n O : to m r ci o o .. r: c: H H O 3 O raws A Week of the War (Summary of information on the important developments of the week made available by official sources through noon EWT, Monday, June 8.) Pacific Fleet Commander Nimitz reported two and possibly three Jap anese aircraft carriers and a de stroyer were sunk, and three battle ships, six cruisers and three trans ports were damaged in the battle of Midway Island. All planes on the two carriers definitely known to be sunk were lost, Admiral Nimitz said. One U. S. carrier was hit and some planes were lost, but casualties among the U. S. personnel were light, he said. Admiral King, com mander in chief of the U. S. Fleet, said the enemy fleet has apparently withdrawn from the Midway area but battle maneuvers are continuing in the Hawaii-Dutch Harbor area. The Navy said the first Japanese at tack on Dutch Harbor on June 3 resulted in few casualties and no serious damage, appearing to have been made "primarily to test our defenses." The Japanese planes which flew over the Harbor six hours after the initial atack were "engaged solely in reconnaissance," the Navy said. General MacArthur reported with in six days allied naval and air forces sank seven and possibly eight enemy submarines, two heavily loaded arm ed supply ships and an armed trans port, and also badly damaged a 7,000 ton vessel. Allied losses in the southwest Pacific were two cargo vessels. In air raids over Rabaul, Lae, Salamaua, Atamboea, .Tulagi, Koepang, and Dili, and Burma, 12 enemy planes were destroyed, one enemy tanker sunk, and runways, airdrome istallaltions and parked planes damaged. Three allied planes were lost The Navy said allied mer chant ship losses totaled 21 during the week, including nine U. S. ships. Production U. S. production of planes has reached the level of "nearly 5,000 a month, and1 by next year we will have reached the president's goal of 10,000 a month," the Senate Appro priations Committee announced. Ar my Air Forces Commander Arnold congratulated the Vega Aircraft Corporation at Burbank, California, on being six months ahead of sched ule of production. WPB Chairman Nelson, after a tour of the automo Continued on Page Four Mrs. W. L. McCaleb Given Tribute at Rites Funeral rites for Mrs. W. L. Mc Caleb, who died Saturday at her home in this city, were largely at tended yesterday afternoon from the Church of Christ, Martin B. Clark, pastor, officiating, assisted by Sterl D. Spiesz and Rev. Bennie Howe, local ministers. Mrs. McCaleb was a life-long resident of this commun ity, being aged 54 years, 3 months and four days. Interment was in Heppner Masonic cemetery. Final rites were delayed for the arrival of her son, William L. Mc Caleb, Jr., with the U. S. army, who arrived from Arkansas but two hours before the rites. Mary Elizabeth Morgan was born February 3, 1888, in Heppner, and passed away June 6, 1942, following a recent severe illness. In December 1917, she was married to William Lee McCaleb in Hepp ner and to this union were born two sons, William Lee and Omer, who with the husband survive. One baby girl lived only three days. Besides these are five brothers, Milton Mor gan of Bellingham, Wash.; Andy Morgan of Del Rio, Cal.; Levi and Bill Morgan of Heppner, and Harry Morgan of Carlton, Wash., also a sister, Mrs. Artie Condor of Milton, and two uncles, E. E. and C. C. Sal ing, both of Milwaukie. Besides these she leaves a number of nieces and nephews and a host of friends. She had been a faithful member of the Church of Christ in Heppner since she was about 16 years of age. A loving wife and mother and kind ly neighbor, Mrs. McCaleb was high ly resepected by all who knew her. SCOTT McMURDO ENLISTS Scott McMurdo, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, was recently inducted into the navy by enlistment and has gone into training. Volume 59, Number 1 1 Continued Railroad Service Sought In Chamber Motion ODT Orders Cited; No Cut in Service Seen at This Time While a national , investigation of all branch railroad lines in the Uni ted States is under way to determine if the rails, equipment and labor may not be put to more effective use elsewhere in the war effort, to his knowledge there has been no specific mention of the Heppner branch, said Milton A. Fuegy, Union Pacific traveling freight agent, be fore a Tuesday evening meeting of the chamber of commerce. Fuegy was accompanied to the luncheon by Floyd Tolleson, recently appointed local agent to succeed C. Darbee, retired after thirty years' service here. A resolution passed unanimously by the chamber asked that present daily rail service be continued on present scheuldes and that there be no unnecessary curtailment or man ner of handling train. This action followed Fuegy's de tailed account of orders from Office of Defense Transportation under which all transportation facilities are operating, and which are aimed to coordinate all facilities to the most effective handling of the ever in creasing traffic in war materials and men. These orders call for curtailment of services by all forms of transport ation, and are making it necessary for rails and trucks to work togeth er in handling many problems. An example was cited in the contracting of truck services to bring less car load "freight into Hepner daily from Arlington, due to the fact that ODT has ordered that all cars handling less carload freight must be loaded to a minimum of ten tons. Fuegy stressed that the Heppner branch would continue to be serv ed with mail and express service daily, no matter what happens to the train service. There has been talk for many years in the head office of a tri-weekly service on the local branch, he said, but past investiga tions have not proved it feasible. RODEO HELD OFF FOR THIS YEAR Conditions at the moment make the presentation of Heppner Rodeo this year seem improbable, but should a definite betterment of these conditions exist by August first, the show may still go on, according to action of directors at a meeting here last Saturday evening, presided over by Lee Beckner, president. In any event the organization will be kept intact and dates for the 1943 show were announced for August 28, 29, 30. Tire and gasoline rationing, short age of farm labor, uncertainty of the performer situation, and general discouragement of large assemblages of people in the war area were all taken into consideration by the di rectors in making their decision. The recent survey of organzations of the county largely gave support to staging the show, with the gen eral trend being that whatever the directors undertook to do, the peo ple would be with them. The directors voted to use funds from the some $400 now on hand to repair fences and do general main tenace work at the grounds where several thousand dollars of invest ment of association funds has been expended in past years to provide the fine show grounds. E. E. Saling of Oak Grove, uncle of the deceased and early-day res ident of Heppner, was in the city yesterday for memorial services for the late Mrs. W. L. McCaleb. He moved his home from Heppner in 1903. Second Bumper Crop In Two Years Seen Last year Morrow county saw the largest wheat crop in its history a cool 3,000,000 bushels, and if nothing unforseen happens there will be a repetition this year. That's what the present prospect shows, and a tour of the grain belt will lead any observer to such a conclusion. The grain just now is well headed out in all sections of the county and cool weather is assisting in the fill ing process. What is worrying some growers is that the weather stays a bit too damp and cool, leading to fear that harvest may be postponed a bit too long. Individual growers in some in stances report prospects not quite so good as last year; others say Runaway Cars Give Interesting Time The coach and baggage car brot up by the branch train Saturday morning took "French leave" short ly after being unhooked at the local yards, and proceeded down the branch as an unbilled, unheaded special with potentialities. A large load of stock cars between the engine and the escaping cars prevented catching them from this end, and riderless, their inward car go unloaded, they were carried down down the line by the reclining grade at 40 miles an hour through Lex ington, an estimated 60 at lone. So quickly did they slide through lone that attempt to derail them was foiled, and it was not til they reached Rhea siding that they were sidetracked, though curves and lev eling of the track had slowed their progress before reaching that point. Still, sidetrack switch and derail were displaced by1 the outlaws before the unplaced forward truck was dis placed into the sand and a forty foot furrow plowed before they came to rest, still upright, with little dam age to cars, and fortunately nothing on the track to cause damage or in jury. Local railroaders and people along the line took out after the runaway cars by automobile, and all sighed relief when their unguided venture was so innocently concluded. They could easily have reached the main line, and could have done serious damage there, railroaders said. Mystery Fires Break Out at Same Time Two mystery fires occurring at the same hour Monday night caus ed response of the fire department and disturbed many persons' slum bers, while not doing extensive damage. A used car in the middle of the Rosewall Motor company used car lot was almost completely demol ished by flame, while two blocks to the north the barn below the bluffs at the L. E. Bisbee residence was completely razed, burning $20 worth of hay belonging to Frank Turner. No .solution was evidenced other than spontaneous combustion in ei ther case. The fires happened short ly after midnight. SCS Men Surveying For Farm Planning "If you see some strange men out in the hills, make sure of their iden tity before shooting, for what may seem to you to be foreign spies are more than likely some of the eight man SCS range and cover survey crew now at work in the county," says Tom Wilson, supervisor of the Heppner Soil Conservation district. Wilson said a three-weeks survey of range and cover conditions is being made in the newly organized district as a basis for farm planning. C, B. Cox and L. E. Bisbee visited Diamond lake over the week end and had an enjoyable outing, though reporting "not a nibble" by the fish. Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, June 11,1 942 theirs is a little better, all of which, summed up, makes it look like an other "jack pot" for the grain bins. Those grain bins are a horse of another color. Existing storage fa cilities are still well congested with last year's crop; a few farmers have obtained new bags, and a few have gotten used bags, but the big rush is on in building more "grain bins." Besides the 500,000 bushels addi tional storage being built at lone, Lexington and Heppner by Morrow County Grain Growers progress of which is moving good at this time individual fanners are busy build ing private storage facilities in town or on the farm, and all combined are demanding all available labor. TO REGISTER BOND SALE HEAT Plans to bring the steady flow of dollars necessary to raise Morrow county's ever-rising quotas include erection of a large thermometer on Heppner's main thoroughfare where sale progress will be noted, announ ced P. W. Mahoney, county chair man following a county war bond council meeting here Monday eve ning. J. Logic Richardson, who has charge of the thermometer erec tion, said the board for the sign was donated by Heppner Lum ber company, and that the paint has also been donated. It will be ready at an early date. Because of the greater effort re quired from now on, Mahoney an nounced enlargement of the county committee. Emphasis is being placed now upon getting every employee signed up under the 10 percent sal ary or wage deduction plan, and ev ery employer signed under the bank authorization plan for regular pur chase of bonds. The enlarged committee follows: Heppner: D. A. Wilson, Mrs. R. I. Thompson, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodge.-s, J. Logie Richardson, B. C. Pinckney, C. J. D. Bauman, Jasper V. Craw ford; lone: Bert Johnson, Gar Swan son, Lee Beckner, Mrs. Elaine Riet mann, Mrs. Fred Mankin; Lexing ton: Ralph Jackson, Oral Scott, Clyde Denney, Mrs. Anne Smouse, Mrs. Juanita Carmichael; Cecil: Her bert Hynd, John Krebs; Eight Mile: Henry Peterson, Leonard Carlson, Lawrence Redding, Mrs. Harley An derson, Mrs. Clive Huston, E. E. Rugg. 18 to 20 Youths to Register June 30 Completing the record of man power in the country from ages 18 to 65 will be the regisrtation of all youths 18 to 20 years of age on Tu esday, June 30, according to an nouncement of the local Selective Service board. The order reads that all men born on or after January 1, 1922, or on or before June 30, 1924 shall register on that date. The Morrow county local board is plauning to have same registra tion places as for former drafts, but exact information will be given next week. While the registration call is made for men 18 to 20 years, they may not immediately be drafted for military service as the present selective ser vice act permits drafting men only from 20 years of age. DIVORCES GRANTED Two divorce decrees were granted at the regular term of circuit court here Monday, presided over by Judge C. L. Sweek, constituting the only orders of the court, aside from one dismissal. Decrees were given in the cases of Rose French Francis vs. William E. Francis, and Frances Koff vs. Roland Koff. Mr. and Mrs. William Beckett were week end visitors from Port land where Mr. Becket is a welder in the shipyards. Complete Ban On Fireworks' Sale, Use In Effect For 4th Mayor Asks Citizens To do All Possible to Allay Fire Hazards Sale and use of fireworks, pyro technics, or other forms of combus tible explosives that may be used as signal devices or as simulated gun fire has been prohibited throughout the state of Oregon under an edict issued by Lieut. General John L. DeWitt, commanding the Western Defense Area and Fourth Army, ac cording to a statement issued this week by Governor Charles A. Spra gue, who says that under executive order of the president, General De Witt's orders during the present em ergency carry the same force and effect as laws upon the statute books. Governor Sprague has directed the state police, sheriffs and local law enforcing bodies to detain any per son who refuses to comply with this edict and turn such person over to the military authorities, if local ord inances do not cover the situation. "With the spectre of fire threaten ing our vast forests, as well as cities and towns, I feel certain that every patriotic man, woman, and child in Oregon will comply cheerfully with this wartime restraint and that dras tic action will not be required," said the governor. "It should be noted that the sale or use of fireworks, firecrackers, and even cap pistols is prohibiated throughout the entire state, in cities, towns, as well as in all areas outside incorporated cities. Customary road side stands, usually located just be yond the limit of a city, cannot be operated under General DeWitt's di rective. "General DeWitt's order against sale of fireworks applies to held over stock now in the hands of deal ers or the public, as well as new merchandise," the governor empha sized. Mayor and county defense coord inator, J. O. Turner, declares full compliance will be made in Heppner and Morrow county with General DeWitt's orders, adding that while the order is in effect at all times, there will be no relaxation of vigil on the Fourth of July. "This must be a 'safe and sane' Fourth," he de clared. As mayor, Turner also issued an appeal to all citizens of the city to get as much of the heavy growth of grass and weeds about town cut down before the dry season. It will not be possible this year for firemen to burn the vegetation threatening property this year as it has been in the past, the mayor said, for the fire boys will not have the time, nor will the city have the funds to pay them if they did have. It is going to be up to every householder to pro tect his own premises, and the best way to do it is to cut the grass and weeds before they dry up. After they dry up the situation might get out of control. In putting this work up to the whole community, Mayor Turner said that failure to comply may lead to necessity for the city to hire the work done and charge the cost ag ainst the property, in order to pro tect the safety of the entire com munity. CHRISTIANSEN WRITES Mrs. B. F. Swaggart, and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dolvin were in receipt of a card this week from J. M. Christiansen, who trained a number of Swaggarts' fine Creamoiine horses and put them on the show circuit. Christiansen is now showing the horses with Russell Bros, circus, now playing in Cal ifornia, and expected to be in Ore gon in a short time. "I would like you to see the horses work," he wrote, adding that he hoped to have opportunity to visit the ranch and see the horses there. O in O w o o H