? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y t T Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y t Y t J' Y Y J Y Y Y T t T t f Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y T" Y f Y t Y Y Y Y T Y Y ' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T f Y Y t t T Y ? Y Y Y Y Thursday, January 1, 1942 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three Remember Pearl. 1 1 ar 00: The cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor shows that we are faced with an enemy that will stop at nothing. Let your answer to bombs be BONDS! Each Defense Bond or Defense Savings Stamp that is purchased helps your Uncle Sam to strike back at the enemy. This year make a resolution to buy Defense Bonds regularly and purchase Defense Savings Stamps at every opportunity. THE CALL TO THE COLORS IS A CALL FOR DOLLARS! Dig deep. Strike hard. Our boys need the planes, ships, and guns which your money will help to buy. Go to your bank, post office, or savings and loan association. Tell them you want to buy De fense Bonds regularly, starting now. War Needs Money YOURS! This war calls for every ounce of energy, every dime and dollar we can muster for ships and planes and guns. Hit the enemy with a $25 Bond. Hurt him with a $50 Bond. Help to blow him sky high with a $100 or $1,000 Bond. Don't delay every hour counts. Buy United States Defense Bonds and Stamps TODAY. This space contributed by the Heppner Gazette Times in order that our total war effort will be speeded through the sale of Defense Bonds and Defense Savings Stamps. LET'S SET THE RISING SUN!!! ? ? Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T T ? ? Y Y ; f T ? Y Y f Y Y f Y I Y Y '? Y Y f Y ? Y Y T ? ? Y Y f t Y Y Y t t T