Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 14, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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I will again be a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer on the
Republican Primary Ballot, May 15,
1942, and ask for your support
In past elections my democratic
friends have written my name in on
their primary ballots, thus making
me their candidate also, a manifes
tation of friendship that I greatly
I solicit the support of all voters
and hope that I have proved myself
worthy of the confidence reposed in
(Paid Adv.)
To the Democratic voters of the 22nd
Representative district:
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Repre
sentative from the 22nd district, sub
ject to your will, at the May 15,
1942, Primary Nominating Election.
(Paid Adv.) Heppner, Oregon.
My name will be on the Republi
can primary nominating ballot May
15, 1942 for County Treasurer.
If elected my time will be devoted
to that office.
(Paid Adv.) W. 0. DIX.
For County Judge
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for County Judge of Mor
row County, subject to the will of
the Reublican voters at the May 15,
1942, Primary Nominating Election.
(Paid Adv.)
For County Judge
I am a candidate for re-election
to the office of County Judge, sub
ject to the will of the Republican
voters at the May 15, 1942, Primary
Nominating Election.
Paid Adv.)
Want Ads
MEN WANTED Have openings
for skilled and unskilled men in
woods and plant departments. Can
also employ boys 16 years of age and
over. Apply by letter, telephone, or
personally. Kinzua Pine Mills Co.,
Kinzua, Oregon. 5-9.
Ranch in Blackhorse for sale or
lease. E. W. Moyer. 6-7p.
For Sale Hereford bull, yearling,
well bred. L. W. Reed, Spray, Ore.
Weaner pigs for sale. R. E. Brown
ranch, Hermiston, Ore., 2 mi. out on
Butter Creek road. 6-7p.
C. E. Hensley, upholsterer at
Bucknum house above Ferguson
garage. Truck and tractor seats
made or repared until May 25.
Proven sows with pigs for sale.
Rose Francis.
For sale, cheap, 2 good ranges, 1
Monarch; 2 Howard heaters. Inquire
Heppner Garage. .
My home place for sale or rent.
Rosa Eskelson. 3tf.
at Echo. Ore. Can handle all kinds
of cattle. I. A. Witten, Box D, Echo,
Oregon, phone 111 27-34p. tf.
New or Used Office Machines sold,
serviced or rented. Leave word at
Gazette Times office. 12tf.
Chicks hatched to fill at the date
you want them. Suddarth Hatchery,
Irrigon, Ore. lOtf.
HHS Graduates
Lucille Barlow Girls' League 1-
2- 3-4, Home Ec club 2-3-4, operetta
(lead 2-3) (chorus 1), dramatics 3-4,
H-club 3-4, class secretary-treasurer
1-2, Hehisch staff 4, song leader
Home Ec 1-2, song leader- student
body 2-3.
Merle Burkenbine FFA 3-4, band
1- 2-3-4, dramatics 3, stage mana
ger 3-4, sgt.-at-arms 2-4.
Jackson Cantwell Band 1-2-3-4,
FFA 2, H-club 4, football 4, dram
atics 2, Junior Citizenship Institute
George Davidson Band 4, basket
ball 2-3-4, baseball 3, dramatics 3,
FFA 1-2-3, Hehisch committee 4,
sgt.-at-arms 2-3, H-club 4, fire pa
trol 3, annual staff 4.
Frances Egan H-club 3-4, Home
Ec club 1-2-3-4, Girls' League 1-2-
3- 4, dramatics 3, music 2-3.
Joe Farley Basketball 2, football
3-4, operetta 2-3-4, FFA 3-4, dram
atics 3, drum major 3-4-5.
Dick Ferguson Band 1-2-3-4,
basketball 4, Hehisch staff 3, dram
atics 3-4.
Kay Ferguson Football 3-4, bas
ketball 1-2-3-4, baseball 1, Softball
3-4, class president 1-4, class vice
president 3, band sgt.-at-arms 3,
band president 4, annual staff 3-4,
dramatics 3, Hehisch committee 1-2,
FFA, H-club.
Dorothy Green Home Ec club 1-
2- 3-4, Girls' League 1-2-3-4, H-club
4, dramatics 3.
Elizabeth Healy Band 1-2-3-4,
band librarian 2, band secretary 3,
band vice-president 4, secretary
treasurer 2, H-club 3-4, Home Ec
club 2-3-4, Pep club 4, operetta 1-2-3,
Girls' League 1-2-3-4.
Helen Healy Girls' League 2-3-4,
band 2-3-4, dramatics 3, operetta 2,
tennis 3-4, class officer 3.
Wanda Howell Girls' League 1-
2- 3-4, H-club 3-4, dramatics 3-4, op
eretta 2-3, student body officer 4,
student body council 4, tennis 3-4,
paper conference 4, student body
conference 4, citizenship conference
3, Hehisch staff 2-3-4.
Ellen Hughes Girls' League 1-2-
3- 4, Home Ec 1-2-3-4, operetta' 1-2-3,
dramatics 3-4, class officer 3, H
club 4, Hehisch staff 3-4.
Constance Instone Home Ec club
1- 2-3-4, Girls' League 1-2-3-4, class
officer 2-3-4, band 2-3-4, operetta
2- 3, H-club 4, music 3-4, dramat
ics 3.
John Lane Dramatics 3, H-club
3- 4, FFA 1-2-3-4, football 3-4, bas
ketball 4, boxing 3, parliamentary
procedure team 3-4, tennis 4, class
officer 4, FFA convention 2-3-4.
Bill Padberg Class officer 2, FFA
1- 2-3-4, H-club 3-4, football 3-4,
basketball 3-4, softball 2-3-4, dram
atics 3.
Bob Pinckney Band 1-2-3-4, bas
ketball 1-2-3-4, softball 1-2-3-4, ten
nis 1-2-3-4, operetta 2-3, dramatics
3-4, H-club 1-2-3-4.
Betty Rood Dramatics 2-3-4, class
officer 4, Girls' League 1-2-3-4, glee
club 1-2, Hehisch committee 4, Girls'
League conference 2, Home Ec con
ference 2, annual staff 4, Hehisch 4.
Bill Scrivner Student body offi
cer 4, Pep club officer 3-4, class of
ficer 2-3, football 3-4, basketball 2-3-4,
baseball 3-4, tennis 4, dramatics
3, annual staff 4, H-club 3-4, FFA
2- 3, Pep club 1-2-3-4.
Claude Snow Football 2-3-4, bas
ketball 2-3-4, track 2, baseball 1,
dramatics 3, class officer 1-2, H-club
1-2-3-4, student body president 4,
student body officer 3.
Tom Starkey Tennis 3-4, drama
tics 3-4, operetta 3, H-club 3-4, Pep
club 3-4, band 4, basketball 4, class
officer 3.
Margaret Tamblyn Class officer
1, Hehisch committee 4, student
Proposed Changes
In AAA Details
Have War Basis
Comparatively few changes in the
1943 AAA program are sought in
recommendations proposed by 1300
Oregon farm committeemen and
reviewed this week by the state AAA
committee, R. B. Taylor of Adams,
state AAA chairman, announces.
The state recommendations, based
on action of the state AAA con
ference and the results of ques
tionnaires filled out by county and
community committeemen last
month, demonstrate that the present
farm program is adaptable to war
time as well as peacetime adjust
ments, Taylor said.
The changes sought, mostly de
signed to give greater assistance to
farmers in meeting Food for Free
dom production goals, place greater
emphasis on pasture improvement,
weed and rodent control, and sim
ple conservation methods of farming
needed to keep soils in condition for
top production for the duration of
the war.
One proposed change would en
courage growers to utilize legume
straw left on the land after seed
crops are harvested, by discourag
ing burning of such crop residues.
High in plant food content, legume
straw has become more important
for its fertilizer value since nitrates
have become scarce, Taylor said.
Maintenance of the present allot-
council 4, student body officer 4,
Pep club 2-3-4, Pep club officer 3,
Home Ec club 2-3-4, Home Ec club
officer 3-4, band 1-2-3-4, band offi
cer 3, Girls' League 1-2-3-4, Girls'
League officer 3, H-club 4, Girls'
League conference 4, citizenship in
stitute 3, Hehisch staff 2-3-4, an
nual staff 3-4, chorus 1-2-3-4, oper
etta 1-2-3, dramatics 3-4.
Ralph Taylor FFA 2-3-4, FFA
officer 3.
Birdine Vance H-club 3-4, Home
Ec club 2-3-4, annual staff 4, He
hisch staff, dramatics 3, Girls' Lea
gue 1-2-3-4.
Mildred Clary Band 3-4, operetta
3, E.O.S.A.F. 2, corns 3-4, dramatics
3-4, class officer 1-2-4, Girls' Lea
gue 1-2-3-4, stuent body officer 1-2.
Wilma Hudson Girls' League 1-
2- 3-4, Home Ec club 1-2-3-4, H
club 4, dramatics 3.
Calvin Crawford Class officer 2-
3, band 1-2-3-4, dramatics 3, tennis
4, football 4, stage manager 3.
John Skuzeski Band 1-2-3-4,
class officer 1-2-3-4, Pep club 3-4,
H-club 3-4, Hehisch staff 3-4, He
hisch committee 2, basketball 1-2-
3- 4, baseball 1, softball 2-3-4, track
2, student council 1-3-4, advertising
manager 4, dramatics 3, basketball
captain 4.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Ida B. Moore, adminis
tratrix of the estate of S. E. Moore,
deceased has filed her final account
of her administration of the estate of
said deceased with the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County and that said court has set
Monday, June 8, 1942, at the hour
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day in the County Court room at
the Court House at Heppner, Ore
gon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said final account
and the settlement of said estate and
all persons having objections there
to are hereby required to file the
same with said court on or before
the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 7th
day of May, 1942.
Heppner Gazette Times, May 14, 1942 7
ment system for surplus crops and
continuance of the provision re
quiring that 20 percent of a farm's
cropland be devoted to soil conserv
ing uses were also asked.
Use of lime has developed to the
point where existing lime plants in
the state cannot keep up with the
demand, and are now 10,000 tons
behind on orders from farmers, the
state committee learned. Continuance
of the conservation materials pro
gram, which provides for distribu
tion of lime and phosphate in lieu
of AAA payments earned, was rec
ommended for its contribution to
pasture improvement and increased
milk production.
Adoption of a modified "honor
system" whereby farmers would re
port their own compliance with the
program and performance of prac
tices was also recommended by the
We've got Axis to grind. Buy
Defense Bonds and Stamps.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed with the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County her final
account of her administration of the
estate of Henry S. Crump, deceased,
and said Court has fixed Monday,
the 15th day of June, 1942, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day in the County
Court room at the Court House at
Heppner, Oregon, as the time and
place of hearing objections to said
final account and the settlement of
said estate and all persons having
objections thereto are hereby re
quired to file the same with said
court on or before the time fixed
for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 14th
day of May, 1942.
Administratrix de bonis non.
the undersigned was duly appoint
ed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
executor of the estate of Mahala
Minor, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required
to present the same with proper
vouchers, duly verified as required
by law to the undersigned executor
at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Pated and first published this
30th day of April, 1942.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Morrow.
In the Matter of the Estate of ADA
C. CURTIS, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Ml Pendergrass, has
been appointed Administratrix of
the estate of Ada C. Curtis, deceas
ed, by order of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the County
of Morrow, and has qualified. All
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
the same, duly verified as by law
required, to the undersigned at the
office of the Heppner Gazette Times,
at Heppner, in Morrow County, Or
egon, within six months from the
date hereof.
Dated and first published April
30, 1942. Date of last publication,
May 28, 1942.
Administratrix of the estate
of Ada C. Curtis, deceased.
J. S. MIDDLETON, Attorney for
the Administratrix, 1035 Pacific
Building, Portland, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ex
ecutrix of the Last Will and Testa
ment of Justus A. Miller, deceased,
in the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County. All
persons having claims against the
said estate are hereby required to
present such claims, duly verified
and with proper vouchers attached,
to tne undersigned at Lexington,
Oregon, or to her attorneys, Raley,
Kilkenny & Raley, at Pendleton,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice, the same being
dated and published the first time
this 23rd day of April, 1942.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of Justus A. Miller,
' Attorneys for Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, executor of the last
will and testament of Laura Belle
Adams, deceased, has filed his final
account with the County Court of
Morrow County, Oregon, and the
said Court has fixed Monday, the
1st day of June, 1942, in the County
Court Room of the Court House in
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing on
and final settlement of said account.
All persons having objections to said
final account must file the same
with the court on or before said
Date of first publication, April 30,
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, execu
trix of the estate of James T. Mor
gan, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against the estate of said
deceased are hereby required te
present the same with proper vouch
ers duly verified as required by law
to said executrix at the law office
of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date
hereof. ,
Dated and first published thifl
23rd day of April, 1942.
The new tax law requires the
Tax Collector to issue and serve
'Tax Warrants' on delinquent Per
sonal Property owners. Such per
sons will avoid this service and add
ed expense by calling at the Tax
Collector's office before these war
rants are served upon them. These
warrants are now being drawn and
will be served on delinquent payers
within a short time.
- C. J. D. BAUMAN,
Tax Collector.
If you need grain elevators or
bulk beds, drop in and see us
or Phone 822.
& Repair Shop Heppner
By F. H. Cumberworth