4 Heppner Gazette Times, July 23, 1942 Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 19U Published every Thursday morning by CBAWFOBD PUBLISHING COMFAKT and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, aa second-claas matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $2.50 Two Years 4.50 Three Years 6.00 Six Months 1.25 Three Months 65 Single Copies 05 Official Paper for Morrow County Time To Stop Oregon railroads are asking the state highway commission to des ignate all state highway grade cross ings of main line railroad tracks in this state as particularly dangerous for the duration of the war; meaning that the commission should require all traffic to come to a complete stop before crossing. Congestion of rail facilities and inability to maintain regular sched ules due to' the heavy demand for moving war materiel not only in creases the crossing hazard, but af fords opportunity for great loss in the war effort through any inter ference from highway traffic. A case in point is cited by the railroads: "On May 10th, at 3:20 a.m., four miles west of Rock Springs, Wyo ming, Model 'A' Ford, occupied by three young men, moving from north to south with a clear view ran into the side of the twelfth car from rear end of Extra 9031 East, handling 65 cars, resulting in derailing this car and the nine following cars, which fouled westward main track in the face of passenger Train No. 7 ("The Challenger'), which was moving at approximately 60 miles per hour Engine 803 on Train No. 7 turned over and seven head cars were de railed, resulting in injuries to en gineer, fireman, head brakeman, baggageman, conductor and Pull man porter on Train No. 7; also 44 passengers were slightly injured or shocked. "Included in the ten freight cars which were wrecked were two cars handling airplane wings, which were demolished, also six cars of lumber, the total damage as a result of this wreck amounting to approximately $100,000.00. "This accident tied up the main line for twelve hours, resulting in delaying for ten hours four troop trains and one military supply train. Also, there were four tourist cars of soldiers being handled on rear of Train No. 7." This is just one incident. There have been others where unexcusable collision of highway traffic with trains has interefered with a vital war effort. This incident should in itself prove to everyone that the extra minute or two it takes to stop and make sure before crossing the rail lines is not only well spent in protecting one's self, but it a real patriotio duty in avoiding in any way an accident to the war machine. Not only should the highway commission accede to the reasonable request of the railroads, but every driver on the road should impress upon his conscience his patriotic duty to stop at all crossings. Let 'Em Fly Shipbuilding tycoon Kaiser's plan for getting the ships out of the water and putting them into the air rings like the gong of American genius that has forever come to the front when the country faced an em ergency. It sounds like a big order to build real cargo airplanes for transport ing armies and supplies over the globe. But Mr. Kaiser is used to big orders, and when he says it can be done we must believe him. He has done some of the biggest jobs in the world, he and his associates the big California bay bridges, Boulder, Bonneville, Grand Coulee. Kaiser says the present line assem bly shipbuilding plants he is oper ating can be readily converted into jP 4 m -yinM jum.'ftt "ITS NO USE SIRI WE JUST CAN'T the same type of factories for the big air transports; that the switch over can be made like saying Jack Robinson, and that 5000 of this type of ship can be turned off the assem bly lines the first year, if Uncle Sam will convert a number of plants now building the liberty ships. Kaiser's plan has received popular acclaim, and it will be heeded in Washington. The big ships have al ready been tested and proved, but Kaiser has still bigger ships in mind than those presently made. Uncle Sam will make 'em, and what will happen to the axis when they get into service isn't even funny. It will be the death knell of Hirohito and Hitler. The resounding hum of the new factories will be the dirge of dictatorship. What Mr. Kaiser et al need now is all the scrap metals we folks back home can dig up, along with the money which must go to purchase war bonds. Let's dig up and let the empire builders go to work. While Cigarettes Burn (The Forest Log) Studies made by the Bureau of Standards concerning the cigarette fire problem show striking facts which will be of interest to every fire warden. The bureau's statistics show that in 1937 a total of 54,000 cigarettes were lighted every second and that these cigarettes were thrown away at an average length of one and one-quarter inches and then burn 8.5 to 12 minutes. Six out of nine burn full length On a dried grass pad with a wind of three miles per hour, 85.3 per cent of of the cigarettes ignited the grass. Average time of ignition, five minutes. On Douglas fir duff in Washington, 20 tests set 19 fires. On rotted Douglas fir wood, 10 tests set five fires, but the relative humidity was above 25 per cent which is the critical point. The studies by the bureau further showed that cigar butts go out in 2.3 to 5.17 minutes. They do best in a high wind. In a 9 to 12 mile wind, 39.3 per cent set fires, in an aver age time of 2.41 minutes. With 54,000 cigarettes thrown away every second, and 19 out of 20 of them ready for the beginning of an other forest fire if they land in the woods the forester does have some thing to be concerned about. LUNDELLS WRITE Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lundell who have been in defense work in the Los Angeles district for several months write that they are getting along nicely. Mr. Lundell is work "ing at North American plant, and Mrs. Lundell is secretary to the die shop at National Aircraft Equipment company. Mr. Lundell says they meet many interesting people one of whom, an employee at the same plant where he is working, having been a former fat boy in "Our Gang" comedy. He also enjoyed witnessing a personal appearance and hearing Brig. Gen. James Doolittle when he visited the plant recently. They said to say hello to friends and say that they may see them about Chistmas, "if we are lucky." A G-T want ad will do wonders if you have anything to sell, trade or exchange. Results every time. Copyright 1942, B. P.O. ELKS PAY THEM UNTIL AFTER MAIL CALL" Corporation Report Time Extended J. W. Maloney, collector of inter nal revenue, announces that corpor ations have been granted an exten sion of time to September 29, 1942, within which to file capital stock tax returns for the year ended June 30, 1942. It is not necessary to apply for this extension which is applicable to all corporations. No interest or pen alties will be incurred if returns are filed and the tax paid on or be fore the date as extended. Capital stock tax forms for the year ended June 30, 1942, are not yet available for distribution. The collector states that these forms will not be distributed for some time; but that they will be mailed directly to all corporations filing returns in the district of Oregon, as soon as a supply has been received from Washington, D. C. ADMIRES GRAIN ELEVATING "I never saw anything like it in my days of farming," said W. T, Campbell this morning after just returning from Lexington where he saw some of the new grain being put into the elevator. "In the few minutes I stood there, some 500 bu shels disappeared through the floor. There was never a kernel touched by hand, just a few levers and but tons, that's all there was to it." Mr. Campbell reported good progress on the elevator addition, and this pio neer wheatraiser of the Social ridge section was not a little envious of the new f angled methods. "In. my day every bit of that wheat would have had to be manhandled in sacks and placed in piles," he opined. EXAMINER COMING 30TH A traveling examiner of operators and chauffeurs from the office of the secretary of state, is scheduled to arrive in Heppner on Thursday, July 30, and will be on duty at the city hall between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., according to recent announcement. All those wishing permits or licenses to drive cars are asked to get in touch with the ex aminer during these hours. , Wasted money is wasted Ofe lives. Don't waste precious M lives. Every dollar you can spare should be used to buy Y War Bonds. Buy your ten 1 percent every pay day. Sheriff's Semi-Annual Report, Jan. 1, 1942, to July 1,1942 TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Disbursements 1942 $170,267.14 $170,267.14 1941 11,409.48 11,409.48 1940 1,939.69 1939 1,127.82 1938 1,451.55 1937 53.05 1936 1,396.84 1935-31 6,918.26 1930 & prior .... 2,469.61 Land sales 46,428.89 1,939.69 1,127.82 1,451.55 53.05 1,396.84 6,918.26 2,469.61 46,428.89 $243,462.33 $243,462.33 TEMPORARY AUTO PERMITS $ 121.75 $ 121.75 CIVIL FEES & MILEAGE $ 363.09 $ 363.09 C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. By NEVA S. WELLS, Deputy. County Clerk's Semi-Annual Report, Jan. 1, 1942, to July 1, 1942 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants outstanding - $ 1,461.44 Total of 430 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 22,732.14 $24,193.58 Total warrants paid by Treasurer - 21,577.46 July 1 General Fund Warrants outstanding - $ 2,616.12 GENERAL ROAD FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants outstanding $ 3,819.48 Total of 319 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 32,035.59 $35,855.07 Total warrants paid by Treasurer , 31,691.31 July 1 General Road Fund Warrants outstanding $ 4,163.76 MARKET ROAD FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants outstanding $ 00-00 Total of 65 claims paid by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 6,994.97 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 3,633.57 July 1 Market Road Fund Warrants outstanding $ 3,361.40 DOG FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants outstanding $ 37.00 Total of 7 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 250.60 $ 287.60 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 287.60 TAYLOR GRAZING FUND One claim allowed by County Court Warrant issued for claim $ 231.00 Warrant paid by County Treasurer 231.00 RODENT FUND Jan. 1 Warrants outstanding $ .75 One claim allowed by County Court Warrant isued for above claim 750.00 $ 750.75 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 750.00 July 1 Rodent Fund Warrants outstanding $ - .75 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON June 30, 1942 (Less county owned properties) ASSETS LIABILITIES Cash in hands of Trea- Assessor's 1942-43 Tax surer - $253,008.84 Collections ....$ 565.30 Taxes Receivable (Delin- Warrants outstanding quent) 130,981.64 (General Fund) 2,616.12 Warrants outstanding (General Roads) 4,163.76 Warrants outstanding (Market Roads) 3,361.40 Warrants outstanding (Miscellaneous) .75 Estimated Revenues (Tax es) 130,416.34 Current Surplus (includes amounts due all funds) 242,866.81 $383,990.48 $383,990.48 Outstanding Road Bonds $297,500.00 Respectfully submitted, C. W. BARLOW, County Clerk. County Treasurer's Semi-Annual Report, Jan. 1,1 942, to July 1,1942 Balance on hand January 1st, 1942 .'. $215,352.11 RECEIVED FROM Taxes from Sheriffs office $197,033.44 Taxes, Assessor's collections 565.30 Land sales 46,428.89 Clerk's office fees 970.60 Dog licenses 540.00 Sheriff's fees and mileage 363.09 Sheriffs temporary auto permits 121.75 Interest on time deposits at bank 250.00 Realty rentals 314.50 Sales and rentals, road department 448.98 Weed control 530.20 Miscellaneous fines 424.50 , State refund on motor fuel 1,024.55 Secretary of State for Motor License fund.... 3,515.65 Secretary of State for Fair fund 376.55 Secretary of State for liquor sales 154.06 Secretary of State for Taylor Grazing Act 228.79 Forest reserve rentals 752.50 State Elementary School fund 7,530.92 Tuition, high school from other counties 103.58 Taxes from Umatilla county (Irrigation) 1,085.43 Miscellaneous refunds 777.57 Miscellaneous items 23.57 $263,564.42 Grand Total $478,916.53 DISBURSEMENTS General county expenses $ 21,577.46 General county roads 34,23423 Market roads 3,633.57 General School fund ' 89.30 School district specials 100,037.84 Elementary schools 7,374.72 Non-High School District funds 3,938.88 School districts bond and interest accounts 16,238.50 City specials 12,055.23 County bonds redeemed 8,500.00 Interest on county road bonds 7,483.50 Irrigation district orders 4,872.37 Union High School reconstruction account 1,623.30 Forest fire patrol 2,970.91 Claims on Dog fund 287.60 Rodent control - 750.00 Fines sent State Game Commission 6.25 Taylor Grazing Act - 231.00 Official surveys 3.03 $225,907.69 Balance on hand - $253,008.84 LEON W. BRIGGS, Morrow County Treasurer.