0 O -own o r o 33 o H O 55 r 3 'z CZ o o w H O A Week of the War (Summary of important develop ments made available by official sources through 5 p. m., Monday, March 23.) President Roosevelt proclaimed April 6 as Army Day and asked the nation to observe it by resolving firmly "to spare no effort which may contribute to the speedy creation of the arms and supplies indispensable to our citizens' Army.. ." He said, "We are engaged in our greatest war, a war that will leave none of our lives wholly untouched. . . . We shall win this war as we have won every war we have fought " War Secretary Stimson announced th Army will train 100,000 men and women for civilian jobs as overhaul and repair mechanics, inspectors at government arsenals, etc. Men must be outside the age requirements for selective service. Applications may be made at any Civil Service Com mission local office. The House pass ed and sent to the Senate a bill to create a volunteer Army Auxiliary corps of women between 21 and 45. Ground forces Commander Mc Nair reported the Army will expand its present nine corps areas to 11 to facilitate handling of 32 new stream lined infantry divisions of 15,300 men each. Commander McNair said a site "west of Colorado river" has been selected for large-scale troop train ing in modern desert warfare. The Army institute was established at Madison, Wisconsin, to provide cor respondence study in more than 65 academic courses for enlisted men with at least four months active service. Selective Service Selective Sendee Director Her shey, tightening 11-A deferments, directed SS local boards to put aside considerations of "mere convenience and comfort" in determining the deferment of persons necessary to the "national health, safety or in terest." The local boards began dis tribution of four-page occupational questionnaires to obtain for the U. S. Employment Service and their agencies full information on the vo cational background of men who registered February 16. Later the questionnaires will be sent the ear lier SS registrants. The President set April 27 as the SS registration day for all men 44 to 64, inclusive. Director Hershey said as the war progresses, draft deferments will depend more on whether a man's civil operation is essential to the war effort than on his dependents. Rationing The Office of Price Administra tion announced individual or family consumers will register for sugar ra tioning May 4, 5, 6 and 7 at public elementary schools. Commercial us ers will register April 28 and 29 at high schools. All sugar sales in the' country will be salted at midnight April 27 for approximately 10 days. One member of a family can register the entire household. Each person will receive a war ration book of 28 stamps. Oil Coordinator Ickes said a card rationing system for gasoline will Continued on Page Six ATTEND FBI CONFERENCE Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman and Po licemen Pat Mollahan and Bill Mor gan were in Pendleton Saturday to attend a special FBI conference call ed by J. D. Swenson, special agent in charge. On the program for dis cussion were "Alien Enemy Prob lems of the Police," "Codes, Ciphers . and Secret Writings." "Law En forcement Duties in Wartime Emer gency." Motion pictures of Pearl Harbor and of The British Comman does in Action were shown. POMONA AT IONE, 4TH Films and sound movies on bombs to be shown by R. G. Bennett of Pendleton will be a feature of the Pomona grange meeting at lone, April 4, announces Vida Heliker, lec turer. Other numbers will be "Vic tory Gardens," county agent; hum orous reading by Dot Halvorsen of Willows grange, musical number by Rhea Creek grange, vocal duet by Betty and Frances Finch, Lena. Oth er numbers are also expected. The meeting will be open to the public. 1 yearling, 1 2-yr.-old Hereford bull to trade for heifers or cows; 3 broke saddle horses for sale. W. H. French, Hardman. Volume 58, Number 52 272 Order Numbers Given Registrants In Third Draft 1 8 to 44 Group to Receive Question naires in Short Time With arrival of the master list from Washington, D. C, this week Morrow county local board cleared order numbers for the 272 registrants in the third selective service draft. It was expected work of sending questionnaires to this group would start in the near future. In the year and five months that the Selective Service system has been in operation the local board has classified 633 registrants. Some of these registrants have been classi fied and re-classified but through all the work of classification there has been but one case taken to the ap peal board and in that case the board of appeal sustained the decision of the local board. Each of the classi fications has been made only after careful consideration of the evidence placed within each registrant's file. Board members are Judge Bert Johnson, chairman, J. O. Hager and M. D. Clark. Order nombers and names have been released by the board in the Continued on Page Five MEAT MARKETING VITAL TO ALL Beef cattle producers of Morrow county can help their country in war time as well as protect themselves by increasing their marketings of cattle and calves to meet the 1942 production goals,, according to C D. Conrad, county agent. With the United States at war, it is essential that the nation's workers and armed forces have an abundance of meat. Beef and veal will be needed in larger amounts as the demand increases, Conrad pointed out. Wftth an increasing purchasing power of civilian consumers and with increased needs of the armed forces, Conrad believes that larger quanti ties of beef can be sold with little chance of depressing prices during the coming year. Thus, Conrad said, by increasing marketings this year, cattlemen can serve their country, head off over stocking, and take advantage of the opportunity to sell on a good market and prevent excessive marketings at some later time when prices and demand may not be so good. BAND SPONSORS DANCE The Heppner school band will sponsor its annual dance at the Elks temple, Saturday evening, April 4. Tickets are being sold at $1.10 a couple (tax included). Proceeds will either be used to send the band to the district contest at La Grande, or for instrumentation needed very much in the band. Due to the tire shortage it is doubted if transporta tion could be raised to send the 40 odd musicians to the contest to de fend the superior rating won last year. Harold W. Buhman will di rect his band up and down Main street this Saturday afternoon at 3:30, weather permitting, for about an hour while several marches will be played. ATTEND MEETING Going to Moro yesterday evening for a district meeting of North Pa cific Grain Growers were Geo. N. Peck, R. B. Rice, Henry Baker, Ken neth Blake, D. W. Glasgow, John J. Wightman. ENLISTS IN MARINES Clifford Jenison, bookkeeper at Pacific Power & Light company, re cently was. passed for enlistment in the U. S. Marine Corps and is awaiting call. Lost Tan dog collar 1942 lie. 927. Reward. Lee A. Sprinkel. ltp. - d Fire Protection For Wheat Fields Planned Fire districts were outlined and wardens appointed for controlling wheat and grass fires in Mprrow county during the ensuing fire sea son, at a meeting in the county ag ent's office Saturday. Lyman Tibbies, serving as county fire warden under the Civilian De fense council, outlined the tentative organization and functions of the fire districts and explained that such an organization would be helpful in the county for avoiding unnecessary travel and confusion even in or dinary years when the fire danger is not as great as it will be this sum mer. Tibbies discounted the possibility of aerial raids with incendiary bombs in Morrow county, but stated that it is possible through the use of phosphorous impregnated cards and other contrivances for saboteurs to start thousands of fires in our wheat fields hours after the saboteurs are gone. Present plans are for all the war dens appointed at the Saturday New Soil District Work Now Ready to Start Supervisors of the Heppner Soil Conservation district are now ready to accept applications from farmers within the district for conservaton farm plans, according to C. D. Con rad, county agent and secretary of the district. A work program and plan of work for the district as well as memoran dums of understanding with the Soil Conservation service and United States department of agriculture re cently drawn up by the supervisors have been approved in. Washington, D. C. The plan of work calls for completing at least 20 new farm plans within the district this year. The farm plans include a complete soil, slope, erosion and range survey of the farm, and from these surveys a plan for the farm is developed that will contribute the most to pro duction and conservation. Three Soil Conservation Service technicians including an engineer, a soils man and a farm planner are now stationed at Heppner to do the farm planning work and help carry out other phases of the district pro gram. Announcement has been made by Tom Wilson, farm planner for the SCS, that some machinery, trees and grass seed not commonly available to farmers will be made available to the district by the SCS. Conrad states that farm plans will be made in the order in which ap plications are received for them and any farmer wishing such a plan should contact the suervisor in his district at the earliest possible time. The five supervisors are J. J. Wightman, Orian , Wright, Edwin Hughes, O. W. Cutsforth and Henry Peterson. Farm plans so prepared do not force conservation practices upon the farmer, continues Conrad. The plans must meet the approval of the district supervisors as well as the farmer before they are signed, and with the surveys prepared, furnish valuable information to the farmer by which he may plan his farming operations to insure both maximum production and soil conservation. AUGUST RAIINER PASSES Funeral services were held from Phelps Funeral home Monday after noon for August Rahner, for many years a farmer in Rood canyon, who died last Friday at Pendleton. Mr. Rahner, a native of Holland, left no surviving relatives here. He was familiarly known for years as the "Chicken Dutchman." NEW BOYLEN TRIAL SET After directed verdict ordered by Judge McColloch of not guilty in trial of one indictment against Tom Boylen, Jr., in federal court in Pen dleton last week, trial on a second indictment has been scheduled to begin next Monday. Heppner, Oregon, Thursdoy, March 26, 142 meeting to assemble and work out definite fire control measures to be employed in all communities before the fire season. Plowing hay strips, burning weeds along all roads and putting barrels of water, sacks and shovels at strategically located places are some of the methods suggested. Keeping all rural telephone lines in the best possible operating con dition is one of the first steps as an aid to rural fire control, said Tib bies. He said that some of the rural lines are useless at the present time if several people take down the re ceivers at the same time which would be necessary in case "alarm" calls are to be used successfully. The wardens appointed Saturday will be in charge of fire control and fire fighting in their community and calls for help from outside of the community must come through the warden or assistant warden before such calls will be recognized. Community boundaries were lo cated as near as possible to comply Continued on Page Four GUERILLA BAND PROPOSED HERE That Morrow county men with rifles might well follow the lead of men of Tillamook county and other sections in organizing to put these arms to effective use in case of in vasion was proposed before the Monday Lions luncheon by Mayor J. O. Turner, Lions president and county defense coordinator. Turner said he for one was not willing to leave if the Japs showed up. He said he would father stay and fight it out and lose, rather than to leave and have nothing to come back to. Discussion pro and con was had without definite decision, but senti ment favoring guerilla organization was freely expressed. Assistance in guerilla warfare training was said to be available from army sources. Lyman Tibbies, county fire de fense director, reported progress in organizing the rural firefighting force for protection of grain crops the coming summer, more detailed report of which is given in another column. Alden Blankenship reported that a meeting of the physical fitness group had been called for that eve ning at the school house. Earle Bryant Named Elks' Exalted Ruler Earle Bryant was named exalted ruler of Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, at election for the new year last Thursday evening. Features of the evening also were initiation of thirteen candidates and entertain ment of ladies of Elks with cards and dancing. Other officers named were Clyde Denney, esteemed leading knight; Carlton Swanson, esteemed loyal knight; James Valentine, esteemed lecturing knight; Dr. R. C. Lawrence, secretary; Boyd Redding, treasurer; Blaine Isom, tyler; Harvey Miller, trustee. Installation will be the first Thursday in April. RIDINGS, WARD IN NAVY Gordon Ridings, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark, and Dallas Ward, son of Mrs. Lawrence Red ding, are two men who have risen high in the athletic world, well known in this county, who will en ter Annapolis Naval academy short ly to prepare for commissions and enter upon careers as physical ed ucation instructors in tie naval ser vice, according to word just received by home folks. Ridings was assist ant coach at Columbia university, New York, and Ward was assistant coach at University of Minnesota be fore enlistment. Both were outstand ing athletes in college days, Ridings at University of Oregon, and Ward at Oregon State college. n n a c Johnson, Peck Out r Forjudge; Fergusons For Commissioner q Dix Seeks Treasurer Post; Filing for Pri maries Ends Monday With final filing date for candi dates in the May 15 primary election to end next Monday, at least two contests for local office were indica ted by developments this week. Judge Bert Johnson and Commis sioner George N. Peck each an nounced himself for the judgeship in the republican ranks, while W. O. Dix was circulating petitions to have his name placed on the republican ballot opposing L. W. Briggs. Peck's term as commissioner is expiring, and to fill this position friends were petitioning for the candidacy of E. O. Ferguson, also republican. No opposition has so far appeared for the office of assessor, which Tom Wells, democrat, is expected to seek again. In making his announcement, Judge Johnson said, "Before my el ection in 1936 I made one promise only and that was that I would, if elected, perform the duties of the office honestly and to the best of my ability. That promise goes for this election. I honestly believe that I have kept my promise and I sin cerely hope that "my many friends will give me the opportunity of serving this county for the coming term." Mr. Peck indicated that his long service as commissioner had well acquainted him with all problems of county administration, and that he was seeking the judgeship as a means of giving enlarged service. So far Morrow county has failed to produce a candidate for the legis lative post held by E. Harvey Miller who has indicated that he will not again be a candidate. Giles L. French of Moro, who holds this district's second legislative seat has indicated that he will seek reelection. Attention of candidates for state and district offices in this county was confined this week to the visit yesterday of Robert A. Farrell, and Mrs. Farrell, on their way from John Day where Mr. Farrell addressed a district Elks meeting Saturday eve ning, to The Dalles. Mr. Farrell is seeking the republican nomination to the office of secretary of state. RECREATIONISTS. MEET Everyone in the community who is interested will be given an oppor tunity within a few days to indicate the activities in which he or she is most interested as well as the most convenient time for participation, announces Alden Blankenship, de fense physical fitness director, fol lowing a meeting with representa tives of various organizations at the school Monday evening. As soon as this survey is completed the results will be used as the basis for forma tion of a definite program, and sched ule. Represented' were B. P. W., B. P. O. E., Masons, Odd Felows, cham ber of commerce, school, Lions and Music club. SACK SITUATION SEEN Significant of the wheat sack shortage is information received this week by Morrow County Grain Growers that a shipment of 200,000 Calcutta bags had not yet arrived in New York but quotation of 22 cents each, that point, was made. This is one of few available stocks Morrow County Grain Growers have been able to locate. This organization alone sold 450,000 sacks in Morrow county last year. ON JURY PANEL L. E. Bisbee has received notice to report in Pendleton Monday as a member of the federal grand jury panel from which jurors will be drawn to hear claim cases arising from condemnation of lands in the north end for bombing field and ordnance depot. Morrow county is one of the defendants named.