Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 01, 1942, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, January 1, 1942
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Robert V. Turner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Turner, was in Pendleton
Saturday on his way to Washington,
D. C, by air in line with his work
with the Federal Land bank, accord
ing to word received by his parents.
They also reported that their daugh
ter, Mrs. Raymond Huddleston, in
Valdez, Alaska, has enrolled on the
air police force there, and is tak
ing special instruction in her duties.
Guests at the A. W. Gammell
home to eat Christmas dinner were
Mrs. Emma Gammell of Heppner,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pearson and son
Wilbur of Boardman, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Gammell of Eugene and Mrs.
Johnnie DeMoss of Portland. Mrs.
DeMoss was formerly Vada Gam
Holiday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barlow were
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Akers and
. daughter, Alma Gilliam, and Mrs.
Carrie Vaughn, all of Portland. On
their return to the city they were
accompanied by Miss Lucille Bar
low. Miss Minnie Normoyle spent the
Christmas holidays at the home of
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Beckner, in the lone section,
also calling on Heppner friends. She
is teaching art in Denver, Colorado,
this year.
Emmet Kenny is spending the
holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John F. Kenny. He is working
as lineman for Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company and will be sta
tioned at Gilchrist near Bend on re
turn to work.
Miss Beatrice Thomson spent
Christmas day with her mother, Mrs.
A. Q. Thomson from her work at
La Grande,
Paul Webb, Jr., returned home
Tuesday from a week's visit at
Scran ton, Wash,
Christmas Visits
Mark Boardman Week
Ted Wilson. E. O. C. E. student of
La Grande is spending the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Wilson.
Word was received by Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Coats that their daugh
ter, Mrs. Glen Mallory of Tacoma,
Wash., had an appendectomy Friday,
Dec. 26.
Frank Marlow spent the week end
with Mrs. Marlow at The Dalles, and
reports her very much improved.
Stanton Hadley of Fossil is spend
ing a few days visiting with friends
and staying with Marvin Walpole.
Lewis Gess, former Boardman res
dent, now of Hermiston, was call
ing on the project Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier re
ceived a letter from their son, Pvt.
Kenneth Ransier, that he is con
fined in the hospital due to eye
Mrs. Margaret Klitz returned to
her home Saturday after spending
the holidays with her son and fam
ily, Noel of La Grande,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bleakney and
sons, Neil, Donald and Pat of Mab
ton, Wash., were calling on friends
here Sunday.
Ralph Skoubo and Ray Part low
left Sunday for Corvallis to spend a
few days. Ray is a student at E. O.
C. E., La Grande, and Ralph is also
entering, January 6.
Asher Montague of Condon spent
several days this week with his
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Graves.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow, Mr.
and Mrs. D. F. Ransier, son Daniel,
and Pvt. Rowan were among din
ner guests Christmas of Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Coats.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graves and
family attended a family reunion of
the Graves' at the John Graves
home in Hermiston Saturday.
Wednesday, New Year's eve,
Greenfield grange exemplified the
first and second degree, ending with
dancing and card playing until 1
p. m.
Wednesday, Jan. 7, Ladies Aid will
meet at the home of Mrs. Bechdolt.
All ladies welcome.
Harold Armstrong, O. S. C. stu
dent home for the holidays, receiv
ed orders to report at the naval
induction office in Portland Tues
day. He had previously applied for
enlistment through the Walla Walla
recruiting office.
Floyd Gammell , and Miss Maxine
Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Armstrong of Summit,
were united in marriage December
16 and are spending their honey
moon with his relatives at Heppner.
D. J. Conway of Portland was a
business visitor in the city Satur
day. He is a nephew of the late
Mrs. A. L. Ayers, and brother of
Ray Conway, secretary Oregon State
Motor association.
Dr. R. C. Lawrence returned home
Monday morning from Vancouver
where he spent the week end tak
ing his physical examination for
regular army duty. He holds a re
serve officer's rating.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Ba
ker spent Christmas day with rela
tives and friends in lone and stop
ped in Heppner for a few minutes
Friday on their return home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coblantz went
to Toledo last week end where they
visited at the home of Mrs. Cob
lantz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Plank.
Mr. and Mrs. James Farley, Jr.,
were in the city for Christmas at
the home of Mr. Farley's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Farley.
Miss Juanita Phelps spent Christ
mas with her mother, Mrs. Margaret
Phelps. She is taking nurses train
ing at Pendleton.
Frank Anderson and mother, Mrs.
Hilma Anderson, returned home
Monday from Portland where they
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Norton King.
Mrs. Daisy Shively is spending
the holidays here from La Grande
with her son, Harold Becket, and
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe
cialist of Pendleton will be at the
Butter Creek Lad
Takes Heppner Bride
Wedding bells rang Saturday in
honor of Miss Maxine Pettyjohn of
Heppner and Mr. Ray Ayers of But
ter creek. They were married at a
quiet wedding at 1 o'clock at the
bride's home. Only immediate mem
bers of the family attended. The
ceremony was read by Martin Clark
of the Christian church at Heppner.
The couple plan to make their home
at Pendleton. After the ceremony
i big turkey dinner was served by
Mrs. Raymond Pettyjohn, the bride's
Mrs. Mary Ritchie and daughters,
Hazel and Mrs. Bill Westermeyer,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Ayers. Mr. and Mrs. Olin
Ritchie and family of Stanfield were
also guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
daughters. Patty, Frances and Betty,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Jasper Myers and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew.
Miss Marie Healy, Portland, spent
Christmas vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger
were Christmas dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Andrews and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger
and family spent Christmas in Pen
dleton with Mrs. Wattenburger"s
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van Ors
dall. Mr. and Mr. Bert Barnes and Joe
Baltrennis spent Sunday afternoon
with Oscar McCarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers and
family spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger.
Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Barnes and Mr. Baltrennis call
ed at the Wattenburger home.
Jack Healy is ill with tonsilitis.
Everyone is invited to a basket
lone Girl Appointed
Deputy Assessor
Miss Eva Swanson has been ap
pointed deputy assessor, and assum
ed her new duties at the court house
in Heppner on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson
returned to Portland Sunday after
spending Christmas and the week
end with Mr. Swanson's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Swanson.
Miss Minnie Blair Normoyle who
teaches in Denver spent Christmas
with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Beckner.
Mrs. Clara Newlin returned Mon
day from Seattle, where she spent
Christmas with her family.
Miss Nellie Carlson of King City,
Cal., arrived Monday and is the guest
of the John Troedson family.
Mr. and Mrs. Huston Bryson and
J Earl Padberg of Portland were
Christmas guests of the J. H. Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Linn and
daughter, Leeta, of the U. S. B. R.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Linn
of Portland spent Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Linn. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
W. Griffith and sons of Portland
arrived for a few days visit, after
spending Christmas in Condon.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith and
family spent Christmas in Condon at
the J. W. Howk home.
Lyle Van Deusen of Top was a
visitor at the home of his aunt. Mrs.
Martin Bauernfeind in Morgan Mon
day. Winter had not come to the
mountains either. Mr. Van Deusen
said there was only an inch of snow
at his home, and that he broke thru
several times while crossing Sun
flower flat. He planned to return
on the Spray road.
Albert Lindstrom drove to Hood
River Saturday to take his father'
in-law, E. H. Turner, to consult a
Ernest Christopherson and Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Christopherson of
Canby spent the holidays here at the
home of Mrs. Christopherson's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Palmateer and
family returned Monday from Es
tacada. The Masons and Eastern Stars held
joint installation on Wednesday eve
ning last week. Bert Johnson was
installing officer for the Masons, and
Alex Huber was the installing mar
shall. Officers installed were W. M.,
E. M. Baker; S. W., E. E. Hummel;
J. W., George N. Ely; secretary, Bert
Johnson; treasurer, E. R. Lundell;
S. D., George C. Krebs; J. D, Alex
Huber; steward, Elmer Griffith; ty
ler, W. J. Blake.
Installing officer for the Eastern
Star was Martha Dick; installing
marshall, Beulah Mankin; installing
organist, Margaret Blake, and in
stalling chaplain, Ella Davidson.
Those installed were W. M., Lena
Lundell; W. P., E .R. Lundell; A. M.,
Elaine Rietmann; A. P., George N.
Ely; secretary, Ruth B. Mason;
treasurer, Ruby O. Roberts; con
ductress, Mildred Morgan; associate
conductress, Dorothy Smith; chap
lain, Roxy Krebs; organist, Gladys
Drake; Orel Feldman, Adah; Lola
McCabe, Ruth; Marjorie Baker, Es
ther; Fannie Griffith, Martha; Ma
bel Krebs, Electa; Anne Smouse,
warder, and Elmer Griffith, sen
tinel. The incoming matron and pa
tron were presented with gifts by
their granddaughters, Dolores and
Patricia Drake. The retiring matron,
Mrs. Smouse, presented the chapter
with a beautiful Bible in the name
of her officers, instead of giving
them individual gifts. When those
present were seated at the tables
for refreshments, Mrs. Lundell was
presented with a birthday cake, her
birthday having occurred that day.
dinner at noon New Years dav at
Pine City. The ladies are to sew for
the Ked Cross and m the afternoon
a house shower is to be given in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ayers.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore and
son spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Smith of Irrigon.
All Kinds of Welding Wide
Range of Machine Work
& Repair Shop Heppner
Rites Christmas Event
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock aand
family spent Christmas eve and day
at Spray.
Helen Breshears and Everett
Crump of Heppner were married
Christmas afternoon at 3 o'clock in
the Catholic rectory with Father
McCormick officiating. Those at
tending were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Breshears, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Steagall. and Edwina Breshears. The
young couple spent several days in
Portland and Seattle and vicinity.
They are at home in the Ferguson
cabins in Heppner.
A group of local people attended
the dance Saturday evening at the
Rhea Creek grange.
Holiday guests at the Harry Din
ges home included Danny Dinges
from U. of O., and Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Acklen and Ruth Ann from
' Kenneth Jackson is spending the
holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Jackson.
The Ralph Jackson family, Mrs.
Laura Scott and Mrs. Melissa Stone
braker were Christmas day guests
at the Elmer Hunt home.
George and Sherman Tucker were
guests at the home of their sister,
Mrs. Arthur Hunt, Christmas day.
Christmas day guests at the Ver
non Scott home were Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Sprinkel of Heppner and Dean
Sprinkel of Seattle.
Miss Mary Buchanan of The Dal
les spent the holidays at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and
sons spent Thursday at the Gene
Gray home in Stanfield. Mrs. Gray
and son Bobby returned home with
them for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray return
ed home Monday evening from a few
days spent in the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mikesell and
family of Toppenish are visiting at
the Nettie Davis home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman of
Irrigon have been spending the hol
idays at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Carmichael.
Mrs. John McMillan and daughter,
Lavonne, are spending the week in
The Dalles. They were taken as far
as Ailington by Mr. McMillan Sun
day. Eleanor Lee Rice had her tonsils
and adenoids removed and is spend
ing a few days at the hospital in
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wickersham
and children of Portland visited at
the home of Mrs. Wickersham's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Vinson were
guests at the Charles Buchanan
home Christmas day.
Douglas Gibson was a business
visitor in Portland this week.
Hardman Red Cross
Drive Reaches $50
Due to the generosity of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin Hughes and Guy Chapin our
Red Cross war relief fund reached
the $50 mark this week. This am
ount is $32 over last year. Anyone
wishing to donate for the relief will
receive a pin saying, "I Gave."
Donald Robinson was in town Sat
urday attending to business before
going to Pendleton on Monday to
enlist in the army air corps. He is
the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Robinson. Their other son, Creston,
is already in the air force.
Out of town people for Christmas
were Mr. and Mrs. Dufrin McKit
rick and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Burnside and girls, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Lovgren and family, all
guests of Ed Warren; Mr. and Mrs.
Kinard McDaniel and daughter who
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delvin
McDaniel; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Car
michael, John Bcllenbrock, Carl Mc
Daniel, all guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Leathers; Joseph Mahon, Jr.,
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDan
iel, Jr.
Pvt. James A. Stevens, home on
furlough, returned to Fort Knox,
Ky., Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas of
Portland are visiting at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. Dallas Cra-
ber, over the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leathers and
daughter Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wright and daughters and Mrs.
Stanley Robison and Doris, all are
visiting friends and relatives thru
the holidays at Portland.
George Cuningham from Reeds
mill was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam McDaniel, Jr., on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rogers and
Bob Rogers and Miss Nona Inskeep
spent Christmas at the Ben Rogers
home at Lone Rock.
Miss Clarabelle Adams is 'spend
ing the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Adams from
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Love of
Baker are visiting here with the
Loye McFerrins and Clarence Moor
es. All the ladies are sisters,
Mrs. Carl McDaniel and daughter
of Lone Rock and George Smith of
Browning, Mont., visited Mrs. Owen
Leathers Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reid and
Mrs. Ella Bleakman went to Eu
gene this week. They will also visit
Mrs. Bleakman's brother, Jim Mc
Daniel at Scio, before returning
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bleakman
and family from Portland are vis
iting the E. J. Merrills and also the
Bert Bleakmans at Heppner.
Owen Leathers, Jr., was visiting
at Lone Rock several days this week
with Carl McDaniel.
O. S. Sparks visited his daughter,
Mrs. Delvin McDaniel, from Pendle
ton over Christmas.
STAR Reporter
Ida Lupino, Louis Hayward, ELsa
An unforgettable, haunting, thrilling
screen adventure four women and
one man in a house of dreadful sec
rets. Plus
Dick Foran, Leo Carrillo, Andy
Dcvinc, Marcia Ralston
The first in a new series of action
features with music.
Frederic March, Martha Scott, Gene
Lockhart, Beulah Bondi, Grant
Mitchelil, Laura Hope Crews
If you're looking for a grand, grand
movie, see this film adaptation of
the widely read Hartzell Snence nov
el the genial story of the family
life of a country minister. It is a
picture packed with human, heart
warming incidents in the Uvea of
persons who are loyal to their re
ligious beliefs and to their friends.
TUESDAY Bargain Nirfit
Wayne Morris, Brenda Marshall,
Alexis Smith, Alan Hale, Lee
Patrick, Helen Westley
A spine-tingling mystery drama that
has lots of laughs, suspense and
Irene Dunne, Robert Montgomery,
Preston Foster, Eugene Pallette,
Esther Dale, Walter Catlett
Warm, sparkling human story with
plenty of laughs for everyone, men
and women alike.
Our America At War
Latest issue of the March of Time
See how our Democracy meets the
challenge of war fighting with a
just and terrible wrath and grim
determination to win victory!