2 Heppner Gazette Times, April 2, 1942 IONE NEWS Erret Hummel Asks Release as Principal By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH The warmer weather of this week has been appreciated after the un seasonable kind of last week, when two inches of snow was reported at Gooseberry Wednesday morning. So far there has been very little grow ing weather. Erret Hummel, principal of the lone school has asked the school board to release him from his con tract, effective the end of this week, as he has obtained a job with a bank in Portland. Mrs. Ella Davidson left Saturday evening by train for Sacramento to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ray Beez ley. She will also go to Stockton to visit her son, Thomas Davidson and family, as Mr. Davidson ex pects soon to be transferred by his company to Baltimore. Mrs. Lee Beckner is at Camp Shepard, Texas, visiting her nephew, Eugene Normoyle, who is ill with pneumonia. According to word re ceived by Mr. Beckner Sunday the young man's condition is critical. Mrs. Bert Mason and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dorr Mason, are visiting in Portland. They went down on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson re turned Monday from Salem where they were guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. El mo McMillan. Mrs. Regina Miller and daughter Lena accompanied them to lone and are guests of Mrs . Miller's daughter, Mrs. Garland Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner of Thornton, Wash., spent Saturday and Sunday here at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred Mankin. A school election was held last Saturday for the purpose of elect ing a clerk to take the place of Er ling Thompson, who has moved to , McMinnville. Mrs. deo Drake was elected. lone high school girls who spent the school holiday in Portland are Freda Ball, Betty Lou Lindsay, Eu nice Peterson, Charlotte Sperry and Marjorie Peterson. Mrs. Ella Davidson has word that her grandson, Jesse Ray Beezeley, who formerly lived here, was re cently married at Vallejo, Cal., to Miss Ella Smith. The ceremony was performed at a pioneer church in Vallejo. The bride wore a blue suit and the bridegroom, who is in the army air corps and stationed at March field, wore his uniform. Mr. an Mrs. Clyde Stewart of Ar cada, California, arrived Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Stewart's son, Arthur Ritchie, and her daughters, Mrs. Franklin Linstrom and Mrs. Clifford McCabe. Mrs. , Roy W. Lindstrom returned Sunday to her school at Monmouth after spending the week end with . her husband here, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Linn re turned to Portland Thursday after several days spent here at the home of Mr. Linn's parents. Mr., and Mrs. J. W. Howk and daughter Lois visited Mrs. Howk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn on. Sunday. Their son Alan, who Wad spent the school vacation here, re turned to Condon with them. A physician, was called from Heppner Saturday to attend Mrs. J. W. Schleevoight. She is reported to be somewhat better. Mrs. Arthur Ritchie went to Port land the last of the week to visit her father, and while she was there her father was seized with a heart attack and died instantly. He is sur vived by six chilren, three of them under thirteen. Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. David Rietmann were hostesses last Wednesday afternoon for a bridge party at the David Rietmann home, honoring their sisterrin-law, Mrs. Victor Peterson of The Dalles. Miss Bertha Akers is now in gov ernment service at Camp Lewis with the rank of lieutenant. She is a trained nurse and the daughter of R. M. Akers. Mrs. Clarence Harris was honored Friday afternoon by a large shower for which Mesdames Garland Swan son, Franklin Lindstrom, Clifford McCabe, Louis Halvorsen, and Mat thew Gordon were hostesses. The Women's Topic club was en tertained at the home of Mrs. Clel Rae Saturday afternoon with a bridge party. Other hostesses were Mesdames Frank Lundell, M. E. Cot- HARDMAN NEWS Hardman Ladies Sew for Red Cross By ELSA M. LEATHERS The ladies of Hardman who sew for the Red Cross divided the sew ing this time with the mill ladies. Little girls' dresses were made this week. Herman Neilson who has farmed in the Rood canyon section for many years moved to Heppner Thursday and came to Hardman on Monday to arrange for his mail to stay at Heppner. He recently purchased the Frank Turner residence. Mr. and Mrs. Al Lovgren and son visited in town Sunday before go ing to Eight Mile to see about his cattle. Henry Happold was in town Sun day to see Carey Hastings. Shearing will start soon. Since Carey was at the McCurdy place Mrs. Hastings and daughters went to get him Sun day. He expects to leave Wednesday morning. R. H. Steers started working at Reed's mill Monday morning. Ed McDaniel returned home Sun- day from the Jim Burnside ranch where he helped in lambing. Misses Vera and Romona McDan iel and Rita Mclntyre returned to Heppner Sunday for school. Miss Lois Hewitt who has taught the primary room two successive years here has accepted a position at Milton-Freewater, her home. She will instruct the sixth grade. Archie Bechdolt went to Board man to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt, on Thursday. A large number of townspeople of the community attended the sale in Heppner Thursday. Esther Burnside and children vis ited a couple of days here from Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Saling and family of Pendleton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDonald over Friday night. Mr. Saling is fireman at the Pendleton air base. Those visiting in town over Sun day were Bob Rogers of Kinzua, Joe Mahon from Pilot Rock, the Victor Lovgrens from Eight Mile. PINE CITY NEWS The Lena grange ladies met Wed nesday afternoon at the Bernice Wattenburger home with ten mem bers present and seven visitors. A business meeting was held and lunch was served at 4 o'clock. The small children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters and C. H. Bartholomew and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburg er and children were Pendleton call ers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. .Marion Finch and and daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eb Hughes of Lena. Jim McCarty had a rather light stroke last Thursday. He is at the home of his brother, Bill McCarty. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pettyjohn and family of Heppner spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ayers. Mrs. Mary Ritchie and daughter Hazel and Bill Westermeyer spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers. Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and daughter spent Sunay with Mrs. Walter Wigglesworth at Echo. Clayton Ayers, Jasper Myers and Burl Wattenburger attended a meet ing in Echo Sunday evening of the home guards. Jasper Myers signed up. 1 Mrs. John Harrison returned home to Eugene Monday. She had been visiting Mrs. George Currin at Lena. Mrs. George Harris of Hermiston spent Sunday night and Monday visiting the Roy Neill home. T. P. & L. GIVES AIR PROGRAM Starting at 9:30 last evening, a new radio program, "Northwest Neighbors" was presented for the first time by Pacific Power and Light company in cooperation with Northwestern Electric company. It will be produced weekly on Wed nesdays at 9:30 hereafter. Origin ating through the studio of KOIN in Portland, stations assisting in the broadcast are KIT, Yakima; KUJ, Walla Walla; KWRC, Pendleton; KODL, The Dalles; KBND, Bend, and KAST, Astoria. ter, and Elmer Griffith. Those win ning prizes were Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Mrs. Ella Davidson. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Swanson on April 10. LEXINGTON NEWS Local Cantata to be Given at Lexington By MARGARET SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Herman and children of Chicago are visiting at the homes of Mrs. Herman's broth ers, Julian and Henry Rauch. This is the first time Henry has seen his sister in 34 years. The Hermans plan to make their home here and their daughter, aged eight, and son, aged eleven, will attend the local .school. The H. E. C. club will meet at the Red Cross sewing room in Heppner on April 9 and will assist in the Red Cross sewing. The Heppner churches will present their Easter cantata in the local Christian church on Friday evening. Easter morning there will be a short program at the church at 11 o'clock following Sunday school at 10. Ev eryone is 'cordially invited to attend these services. April 11 is grange night and a busy time it will be. There will be a class of fourteen to receive the first and second degrees, and there will also be voting for state grange officers. So every member is urged to be present and on (time promptly at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson took their youngest daughter Carol to Pendleton Wednesday for a medical check-up. It failed to get in this column that when Mary Edwards returned from her recent trip to California she was accompanied home by her 5-year-old niece, Clara, who will make her home with the Edwards'. Mary Buchanan of The Dalles spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bu chanan. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Hanks has been named Jennifer Lee. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vinson are the parents of a son, Harvey Louis, born Friday at the Oris Padberg home. Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and sons went to Stanfield Tuesday to get Mrs. Gene Gray for a short visit here. t Mrs. Nettie Davis and Jimmy moved to the Ralph Phillips' house Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and sons moved to the Davis farm. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael spent several days in Portland last week. Colleen McMillan who is attend ing school in Heppner spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott and Vera Whillock spent Saturday in Pendleton. Friday evening Sandra Whillock, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl a Whillock, caught her hand in an electric saw and cut her finger severely. She was taken to Hepp ner for medical treatment. Gerry Cutler spent Tuesday in Pendleton visiting her grandfather, George Payne. BOARDMAN NEWS Special Easter Services Slated at Boardman By MRS. CLAUD COATS Mrs. Phil Jones, Gerald Jones and wife of Hermiston visited at the Blanche Jones home Wednesday. All the seniors except Russell and Angelia DeMauro went to Pendleton Wednesday to have their pictures taken. H. E. C. meets Wednesday at the home of Mrs. L. Root. Pay luncheon promptly at 1 o'clock. Silver tea met this week at the home of Mrs. Chas. Dillon. Mr. an Mrs. Warren Dillon of Walla Walla were week-end guests of Mr. Dillon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dillon. Special Easter services will be held at the Community church Sun day morning at 9:45. The Sunday school program will follow at 10:45 with several numbers from primary department, also some from the oth er classes. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill and Mabel Allen motored to The Dalles Tuesday, where Mr. Tannehill con sulted a doctor. Funeral services were held Friday in Lewiston, Idaho, for Julian Darr, former resident of Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. George McNabb of The Dalles were week-end guests ly Joe Marsh 7 , BESTstorekeeper I ever knew was a fellow named Sam Abernethy. Sam's specialty was to take over some run-down store that some body else had given up as a failure. Then Sam would turn it into a gold mine. "But the most important thing of all," he used to say, "is to re member who's Boss!" "You may think you are Boss of your business . . . but you're not. The Public, your customers, are the real bosses . . . and you've got to run your business the way they want it." That little statement of Sam's made a big impression on me . . . particularly since it certainly seemed to work so well in Sam's case. And Sam isn't the only one. I see the beer industry feels the same way . . . certainly, the brew ers believe in running their busi ness the way you and I would like to see it run. Folks like us like to see beer sold in clean, quiet, decent places. No. 34 of a Series U. P. Scholarships Given 17 Leading 4-H Club Members Seventeen boys and girls chosen as the outstanding club members of their respective counties have just been named as recipients of the an nual Carl Raymond Gray college scholarships awarded by the Union Pacific railroad in counties served by its lines. The list of winners was selected and recommended by county and state 4-H club specialists of the O. S. C. extension service, and has just been approved by Joe W. Jarvis, Omaha, supervisor of agricultural development for the railroad. Each of the scholarship winners is either a senior or a junior in high school and will use the $100 award to enter Oregon State college, either in the at Mrs. McNabb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gorham. Crystal Barlow was in Portland over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie and sons visited over the week end with Mr. Gillespie's brother and family, Art Gillespies of Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. George Ransier of Echo were here Sunday afternoon visiting Dan Ransier and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham return ed Sunday from Spokane where they had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Gorham's brother, Lyle Blay den. The annual Congregational meet- ' ing was held Monday evening in the church basement with about 25 pre sent. Mrs. Russell was elected sec retary; Mrs. A. Fisher and Leo Potts, trustees; Mrs. A. Baker and W. Lay, elders. This was followed by an oyster supper with a big crowd present. GLADIOLUS BULBS Package of 4 20c SHRUBS All kinds. 2 years old, will bloom this year. Each 30c Gilliam & Bisbee om where I sit . . . Well ... the brewers feel the same way about it. They don't want their beer sold in wrong surroundings. They know it doesn't pay. And they know it hurts the good name of beer. I was reading the other day how the brewers and the beer distribu- , tors work together and cooperate with law enforcement authorities. The idea is to make careless beer retailers clean up their places and practices ... or close up. It's a good plan . . . and it seems to me it ought to work. I under stand it is already in operation in a number of states and is being extended. It's a mighty fine thing when a great industry has the gumption to do a job like that on its own initiative. And if Sam Abernethy was right, the brewers should be mighty successful . . . because they're running their business the way the public wants to see it run. Copyright, 1942, Brewing Industry Foundation fall of 1942 or 1943. In approving the recommended list, Mr. Jarvis praised the accom plishments of the club members, a number of whom he knew personal ly from previous experience in this state. The awards are announced this year just prior to national 4-H mobilization week, April 5 to 10. The list follows: Baker, Dorothy Green, Haines, and alternate, Wanda Creger, Haines; Clatsop, Mary Ann Tittinger, Astor ia; Crook, Percy Reynolds, Prine ville; Deschutes, Shirley Helmholtz, Redmond, and alternate, Warren Cyrus, Redmond; Gilliam, Janet Boyer, Condon; Grant county, Jessie Lee Moore, Dayville, and alternate, Karlin Merrill, Monument; Harney, Margaret Thies, Burns; Hood River, Georgiana Moore, Hood River, and alternate, Fred Moe, Odell. Malheur, Susan Zamora, Nyssa, and alternate, Walter Duncan, Wil lowcreek; Morrow, Dick Edmondson, Heppner; Multnomah, Lillian Ander egg, Portland; Sherman, Cassie von Borstel, Grass Valley, and alternate, Robert von Borstel, Grass Valley; Umatilla, Laura Jean Hampton, Pendleton, and alternate, David Du fur, Hermiston; Union, Robert Che nault, La Grande; Wallowa, Betty Ann Warnock, Imnaha; Wasco, Bet ty Jo Chastain, Maupin, and alter nate, Dorcas Crabtree, Maupin; Wheeler, Frederick Metteer, Fossil, and alternate, Betty Mathews, Kin zua. TYPING CONTEST CANCELLED Oregon State College The Oregon state typing and shorthand contest, held annually here for the past 20 years, has been cancelled for this year because kof transportation dif ficulties. Many schools that have participated regularly sent word that they would be unable to make travel arrangements this year.