilled an artesian well at the Carpenter home. Mr. and Mrs T. R. Burton and sons are spending a few days here. They have been spending the sum mer in Portland. Mrs. Charles Breshears and daughter Bunny and Douglas Gib- careless matches aid the Axis vsyfAw -WX-W w9Wwlflflap'e " ' s, ;-X XT'1lSjS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' , l-v -Mir ;f Mil nWMMIlTHI-l " "" ' ... prevent FOREST FIRES I IONE NEWS Yarnall-O'Connor Rites Held at Eugene By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH lone, Aug. 4. Sunday afternoon Miss Edna June Yarnall, daughter of Mrs. Edna B. Yarnall of Eugene, and Mr. C. Charles O'Connor, son of Mrs. Cosby O'Connor of lone, were married in a candlelight cer emony at St. Mary's Episcopal church in Eugene. Father Bartham officiated before an altar decorated with white and pink gladioli and blue larkspur. The bride, who was given in mar riage by her uncle, Mr. Harry Yar nell of lone, wore a wedding gown of white marquisette with fingertip veil and carried a white prayer book topped with gardenias and white sweetpea streamers. Miss Hilma Brewser of Salem was the maid of honor in a dress of blue marquisette with matching shoulder length veil. She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. Mr. Walter Linn of Vernonia, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man, and Mr. Erling Thompson of McMinnville and Mr. Armin Gropp of Eugene were ushers. Mrs. Stephens of Eugene was or ganist and Miss Patsy McCoy sang "Ave Maria" and "The Lord's Pray er" preceding the ceremony. Miss Leota Bertch, cousin of the bride, lit the candles. Following the wedding Miss Helen Fur of Eugene, and Miss Beulah Martin of Springfield, who were dressed in pink and blue with match ing shoulder veils, gave each guest a piece of "dream cake" wrapped in white and tied with white ribbon and had charge of the guest book. For going away the bride wore an ensemble of tan and blue. After a short honeymoon the young couple will make their home in lone, where Mr. O'Connor is employed. Mrs. O'Connor is a graduate of Oregon College of Education and will teach her second year in lone this year in the first and second grades. Attending the wedding from lone were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yarnall, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell and son Alton. Among other out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nord of Portland, former residents of lone. Mrs. Mary Cunningham of Post Falls, Idaho, arrived on Friday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Elmer Griffith and family. The lone library has just received 240 new state library books and have purchased the following new books for adults: "The Moon is Down," by John Steinbeck; "The Rock and the Wind," by Bretherton; "Atlantic Ordeal," by Huxley; and "Cross Creek," by Rawlings. Two son spent Sunday in Hermiston. George Steagall has bought the house belonging to George Tucker. new juvenile books are "Emily Climbs" and "Emily of New Moon," by Montgomery. Mrs. Bert Mason returned on Monday afternoon from a hiking trip with the Mazama club of Port land near the Three Sisters. Clyde Pettyjohn was taken to Pendleton Saturday afternoon for an emergency appendectomy. He is getting along nicely. There will be a pot-luck dinner at Willows grange hall, Sunday, Aug ust 16, for grangers and their fam ilies. The first andsecond degrees will be exemplified in the afternoon. All officers are urged to be pre sent. The Willows H. E. C. will hold an all day meeting at the grange hall Friday, August 21, with a pot luck dinner at noon. Miss Eva Swanson and Mrs. Gar land Swanson and family spent the week end in Portland and Salem. Miss Alice Nicoson arrived home on Thursday after a visit at Olym pia, Wash., at the home of her cou sin, Miss Thelma Jean Coski. Mrs. Carl Linn and daughter Lee ta arrived Monday evening from The Dalles to visit her husband, who is employed here, and other rela tives. Mrs. Clarence T. Harris and small daughter and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen motored to Pendleton on Saturday. Clarence Harris has purchased the lot adjoining his home, where the old Louy house used to stand. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom left Friday for Portland and other val ley points. Mrs. Elmer Griffith ac companied them to Portland and re turned that evening. Roy Pettyjohn, who is employed by a telephone company at Klam ath Falls, spent the week end here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer were hosts for a family reunion on Sun day. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and son of Hermis ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherer and family of Heppner, Roy Pettyjohn of Klamath Falls, Lee Pettyjohn of Elliott Field, San Diego, and their father, Noah Pettyjohn, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munkers and family. Mrs. Charles M. Wagner of Port land is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Lundell and family. Lee Pettyjohn departed the first of the week for his station with the marines at Elliott Field, San Diego. (Too late for last week.) lone, July 28. A serious fire oc curred north of lone last Thursday afternoon, when in some manner the stubble in Garland Swanson's field became ignited from the combine. About fifty-five acres of cut and standing barley belonging tp Swan son was destroyed, as well as about thirty acres of standing grain and several hundred sacks of threshed grain belonging to Johnson Bros, in the adjoining field. Swanson had about seven hundred sacks of bar ley in the field, and about four hundred fifty sacks of this was burned. He carried insurance, but Johnson Bros, had none. The fire was controlled by volunteer fire fighters greatly aided by a tractor and disc plows. At 3 o'clock the next morning J. A. Troedson dis covered that the fire had revived, and promptly notified the fire war den, who called out the neighbors. Shovels and a tractor checked the fire again, when it was within a few feet of heavy standing grain. Had it entered this it probably could not have been controlled un til it had burned for several miles. Iee Pettyjohn, who is stationed with the marines at Elliott field at San Diego, is home on a furlough visiting friends and relatives. Carl Linn spent the week end at The Dalles visiting Mrs. Linn and daughter, Leeta. Mrs. Linn is re ceiving medical attention there. Mrs. Alfred Swales and daughter, Clara Ann, are in Portland, and on Saturday afternoon the latter un derwent a minor operation. She is getting along as well as can be ex pected, according to word received here. James Warfield returned from Portland on Saturday morning. He has been consulting doctors there for some time. The regular meeting of the Union Missionary society will meet in the church parlors on August 6. Douglas Renoe left Monday for his station at Fort Lewis, after a two day' visit with relatives. Ralph Kincaid, young son of Mrs. Ruby Kincaid, sustained a bad cut on his forehead this week while playing. Several stitches by a phy sician were required to close the wound. Charles O'Connor left Monday morning for Eugene. On August 2 in that city he will marry Miss June Yarnall, who taught the first and second grade in lone last year. He was accompanied as far as Portland by Mrs. Frank Lundell and two children, Norma Lou and Merle, who were returning to their home after a visit here with relatives. John K. Honey arrived on Satur day from Portland to attend to bus iness conected with his wheat ranch. Relatives have received word Navy Needs More Used Binoculars The Navy has received only about half the number of binoculars needed, it was announced today by the Thirteenth Naval District with regard to the present campaign to obtain used binoculars. But these binoculars must be one of two mak es, Zeiss or Bausch and Lomb, and They must be in only two sizes, 6 x 30 or 7 yC 50. No other makes or sizes are acceptable, the announcement said, due to the fact that parts must be interchangeable. The binoculars should be tagged, with the name and address of. the owner, then carefully wrapped and mailed to the Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. The donor will receive a check for $1.00 and the binoculars, if still in use at the end of the war, will be returned. from Robert Warfield at Fort Hill, Ogden, Utah. He is studying tele graph there. Miss Maude Cool, Alvin Cool and their sister, Mrs. Mabel Tachell, of Carlton, Wash., arrived in lone on Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hummel and young son arrived last Wednesday from their home in Portland. They are residing in the John Eubanks home, while Mr. Hummel works in harvest. Eugene Normoyle, who has been seriously ill in Texas for some time, has been discharged from the army, and returned home on Saturday. He was accompanied as far as Heppner Junction by a medical student, and was met there by his uncle, Lee Beckner. Miss Lucy Case of Oregon State will hold a food preservation dem onstration at the grange hall on Fri day afternoon and all home makers are urged to be in attendance. S. C. Salter returned the last of the week from a Seventh Day Ad ventist camp meeting near Portland. Mrs. Bert Mason is at Green Lake with the Mazama club of Portland, where they are doing a good bit of mountain climbing. r 1 ttDeppmieirMON.il 7 AUG. 1 A Opposite Warehouses AFTERNOON SHOW ONLY - 2 P. M. Doors open at 1 P. M. GREAT 3 RING f 9MB America's Finest Big Show WONDERS of the WORLD of WHITE TOPS at their THRILLING BEST Brilliant All-New Star-Spangled As semblage of Unt urpas sod Atrial, Acro batic and Arenic Artists, and Amazing Animal Acton-... Embracing tho Cream of tho World' Choicest Circus Talent. Acclaimed by Press and hblk . . . "All In all . . tho circus at its best." Lot Anfltt txtmlm " . . Ads that surpass anything seen before." -let ng.i., hm . Cpr... e HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE AND ANIMALS TOKI Of PERFORMING ELEPHANTS OSCORES OF MAGNIFICENT HORSES O CLOWNS GALORE O ACRES OF TENTS MERRY MODERN 3-RING MEDLEY OF MIGHTY BIG TOP MARVELS A Big-Time 3 -Ring Circus, making its first triumphant tour of the Pacific states and acclaimed by the leading cities of California, Oregon and Washington . . . Exhibiting in Heppner AFTERNOON ONLY of Monday, August 17, to break the move from Pendleton to The Dalles. BRINGING toy AND CHEER TO A TROUBLED WORLD ooeeeoooo