LOCAL NEWS The Heppner Music Study club will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jesse Turner. Host esses for the evening are Mrs. Frank Turner, Miss Margaret Wright and Miss Dorothy Davolt. William Tell and the Barber of Seville will be studied. Mr. and Mrs. Cloy W. Dykstra re moved their household furniture to Hermiston on Tuesday and will make their home there where Mr. Dykstra is employed as a federal guard. The stock of Heppner Trading Post which Mr. Dykstra formerly opera ted was sold at auction last week. Mr.' and Mrs. Alvin Kleinfeldt and children visited friends in this city a short time yesterday while on their way home to Burley, Idaho, from Bend. Mr. Kleinfeldt was formerly pastor of the local Church of Christ. Mrs. Wm. McCaleb is reported as making favorable progress at a Port land hospital following a recent ma jor operation. Mr. McCaleb return ed horrfe this week after being with her in the city. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Phelan motor ed to Portland Tuesday to see their son Paul, with the U. S. navy. Paul was on one of the ships in Pearl Harbor at the time of the Japanese attack December 7. ' Mrs. Oscar Borg departed Sun day for her home in Portland after a week's visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mc Carty. Mrs. Katie Slocum and Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Slocum were in the city Sunday to attend funeral ser vices for the late James T. Morgan. Mrs. Joe Hughes underwent a major operation in Portland Tues day. Mr. Hughes accompanied her to the city Sunday. Miss Louise Green was in Port land and Eugene over the week end, visiting her sisters. Cash for good fresh milk cow. Call G. T. office. STAR Reporter FRIDAY-SATURDAY KATHLEEN Shirley Temple, Herbert Marshall, Laraine Day, Gail Patrick Shirley's first picture in two years is a stirring story full of throbs, thrills and laughter. Hhe h ppiest hit. -Plus SEALED LIPS William Gargan, June Clyde, John Litel, Anne Nagel Mystery and suspense galore in this action-packed hit! SUNDAY-MONDAY RISE AND SHINE Jack Oakie, George Murphy, Linda Darnell, Walter Brcnnan, Milton Berle, Donald Meek This comedy-with-music is one of the funniest pictures of the season it's loaded with all the things that go into good entertainment. Heads Tax-Saving Group TUESDAY Adults 25c Bargain Night Children 10c ELLERY QUEEN'S MURDER RING Mystification, suspense, humor and surprise are the ingredients of this latest Ellery Queen detective melo drama with Ralph Bellamy, Margaret Lindsay, Charley Grapewin, Mona Barrie. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY DESIGN FOR SCANDAL Rosalind Russell, Walter Pidgeon, Edward Arnold, Lee Bowman, Mary Beth Hughes, Guy Kibbee That rowdy and charming Rosalind Russell as the icy lady judge meets Walter Pidgeon as a dashing lady killer and romps thru this gay fea ture with an all-star, all-fun cast. ALSO "The Tcll-Tale Heart" based on Edgar Allen Poe's terrifying tale of a murderers confession. H. O. Pargeter Roseburg business man who is general chairman of Citizens' Committee For War-Time T'" Saving J. G. Barratt Heads Tax Move in County J. G. Barratt of Heppner has been named Morrow county chairman for the Citizen's Committee for War Time Tax Saving by H. 0. Pargeter, Roseburg business man who is state chairman of the citizen's group urg ing lower local property taxes dur ing the period of rising federal taxes for all-out war purposes. The platform of the Citizens' Com mittee is simple and has already been endorsed by scores of commun ity organizations, women's clubs and trade and business associations thru out Oregon, Mr. Pargeter states. The committee's purpose is to arouse public opinion in all parts of Oregon to demand that spending of property tax money for wasteful or non-essential public purposes stop during the war period. The Citizen's Committee says that federal taxes to win the war must have first call on a taxpayer's pocketbook, and that every dollar saved from un necessary local spending is a dollar released to meet inevitable higher taxes and with which to buy de fense savings bonds and stamps. Property taxes for the 1942-43 fis cal tax year, payable next Novem ber 15, will be fixed by counties, cities, many school districts, port-road-water-fire protection and other tax-levying bodies during this Ap ril, May and early June. "Conse quently," according to Mr. Pargeter, who is secretary of the Douglas County Taxpayers league, "now is the time for, taxpayers to insist on all-out economy in their local gov ernment. Taxpayers should ask themselves: "What does it cost? Can we get along without it during the war?" Morrow county chairman, Mr. Barratt, has . copies of resolutions endorsing the position of the Citizens' Committee with respect to "all-out war demands lower local taxes," and will be glad to send a suitable reso lution to any club or organization that desires to express its support of the tax economy campaign. DEPUTY RESIGNS Earle Bryant has resigned his po sition as deputy sheriff, effective yesterday, and will assist in the management of the ranch of Mrs. Sophrona Thompson. No appoint ment will be made immediately for a successor to the deputy post ELKS TO INSTALL Heppner lodge 358 will install of ficers for the ensuing year at the regular lodge meeting this evening. C. J. D. Bauman has been named as installing officer by J. G. Barratt, exalted ruler. Telephone Employees Buy Defense Bonds Through the payroll allotment plan, Oregon's 2700 employes of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company already are purchasing more than $500,000, on an annual basis, of United States defense bonds. In Heppner, all regular employes are participating 100 percent, according to Effie Andrews, manager fiere. Emphasis on the enthusiasm with which the company's 20,000 employ es on the Pacific coast are partici pating in the purchase of bonds, as well as the difficulties imposed by the necessary restrictive use of ma terials, and the heavy growth in taxes, was stressed in a report just issued by President N. R. Powley for the first three months of 1942. . The report shows the tax bill of the company for the 12 months end ing March 31 was $24,877,000, an in crease of more than $3,500,000 over the preceding 12 months. Further large tax increases, effective retro- actively to January 1, 1942, are ex pected. Net gain in telephones in Febru ary was 11,388, as compared with 12,578 in February last year. "The necessary restrictive use of materials makes it increasingly dif ficult to meet large telephone de mands," President Powley said. "The heavy volume of local telephone traffic continues. Long distance traffic for the first two months a 19.3 percent increase over the same period last year is at an all-time high for this period. Every effort is being made to render the best pos sible telephone service, notwith standing the many abnormal condi tions with which the company is confronted in these critical and try ing times. Heppner Gazette Times, April 2, 1942 5 C. J. D. Bauman expects to be in Portland this week end to attend a family reunion, and before return ing will visit his nephew, Chester Christenson at Astoria. "Chet" is an officer in the U. S. Marines. ON HONOR ROLL Eastern Oregon College of Edu cation, La Grande, April 1. Kath ryn Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Parker of Heppner, was among the 53 students who earned a place on the scholastic hon or roll for the winter quarter at the Eastern Oregon College of Education. State Educators Meet With Groups Here Two members of the state super intendent of public instruction de partment were visitors here this week. Miss Florence Beardsley, elemen tary superintendent, made an offi cial call Tuesday, and Dr. V. D. Bain was here yesterday to discuss with local school officials the new law for instructing handicapped chil dren. Dr. Bain's meeting was at the county superintendent's office yes terday moming at 10 o'clock. RED CROSS SEWING SET The Red Cross sewing rooms in Masonic hall will be open hereafter two days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 2 to 4:30, announ ces Mrs. Harry Tamblyn, chairman. There is still more sewing to do and plenty of yarn, Mrs. Tamblyn said. SCOTTY'S EASTER SPECIAL PURCHASE RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Winkle moved this week into the residence of the late E. N. Gonty, which they have purchased. 1 yearling, 1 2-yr.-old Hereford bull to trade for heifers or cows; 3 broke saddle horses for sale. W. H. French, Hardman. 1 Pint Sherbet FREE with each Quart purchase of Ice Cream Sunday Only p A few new flavors o SCOTTY'S Super-Creamed Ice Cream Store NEW P. P. & L. CASHIER Elton Robinson of Pendleton ar rived in Heppner Monday to take over duties as cashier at Pacific Power & Light company's office, succeeding Clifford Jenison who will leave shortly for service in the U. S. Marines. Robinson is married and has three children. The family is expected to join him here in a short time. If you want an OIL HEATER it- must be installed before APRIL 14 Only those having heaters installed at that time will be entitled to receive oil . These heaters now available at former prices, though prices have advanced: COLEMAN and DUO-THERM $64.50 Heaters now $59.50 44.50 Heaters now 39.50 99.95 Heaters now 89.95 109.95 Heaters now 95.95 1 Oil-burning Range, was $179.50 now $139.50 Case Furniture Co. LADIES' BOWLING TOURNAMENT ENDS TOMORROW O . TEAM STANDINGS WILSON'S B. Lawrence, E. Sigsbee, A. Curran, L. Rippee, M. Johnson Won Lost Total Pins Average Pins 23 9 14,492 603.83 RUNNION'S F. Crawford, I. Laughlin, H. Mahoney, E. Hamlin, E. Hanlon 22 10 14,188 591.16 FARLEY'S E. Andrews, V. Kane, H. Doherty, E. Sweek, B. Finch 12 20 13,440 560.00 EDDIE'S F. Luttrell, G. Glasgow, Z. Dufalt, B. Hudson, D. Wiley 7 25 12,922 538.41 IHIeppinir Alleys-