Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 23, 1942, Image 1

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A Week
of the War
(Summary of information on the
important developments of the week
made available by official sources
through noon, EWT, Monday, July
President Roosevelt told his press
conference he is considering asking
Congress for more effective controls
to keep down the cost of living, in
cluding wage control. The national
situation as regards the cost of liv
ing must be kept in line, he said.
The one criterion that must be kept
in mind is what it costs the average
family to live.
The War Labor Board announced
a formula for a national wage stab
ilization policy designed to maintain
workers pur casing power at January
1941 levels. The board said "as a
general rule workers are entitled to
15 percent more wages than they had
on January 1, 1941, to meet the in
creases in living costs from that
date to May .1, 1942. Workers who
have received an increase of 15
percent or more during that period
will not be entitled to raises except
in cases where their rates still are
sub-standard and a raise is neces
sary to wipe out inequalities."
The WLB ordered an increase of
44 cents a day, retroactive to last
February, for 157,000 "little steel"
workers. The union had asked $1 a
day increases. The board ruling also
provided maintenance of union
membership and a checkoff of union
dues. President Roosevelt, referring
to the board's "little steel" ruling,
said the enire national problem of
wages is relative. In production of
an article like steel an increase of
5 percent in the wages would not
force up the cost of living nearly
as much as a comparable increase,
for instance, in a canning factory
that produces food, he said.
Labor Supply
War Manpower Chairman McNutt
reported approximately 12,500,000
persons were working in direct war
employment on July 1, compared
with 9,000,000 on April 1. He es
timated 5,000,000 more will be add
ed to the industry forces during the'
last six months of this year. Feder
al Works Administrator Fleming said
total U. S. employment increased be
Continued on Page Four
Kemp Dick, Lavelle
Pieper Wed in South
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Miss Selma Lavelle
Pieper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Pieper of Lexington, to Private
Kemp Ashton Dick, son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Dick of Heppner.
The ceremony was read by the
Rev. Coyle at the Presbyterian
church in San Diego, California, at
8 p.m. on Friday evening, July 10.
They are former, popular young
people of Morrow county, where
they have lived until recently. The
bride was a graduate with the class
of '42, Lexington high school, and
the groom was graduated from
Heppner high with the class of '40.
At present, they are at San Diego
and Camp Callan, California, where
Mr. Dick is stationed with the army.
Mrs. Dick plans to return soon to
Portland, where she will have a po
sition in an office. She will live at
the home of her grandparents there,
at least part of the time while her
husband is in the service.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dix, who re
turned home Monday from Portland
and coast points, enjoyed attending
the Joseph and Margaret Smith fam
ily reunion at Crescent park in
Portland last Sunday. The Smith's,
pioneers of 1854 were parents of Mr.
Dix's mother, and the reunion has
been an event for many years. Their
donation land claim was on Skyline
boulevard, now in the city of Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Dix called on
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Biddle at De
Lake, and on Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Missildine, who now reside a ways
north of the Yaquina bay lighthouse
on the coast. They report a very
enjoyable trip.
Donald Frederick Kopp of Port
land, charged with non-support and
arrested at Yakima, was arraigned
in circuit court here the end of the
week and given sentence of army
service by Judge C. L. Sweek.
Volume 59, Number 17
Victory Food Meet
Series In County
Begins July 30th
Food Preparation,
Freezing, Canning
to be Demonstrated
The third series of "Food for Vic
tory" meetings will be held in Mor
row county July 30 to August 1, an
nounces C. D. Conrad, Morrow
county agricultural agent. The pre
paration of meat, vegetables, and
fruit in the home for the frozen food
locker or the home canning of meat,
vegetables, and fruits will be dem
onstrated by Miss Lucy A. Case, ex
tension nutritionist, from Oregon
State college. Each community is
given a choice of a freezing or a
canning demonstration. Other meth
ods of food preservation will be dis
cussed if desired, such as drying,
salting, smoking, and storing food.
There will be a chance to ask ques
tions on food preservation problems.
The big job of the rural people in
winning this war, says Secretary of
Agriculture Wickard, is to raise
food. Preservation of surplus food
in the home is very important be
cause it will release commercial
food products for victory purposes.
All farm families are urged to fill
every glass jar available with home
preserved products rather than buy
ing food in tin cans. The supply of
tin has been cut down by the war.
The small number of tin cans which
are available should be conserved
as much as possible for sending
canned food to our armed forces and
allies, and for the use of defense
workers and others who cannot pro
duce food. Home canning in glass
is something that can be done in
every home as a practical war mea
sure and also to assure adequate am
ounts of food and a well-balanced
supply of food for the non-productive
Every woman should be interest
ed in some form of home food pre
servation this year. Everyone will
want to know how to can fruits with
less sugar or what substitutes for
sugar can be used. Pressure cookers
will not be available in any quan
tity; therefore, those who have
Continued on Page Flv
Rev. Bennie Howe was elected
chairman of Morrow county chap
ter, American Red Cross, succeed
ing Rose Leibbrand, recently re
signed, at a meeting in the city
council chambers Monday evening.
Contributions are coming in for
the comfort kits for our soldiers to
be used on shipboard The lone
community has contributed $40.85,
Eightmile $16, Pine City $2, and the
Irrigon Room Improvement club $15.
Donations for Heppner and vicin
ity may be left at Humphreys Drug
store or with Florence Bergstrom,
chapter secretary, at the county ag
ent's office.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Redding left
Friday for Pendleton where Mr.
Redding expected to complete his
course in civilian air training and
accept an offer to teach in the school
where he has been studying for sev
eral months. Mr. Redding had only a
few hours more flying to qualify
for his "solo." He has been teller in
the local bank for more than a year,
besides filling the office of treasurer
in the Elks. Well wishes of a host of
friends accompany the Reddings to
their new home.
In announcing office hours of the
local rationing board last week this
paper inadvertently gave the hours
on Saturday from 1 to 1 They
should have read 10 to 12 on this
day. Week day hours are from 10 to
12 mornings, and 1 to 4, afternoons.
88 '18 to 20 Boys
Given Order Numbers
Boys 18 to 20 years of age who
registered under the last draft call
in Morrow county have been issued
order numbers in the order of their
birthdays. The oldest registrant of
this registration received serial num
ber Nl and order number 10274 and
so down the list with the youngest
registrant receiving the last serial
number and order number. As reg
isrants become 20 years of age they
are eligible for service under pre
sent regulations. Registrants, with
order numbers are:
V10274 Donald Ernest Edwards (who
volunteered and so received the let
ter V), 10275 Henry Theadore Pet
erson, .10276 Frank Martin Lovgren,
10277 Clifford Lester Parshall, 10278
Ralph Kenneth Skoubo, 10279 Don
ald Kenneth Evans, 10280 Francis
Michael Gau, 10281 Albert Ted Pal
mateer, 10282 Jack Daniel Merrill,
10283 Laurence Donald Patterson,
10284 Leo Raymond Hasenoehrl,
10285 George Robert Greenup, 10286
Thomas Ralph Everson, 10287 Ray
M. Schenck, 10288 Dale Kenneth
Russell, 10289 Roy Owen Obert,
10290 Eugene Frank Majeske, 10291
Norman Maurice Bergstrom, 10292
Charles Arthur Nelson, 10293 Bill
Joe Eubanks, 10294 Keith Sylvester
Marshall, 10295 Earl Eugene Wells,
10296 Willard Allen Blake;
10297 Clarence Edwin Baker, 10298
Daniel Ray Dinges, 10299 Donald
Robert Miles, 10300 Joseph Francis
Farley, 10301 Claud LeRoy Finley,
Jr., 10302 Irvin FJdred Rauch, 10303
Claude Jackson Pettyjohn, 10304
Clyde Frederick Pettyjohn, 10305
Gordon Thomas O'Brien, 10306 Man
cell John Krebs, 10307 Marion George
Krebs, 10303 Donald Wilson Jones,
Dr. R. C. Lawrence
Called into Service
Dr. R. C. Lawrence, local dentist,
received orders from headquarters
of the Ninth Corps area yseterday
to report for service at Fort Douglas,
Utah, not later than August 1.
Dr. Lawrence has held a commis
sion in the army reserves since
graduation from North Pacific Den
tal college. He practiced at Pen
dleton for several years before com
ing to Heppner about eight years
ago. Besides practicing dentistry,
Dr. Lawrence has been prominent
in civic and fraternal circles, being
secretary of the Elks lodge and hav
ing served as a director of the
Heppner Rodeo. He has also taken
the lead in several home talent mu
sical and stage productions, and has
been a member of the Men About
Town orchestra.
Dr. Lawrence said he will not dispose-
of his practice here, and ex
pects to return to Heppner at the
end of his service with the army.
'Chink' Population
Increased by 2400
Morrow county's Chinese pheasant
population is being increased by 2400
birds. Sportsmen fondly call them
J. Logie Richardson, president of
Morrow County Hunters and Ang
lers club, assisting with the distri
bution, announced that 600 birds
were released each day Tuesday,
yesterday and today and an addi
tional 600 will be released. Of the
big Mongolian type, these birds have
proved popular with sportsmen, and
plentiful game is expected for the
coming open season.
Major Carlton E. Spencer, assist
ant state director of Selective Serv
ice for Oregon, from Salem, arrived
in Heppner last evening on an of
ficial visit. He was reported ill at
his room in the hotel this morning.
Major Spencer was registrar at Uni
versity of Oregon from 1919 to 1927,
and was a member of the university
law school staff before entering the
Heppner, Oregon,
10309 Eugene Kenneth Jackson, 10310
George Frederick Lindi, 10311 John
Lindsay Tullis, 10312 Ermyl Elgin
Buell, 10313 Melvin La Verne Brady.
10314 Jimmie Richard Ledbetter,
10315 Bill Arne Lindi, 10316 Ray
Perry Patterson, 10317 Gerald Le
Roy Irons, 10318 Alex Hays Thomp
son; 10319 Donald Eugene Bennett,
10320 Jackson Cantwell Holt, 10321
Harman Fredrick Wallace, 10322
John Francis McLaughlin, 10323
Raymond Howard Turner, 10324
Thomas Claud Huston, 10325 Don
ald Ivan Campbell, 10325A James
Orval Bay, 10326 Gene Francis Em
pey, 10327 Ray Clayton Ayers, 10328
Freddie Richard Papincau, 10329
Ralph Leon Tyler, 10330 Robert Eu
gene Wagner, 10331 Frank Leicht
Jr., 10332 Donald William Wardi
10333 John Ralph Frederickson,
10334 Charles Richard McElligott,
10335 Robert William Voile, 10336
Henry Aiken, Jr., 10337 William Mal
colm Scrivner, 10338 Merle Edwin
Burkenbine, 10339 John J. Lane;
10340 Joseph Daniel Way, 10341
Donald Kendall Peck, 10342 Andrew
Marion Jones, 10343 Howard Andy
Deitlaf, 10344 Clarence Alven Bu
chanan, 10345 Claude Wallace Drake,
10346 John Robert O'Harra, 10347
James Ernest Tyler, 10348 Johnny
Melvin Skuzeski, Jr., 10349 Kenneth
George Hoyt, 10350 Lura Lyle Ste
phens, 1C351 Robert Oliver Smith,
10352 Pat O'Brien, 10353 Carl Miller
Marquardt, 10354 Glenn Warfield,
10355 Paul Vorus Rietmann, 10356
Fred Eugene Smith, 10357 Roy Ed
win Mall, Jr., 10358 Delmer Oliver
Crawford, 10359 William Hale Nich
ols, 103G0 Irl Conmey Clary.
Fifteen local draft board regis
trants and one transfer were in
ducted into service at Portland last
week, while three other enlistees
were also mustered in.
Volunteers were Harley Everet
Wright, Patrick Francis Joyce and
Donald Ernest Edwards. Harley
Wright was the first man in Morrow
county to volunteer but various ill
ness and accidents prevented his be
ing accepted until now. Pat Joyce
was the second volunteer of the
February registrants. Donald Ed
wards registered with selective ser
vice on June 29.
Selectees were Vester Dallis Hams,
Alf Haaland, Ernest Jefferson Ed
wards, Allen Thiel, LeRoy Henry
Meyer, Guy Edward Hastings, Wil
liam Sherman Tucker, Floyd Wil
liam Wiles, Donald Irving Freder
ickson, Forrest Loyal Huntting,
Douglas Elmo Drake (leader of this
contingent of selectees), Clifford
Charles Amans, Omer Kennilworth
McCaleb, Wilfred Louis Plumon
dore, Albert Edward Winkelman.
The transfer to the local board for
induction was Lester Lawrence Dun
gan. Several of the men returned home
for 14 days furough before report
ing for active service. Omer Mc
Caleb was appointed acting corporal
to lead the group.
Roy Dean Bagcock and Warren
Herman McCoy were selectees of
Morrow county local board in the
June induction call who were trans
ferred to other local boards for in
duction and recently accepted for
military service.
Recent enlistments of local board
registrants are announced, including
John Thomas Mahon and Warren
Herman McCoy, in the lavy, and
Donald Edwin Turner, in the army.
A large barn at the ranch of Mrs.
Hilma Anderson was overturned by
heavy wind on July 3. Frank An
derson, ranch manager, was pleased
to learn that comprehensive insur
ance purchased that morning cover
ed cost of damage.
Thursday, July 23, 1942
Scrap Harvest Here
Slated To Start
Middle Of Sept.
Concerted Effort to
Get War Materials
Started at Meeting
Morrow county's scrap harvest
will bogin just following wheat har-
vest or about September 15 as a re
sult of a meeting at which the Mor
row county USDA war board, civ
ilian defense council, machinery
dealers and press were represented.
The scrap harvest will include all
items important to the war effort,
including scrap iron, other metals,
rubber, rags and other scrap mater
ials needed, but the greatest em
phasis will be placed on scrap iron
of which it is estimated there are
several carloads yot in the county.
The results of the scrap rubber
drive were very good' with more
than 155,000 pounds having been
turned in, but the support that has
been given, to the scrap iron has
not been nearly so good.
While most of the rubber has
come in, and everyone doing their
part should be commended, it is
known that some still exists in the
county and assembly centers for
scrap rubber will be continued. Ser
vice stations and oil dealers who so
wholeheartedly helped with the
scrap rubber drive are to be com
plimented for their services. They
can no longer pay for rubber but
will continue to accept it.
Tentative plans were made for
having freight cars spotted at Hepp
ner, Lexington and. lone for the be
ginning days of the fall scrap har
vest with arrangements for a place
for each individual to weigh his
scrap and receive a weight receipt
before the scrap is thrown on the
car. After the scrap is sold, the re
ceipts will be honored pro rata.
A suggestion was made for having
public scrap depots in every town
with sections for scrap iron, other
metals, rags, rubber and so on.
While the depots would not be very
sightly, still the scrap of our nation
will be one of the deciding factors
in this war and if all our scrap is
not contributed the appearance of
our town may mean nothing to any
of us in the next few years.
The paper salvage work will be
discontinued until fall and everyone
is urged to keep all their newspa
pers, magazines and other flat pa
pers and have them ready when
they are again needed.
Because of the labor shortage and
the urge of harvest no scrap will be
collected until fall, but everyone is
asked as one of his contributions to
the war effort to sort and get his
scrap ready for the harvest.
It was brought out at the meet
ing that there are still several scrap
iron piles in the county fully visi
ble from our highways which noth
ing has been done about and many
people are wondering why some
thing hasn't been done. While the
collection of this material will be
postponed until after harvest, it was
felt that a little action on the part
of the individuals having such scrap
piles in getting it sorted and ready
to deliver would leave a better feel
ing on the part of people who see it
day after day.
While there will be no special
dnve for the assemblying of bur
lap sacks, everyone is urged to pick
up all burlap sacks on their prem
ises and dispose of them through the
warehouses who are in a position to
pay for them at what they are worth.
City people are especially urged to
look in their garages, basements and
store rooms for sacks as it is felt the
every family will have a few burlap
sacks which will help very mater
ially in relieving the wheat storage
situation in our counfy this year.
Mrs. John Fuiten and baby son,
Wayne, returned home last Thurs
day evening from the hospital in