Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 18, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, June 18, 1942
o Fund Surplus
o Crossing Deaths
o Public Ownership
Salem. State Treasurer Leslie M.
Scott estimates that he will have a
surplus of between $2,500,000 and
$3,500,000 in the general fund at the
close of this year. Most of this sur
plus, Scott explains, will accrue thru
excess revenues from the income tax
levies and as such will not be avail
able for state purpose over and
above the amount necessary to off
set levies against property.
As a use for this surplus revenue
which will also provide additional
relief for property owners, Scott
suggests that it be diverted to the
support of the public school system,
especially to offset the county levy
of $10 per capita.
In addition to this surplus Scott
calls attention to the fact that there
will probably be a unexpended bal
ance of some $4G5,000 reverting from
appropriations for new buildings
which were not constructed because
of the high costs brought on by the
war emergency. This, unexpended
balance, Scott explains, will be avail
able for re-appropriation by the next
Seven persons have met death in
grade crossing accidents in Oregon
already this year, an increase of 43
percent over the record for the same
period in 1941. In calling attention
to this situation Secretary of State
Snell points out that railroad traffic
has increased greatly due to the
war emergency and urges motorists
to use greater caution in approach
ing grade crossings. Six of the fatal
accidents occurred during daylight
with clear weather and no view ob
structions. Senate President Dean Walker is
again pinch hitting as the state's
chief executive in the absence of
Governor Sprague who is attending
the governor's conference at Ash-
f i$ 110 MOOT KoloMY
Vffifflt TO &ZZ4 4 JWy 1 CYLINDERS -nurv
f VpSfin MiyW $ WHY IT BURNS lOtV-o
1 C" i
dmi tyra
You're in for the surprise of your life when
you see and drive the John Deere Model "H"
the sensational new small tractor that handles
two-row equipment and completely replaces
animal power on small and large farms every
where, cutting costs 'way below their former
level, and making farming more profitable.
And when you learn the price, you'll wonder
how John Deere can give you so much in a tractor
that sells for so little.
In addition, the Model "H" not only burns low
cost fuel but it uses only 13 to 12 as much fuel
on the many jobs within its power range, as would
larger tractors handling the same load.
Come in, see it, and get "the surprise of your
ville, N. C. The governor left Salem
Friday night expecting to be gone
two weeks.
The apointment of Marvin B.
Clatterbuck as superintenent of the
state school for the deaf has been
made permanent by the" board of
control. Clatterbuck has been serv
ing as superintendent of the institu
tion under a temporary appoint
ment since the death of J. Lyman
Steed last September.
Emergency traffic and transporta
tion problems were discussed by
the Oregon highway traffic advisory
committee to the war department
here this week. Members of the ad
visory committee include W. H.
Crawford, director of the Oregon
economic council; R. H. Baldock,
state highway engineer; Chas. P.
Pray, superintendent of state po
lice; and Ormond R. Bean, public
utilities commissioner.
Approximately $330,000 in common
school funds will be available for
distribution this year as compared
to $310,000 last year, according to
Lewis Griffith, clerk of the state
land board. The increase in the
school fund was attributed by Grif
fith to the fact that large blocks of
land have been leased during the
past year to eastern Oregon stock
men under the land board's new
"blocking" program.
Governor Srague struck out this
week in no uncertain terms at pub
lic ownership advocates who are at
tempting to force their program on
to unwilling communities under the
cloak of the war emergency.
In a letter to B. H. Kizer, regional
chairman of the national resources
planning board at Spokane, the
governor expressed his opposition
to all of the Columbia river power
authority bills now pending in con
gress. Declaring that in his opinion there
was no war time emergency making
immedate action on a power author
ity necessary the governor urged
that "such controversial questions
as public ownership" be postponed
for post-war decision.
The governor also expressed him
self as opposed to vesting broad
powers in a regional federal auth
ority. "This would establish a super
government, extra-constitutional in
character, of uncertain status, which
would further complicate the rela
tions between the states and the fed
eral government," the governor
pointed out. "These regional auth
orities offer convenient vehicles for
wielding vast economic and political
power, responsible to no definite
Threatened friction between the
national and state's civilian defense
councils is believed to have been
eliminated at a meeting in Wash
ington, D. C, this week attended by
Jerrold Owen, Oregon civilian de
fense coordinator. Attempts by the
federal bureaucrats to dictate state
defense policies under threat to move
in and take over the direction of civ
ilian defense efforts themselves met
with immediate and vigorous pro
test from state officials resulting in
the call by National Director Landis
for a meeting with state representa
tives in Washington. A telegram
received from Owen by his staff in
dicates that he was able to convince
Landis that the set-up in this state
was entirely adequate to cope with
the problem of civilian defense with
out any federal interference.
Sponsors of a proposed Portland
peoples utility district must start
from scratch again, in their efforts
to place the issue before the voters
of that city, Attorney General Van
Winkle has ruled that the promoters
of this project slept on their rights
after filing their preliminary peti
tions and failed to complete their
call for an election within the time
provided by the law.
A. F. Harvey, head of the motor
transport division of the Oregon
public utilities commission, has been
appointed by the Interstate com
merce commssion as a member of a
board to represent the several states
in the administration of the inter
state commerce act. Harvey has
been with the Oregon commission
for the past 16 years.
In spite of automobile and tire ra
tioning there are more cars in Ore
gon today than there were a year
ago. Figures released this week by
Secretary of State Snell show that
there are 394,511 motor vehicles reg
istered in Oregon as of June 1, an
increase of 227 over the figures for
the same period last year.
Notice is hereby given that the
Oregon Unemployment Compensa
tion Commission has reviewed all
seasonal determinations made for the
years 1938, 1939, 1940, and 1941 in
the light of the Supreme Court de
cision in Layman vs. State Unem
ployment Compensation Commission.
A list of the employers and their
tentative seasons as redetermined
by the Commission is available for
the inspection of any interested
party at any local office of the U.
S. Employment Service. Each em
ployer who may be affected by a
redetermination is being sent a no
tice to that effect and instructed to
post the notice for the information
of his employes.
If any interested party believes
that any proposed redetermination
of seasons is not consistent with the
Supreme Court's decision in the
Layman Case, he may file a protest
with the Commission not later than
July 1, 1942. Any worker who be
lieves that he was improperly denied
benefits because of seasonality re
striction may so advise the Com
mission through any local U. S. Em
ployment Office. Whenever it is
necessary, hearings will be held be
fore a final decision is made.
Informational Representative.
4 LEAF fs'Arl
Neighborhoods to
Be Units of New
Extension Set-Up
Preliminary work will begin soon
In each Oregon county the first step
to the setting up of a neighborhood
leader plan as a wartime emergency
step in maintaining contact with ev
ery farm and rural family.
This big informational task has
been assigned to the extension ser
vice by the secretary of agriculture.
In each Orego ncounty the first step
will be to call together an organ
ization committee consisting mostly
of farmers and homemakers who are
already serving as chairmen of the
several committees in the perman
ent agricultural planning program.
Although the 72,000 farm families
in Oregon are gearing their activities
to the war effort, latest authentic in
formation on many emergency mat
ters is not at once available to them.
Extension specialists and county ag
ents find that transportation diffi
culties and labor shortage are com
bining to make meetings less effec
tive. Newspapers and radio are
helping greatly to keep contact with
individual growers but cannot do the
task alone. So to make sure that
needed information is spread prom
ptly and thoroughly through the ag
' ricultural industry certain neighbors
are being selected to receive and
disseminate within their neighbor
hood all facts available that bear
on many current and prospective
emergency matters, explains W. L.
Teutsch, assistant director of ex
tension at O. S. C. and head of the
neighborhood leader project.
The neighborhood leader plan is
being sponsored nationally, with the
same objective in all the states. If
successfully set up and operated, it
will provide a means through per
sonal contact of getting out needed
information from the state college
through county, community and
neighborhood leaders to every farm
and rural family in the state. The
neighborhood leaders will work thru
farm visits, home gatherings and in
cooperation with all farm organiza
tions in contacting the 10 and 20
families in each neighborhood unit.
The first major information task
to be handled on this "personal con
tact network" is to acquaint every
farm and rural family with the dan
gers of inflation and how each can
help in controlling this economic
menace. History of the first World
war shows that the agricultural in
dustry was the worst sufferer from
the wartime price boom which was
followed by the severe agricultural
collapse from which the industry is
just now recovering.
Dr. W. H. Rockwell
Physician & Surgeon
Gilman Bldg.
Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m.
Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or.
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
I Bodily Injury & Property Damage
Class A $13.60 Class B 17.W
See us before financing your
next automobile.
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for dis
cussion, please bring before
the Council.
J. O. TURNER, Mayor
ATwater 4884
6th at Washington
J. 0. Turner
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Abstract Co.
Roberts Building Heppner, Ow,
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St. Entrance
J. 0. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Gift Good
Watches . Clocks' - Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
X-Ray and Extraction by Gas
First National Bank Bldg.
Phone 562 Heppner, Oregon
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician Surgeon
Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492
Jos. J. Nys
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office In New Peters Building
Peterson & Peterson
U. S. National Bank Building
Practice In State and Federal Courts
Real Estate
General Line of Insurance and
Notary Poblls
Phone 63 lone, Ore.
Directors of
862 Phones 562
OkOhl XWrongWay!
6DAlIn CustowersWth