Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 25, 1941, Image 1

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Volume 58, Number 43
Elks Schedule
House Warming
New Year's Eve
Official Opening of
Remodeled Home
To Attract Many
Official celebration of remodeling
of the Elks hall and club rooms, re
cently completed, will be one of the
major attractions for many people
of this and neighboring communities
on New Years eve.
Dedication ceremonies and initia
tion of a large "I Am An American"
class, are slated to precede a dance
for Elks and ladies with Harold A.
Cohn, H. D. McCurdy, Sr., and L. E.
Bergevin the committee in charge.
Nine candidates will be initiated in
the special class asked by the grand
exalted ruler.
Following the fire last summer
that did considerable damage to the
hall, Heppner lodge of Elks expend
ed several thousand dollars in re
pairing the fire damage and at the
same time remodeling the hall and
club rooms throughout to provide
Heppner with an attractive and mod
ern lodge home.
Pastel shades were generously
employed, along with fluorescent
lighting to brighten the hall and
other rooms. Richly colored linol
eum of various hues was placed on
club room floors, with gray linol
eum on hallway and lodge room
floors, while ceiling were done in
paneled fir-tex of cream, to add to
lightness and airiness throughout.
An especially attractive ladies'
room has been accomplished through
addition of early American furniture
to the bright, new surroundings.
Trustees, who were in charge of
the work, are Chas. B. Cox, Harlan
McCurdy and E. O. Ferguson.
Christmas Service
Slated at Gooseberry
There will be Christmas services
at the Lutheran church in Goose
berry on Monday, Dec. 29, at 1:30
p. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Pastor Stan
ley Sandberg of Seattle. All are
J. A A A A A A t'if
William E. McFerrin
Was Long Resident
Funeral rites for William E. Mc
Ferrin, 78, long a resident of Mor
row county, were held from the
Church of Christ here Sunday af
ternoon with Martin B. Clark offi
ciating and interment in Masonic
cemetery. The rites were largely at
tended by relatives and friends of
the family.
Mr. McFerrin passed away last
Thursday evening, having been down
town from his home twice, that day.
He had just started into the kitchen
for a drink of water when his heart
Holding the respect of all who
knew him through years of honest
dealing, Mr. McFerrin is survived
by his widow and the following
children: Elma Hiatt and Ava Wright)
of Heppner; Evelyn Johnson of Car
olina; Zella Sprouls, Bend, and Loy
and Eldon McFerrin of this city.
He is also survived by four sisters,
Sara Matteson, Minnie Gaunt, Grace
Hughes and Ida McFerrin, all of
Heppner, besides 18 grandchildren
and 8 great-grandchildren.
Many Young People
Home for Holidays
Again bringing much added cheer
to homes of parents and friends this
Christmas time is the presence of
young folks who have been away,
mostly to institutions of higher ed
ucation. Noted among their number
are Ted McMurdo, just returned
from San Francisco; Scott McMurdo,
James Farley, Omer and Billy Mc
Caleb, Jeanette Blakely, all from
O. S. C; Buddy Blakely from Her
miston; Dan Dinges, Paul and Fran
ces McCarty, Don Turner, John and
Hugh Crawford from U. of O., and
Kathryn Parker from E. O. C. E.,
La Grande.
Don Jones, U. of O. student, is
spending Christmas with his par-1
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones.
Paul Doolittle arrived Friday from
Corvallis, where he is a student at
O. S. C. for Christmas with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doo
little. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stewart left
Friday evening for Riegot, N. Dak.,
to spend Christmas at the home of
Mrs. Stewart's parents. They are
making the trip by car and will re
turn January 5.
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, December
Horses, Mules Of
ilitary Age Asked
To Be Registered
Animals' Import
ance for War, Dom
estic Use Stressed
Registration of all horses and
mules between the ages of three and
ten inclusive in the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Washington and
Nevada is desired by the Head
quarters, Western Remount Area,
San Mateo, Cal., which has issued
this statement:
Why? America is preparing with
all possible speed for an all out, long
war. Manpower is being mustered,
industry and production thrown
into high gear and economic and
natural resources marshalled.
Experience of the present war
shows the horse and mule still es
sential for a variety of uses in mod
ern armies. Germany has thus far
employed something like a million,
Japan has used large numbers in
China,. and Russia currently is win
ning large scale successes with
mounted units or units otherwise
employing horses.
In our domestic life of the near
future horses may be most vital.
Curtailment of production of power
driven farm machinery and trans
portation, restrictions on use of var
ious fuels and lubricants, actual
shortages of certain essentials,
greater .demands on agriculture and
similar conditions present or possi
bly imminent, make future and
greater importance of the horse like
ly. America has more well bred use
ful horses and mules than any coun
try in the world. We can use them
and may need them anywhere any
time. Every horse and mule owner is
requested to forward at once to his
county agent the following informa
tion concerning each horse or mule
he owns:
Age, sex, color, whether riding or
draft type, whether broken or un
broken and whether or not neces
sary for owner's own use. County
Continued on Page Eight
spit aftm?
25, 1941
Mustangs Win From
Union, Helix in Week
Heppner's rampaging Mustangs
continued their unbroken win rec
ord for the season when they took
two more teams into camp this week.
Friday evening they trounced Union
on the local maple, 36-23, and the
next evening journeyed to Helix to
take the Red Devils into camp by
about the same margin.
Jim Barratt and Claude Snow
led Heppner scorers against Union,
with beautiful ball stealing of Bill
Scrivner and John Skuzeski aiding
and abetting the goalward move
ment. A complete second string was
used by Coach Swenson throughout
the larger portion of the fourth per
iod when Union staged its main
rally of the game.
The Mustangs remain quiet until
after the holidays when they expect
to resume their determined drive
toward the state tournament, with,
what fans consider, the brightest
prospects to face a Heppner team
in many a long year.
Last Word From
Paul Brown, Nov. 15
Christmas cards received by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown
and friends, dated November 15 at
Manila, were the last direct word
from Paul Brown, serving with Un-
Icle Sam's armed forces in the Phil
ippines. Mrs. Brown also ' eceived
a copy of the Sunday Tribune, pub
lished in Manila, on Monday. It,
was dated November 16.
While the newspaper contained an
address by President Quezon ap
pealing for unity in the islands be
hind the United States in its war
against aggressors, the newspaper
still predated the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor by three weeks.
Under stringent conditions now
prevailing in the Philippines, Mrs.
Brown feels that no news is good
FFA Boys to Collect
Defense Waste Paper
FFA boys of the local high school
have volunteered services in col
lecting the scrap paper for defense
purposes for which the county com
mittee recently issued a call on in
structions of Governor Sprague.
In the city the boys will make a
house to house canvass and will as
sist householders in tying up old
newspapers, , magazines or other
scrap paper available. Those living
m the country are asked by J. O.
Turner, coordinator, to deliver the
paper they have saved to the county
shed, or fair exhibit pavilion.
Collection of the scrap paper is
expected to start Friday, the day
after Christmas.
Regular meeting of Ruth chapter
32, Order of Eastern Star, will be
held at Masonic hall tomorrow (Fri
day) evening, announces Mrs. Ella
Benge, worthy matron.
Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Snrouls of
Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gailv
of Pendleton were among out-of-
town relatives attending the funer
al of the late William E. McFerrin
here Sunday afternoon. Dermott
Williams of Mitchell accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Sprouls.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies and Ralph Bea
mer were in Portland the first of
the week attending a special fire
school in connection with the de
fense program.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson ar
rived Tuesday from Seattle to spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
McCarty and family.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Masonic Installation
Features Holiday
Social Calendar
Three Orders Induct
New Officers, Enjoy
Turkey Dinner
Again highlighting start of the
holiday season was the big turkey
dinner and joint installation at Ma
sonic hall, staged last Friday eve
ning. The beautifully decorated fes
tive board attracted a large number
of Masonic and Eastern Star mem
bers and their families.
Exchange of flowers and other
gracious acts marked the installa
tion ceremonies following the din
ner. Blue lodge, Eastern Star and
Royal Arch officers were all induct
ed at the rites. Past matron's jewel
was presented Etta Parker, outgoing
matron by the Past Worthy Ma
tron's club. Outgoing master, Tom
Wells, was presented a past worship
ful master's jewel by the Blue lodge.
Florence Hughes was installing
officer; Earlor Huston, installing
marshal and Virginia Turner, in
stalling organist for the Star. Frank
Parker installed for the Blue lodge,
assisted by Clarence Bauitna'n, mar
shal, and Harry Tamblyn installed
for the Royal Arch, with Robert
Wightman as marshal.
New officers are, Eastern Star:
Ella Benge, worthy matron; Archie
Ball, worthy patron; Emma Evans,
associate matron; Vawter Parker,
associate patron; Sara McNamer,
secretary; Rose Leibbrand, treasur
er; Gertrude Parker, chaplain; Neva
LeTrace, conductress; Esther How
ard, associate conductress; Doris
Ball, marshal; Neva Wells, organist;
Mabel Hughes, Aduh; Sadie Parrish,
Ruth; Jeanette Browning, Esther;
Beulah Barkla, Martha; Anna Wight
man Graham, Electa; Anna Bayless,
warder; R. W. Wightman, sentinel.
Blue lodge: Hanson Hughes, wor
shipful master; Charles R. McAlis
ter, senior warden; George Howard,
junior warden; J. O. Turner, secre
tary; Frank S. Parker, treasurer; D.
M. Ward, senior deacon; Tom Wells,
junior deacon; Harvey Bauman, sen
ior steward; Archie Ball, junior
steward; R. W. Wightman, chaplain:,
C. J. D. Bauman, marshal; A. L. Ay
ers, tyler.
Royal Arch: C. J. D. Bauman, high
priest; Archie Ball, king; Hanson
Hughes, scribe; E. R. Huston, secre
tary; M. D. Clark, treasurer; George
Ely, captain of the host; Charles B.
Cox, first veil; George Peck, second
veil; J. J. Wightman, third veil.
Heppner Lion3 are extending an
invitation to all men enlisting or be
ing drafted to meet with them next
Monday noon at Lucas Place for
dinner and a special program in their
honor. American Legion is joining
with the service club to extend a
hearty send-off and well wishes.
A short interruption of the elec
trical power service, starting at 8
o'clock Tuesay morning, was neces
sitated by installation of new trans
formers, announced Kenneth House.
local manager.
Henry Aiken departed this week
for Uvalde, Tex., to spend Christmas,
with his son Joe, in air training at
that place.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bnf.h-
well of this city Saturday, a daughter.