6 Heppner Gazette Times, April 2, 1942 SINEWS Two More Measures Gas Supply Knot Tax Stand By A. L. LINDBECK Salem. Two more initiative mea sures were started on their way to ward a place on the November bal lot this week with the filing of pre liminary petitions with Secretary of State Snell. One of these measures, sponsored by the Oregon State Teachers' as sociation, would divert all income tax revenues in excess of $7,750,000 a year to support of the public school system. Under the plan proposed by the teachers this excess revenue would be apportioned among the local school districts on the basis of school attendance and would be us ed to offset property taxes for sup port of the school. , The other proposed initiative mea sure involves four major changes in the present set-up for adminis tration of public welfare funds. Whereas under the present law the state welfare commission consists of seven members appointed by the governor the proposed amendment would require that these seven members be selected from members of the various county courts The measure would also abolish the post of relief administrator and do away with the four citizen-members of county welfare commissions. It would also eliminate from the law the requirement that relatives of needy aged persons be required to provide for their care when finan cially able to do so. The impracticability of supplying the three Pacific coast states with gasoline by railroad or truck lines is shown in a study just completed by Ormond R. Bean, Oregon's public utilities commissioner. Bean's study shows that it would take 226 tank cars or 452 trucks to supply the gasoline needs- of the three states for a single day. This is based upon an average daily consumption of ,,t OKI WK 00R tf-mH 119 11) W 1 J i&pSS Win AWHTT KoloMY jar PV JW iff ui JOIirrDEEllE'MTl You're in for the surprise of your life when you see and drive the John Deere Model "H" the sensational new small tractor that handles two-row equipment and completely replaces animal power on small and large farms every where, cutting costs 'way below their former level, and making farming more profitable. And when you learn the price, you'll wonder how John Deere can give you so much in a tractor that sells for so little. In addition, the Model "H" not only burns low cost fuel but it uses only 13 to 12 as much fuel on the many jobs within its power range, as would larger tractors handling the same load. Come in, see it, and get "the surprise of your life." BRADEN-BELL TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. 816,347 gallons for Oregon, 1,132,436 gallons for Washington and 312,232 gallons for Idaho. The figures cover only gasoline needs and do not in clude fuel oil, diesel, lubricating oil or kerosene The study was prompt ed by suggestions that rail and truck lines should take over the job of supplying the Pacific northwest with its gasoline now that tankers are being diverted to supplying the military forces. The old pioneer atop Oregon's capitol will, continue to shine in all its gold-leaf splendor. The fourth interceptor command has advised that the reflection from the statue is not deemed a military hazard that would necessitate the use of cam ouflage. Some idea of the extent to which the state has curtailed automobile travel since tire rationing went into effect can be gained through a re port just issued by R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, which shows that the highway department has reduced its automobile mileage by 37 percent. Employees of the de partment who heretofore travelled by automobile now go by stage or train, Baldock said. Public servants in Oregon who enter the armed services either thru voluntary enlistment or through the draft are automatically granted leav es of absence under the state law, according to Attorney General Van Winkle. The leaves, however, only cover the period for which officials are elected or appointed. Savings of nearly $5,000,000 a year are now being enjoyed by consum ers of electricity in Oregon as a re sult of rate reductions put into ef fect in he past seven years, it is revealed in a report made to Gover nor Sprague this week by Utilities Commissioner Bean. Rate reduc tions put into effect in the past three years, Bean pointed out, account for savings to consumers of more than $3,500,000 a year. The state tax commission is be ing condemned by some critics as heartless bureaucrats for their re fusal to grant a moratorium on in come tax payments. But in their stand, it should be c Am cofftft couib catch; m, remembered, the commission was only standing squarely on the law as laid down by the legislature. That "is also true of the commission's stand for "uniform" assessments for which it has also been roundly con demned especially by political dem agogues seeking to attract the sup port of Portland home owners whore taxes were increased by the uni form assessment order. In this connection it might be pointed out that it is always the hit dog that howls. While hundreds of properties were hit by the readjust ment of assessment rolls to conform to the "uniform" order other hun dreds actually benefitted from the reshuffle of valuation but such is human nature that none of this lat ter group has taken the trouble to express their support of the com mission's position. The demand for an extension of time for payment of the state in come tax would appear to have been prompted only by a desire to em barrass the commission. Certainly there was no crying need for any moratorium. As the commission pointed out in its statements re jecting the suggestion for a mora torium there is ample provision in the law for granting relief to indiv iduals whose circumstances warrant an extension of time for the pay ment of their tax. Hundreds of tax payers who have been able to show "good cause" have already been granted more time in which to file their returns. "Good cause," the commission explained, includes ill ness, absence from the state, inabil ity to close his books or some other valid reason. Furthermore the com mission is authorized by law to waive penalty and interest charges against' delinquent taxpayers who are able to show that they were un able to pay their tax within the spe cified time "without undue financial distress." So that there does not seem to have been any legitimate excuse by which the commission might have been justified in grant ing a blanket moratorium at this late date, especially since 75 percent of the taxpayers' and these mostly in the lower income brackets, had already filed their returns and paid thir tax. In calling upon Oregon motorists to observe President Roosevelt's request for a 40-mile speed limit Governor Sprague appealed to the patriotism of the motorists in the absence of any legal authority for enforcement of the reduced speed. However he did throw out a hint that those who were unwilling to cooper ate in this move to conserve on the nation's rubber supply might find themselves called on to account to some police judge for other infrac tions of the law. These could include improperly adjusted lights, faulty brakes and even a slight excess over the legal speed of 55 miles an hour which in normal times is obligingly overlooked by the guardians of the law who patrol the highways. Plans for the extension of fire prevention and suppression program to all rural areas in the state were made at a meeting in Salem this week attended by representatives of the state forestry department, the U. S. forest service, Indian and graz ing services, state fire marshal's of fice, state defense council and the extension service of the state col lege. The primary objective of the program, it was explained, is the protection of farm crops, improve ments and equipment. The program calls for no special funds from gov- Turkey Outlook Favorable Evert With Expansion Favorable market demand condi tions for turkeys are expected to continue during the 1942-43 market ing season, despite prospects for in creased production of turkeys, chick ens and other meats, according to an analysis of the turkey outlook for 1942 which has been released by the agricultural extension service at O. S. C. for distribution by county agents. The report also points out that costs for producing and mar keting turkeys will be somewhat higher owing to increase in wage rates, feeds and other items. The indications are that turkey production will be substantially greater than in 1940 and 1941 when record sized crops were produced which were twice as large as in 1929. In the country as a whole growers reported intentions to in crease turkeys 8 percent, but the number of turkey hens to lay eggs was only 5 percent greater than a year ago. The price of turkeys per head was piactically the same for the crop of 1941 as for that of 1929 when the supply was only one-half as large and the purchasing power of con sumers was also at a high level. A steady increase in the per capita consumption of turkey meat in the United States has occurred since 1929. With respect to chickens and eggs, the report contains data show ing an increase of 12 percent in the country's laying flocks compared with a year ago, with producers in dicating intentions to purchase 12 percent more baby chicks this year. In terms of grain -consuming ani mal units, the total number of live stock on farms at the beginning of 1942 'was 6 percent greater than a year before. These conditions sug gest a material increase in the meat supply, but on the other hand de mand for meat is unusually great and the purchasing power of con sumers is high. The extension service report also shows a favorable potato outlook for 1942 and gives information on the horse and mule situation. That further decrease in work animals will take place is indicated by the fact that only 6.5 percent of all hor ses and mules are under two years old, compared with 13 percent in 1920. ELECTED TREASURER University of Oregon, Eugene, April 2. (Special) John Crawford of Heppner has been elected treas urer of Sigma hall, it was announced here this week following the spring elections of living organizations at the Universty of Oregon. ernmental sources and no employ ment of additional personnel. Pre liminary organization work has al ready been completed in some coun ties. Professional Directory Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. NEW AUTO POLICY Bodily Injury & Property Damage Class A $13.60 Class B See us before financing your next automobile. F. W. TURNER & CO. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis cussion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor GLENN Y. WILLS ATTORNEY AT LAW ATwater 4884 635 MEAD BUILDING , 6th at Washington PORTLAND. OREGON J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER. ORE. A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. BATES SEASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, Oat. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW QENEEAL INST7BAJTCE Heppner. Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance J. 0. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches Clocks Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Vowter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST X-Ray and Extraction by Gas First National Bank Bldg. Phone 562 Heppner, Oregon Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician A Surgeon , FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. Rec.' Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER, OREGON Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon V. R. Runnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Speolalty 406 Jones Street, Heppner. Ore. Phone 462 MAKE DATES AT MY EXPEUSB Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE TITLE INSTOAJfCB Office In New Peters Building Peterson fir Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Fractloe la State and Federal Ooarta Real Estate General Line of Insurance and Bonds W. M. EUBANKS Notary Pnalla Phone (2 lone. Ore. M. L. CASE G. E. NTKANDER Directors of Funerals 4