Page Two Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, December 25, 1941 Farley Aids Move for New OSC Saddle Barns Oregon State College, Corvallis, December 24 Jim Farley of Hepp ner has been appointed committee man from Morrow county to help make plans to proceed immediately with arrangements for construction of the proposed student operated saddle horse on the campus. The project, started last year, was given strong impetus early this month when Lake county stockmen and business men contributed $480 in cash or livestock toward the pro ject after Jim Strosnider, vice-president of the Saddle club, and R. G. Johnson, professor of animal hus bandry, explained the plans. The students expect to give those interested in other eastern Oregon counties an opportunity to share in this project during the Christmas holiday. Donations of livestock pledged last spring are being sold now and the funds sent to students where the money is placed in a trust fund. 'In event that the project can not be carried out, all donations will be returned to the donors. It is estimated that a minimum of $2000, all of which will be for ma terials, will be needed for the 16 units now planned in the two wings. The club facilities will not be con structed until additional funds are available. The Saddle club stables will make available quarters for student-owned horses on the campus. Some of the material and all of the construc tion work is expected to be donated. Portland commission men and friends of the livestock industry have join ed with the leading eastern Oregon stock raisers in supporting this project. Use the G-T want ads for results. Church of Christ Sets Ample Supply of A FULL STOCKING To all the little girls and boys, and to everyone . . . A Merry Christmas BOWLING ALLEY MAY IT MAKE YOU HAPPY The cheer of holly and the fireside's glow . . . Happiness in the hearts of all . . . WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR JOY TO THE WORLD The ever old, yet ever new message brings a heartening note in the days of trial. CENTRAL MARKET & GROCERY 'Advance' Program The Church of Christ will launch a four-year church drive beginning Sunday, December 28, according to announcement this week by Martin B. Clark, pastor of the church. A special "Mobilization Day" program will be announced. The campaign, which is to be call ed the Christian Education Advance, is a part of a national movement in all Protestant churches in the Uni ted States. The announced goals call for a 10 percent increase in enroll ment and attendance each year. If successful, it will mean an increase of at least 3,000,000 in church-school attendance in America, according to the plan. The Church of Christ had an av erage attendance in its church school last year of 65. An average attendance of 75 will be the goal for the next year. "The Christian Education Advance comes in answer to a plea of nation al leaders in business and politics as well as in religious organizations, for a return of the people to Chris- ff CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ADVANCE Fruit Foreseen For Coming Year A smaller output of deciduous fruits and more citrus is in prospect in 1942, compared with 1941, accord ing to information in a review of the outlook for fruits and nuts just is sued by the Oregon Agricultural Extension service. The report also indicates that domestic demand will continue strong, while export fruit business will remain at a low level. "It is not possible to estimate the volume of fruit and nut production in 1942 at this date," says the re port, "although general conditions would suggest a smaller output of deciduous fruit and more citrus than this year. The citrus crop of 1942 43 may be the largest of record, if no serious damage to the crop oc curs. It is very probable that do mestic demand will be even strong er than the record high level of de mand this year. It is to be ex pected that costs of production, har vesting, and marketing will increase, also. "Beyond 1942, the outlook is for I a moderate increase in the rate of fruit production for several years, owing to increases expected in cit rus fruits, peaches, pears, cherries, plums, fresh prunes, and grapes. Citrus production is expected to con tinue ta increase for several years more. The production of apples and dried prunes is expected to continue to decline. Nut production is ex pected to increase further." The complete fruit and nut out look report, which contains several I important statistical tables and charts, is available from county ag ricultural agents or direct from the college. tianity as a way to stop the deter ioration of morals and character am ong American citizens, which many believe is a definite threat to dem ocracy and freedom," according to Mr. Clark. "Statisticians, for instance, report that the crime bill in the United States is nearly $15,000,000,000 in a year; That American people spent more than $15,000,000,000 for alco holic liquor in 1939, and $7,000,000, 000 in gambling places. We have the alarming statement from the United States government that 14,000,000 petty crimes are committed in the United States every year, most of them by offenders under twenty one years of age; that there is a major crime every twenty-two sec onds and a murder every hour. "Added to this sordid and dis couraging picture is the unhappy disclosure that in the United States, 27,000,000 boys and girls under the age of twenty-one are today receiv ing no religious training whatso ever," Mr. Clark continued. He says it is with these facts in mind that many Protestant groups are redoubling their efforts to make the churches of the nation the great moral force they have been in the past. At present, virtually" all Pro testant bodies are said to have Ad vance programs under way. The Christian Education Advance to be inaugurated here has had de tail worked out as to methods, as signment of duties, literature ' for distribution, etc. Stress will be on attendance first, but improved teach ing, better programs and modem equipment also are to be empha sized. Finally, definite plans are in cluded for bringing church-school members into active church mem bership. SEND GREETINGS TO FRIENDS To Editor Gazette Times: As the Christmas spirit comes to our hearts each year we wish to greet our friends by cards or letters or gifts. This year we send to the Times our greetings to print: Greet ings to all our friends in and around Heppner. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with good health and happiness. Our love. George J. and Elizabeth J. Currin. A postscript says that Mr. Cur rin has been ill in bed since the first of October at the family home in G re sham. For Sale Cabinet size 11 tube GE electric radio, 3 yrs. old, $35. J. O. Turner. GREETINGS TO ALL And for all we wish A Merry Christmas ALFALFA LAWN DAIRY 4g A GOOD OLD-FASHIONED CHRISTMAS is the kind we hope you are all having this year. GONTY'S Ml MYRTLE'S BEAUTY SALON