Thursday, December 11, 1941 Sarah Booher, Mother Of Lex Reunion, Passes with Mrs. Sarah Booher, 97, whose birthday party a few years ago in spired the annual pioneers reunion at Lexington, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Beymer, in this city last Thursday following a lingering illness. Funeral rites were held at Lex ington Sunday afternoon be ginning at 2 o'clock from the Christian church, George Tucker officiating. A large attendance of relatives and friends paid tribute to the deceased. Interment was in the Lexington I. O. O. F. cemetery. Sarah Johnson was born October 23. 1847 at Darlington, Indiana. On May 24, 1866, she was married to Benjamin L. Booher. Three daugh ters were bom to this union, all of whom survive. They are Mrs. Nettie Crow, Armstrong, B. C; Mrs. Effie Parkins, Palouse, Wash., and Mrs. Sylvia Beymer, Heppner. 5 While the two older girls were small Mr. and Mrs. Booher started west by wagon and team, stopping at Pueblo, Colo., for two years, then with an uncle, Bill Booher, started On west. In Wyoming they joined a wagon train, and on July 4, 1880, landed at Weston, Oregon. The fol lowing spring, in 1881, they took homesteads north of Lexington, and many years later moved into' Lex ington where Mrs. Booher contin ued to reside until her death. In the spring of 1921, Mrs. Booher was baptized by Rev. Wooster, then pas tor of the Christian church at Lex ington. The ceremony was perform ed in Willow creek. She had been Christmas Trees at former Green Feed Store Lee Cantwell IN THIS a ' . J ii rv t I t v lf. i .: "..v. y'J ..(,).. i i : iv.'. ..i ii i la.- ri i....-i ii " I I x I 1 if ill- I w r-TJw lj : T ONLY IN AMERICA can you find so many such scenes of comfort and enjoyment the complete absence of drudgery- And only in the Northwest do you enjoy electric appliances at such low rates. For Pacific Power & Light has reduced its rates again and again, until now the electricity you buy costs only about V as much as it did when Pacific Power & Light began business 31 years ago. PnilFIC POWER ft LIGHT tOHIPIinV ELECTRIC RATES 34 BELOW NATIONAL AVERAGE Heppner Mrs. Beymer and family here and Mrs. Jess Athena: Mr. since last February. Among out-of-town relatives and friends attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booher, Mr. "" ' Ait I III L- II - il ' r l f I .. . I V .- JVM I FORTUNATE LAND OF Smith, Mrs. Miller of and Mrs. Elmer Boo Dan Booher, Ernest and Frank Ben efield, Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Christon, Adams; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parvin, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Land, Waitsburg. Wash.; Mr. and her, Mr! and Mrs. Harve Booher and family, Condon; Mrs. Frank Evans and niece of Walla Walla, and Mrs. Your Christmas gifts will be doubly thrilling when you choose them here SO BEAUTIFULLY WRAPPED... BEARING A NAME LONG KNOWN FOR EXQUISITE QUALITY... SO MODEST IN PRICE PETERSON'S Jewelry ... the most lasting gift OURS Mrs. Robert Dall, Dayton, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bissett, Rufus; Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hanna and fam ily, Dufur; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller, Umatilla. PETERSON'S A pin of fascinating design set with rubies and diamonds ... an exquisite Lady Elgin watch in rose gold ... a long-wishcd-for pitcher of sterling silver! Such gifts, snugly wrapped in our familiar fashion, sing out a truly heartfelt "Merry Christmas." Won't you accept this invitation to pre-view our collection of unique gifts? You'll find the prices exceptionally attractive. ( IN SCORES OF WAYS PP&L W 4tV ELECTRICITY M IS HELPING TO J), AY DEFEND AMERICA JJj f JJ