Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 23, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from First Page
pressure cookers will want to make
the best use of them. For those who
wish to buy pressure cookers, the
suggestions are made that they buy
cooperatively so that four or five
families can use the one piece of
equipment. All methods of canning
will be demonstrated at the meet
ings. Because of sugar rationing and
shortage of equipment, increased in
terest is apparent in the drying of
fruits and vegetables. A model of
a homemade dehydrator will be
shown at the demonstration and di
rections for making it will be dis
tributed:, as well as directions for
drying and various methods of home
food preservation.
Cold storage lockers can be used
more efficiently. Shelves can be
built in them. More vegetables and
fruit can be frozen in them. Con
tainers may be of glass or locker
waxed paper. When no pressure
cooker is available, the frozen pack
is of special interest in preserving
vegetables, meat and fish.
The demonstration will include the
safe and practical methods of can
ning and freezing.
Everyone is invited to attend any
of the following meetings, free of
Irrigon high school, July 30, 2 to 4
p.m.; Boardman grange hall, July
30, 8 to 10 p.m.; lone grange hall,
July 31, 2 to 4 p.m.; Lexington
grange hall, July 31, 8 to 10 p.m.;
Heppner, August 1, 2 to 4 p.m.,
Methodist church basement.
Ten per cent of your income
3 In War Bonds will help to
build the planes and tanks
that win insure defeat of Hit
ler and his Axis partners.
STAR Reporter
Stick To Your Guns
William Boyd, Brad King, Andy
Clyde, Jacqueline Holt
Hopalong and his pals-in another
exciting western adventure with
plenty of gunplay and hard riding.
Almost Married
Jane Frazee, Robert Paige,
Eugene Pallette
Love's a laugh to everyone but the
bride and groom in this pleasing
The Man Who Came
To Dinner
Bette Davis, Ann Sheridan, Monty
(The Man) Woolley, R. Travis,
Jimmy Durante, Billie Burke
The funniest film of our times about
a man who came to visit, took pos
session and forgot to leave.
Adults 25c
Bargain Night
Children 10c
Drums Along the
Stuart Erwin, Ona Munson
: plus :
Danger in the Pacific
Leo Carrillo, Andy Devine
Priscilla Lane, Robert Cummings,
Norman Lloyd, Otto Knigcr,
Alan Baxter
The startling revelation of the man
behind your back!
: plus :
Cavalcade of Aviation
Vividly portraying America's air
might as it shouts defiance at the
ruthless aggressors.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McMurdo
of Portland visited over the week
end at the home of Mr. McMurdo's
parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMur
do. On their return they were ac
companied by Miss Mildred Clowry
who went on to Gresham where she
is now making her home. Bernard
recently enlisted in the navy and
will enter service as soon as he com
pletes his course in dentistry.
Hanson Hughes and R. E. Driskell
went to McMinnville Friday to at
tend funeral services for Mr. Hugh
es' uncle, and Mrs. Driskell's fath
er, the late I. N. Hughes. Services
were held there Saturday. Mrs.
Driskell had gone to that city a
week previous.
Mr. and Mrs. William Richards of
.Calgary, Can., were visitors this
week at the home of Mrs. Richards'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jom F. Ken
ny. Mr. Richards is an instructor in
the Royal Canadian Air force. Mrs.
Richards was formerly Miss Ilene
Mr. and Mrs. Norton King arrived
Tuesday evening from their home
in Portland and visited until last
evening with relatives and friends.
Mr. King, who recently enlisted in
the army air corps, is still waiting
for orders to report.
Garnet Barratt and Earle Bryant
returned home Friday from Mon
tana where they went several weeks
before to look after sheep interests
of Mr. Barratt. Mr. Barratt had his
sheep sheared while there.
Bill Hyslop, sheep buyer from
Spokane, was here the end of the
week, taking delivery on lambs he
had purchased.
Harold Hill was in The Dalles the
end of the week, undergoing treat
ment for an illness. He is again
looking after his electrical business.
Jack Merrill, who made a busi
iness trip to Salt Lake last week,
has returned home and expects to
enlist in the service shortly.
Miss Betty Doherty was visiting
relatives and friends here Monday
from Pendleton where she is taking
nurse's training.
y Qf tfcc yar
Continued from First Page
tween May and June by 1,700,000
persons to 53,300,000.
The House passed and sent to the
Senate a bill authorizing the Census
Bureau to issue birth certificates
based on its vital statistics to ped
sons unable to obtain them through
normal channels. The 54,000,000
persons in the country whose births
are not recorded could obtain a cer
tificate upon making a sworn appli
cation to a postmaster (or his sub
ordinate) , which would be forwarded
to the bureau to be checked. After
"verification of the application a
birth certificate would be issued so
the persons could work in war pro
duction plants and receive old age
pension benefits.
The OPA announced that East
coast motorists in localities served
by subways, elevated or suburban
railroads would be denied supple
mentary gasoline rations unless
they can establish that such trans
portation facilities are inadequate
for their needs. The new regulations
would apply to all motorists, in
cluding those who help form car
sharing clubs. WPB Chairman Nel
son said after July 22, when the
new rationing system goes into ef
fect in the East, gasoline deliveries
to stations in the area will be based
upon coupons taken in by each sta
tion. The WPB announced estab
lishment of a "buffer zone" in 162
counties adjacent to the western
boundaries of th East coast ration
area, in which deliveries of gasoline
to filling stations will be cut by 25
percent beginning July 22.
The WPB reported 2,736 trucks,
truck trailers and miscellaneous ve
hicles were released to civilians and
to holders of government exemption
permits during the week ended July
11. Since March 9, when the ra
tioning program became effective
almost 52,000 vehicles in all cate
gories have been released to these
two groups. The OPA authorized
local War Price and Rationing
boards to permit use of any reas
onable amount of sugar for home
canning, providing four quarts of
fruit will be canned with each
pound of sugar.
The War Front
A communique from Cairo, Egypt,
reported Maj. Gen. Lewis H. Bre
reton, formerly commander of the
U. S. army air forces in India is now
commander of the U. S. air forces in
the middle east. Gen. Brereton said
American heavy bombers carried out
21 tactical missions in 36 days with
the loss of only three U. S. planes.
The Navy said U. S. casualties in
that theater to date are approxim
ately 44 military and naval person
nel killed, 29 wounded and one civ
ilian employee killed.
The Navy reported damage inflict
ed on the enemy during the battle
of Midway June 3 to 6 included:
approximately 4,800 Japanese killed
or drowned as compared to U. S.
losses of 92 officers and 215 enlisted
men; 20 enemy ships of all classifi
fications sunk or damaged; and an
estimated 275 Japanese aircraft de
stroyed. The U. S. Carrier Yorktown
was put out of action and the de
stroyer Hamann was torpedoed and
sunk. Carribean Defense Comman
der Andrews said "measures for ac
tion against enemy submarines in
this area apparently are proving
very effective" and anti-aircraft
warning systems are greatly im
proved in the Panama Canal Zone.
The Navy announced the sinking of
20 more United Nations merchant
vessels by enemy submarines.
Foreign Relations
President Roosevelt formally pro
claimed a state of war with Hungary,
Rumania and Bulgaria, making na
tionals of those countries residing in
the U. S. subject to regulations gov
erning enemy aliens. The President
announced lend-lease war aid ex
tended by the U. S. from March 11,
1941 when the program began to
June 30, 1942, amounted to $5,205
million of which the June total was
$708 million, highest monthly total
in the 16 months of the program.
The State Department said the U.
S. has signed mutual aid agreements
with Czechoslovakia and Norway,
bringing to nine the number of such
agreements. The department alsi
announced the Vichy French govern
ment has turned down two offers
by President Roosevelt to provide
a safe haven for the French Naval
units now at Alexandria, Egypt.
Army and Selective Service
The Army Air forces present ac
cident rate is 68 percent lower than
in 1930 and 10 percent lower than
the average rate for the 10 years be
tween 1930 and 1940, War Secretary
Stimson said. Mr. Stimson said ev
Values! Values!
Buttons, Threads, Elastics, Qf
Rick Rack, Bias Tapes, ea. mk
Rayon Emb. Floss
All Colors n
Each J.1
Pearl Cotton
For Quilting. Assortment Eg
of Colors. Ball tft
Crochet Thread
White and Colors Co
Ball Ol
Carpet Warp
800-yard Spools 4 Qn
Each JLtJl
Lunch Pails
Fine for School 4
Each 9
Final Clean-up
Women's and Children's Sandals
and Dress Type Shoes! Get Yours
Hand Towels
Cannon , An
Quality J.U
I m
Heppner Gazette Times, July 23, 19425
ery U. S soldier going into a theater
of operations will receive a package
of five grams of crystalline sulfan
ilamide for wounds in addition to 12
sulfanilamide tablets for internal use.
Army Air Forces Commander Ar
nold announced formation of the
troop carrier command charged with
transporting by air the fighting men
and their weapons and supplies in
theaters of operations.
SS headquarters authorized local
boards to defer married men until
all available single men, including
those in war jobs, have been called
and to call men with children last.
President Roosevelt said it is un
likely a decision will be made any
time soon on the drafting of 18 and
19 year old youths for military ser
vice. SS Dircetor Hershey said lo
cal boards may fill up to 10 percent
of their quotas from men deferred
because of illiteracy but who are
otherwise fit for military service.
Navy and Shipping
Three new destroyers were la un -
AttoclidDQii Sale
Canida Bros. Ranch ave decided to iuit farming
so will sell at public auction
the following described property: NWV4, Sec. 24, T. 5 N., R. 28,
E.W.M. The ranch is located five miles NE of Hermiston. Land
will be sold with reasonable down payment and reasonable
terms on balance. All livestock and other property will be cash.
The ranch contains 160 acres of land, with 55 acres in alfalfa
and clover. There is excellent pasture. Well fenced, cross-fenced
Iffifflay, My 3 II
75 HEAD LIVESTOCK 47 Head of Cows of Mixed Breeds, 7 .
Head Coming Two Year Old Heifers, 11 Head Yearlings and
Calves, 5 Head of Work Horses, 10 Dozen W. L. Hens, 3 Sets of
Harness and Collars, 1 Self-Oiler McCbrmick-Deering Mowing
Machine,2 Hay Bucks, 1 Saddle, 1 12-ft. Hay Rake, 1 Wagon and
Rack, 1 4-Horse Fresno, 1 2-Horse Fresno, 1 Springtooth Harrow,
1 Wood-Coal Heating Stove, 1 Majestic Range Stove, 1 Studio
Couch, 1 Buffet, 1 Rocker, 1 Dresser, Some Fruit Jars, and
Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention.
V. R. (BOB) RUNNION, Auctioneer B. I. WHITNEY, Clerk
Come and get your
share of these values
-they won't last long.
Large Size 81x99
While They Last!
Wizard Cases
Full Size 4 Qn
Belle Isle Cases
Just 48 at Attn
This Price JIUl
Terry Towels
sis ;i2ic
Silk Hose
35C Pair
Quilt Scraps 2CBag
Stock' up now at this low price
for quilt making!
Buy Your WAR
at Penney's
ched at the Federal Shipbuilding
Drydock company, Kearney, N. J.
Navy Secretary Knox said an in
creasing number of small boats,
mainly fishing vessels, are being
taken over by the Navy, and crews
are being trained as fast as possible
to augment Ejst coast antisubmarine
patrol. Maritime Commission Vice
Chairman Vickery said American
merchant shipbuilding capacity is
now ample to meet the two-year
goal of 23,000,000 deadweight tons
approximately 2,300 ships -set by
President Roosevelt early this year.
He said July shipbuilding figures in
dicate the nation is 2,000,000 tons
ahead of schedule for 1942. Because
of the "tight situation" in steel,
however, the Maritime Commission
said further plant expansion pro
grams must be curtailed for this rea
son. The commission cancelled its con
tracts with the Higgins corporation
of New Orleans calling for 200 lib
erty ships.
No Sugar
Quality Percales
While 200 yards last. fl ftf
Stock up now! Yard M. U
Gym Shirts, Shorts
For Boys kV
Rayon Briefs
Bargain QQn
Special 091
Men's Briefs
Broken A ln
Sizes Ill
Child's Garters
Suspender 1An
Type 1UC
Part Linen AfA
5 Yards UOK
Dress Shoes
All our better quality women's
dress shoes. Whites and Specta
tors! Hand Towels
Linen 15c