2 Heppner Gazette HARDMAN NEWS Hardman Couple Pass 58th Wedded Year By ELSA M. LEATHERS Flsyd Reed was the only boy to register at this board in the group 18 to 20. He is the nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reed of Reed's mill. Kenneth Batty visited in Hard man over the Fourth from Monu ment, staying with the Neal Knight en's. Mir. and Mrs. Vern Dalzell of Eightmile visited at the Ad Inskeep home Sunday. Mrs. Sabin and daughter Ollie of Kinzua spent the Fourth here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Sr., celebrated their 58th wedding anni versary the second of this month. They were married in Indiana but have lived in Morrow county for many years on a homestead in Bur ton valley before they moved to town. Mr. McDaniel is going on 81 years of age while Mrs. McDaniel is 76. Miss Maxene McDaniel went to the Laurence Jones ranch to help in harvest, Monday. Richard Robinson came up from Portland for the Fourth to visit his mother and small son, Dicky. Mrs. Roy Robinson is spending a few days in Heppner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDon ald. Mr. McDonald is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Schnitzer and family of Shelton, Wash., were vis iting friends in this community this week. The Schnitzers used to live here, having moved to Shelton some six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gilbert of Spokane were spending the Fourth at Reed's mill. Mrs. Gilbert was formerly Jean Reed. Mrs. Ella Bleakman was pleasant ly surprised on her birthday when all of her children came home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Redding and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed and small daugh ter, all of Zornes camp, Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Townsend of Stanfield and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDon ald and family of Heppner flat. Les lie was home. She was presented a very lovely set of pottery dishes besides many other nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapel and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sargent of Port land have been visiting at the Blaine Chapel home over Saturday and Sunday, having come up for the funeral of Mr. Chapel's sister, Mrs. Hattie Johnson. They also were visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams and sons visited at Kinzua over the Fourth with their son and family, Harlan Adams. Perry Adams came home with them and is visiting here now. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas McDaniel vis ited in Lonerock Saturday. Miss Romona McDaniel returned home with them. Fan Miller spent Saturday and Sunday in town from the mountains where he is with the Ball arid Ma honey sheep. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten and family went to Portland the first of the week on business. Miss Vera McDaniel spent the Fourth at home from Ruggs, where she works. Mr. and Mrs. ' Marvin Brannon went ' to Lonerock and Condon on the Fourth. Donald Morton accom panied them. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren and family, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leath ers and Junior and Mike Salings spent the Fourth at the John Day forest station where Ed McDaniel and C. H. McDaniel are stationed. Mollie Mclntyre spent several days at the ranch from Pendleton where she is employed. Mr. and Mr. G. E. Fulkerson and son Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Mc Intyre, all of Hamilton, spent the Fourth with Mrs. Fulkerson's bro ther, Ed Morland, here. Guy Hastings is spending a few days at home, visiting friends and relatives before going to the army July 15. John M. Hastings is also in that call. CALL FOR WARRANTS Outstanding warrants of School District No. 1, Morrow County, Or egon, numbered 7714 to 7893 inclu sive, will be paid on presentation to the district clerk. Interest on said warrants ceases July 10, 1942. EVELYN ISOM, Clerk, School District No. 1, , Heppner, Oregon. Times, July 9, 1942 How to Display 0 s5isi3iisir j OUR TO tilUHB f(IIf! IISmI jj MttlnttWi Mi DMa c 1 I E 3 nut Ma Hi U K 1m C Till rTlin SUSlurSS Si 1 ipu A BmiMTW u . f M A single poster may show the ceiling prices for a group of related items -such as dentifrices. The list should be located near the place where the merchandise is sold and should be printed in letters large enough to be clearly readable from the point of purchase. IRRIGON NEWS By MRS. J. A. SHOUN Mrs. Beelin of the Leicht camp spent the week end in Portland. Joe Stephens who has been spend ing two weeks with his sisters in Seattle and Portland got home the morning of the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rider and two children of Yakima spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. C. W. Grimm and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marquam went to see Mrs. Stella Doll and reports she is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Umaker and two little daughters of Castle Rock are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Leicht. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dexter and three children brought Mrs. Haney and two children back from a week's visit. They all spent the Fourth here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brace are back after a week's honeymoon trip to Payette Lake, Idaho. The Irrigon depot has a new coat of paint. Mrs. Verda Isom and 'daughter Donna went back to Richmond, Cal., to join her husband who works in the shipyards there. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allen spent the day of the Fourth with the H. W. Grimm family. Mrs. James Arnberg spent the Fourth with the M. J. Smith family. Mr. and Mrs. James Shoun of Walla Walla spent the Fourth with his mother, Mrs. J. A. Shoun. His father, J. A. Shoun was also down from the Heppner ranch. They put up a stack of hay while here. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Mundane and two children, Lee, J. Mundane and Leo Hasenochrl, spent the holiday with their parents and friends in Culdesac, Idaho. The men work at the Umatilla ordnance depot. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Coulter and children went with Mr. and Mrs. McFarland of Umatilla. They spent the holiday at Olive lake. Donna Marie, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Allen, is im proving after more than a week's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Goodman have gone to Portland. Mr. Goodman in tends to join the coast guard. Mrs. Tom Caldwell is visiting with her three sons, Vernon, Clair and Wayn, all of Portland. She spent last week at Brooks. Rev. Chester Wilson preached at the Pentecostal church Sunday in place of Dr. Hazelrig who is at the camp meeting. The principal occupation of a good many of the men here has been fighting grass fires. They caused quite a lot of excitement but have all been stopped before they reach ed buildings and crops. Chester Wilson is hauling lumber for Ernest Stephens. They are get- Ceiling Prices PINE CITY NEWS By BERN ICE WATTBNBURGER The Pine City ladies met Thurs day afternoon and voted to close for the next two months because of harvest and warm weather. They will start again in September. Mrs. Alta E. Strain of Weiser, Idaho, visited her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Watten burger. Her other daughter, Mrs. Floyd Van Orsdall of Pendleton joined them on Sunday and spent the day. Mrs. Strain has been visit ing for two weeks in Portland with her son. She left Sunday evening for her home in Weiser. A number from Butter creek help ed fight fire in the Alpine district Friday evening. The Fred Rauch, Bill Doherty and Henry Vogler wheat was all in danger. J. S. Moore who has been here from Seattle for two months to help build a grain elevator, returned to his home Friday. Many from Butter creek attended the rodeo at George Attebury's place. Miss Betty Finch is working at the Russell Moore home. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughter spent Sunday evening at the Eb Hughes home in Lena. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bartholo mew are spending' a few days in Spokane looking after his sheep. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore and sons and Miss Betty Finch spent Sunday in the mountains, fishing. Sunday dinner guests at the E. B. Wattenburger home were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van Orsdell and Mrs. Frances Van Orsdell of Pendleton, Mrs. Alta E. Strain, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger. The men spent the day fishing and returned home with a nice catch. ting ready to build a home on their lots in Irrigon. Mrs. Myrtle Markham and three daughters and Rev. Hazelrig and Joe Wilson got back Monday eve ning. Mrs. Roy Minnick and daughter Luella spent from the third to the sixth in Gibbon with Mr. Minnick. He is in charge of the U. P. con struction work there. Alfred Goodman and Frank Brace were injured, not seriously, and the car demolished, and the driver of the truck was badly hurt, when a truck hit the car, parked on the side of the road Monday evening while the men were fighting fire. Mrs. Hazelrig and Rev. and Mrs. Davis got back from Bremerton Tu esday evening. They had been hold ing revival meetings there. Leroy Minnick and Bob Larson spent the holiday week end at Bing ham springs. Herman Duus and Jack Browning have been off their jobs at the Uma tilla ordnance depot because of flu. Wesley Haney has the measles. IOXE NEWS Lightning Causes Fires in lone District By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH In spite of the ban on Fourth of July fireworks, this community had an abundance of pyrotechnic dis plays on July third and fourth, when the heat wave broke with a violent electric storm. On Friday evening watchers in the Morgan dis trict reported five fires visible at one time. Little damage was caused there, and some farms now have "fire guards" which will make them safe for the rest of the summer. Near lone H. V. Smouse lost about fifty acres of barley and James Lindsay lost the lumber from which he was building grain bins on the Dismore place, Friday in a fire starting from a match and carried on by high winds. Leo Nutting of Walla Walla was seriously injured on Thursday when he fell 24 feet while working on the Elmer Griffith elevator at Morgan. He fell into the interstice between the steel bins, and it was necessary for the other workmen to lower a rope to him. He tied this around his body, and so was pulled out. An ambulance summoned from Heppner took him to a physician there for first aid, and he was taken to the hospital in Pendleton. Besides scratches and bruises, he suffered a broken leg. G. C. Gordon of Vancouver, Wash., spent the week end here, returning Monday. He is a brother of Mat thew Gordon. Mr. Gordon is em ployed on a boat of the Shaver For warding company, which carries government supplies to Bonneville. The H. E. C. will meet Friday, July 17 at the Grange hall for an all day meeting. The grange will meet on the 18th, nd will have a victory progrm during the lecture hour. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindstrom of Morgan drove to Elgin Saturday to take home Mrs. Lindstrom's neph ews, Ernest and David Turner. They returned the next day. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odom spent several days in Salem the last of the week. Louis Buschke of Morgan left Sunday in response to orders to re port for induction into the navy construction corps, in which he en listed some time ago. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson and son of Portland are spending their vacation here, with Mr. Swan son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson. They live in Portland. Clarence Harris brought his wife and baby daughter home from the hospital in Pendleton early Satur day morning. George Ely and Cleo Drake spent the week end at Ritter. Mrs. Ed Bergstrom is in the Good Samaritan hospital where she un derwent a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse re turned Sunday to their home in Portland after a visit at the home of Mr. Smouse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Smouse. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell spent the Fourth at Bingham springs. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell have word that their son Richard, a re cent draftee, is stationed at Fort Jefferson, Mo. Clarence Linn is stationed at Bremerton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eubanks of Portland spent the week end here. They returned recently from Los Angeles. Jimmy Torson of Portland is a guest of his school friend, Donald Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson and granddaughter, Carol Odom, return ed Wednesday from Salem, where they visited the George Kitching family. DON TURNER IN ARMY , Don Turner, son of Mayor and Mrs. J. O. Turner, was accepted for enlistment in the U. S. Army med ical corps this week and will report at San Francisco July 15 to enter training. Are you entitled to wear a "target" lapel button? You 35 are if you are investing at least ten percent of your in come in War Bonds every pay day. It's your badge of patriotism. 1 LEXINGTON NEWS Mrs. Sarah Thornburg Passes at Spokane By MARGARET SCOTT C. Carmichael, Joe and Coy Thornburg went to Spokane Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt and family and Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Walker and family spent Saturday in the moun tains. Wilbur Steagall and daughter June spent Monday in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family, Mrs. Laura Scott and Mrs. Melissa Stonebraker spent Saturday at the Elmer Hunt home. Marcella Jackson has returned home after visiting relatives . in Hubbard. Louise Hunt is visiting in Salem. Carla Lee Whillock returned home Sunday night after visiting at the home of her grandmother in Spray. Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and son Dick, Jerry Scott, and Norman Ruhl spent the week end at the Gene Gray home in Stanfield. They were ac companied home by Skippy Ruhl who spent the past three weeks there. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Vinson and son and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bu chanan and family spent Saturday in Stanfield. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott spent the week end at Paulina lake near Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and family spent Saturday at Hidaway. Gerald Connor of Oregon City is a guest of his cousin, Dean Hunt. Doris Williams is visiting rela tives in Vader, Wash., and Mrs. Roy Williams is visiting her mother in Heppner. Tim Scott spent the week end in Heppner at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sprinkel. Sandra Whillock spent the week end at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Anderson, in Spray. Elwynne Peck of Portland is a guest at his parents' home. Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Sarah Thornburg in Spokane on Sunday. Mrs. Thorn burg was formsrly a resident here. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wil liams this week end were Mrs. Wil liam Melvin and daughter of Cha pel Hill, North Carolina, Mrs. J. K. Blowers from Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lipford of Vader, Wash. Monday callers at the Vernon Scott home were Emma Wehmeyer and Clara Sprinkel of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Vinson mo tored to Pendleton one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray and Jimmy Davis motored to Stanfield Sunday. Lou Broadley of Portland is vfsit ing here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMillan of Portland spent the week end at the S. G. McMillan home. Lyle Allyn is visiting here from his army duties. Mr. and Mrs. Winkler of Portland and Carrie McMillan spent the week end at the Earl Warner home. ARMY SERVICE OPEN Men who have had marine exper ience now may take service in the Army of the United States, Lieut. Col. B. H. Hensley, district recruit ing and induction officer for Ore gon, revealed recently with an nouncement that the Army is in ur gent need of a limited number of men for assignment to the engineer amphibian command. Slated to per form operations on land and sea, boatswains, coxswains, deckhands, fishermen, yachtsmen, oystermen, first mates, ship carpenters, motor boat or radio operators, riggers, wel ders, cooks, signalmen, engine spe cialists; master, tractor, diesel and automobile mechanics; auto repair foremen and engine specialists who can produce documentary evidence of qualification will be accepted. Ap plications for enlistment may be made at the U. S. Army recruiting office, 323 Main Post Office Build ing, Portland, or at one of the sub stations located in the post office buildings at Salem, Eugene, Medford, Klamath Falls and Boise, Idaho. APPRECIATION I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to those who assisted in putting out the grass fire at my place in Dutton canyon, July 4. FRANK S. PARKER.