Page Two IONE NEWS Bailey Infant Dies Suddenly at Morgan By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH Friends here were shocked to learn Sunday of the death of Nancy, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey, who live near Morgan. The baby had been ill with a cold, but seemed to be all right when they looked at her in the middle of the night. When they woke , next morning they found that she had passed away in the night. A physi cian was called from Heppner and discovered that she had choked on phlegm in her throat. She was two and one-half months old. E. C. Hel iker and Mrs. Marion Palmer ac companied the family to The Dalles where the parents of both young parents reside. Interment took place there. No house is for rent in lone at the present time. There have been sev eral moves lately. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Morris and family of Joseph mov ed into the house on east Second street that once belonged to Louis Balsiger, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Har ris moved into their new home on Main street Saturday, and Mr. and MJrs. Clarence Brenner moved their family to Portland Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Sanderson of Beaver ton was here Thursday and Friday looking after her farm property. Mrs. Sanderson was formerly Lillie Al linger. A physician was called from Hepp ner last Thursday to attend the lit tle son of Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers. He was seized with convulsions While visiting at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely near Morgan. He has now re covered has usual good health. Mrs. Franc Holteen of Brownsville is here to assist in the care of her sister, Mrs. R. L. Ekleberry, who is recovering from an infected arm. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Jordan and daughter Elaine returned' to their home at Roseburg Sunday after spending a few days here at the home of Mrs. French Burroughs and Mrs. Lena Ray. A no hostess party was held at Mrs. M. E. Gordon's home Saturday afternoon, surprising Mrs. Clarence Harris on her birthday. The H. E. C. of Willows grange announce an all day meeting at the hall for December 19, and a pot luck supper and grange meeting on De cember 20, to be followed by a Christmas program. Rev. and Mrs. J. Fred Stilwell en joyed a visit last week from their son Emery who is in training in the Royal Air Force in Canada. When Rev. Stilwell went to Albany the Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, December 18, 1941 Joel Engelman Cited In Work With Navy Joel Clark Engelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman of lone, was selected as the Honor Man of his company by his instructors at the U. S. Naval Training station at San Diego, Ca., for the week ending December 6, says a station news release. Engelman enlisted in the navy at the navy recruiting station in Port land on November 6. Since that time he has been learning the nec essary qualifications to fit himself for a career as a man-of-war's man. At this station it is the custom to select each week the one man of each company of 136 recruits who has shown by his outstanding abil ity, his zeal and his loyalty, that he is worthy of this special designation. Friends of this young man and of the family will be happy to learn that he is adapting himself so nicely to the high standards which the modern navy has set for its blue jackets and that he has started on his naval career with such distinc tive promise. young man accompanied him and visited a brother there. Rev. Stil well attended the Laymen's Retreat at Ocean Lake on Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yarnell brought their household goods from Newberg Sunday, and are now liv ing in their house in Lexington. The P. N. G. club met last Friday at the home of Mrs. J. E. Swanson. Eight members were present. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoss of Sand Point, Idaho, arrived last Thursday for a visit at the home of Mrs. Hoss' brother, H. V. Smouse. lone Sunday school will present its annual Christmas program, "Light of the World," Sunday evening, Dec. 21, at 7:30 p. m. in the Christian church. Committees are: Planning, Mj-s. Erling Thompson, Wm. Burk and Mrs. H. V. Smouse; material, Mrs. J. A. Troedson; candy, Maxine Allyn and Alice Nichoson; high school music, Charlotte Sperry; cos tumes, Gladys Seehafer; decorating, Freda Ball, June Griffith and Doris Palmateer; tree, Clyde and Claude Pettyjohn. Henry Buschke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke of Morgan, is now located at San Francisco. Among people here who have rel atives in the war zone are Laxton McMurray, who has a nephew em ployed at Midway island, where Am erican workmen were reported to have been taken prisoners, and Mrs. Martin Bauernfeind of Morgan, who has a niece who is a teacher in Hawaii. LEXINGTON NEWS Lex High School Gives 'Listen to Leon' By MARGARET SCOTT Spray visitors Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott and sons. The Ladies Aid society held an all day quilting and bazaar with a pot luck dinner at noon in the Con gregational church Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray spent the week-end in Stanfield at the Gene Gray home. Dona Barnett is back in the store after being confined to her home by illness several days. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dyer and son are moving to the Miles Martin ranch where Mr. Dyer is employed. The high school play, "Listen to Leon," was presented here Friday evening with a large crowd attend ing. Helen Nieger and Louise Hunt entertained the play cast with a buffet supper at the Elmer Hunt home after the play. Cast members were Marcella Jackson. Joe Way, Katherine Howell, Don Peck, La velle Pieper, Leonard Munkers, Juanita Bellenbrock, and Roy Mar tin. Helen Nieger directed and Lela Marshall prompted. Garnet Williams spent Tuesday at the home of her mother in Hepp ner. Preparations are being made for a Christmas operetta to be presented Monday evening, December 22, in the local high school auditorium. Everyone is invited to attend. PINE CITY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burk of Echo, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wattenburger and son Freddy of Pasco, spent Satur day night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger. Gordon and Malcolm O'Brien re turned Saturday from Corvallis to spend Christmas vacation with their mother, Mrs. Harold Wilkins. A pinochle party was held Satur day evening at Pine City. Three tables were in play. High score went to Mrs. Agnes Abercrombie and Marion Finch, and low score to I Frances Finch and Bertha Ayers. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Eb Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore re turned Thursday evening from Se attle. They reported the blackout quite a thrill. Mrs. Bell, who has been cooking for Mr. Voder, left Friday for a month's visit with her sister and children in Pasco and Seattle. Jack Healy left Friday for Port land. He has joined the navy. Henry Vogler, owner of the Boy len ranch, has purchased 180 head n.f cattle from Lewiston, Idaho, and brought them to the ranch to feed out. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Cox and family of Hermiston were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger. y 1 I wii 31 The IDEAL COFFEE MAKER 8 fwk CORY . 1 On Jan. I, 1 94-2 THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE of the HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES will advance to $250 per year Arrearages may be settled until February 1, 1942, at the rate of 3 years for $5, and renewals or new sub scriptions until January 1 will be accepted at the pres ent rate of $2 the year or 3 years for $5. - New Subscription Rates Effective January 1, 1942 One Year $2.50 Two Years 4.50 Three Years 6.00 Six Months 1.25 Three Months 65 Single Copies .05 jiff: with the Patented Cory Glass Rod. Makes your coffee brewer all glass; quickly brews tea or coffee. Newest features of any on the market. With electric plate, $6.75. Models for other stoves as low as $2.95. Electric Toasters Mixers Waffle Irons 8S 1 GIFTY POTTERY Attractive - Appreciated - Sensible in the leading makes , BAUER and FIESTA Gilliam S Bisbee m m w w m ROBES ... Rayon 5.95 All Wool or Silk 8.95 Silk 7.95 Wool Gabardine 9.95 PAJAMAS ... Broadcloth or Balbriggan 2.95 SPORT SHIRTS .. . Heavy rayon, rich hues and designs 3.25 HEAVY BROADCLOTH SHIRTS ... "Teca" Spun Rayon. Washable, variety solid colors 3.95 SILK SCARFS ... 1.00 WOOL SCARFS 50c LOUNGING SHOES . . . Ankle high, zipper, wool lined 3.95 Soft leather, ankle high, elastic side slip-ons - 2.95 HANDKERCHIEF & TIE SETS . . . In Gigt Boxes 1.50 HANDKERCHIEFS . . . In Gift Boxes '. - 1.00 Beautiful assortment of GLOVES, BILLFOLDS, BELTS, SUSPENDERS, SOX, NECKTIES and other haberdashery. m WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR The Store of Personal Service