Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 02, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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    $1000 Scholarship
Won by OSC Chemist
Oregon State College A graduate
student in electrochemistry here has
just been awarded the annual $1000
Weston fellowship in competition
with applicants from all parts of the
United States.
The fellowship is sponsored by the
international Electrochemical soci
ety, and permits the winner to spend
a year at an institution of his choice
in continued graduate study and re
search. William E. Roake of Oregon
City, winner of the fellowship, has
chosen to go to Northwestern to
carry on research of importance pri
marily to mineral industries and in
soil analysis.
The division of electrochemistry
was organized here only about two
years ago and placed in charge of
Glen C. Ware, instructor in chem
A traveling examiner of operators
and chauffeurs is scheduled to ar
rive in Heppner Thursday, Arpil 9,
and will be on duty at the city hall
between the hours of 10 a. m. and
4 p. m., according to a recent an
nouncement released from the sec
retary ' of state's office. All those
wishing permits or licenses to drive
cars are asked to get in touch with
the examiner during these hours.
Notice is hereby given that Delia
Lee Edmondson, administratrix of
the estate of Frank Edmondson, de
ceased, has filed her final account
of her administration of said estate
with the Clerk of the County Court
of the State of Oregon for the Coun
ty of Morrow, and the said court has
set as the time and place of hearing
on and settlement of said final ac
count, May 4th, 1942, at theshour of
10:00 A. M. of said day, in the Coun
ty Court room of the Morrow Coun
ty Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon.
Anyone having objections to said
final account must file same on or
before said date.
Dated and first published April 2,
Want Ads
House for rent, 4 rooms. Write
Cloy Dykstra, Hermiston, Ore. l-4p.
'36 Ford coupe, de luxe; good 6-ply
tires. Jack Van Winkle. It
If you are in need of storage for
'42 wheat crop and want to build
while materials are still available,
write Fred Stoops and Sons, Gen
eral Contractors, Heppner, Ore., or
Toppenish, Wash. l-4p.
WANTED: A good reliable man to
supply customers with Rawleigh
Products in Heppner and nearby.
Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ORD-101-127,
Oakland, Calif.
Apt. for rent, automatic hot wa
ter. Wells Apts., Gale St. 51tf.
Purebred Buff Orpington pullets
for sale, $1 each; just beginning to
lay. Call G. T. 52tf.
Apartment for rent. S. H. Shan
non, Willow street. 50tf.
My home place for sale or rent.
Place for garden, cows and chickens.
Mrs. Rosa Eskelson. ' 52b-tf.
at Echo. Ore. Can handle all kinds
of cattle. I. A. Witten, Box D, Echo,
Oregon, phon 111. 27-34p.tL
New or Used Office Machines sold,
serviced or rented. Leave word at
Gazette Times office. 12tf.
Chicks hatched to fill at the date
you want them. Suddarth Hatchery,
Irrigon, Ore. 10tf.
Students Remaining in
College, Figures Show
Oregon State College Indications
that college students are taking ser
iously the nationwide advice to re
main in school until or unless called
to military duty are seen in the
larger enrollment than was expect
ed in the spring term here. Regis
tration passed the 3600 mark before
the end of the first full week, which
is only 11 percent less than last
year and a smaller drop than pre
dicted. Women especially are staying by
their studies, as the drop in the .
co-ed total is only 4 percent. An
analysis of the changes by classes
shows that the freshman class is less
than 50 students smaller than a year
ago, and the senior class is slightly
larger, the falling off being in soph
omore and junior classes, from which
men have been taken in considerate
numbers by the selective service
nnd as volunteers in the air corps
and similar services.
By virtue of an ORDER OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated March 5,
1942,- I am authorized and directed
to advertise and sell at public auc
tion at not less than the minimum
price1 herein set forth:
All of Section 25 in Township
2 North, Range 24 E. W. M., for
the minimum price of $1.00 per
acre, with 20 down payment
and balance on contract.
THEREFORE, I will on the 4th
day of April, 1942, at the hour of
10:00 A. M., at the front door, of
the Court House in Heppner, Ore
gon, sell said property to the highest
and best bidder.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, .
Morrow County, Oregon.
By virtue of an ORDER. OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated March 18,
1942, I am authorized -and directed
to advertise and sell at public auc
tion at not less than the minimum
price herein set forth:
West Half of the Northwest
Quarter of Section 25 and North
east Quarter of Section 26 in
Township 3 South, Range 26
East of Willamette Meridian in
Morrow County, Oregon, for the
minimum price of $1.00 per acre,
cash. .
THEREFORE, I .will on the 18th
day of April, 1942, at the hour of
10:00 A. M., at the front door (pf
the Court House in Heppner, Ore
gon, sell said property to the highes
and best bidder. I ''
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon.
I will again be a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer on the
Republican Primary Ballot, May 15,
1942, and ask for your support.
In past elections my democratic
friends have written my name in on
their primary ballots', thus making
me their candidate also, a manifes
tation of friendship that I greatly
I solicit the support of all voters
and hope that I have proved myself
worthy of the confidence reposed in .
(Paid Adv.) ' Incumbent.
For County Judge
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for County Judge of Mor
row County, subject to the will of
the Reublican voters at the May 15,
1942, Primary Nominating Election.
(Paid Adv.)
For County Judge
I am a candidate for 're-election
to the office of County Judge, sub
ject to the will of the Republican
voters at the May 15, 1942, Primary
Nominating Election.
(Paid Adv.)
V. i w
Quota Referendum
May 2 Held Vital
To Wheat Growers
Informing every eligible wheat '
grower in Oregon of the importance
of casting his ballot in the second
wheat marketing quota referendum
set for May 2 is the goal of county
and community AAA committeemen
now holding meetings in 30 counties
of the state.
Oregon wheat growtrs led the na
tion in approving quotas by a 95.5
percent favorable vote last year. The
goal this year is a 100 percent turn
out of every eligible voter, accord
ing to Robert B, Taylor of Adams,
chairman of the state AAA commit
tee. While marketing quotas are im
portant from ' the standpoint of as
suring the wheat grower a fair re
turn for his crop, this aspect is far
overshadowed by the importance of
quotas to the entire war effort, Tay
lor believes. He listed seven ways
in which quotas will help the wheat
farmer do his job properly in war
time and make his maximum patri
otic contribution:
1. Quotas provide for an organiza
tion of supplies so transportation
systems will not be clogged.
2. They make possible more effi
cient use of storage facilities, now
so valuable to the food program.
3. They aid in directing production
into the crops where it is most need
ed, rather than wasting it on over
production of a crop of which there
are now big reserves.
4.. They help' maintain a strong
wheat structure for production of
wheat 'as it is needed and at fair
5. They help maintain soil 1 re
sources for continuing production of
6. They help alleviate the situa
tion created by a virtual lack of ex
port outlets.
7. They help divide ' equally the
responsibility for adjustment among
all wheat farmers, cooperatively and
democratically. '
With a billion and a half bushel
wheat supply in sight after 1942
harvest, as against maximum 1943
needs for 650 million bushels, the
United States has ample reserves of
wheat to meet any emergency cre
ated by the war in the next several
years, Taylor pointed out. Quotas
provide a fair and equitable way of
maintaining this big reserve without
injuring the wheat industry, he said.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State "of
Oregon for Morrow County, admin
istratrix of the estate of HAROLD O.
KINCAID, deceased, and that all
persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased are hereby
required to present the same to said
administratrix with proper vouchers
duly verified, at the law office of
Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date
Dated and first published this 26th
day of March, 1942.
' - " ' Administratrix.
We put new points
on Steel Shares
& Repair Shop Heppner
WHO !!- AN' I
I I riTV
Heppner Gazette Times, April 2, 9427
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Oregon.
Petitioner, vs. Morrow County, a
municipal corporation and political
and geographical subdivision of the
State of Oregon; The Ladd Estate,
an Oregon corporation; The Morrow
Grazing Association, a cooperative
association of the State of Oregon;
L. D. Neill; Bertha Stipe and Ralph
Stipe, her husband; Fred Vehning
and Nell Vehning, his wife; Martin
W. Hawkins, a single man; Gloria
Hawkins, a minor child; Edward Gil
len, a single man; Henry Brandes
and Christine Brandes, his wife; Es
ther Slade and Harold Slade, her
husband; Ethel Brandes, a widow and
unmarried; Lucy Piller and Theo
dore Piller, her husband; Martha
Markworth and C. P. M. Markworth,
her husband; James McKinnell, a
single man; Irene Praypa and John
Praypa, her husband; Lloyd Mc
Kinnell and Mildred McKinnell, his
wife; Harriett McKinnell, a single
woman; J. N. McKinnell, a single
man; Agatha Brandes, a single wo
man; Ernest Brandes and Zetta
Brandes, his wife; Julia Hickox and
C. D. Hickox, her husband; Agatha
Weik and John Weik, her husband;
Harry Brandes, a single man and
a minor; George Brandes, unmar
ried; Fred Brandes and Kate Bran
des, his wife; Maggie Linebaugh and
John Doe Linebaugh (whose true
Christian name is to Petitioner un
known), her husband; the unknown
heirs of Maggie Linebaugh and John
Doe Linebaugh, if deceased; Cinda
Linebaugh and Richard Roe Line
baugh (whose true Christian name
is to Petitioner unknown), her hus
band; the unknown, heirs of Cinda
Linebaugh and Richard Roe Line
baugh, if deceased; Charles E. Han
son and Jane Doe Hanson (whose
true name is to Petitioner unknown),
his wife; the unknown heirs of Char
les E. Hanson and Jane Doe Hanson,
if deceased; Minnie M. Lee and M.
E. Lee, her husband; the unknown
heirs of Minnie M. Lee and M. E.
Lee, if deceased; also all other per
sons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or in
terest in or to the real property de
scribed in the Petition herein, and
3760 acres, more or less, of land in
Morrow County, Oregon, Defend
ants. Civil No. 568 SUMMONS TO:
Maggie Linebaugh and John Doe
Linebaugh, her husband; the un
known heirs of Maggie Linebaugh
and John : Doe Linebaugh, if de
ceased; Cinda Linebaugh and Rich
ard Roe Linebaugh, her husband;
the unknown heirs of Cinda Line
baugh and Richard Roe Linebaugh,
if deceased; Charles E. Hanson and
Jane Doe Hanson, his wife; the un
known heirs of Charles E. Hanson
and Jane Doe Hanson, if deceased;
Minnie M. Lee and M. E. Lee, her
husband; the unknown heirs of Min
nie M. Lee and M. E. Lee, if de
ceased; Martha Markworth and C.
P. M. Markworth, her husband; Ag
atha Weik and John Weik, her hus-
band; Fred Brandes and Kate Bran
des, his wife, and all other persons
or parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest
in or to the real property described
in the Amended Petition for Con
demnation herein and hereinafter
described and set forth: In the name
of the United States of America:
The Dalles Freight- Line, Inc.
Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE
- .TLMTfc
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
Amended Petition for Condemnation
filed against you by the United States
of America, the Petitioner in the
above-entitled proceeding, within
twenty-eight days from the date of
the first publication of this sum
mons and if you fail to so appear
and answer, the Petitioner, for want
thereof, will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in its Petition
herein, to-wit: That the Court make
and enter such orders, judgments
and decrees as may be necessary to
determine the ownership of the lands
hereinafter described and to fix the
value of said lands and the amount
of compensation to be paid by Peti
tioner for the taking thereof and to
make and enter herein such further
orders, judgments and decrees as
may be necessary to make just dis
tribution of such compensation am
ong those entitled thereto as expe
ditiously as possible and to vest in
the United States of America the
full fee title to the following de
scribed lands situated in the County
of Morrow and the State of Oregon,
to-wit: Parcel No. 4: All of Section
5, Township 4 North, Range 27 East,
Willamette Meridian, consisting of
640 acres, more or less; Parcel No. 5:
All of Section 9, Township 4 North,
Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian,
consisting of 640 acres, more or less;
Parcel No. 7: North & and the
Southwest Vi and South V2 of the
Southeast Va, of Section 16, Township
4 North, Range 27 East, Willamette
Meridian, consisting of 560 acres,
more or less; Parcel No 8: All of Sec
tion 17, Township 4 North, Range
27 East, Willamette Meridian, con
sisting of 640 acres, more or less;
Parcel No. 9: All of Section 21,
Township 4 North, Range 27 East,
Willamette Meridian, lying north of
the Oregon -Washington Railroad and
Navigation Company's Coyote Cut
off, consisting of 640 acres, more or
less; Parcel No. 10: East Vz of Sec
tion 1, Township 4 North, Range 26
East, Willamette Meridian, consist
ing of 320 acres, more or less; Parcel
No. 11: East Vz of Section 13, Town
ship 4 North, Range 26 East, Wil
lamette Meridian, consisting of 320
acres, more or less; containing 376G
acres, more or Jess; this summons
is served upon you pursuant to the
order of the Honorable Claude Mc
Colloch, judge of the above-entitled
Court, made and entered herein on
the 5th day of March, 1942,' by pub
lication thereof for four successive
weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times,
a newspaper of general circulation
published in Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon, and designated by
the Court as . the newspaper most
likely to give notice of the pendency
of this proceeding. Date of first pub
lication hereof is March 12th, 1942,
CARL C. DONAUGH, United States
Attorney for the District of Oregon,
Attorney, Department of Justice,
Attorneys for Petitioner, P. O. Ad
dress: 525 Corbett Building, Portland,
Carl D. Spickerman, Agent
i v