Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 18, 1941, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday. December 18, 1941
W. H. French Comes
To Front for Country
Those wishing to sign for civil de
fense may do so at the Hardman
postoffice. You are especially re
quested to answer the question re
garding evacuees. Among those who
signed early this fall and who have
had assignments are Mrs. Stanley
Robinson and Mrs. Carl Leathers for
motor corps; Harry French, Jim
Hams, Roy Robinson and Clarence
Rogers, aircraft observers.
Wm. Harry French of Hardman
purchased a $500 defense bond last
week when he heard our country
was at war. He also gave your local
Red Cross worker $20 donation and
a dollar membership. Mr. French'
did not have to be asked to help. Mr.
and Mrs. Owen Leathers visited him
at his home Wednesday. He had
been sick for several days. Besides
having a slight cold he has been
down with rheumatism. Mr. French
expects to leave here this week and
visit his daughter, Mrs. Elmer Nel
son, at Portland until after Christ
mas and then visit several south
ern states before returning to his
ranch in the spring.
I wish to thank all who joined the
Red Cross in this community so far.
They are Jessie Lovgren, Heppner;
Margaret Buschke, Lurline McDan
iel, Cecelia E. Bell, Ruth Eversole,
Muriel Palmer, Lois Hewitt, Ed-j
ward McDaniel, Stella M. Devin,
Opal G. Adams, Katherine Mcln
tyre, Mary McDaniel, Hardman Un
ion High school, Roxie Lovgren,
' Mrs. Roy Thomas of Heppner, Ethel
Knighten, W. H. French, E. J. Mer
rill. W. H. French purchased a carload
of cattle at North Powder last week
and had them shipped to Heppner.
He then trucked them to his ranch.
Raymond Howell visited here a
couple of days with his grandpar-
Joe Aiken Likes
Work at Kelly Field
Joe Aiken, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Aiken of this city, a recent
enlistee in the aviation service, is
now at Kelly field, from where he
addressed this newspaper on the 4th:
I want to thank you for the paper.
I enjoy it very much. I am a long
way from home and things like that
help to bring it a little closer.
This set up down here is fairly
new as a matter of fact, and I am
in the first class to come here. Be
fore all the aviation cadets have
been going to a primary school and
taking it all at once. Now we take
our military drill, law and organi
zation, also fundamental math, here,
The purpose is to eliminate all who
are not fit to be officers or who
can't drill. This saves the govern
ment some money as not all men
can or would make officers. Our
daily routine is much like a soldier,
only we have classes and one disci
plined move extension. They real
ly are tough.
We will leave here about Decem
ber 17 for our primary. All of us
will go to primary except 15 percent
of the total 1900 men. Then they
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Three
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel,
Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Townsend
from Heppner visited Mrs. B. H.
Bleakman Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stevens of
Hamilton visited their daughter,
Mrs. F. E. McDaniel, and relatives
over Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. George Hayden and son Mar
ion came up from Portland to at
tend the funeral of Earl Richards of
Kimberley, who passed away in
Portland last week.
Doris Robison has been sick and
was absent from school all this week.
Ivan Leathers visited in Hardman
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt of
Boardman are visiting their son
Archie this week.
Home Economics club will meet
at the home of Chairman Tacie Par
ker for their annual Christmas party
on Thursday, December 18. Mem
bers and guests are to bring pre
sents for the Christmas exchange.
The annual Christmas party and
program at the Rhea Creek grange
hall will be held next Saturday at
8 p. m. The children up to and
including 16 years of age will ex
change gifts as in previous years.
Each child to bring present for child
his own age. Boys for boys and
a girl for a girl. The grown-ups are
asked to bring their quarter for war
relief purposes instead of buying a
present to exchange.
The John Bergstrom family visit
ed at the Claude Buschke's in the
Mrs. Charley Osmin spent Sunday
with her family above Heppner. She
is working for Mrs. Hilma Ander
son. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clive Huston Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Redding and Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Worden.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Becket and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket spent
Sunday at the Ben Anderson home.
The Garden club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Helen Baker. This
meeting was postponed from last
week because of lack of material for
the basket making.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson
spent Sunday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Huston.
I JkJi&l Reflect
It 1 nfffl(X Constant m
I Mlioy Cheer in the 1
m m
will eliminate about anoher 15 per
cent from primary when we go to
a basic school. There about 10 per
cent are cut and the advanced cuts
about five percent. This figures cas
ualties also.
You can't be sure as they may
cut any of us. If you can't make it,
you don't stay. In the past most of
the boys have been eliminated on
co-ordination, that is the real ne
cessity in flying.
The replacement center represents
the Gulf coast area and the fellows
who are here now come from all
over the United States.
I like it very much as we get the
best of everything. Last Sunday we
made up the biggest part of the par
ade given for General Lehman, who
is retiring. He was the first army
pilot. Well, I have some more let
ters to write, so I will thank you
again and cut it short.
Charming in their simplicity,
of fine material and workman
ship, the mirrors we have se
lected for your choice will be
appropriate in any home.
ONLY IN AMERICA can you find so many such scenes of comfort
and enjoyment the complete absence of drudgery-
And only in the Northwest do you enjoy electric appliances
at such low rates. For Pacific Power & Light has reduced its
rates again and again, until now the electricity you buy costs
only about y as much as it did when Pacific Power & Light
began business 31 years ago.
pnciFic power & light t o m p n n v
j9j ,s helping t Jji