Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 02, 1942, Image 1

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A Week
of the War
(Summary of information on the
important developments of the week
made available by official sources
through noon EWT, Monday, June
President Roosevelt and British
Prime Minister Churchill, in a joint
statement on the results of their
Washington conferences, said the
discussions covered "all of the ma
jor problems of the war. . . . We have
conducted our conferences with the
full knowledge of the power and re
sourcefulness of our enemies. . . .
While exact plans, for obvious rea
sons, cannot be disclosed, it can
be said that the coming operations
. . . will divert German strength from
an attack on Russia."
'Transportation of the fighting
forces, together with the transport
ation of munitions of war and sup
plies, still constitutes the major
problem of the United Nations," the
statement said. "While submarine
warfare on the part of the Axis
continues to take heavy toll of car
go ships . . . production of new ton
nage is greatly increasing month by
month (and) it is hoped that as a
result of steps planned at this con
ference the respective Navies will
further reduce the toll of merchant
War Production
The President reported American
plants in. May produced 4,000 air
planes, more than 1,500 tanks, about
2,000 artillery and anti-tank guns
Continued on Page Four
AAA Loan Basis Set
On Wheat, Barley
No eligible county producer need
accept a price of less than 85 per
cent of parity for his barley, wheat
or rye this year, regardless of the
market price, reminds Henry Baker,
chairman of the county AAA. com
mittee, in announcing 1942 loan
rates on these crops in this county.
Baker believes that the barley
loan is especially important this
year. Eecauiie of the unusually
large crop in prospect, current mar
ket quotations are relatively low,
and contracts to purchase the com
ing crop are being offered growers
at prices considerably below the
1942 loan value.
Barley of any class grading No. 5
or better is eligible for a loan. The
rates are:
N. 1. Barley $25.00 per ton.
No. 2 Barley $24.58 per ton.
No. 3 Barley $23.75 per ton.
No. 4 Barley $22.50 per ton
No. 5 Barley $20.83 per ton.
These rates apply to barley stored
either on the farm or in a warehouse,
and any producer in compliance
with the 1942 AAA program is eli
gible for a loan. Storage charges
on warehouse loans must be paid
in advance to April 30, 1943.
The loan value for rye grading
No. 2 or better is also sixty cents
a bushel, stored either on the farm
or in a warehouse.
Wheat loan rates for 1942 are be
tween 15 and 16 cents a bushel
higher than last year, and in addi
tion, a storage allowance of seven
cents a bushel will be advanced on
all farm storage loans. This pro
vision, the chairman pointed out,
offers assistance to growers who
have to provide their own storage
for the coming crop.
Wheat loan rates for county rail
points were announced as follows:
(Rates are cents per bushel bulk or
No. 1 Hard Federation, No. 1
White Federation, No. 1 Baart, and
No. 1 Bluestem grading Hard White
Cecil $1,115, Ewing $1,115, Hepp
ner $1,109, lone $1,109, Jordan $1,109,
Lexington $1,109, McNab $1,109,
Morgan $1,112, Rhea $1,115.
No. 1 Soft White, No. 1 Western
White, No. 1 Hard Winter, No. 1
White Club, No. 1 Red Winter, No.
1 Western Red, No. 1 Northern
Spring Cecil $1,105, Ewing $1,105,
Heppner $1,099, lone $1,099, Jordan
$1,099, Lexington $1,099, McNab $1.
099, Morgan $1,102, Rhea $1,105.
Coupled with payments totaling
23.4 cents a bushel for planting
within allotments and devoting 20
percent of the cropland to soil con
serving practices, these loan rates
will bring wheat growers parity for
their 1942 wheat, the chairman said.
Volume 59, Number 14
43 Farms Served
By New Star Route
Out To Butter Creek
Hinton, Lena, Sand
Hollow Folks Getting
Mail Since Yesterday
Forty-three' farms in Morrow
county, many of which were not for
merly on a mail route, received their
first mail yesterday from W. H. I.
Padberg, carrier on the new Hepp-ner-Butter
Creek mail route real
ized after many years of concerted
community effort.
"The people were tickled," said
"Buck," as friends familiarly ad
dress the new carrier. "And I had
the mail to the end of the route by
11 o'clock."
Starting at Heppner, the route
goes over a circuit out Hinton creek
and over Jones hill to Lena, back
down Butter creek to the Bartholo
mew ranch, and back over the hill
through Sand Hollow and Black
horse, a total distance of 62 miles.
Buck said he drove 70 miles yes
terday, however, making some un
necessary calls off the road to inform
people of the new service.
The mail is delivered over the
new route daily except Sundays and
holidays, and is known as Star Route
No. 2. Star Route No. 1 goes to
While the route has added work
for the local postoffice force, Chas.
B. Cox, postmaster, says they are
mighty glad to do it, and are coop
erating to the limit with the people
served to the end that they may have
the very best service possible. That,
also is the object expressed by the
new carrier.
Served by the new route are J. G.
Barratt, Harold Cohn, E. L. Grosh
ens, Mrs. James T. Morgan, Chas.
Monagle, William Francis, John
Hanna, Mrs. Lottie Kilkenny, Wm.
H. Instone, Walter and Chas. Luck
man, John Brosnan, Jerry Brosnan,
Ralph Jones, Percy Hughes, Edwin
Hughes, C. Vinson, Frank Swaggart,
George Currin, Joe Kenny, Harold
Wilkins, Marion Finch, John Healy,
Jim Daley, Chas. Bartholomew, H.
T. Vogler, Guy Abercrombie, Rus
sell Moore, Frank Saling, R. B. Rice,
Edward Rice, Archie Munkers,
Claud White, David Hynd, Sam Tur
ner, Jim Valentine, Ray Drake, E.
E. Edwards, Frank Moyer, Willie
Steagle, Harry Duvall, Bernard Do
herty, Oral Scott, John Lane.
18 TO 20 -YOUTHS
Ninety-nine youths 18 to 20 years
of age were signed in the fifth draft
registration completed in Morrow
county Tuesday, announces the lo
cal selective service board.
Bert Johnson, chairman, thanks
registrars and those who donated
places of registration, for their
wholehearted . cooperation.
The fifth draft completes registra
tion of available manpower in the
country between the ages of 18 and
65. The fifth draft registrants are
not now subject to call for military
service, as the selective service act
provides for drafting men only above
20 years of age.
Here, as over the country, the
number registered in the 18 to 20
age group was below expectancy, ac
cording to observation of the local
Report has been received of the
recent death in The Dalles of Jos
eph Gilbert Kelly, who died follow
ing a tooth extraction. Kelly, a na
tive of Montana, had been in Hepp
ner for more than a year, doing
farm and mill work.
W. A. Hayes of Spokane, Wash.,
is visiting friends and relatives for
several days, expecting to remain
for the annual Hayes family picnic
on Rhea creek the Fourth of July.
Inflation Control Plan
Put Under
The word inflation and what it
means will eventually find its way
into every home in America if pre
sent plans carry out.
The government is out to control
inflation, which can be expressed in
other words as controlling the high
cost of living. In order to succeed
in this campaign it is necessary that
the man on the street, in the fac
tory, and on the farm know what
the program is all about and why it
is important.
The Federal Cooperative Exten
sion service with its county agents,
home demonstration, and 4-H club
agents has been given the job of
getting this and other war emer
gency information to every rural
Secretary of Agriculture Wickard
has stated, "I am depending on ex
tension to train a much larger num
ber of local volunteer leaders to
help in carrying forward all phases
of agriculture's wartime program"
With preliminary plans made last
week at meetings in all thirty-six
Oregon counties the extension ser
vice in Oregon is undertaking to
carry out through every county,
community, and ultimately to every
neighborhood, the story about in
flation, how it is a threat to the
war effort, and a threat to the well
being of every person in the coun-
Some Goozelberries,
About the Biggest
Wot We Ever Saw
An apt subject for a certain
radio and movie news commenta-
tor is the sample of good old Eng-
lish gooseberries left on the edi
tor's desk the first of the week by
David Hynd. Lacking the expert's
version, however, they have caused
many ohs and ahs from those who
have viewed them.
About the size of bing cherries,
and several times as large as the
berries the same bushes put out
in a normal season, the fruit is
evidence of the exceptionally fine
growing season at Rose Lawn
ranch, Sand Hollow.
Commercial Credit
To Aid Grain Storage
Though the extent of the relief
has not been definitely determined,
there will be assistance given Mor
row county farmers in storing the
wheat crop now about to be taken
off, reports the county ACA office.
Commercial Credit corporation,
through whom AAA grain loans are
made, has given assurance that they
will provide bins for farm storage
of wheat on which they have loans,
as far as possible. Three carloads of
these bins have already arrived for
distribution in the state, and one
carload is destined for this section,
reports the ACA office. How many
more will be available has not yet
been learned.
The bins are of wooden lock-joint
construction, requiring no nails.
Tribute was paid the 17 years of
continuous service of the Heppner
Lions club by retiring president, J.
O. Turner, at a special evening meet
ing at the Methodist church last
Monday evening, when a bounteous
repast was served by ladies of the
church and C. J. D. Bauman officia
ted at an original installation cere
mony for new officers. Chas. W. Bar
low was installed president; Lee
Howell, first vice president; Bruce
Stewart, second vice president; K.
A. House, secretary-treasurer; How
ard Bryant, tailtwister; J. O. Turner,
lion tamer, and Dr. A. D. McMurdo
and Dr. L. D. Tibbies, directors.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Olan Ap
plegate (Rosanna Farley), at Hood
River, June 30, a 7 pound son,
Richard Olan.
Heppner, Oregon,
Way Here
try, particularly the farmers.
The seven points of the inflation
control program include heavier
taxing, discouraging credit buying,
wage fixing, price ceilings, ration
ing, and farm price stabilization.
Chairmen of the Morrow county
agriculture program planning com
mittees at a meeting in the county
agent's office last Friday approved
the Neighborhood Leader plan of
getting inflation control and other
war emergency information to all
rural people and divided the coun
ty into communities and appointed
a man and a woman leader for each
community. At a meeting next week
the community leaders will divide
the entire county into neighbor
hoods of five to ten families in each
and appoint a man and a woman
neighborhood leader for each.
Communities and community lea
ders appointed at the Friday meet
ing included the following:
City of Heppner, Chas. B. Cox,
Madge Thomson; Heppner Farming
Area, C. N. Jones, Alta Brown;
Eigtmile-Hardman, Mrs. Floyd Ad
ams, Ed Rugg; Butter Creek, Mabel
Hughes, Chas. Bartholomew; Lex
ington, Mrs. George Peck, Clyde
Denney; lone, Vida Heliker, Fred
Mankin; Irrigon, Mrs. W. R, Honey,
Frank Frederickson; Boardman,
Minnie McFarland, W. A. Baker.
Morrow county is on a current
basis on all bills following action of
the court at the regular meeting last
Monday. -. . . . . ,, , ...
The court ordered warrants
drawn for payment in full of all
open accounts, which included a
number of road equipment bills
that were being carried on an in
stallment basis.
The action was made possible by
an unexpectedly large balance in the
road funds at the close of the fiscal
year, brought about by inability to
do oiling work that had been con
templated when budget for the year
was made up.
The county now has a large sup
ply of good road equipment all paid
for, the court reports.
Month End Sees Bond
Sales Below Quota
With lone unreported for the last
week, war bond sales in Morrow
county to Tuesday morning, June
30, showed a total of $16,298, to fall
far short of the month's quota of
While these figures appear dis
couraging at first glance, Chairman
P. W. Mahoney believes that sales
later in the year, after the fall in
come for the county arrives, will
see Morrow county again over the
Readjustment of quotas for July
brings Morrow county the lower fig
ure of $24,400, and the county war
bond committee feels sure that this
will be raised.
Heppner friends have received
word of the marriage a week ago in
Seattle of Reo Young, son of Mrs.
R. C. Young, recently of Heppner.
He has enlisted in the navy. An
other son of Mrs. Young, Bob, is
entering the University of Oregon
medical school, having just com
pleted his pre-medics course.
The Women's Missionary Society
of the Church of Christ met at the
home of Mrs. Frank W. Turner yes
terday afternoon. Mrs. E. R. Hus
ton, president, presided at the bus
iness session. An interesting pro
gram from the World Call was par
ticipated in by all present, led by
Mrs. Frank S. Parker.
Thu rsdoy, July 2, 1942,,
Granges Invite '
Public To Picnic
Here July Fourth
'Stay Home, Save
Tires and Have Fun
Sponsors Opine
"Stay home, save tires, and have
fun," is the invitation extended to
the public by Morrow County Po
mona grange to join them in a picnic
at the Heppner CCC camp next Sat
urday which, by the way, is the
Fourth of July.
A written invitation from Minnie
McFarland, Pomona master, and
Mary Lundell, secretary, addressed
to Mayor J. O. Turner, reads: "The
Pomona Grange of Morrow county,
composed of all grange members of
the county, extend to good friends
of the city of Heppner, a cordial in
vitation to attend the county grange
picnic at the CCC camp on July 4th
to celebrate together once more the
anniversary of our independence,
which is so dear to all of us."
The invitation is not extended to
city folks alone but to all families
in Morrow county, town and coun
try alike.
The Heppner Lions club is coop
erating with the granges for the
occasion and urges the people of
Heppner to join with the farmers in.,
celebrating without traveling.
Everyone is asked to bring lunch
materials and dishes. Lunch will
be served at noon with soft ball and
horseshoe pitching occupying the
The local Lions will roar into the
infield and outfield against the
granges at 2 p.m. Betting odds are
not high yet due to the lack of offi
cial dope, but a good time is anti
cipated for every one.
A dance is scheduled at the Lex
ington grange hall in the evening
following the picnic.
30 Pounds Per Capita
Is Scrap Rubber Score
President Roosevelt would be
smiling instead of having a head
ache over the scrap rubber collec
tion campaign if all parts of the
country had contributed in propor
tion to Morrow county, believes C.
D. Conrad, county salvage chair
man, who reported that 131,126
pounds had been turned in to ser
vice stations up to yesterday, or a
per capita contribution of 30 pounds
per person.
on this basis 130 million people of
the U. S. would contribute 1,950,000
tons, well over the amount antici
pated by the president. Nationally,
however, collection has been below
expectations, causing Mr. Roosevelt
to extend the campaign until July
11, and urging house-to-house can
vass all over the country.
Of the scrap rubber turned in at
county stations, 292 pounds was sent
to Arlington from Cecil, and lh
tons from Boardman and Irrigon
went into Hermiston.
Mrs. Hattie Johnson
Was 45 Year Resident
Funeral services will be held at 10
o'clock tomorrow morning for Mrs.
Hattie Elizabeth Johnson, who died
in this city Monday. The rites will
be from Phelps Funeral Home cha
pel, with Rev. Bennie Howe officiat
ing, followed by interment in the
Lexington I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Hattie Elizabeth Chapel was born
in Portland, Ore., in 1893, and came
to Morrow county 45 years ago, liv
ing the majority of her life in Hard
man before removing to Heppner
several years ago. She was married
to Hiram Johnson at Dayton, Wash.,
in 1907. Surviving are four sons,
William, Charles, Earl and Gene;
seven daughters, Zetta, Goldy, Loye,
Lillie, Annie, Lucille and Ida Lee,
and two brothers, Blaine and Henry
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