Thursday, November 27, 1941 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner. I LEXINGTON NEWS Many Visitors at Lex For Thanksgiving By MARGARET SCOTT Among those spending the Thanks giving holidays here with relatives and frieiids were Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Acklen and Ruthann of Madras, Dan Dinges and Jack O'Hara and Kenneth Jackson of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Phillip of Portland, Mary Buchanan of The Dalles, Eula Barnhouse of John Day, Jack McMillan and Dit Warner of Portland, Coy Thornburg of Grande Ronde. Among those leaving town for Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Callie Duncan to The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray, Mrs. Nettie Davis and Jimmy to Stanfield, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carmichael to Seat tle and vicinity, Loyd Wright, Ralph Leach and E. J. Evans to The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Wittmere Mc Donald to Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Burton and sons to McMinnville, arid Helen Niger to Salem. Those having Thanksgiving dinner with relatives and friends in this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt and children, Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and sons at the Otto Ruhl home; Laura Scott and Melissa Stonebraker at the Ralph Jackson home; Sylvia Severance at the Roy Campbell home; Everett Crump of Heppner at the Charles Breshears home; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock and daugh ters at the Vernon Scott home; George and Sherman Tucker at the John McMillan home. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dyer are the parents of a IVz pound son, Richard Ivan, born Monday, Nov. 24, at the Corda Saling home in Heppner. The Dyers live in the small Barnett house and Mr. Dyer is working for Frank Munkers on the new house being built on the Elsie Beach farm. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott and sons were Sunday supper guests at the Laurel Ruhl home. Elsie ' Beach is spending a few days in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kistner have purchased an alfalfa farm near Stanfield and have moved there to make their home. Mr. Kistner's par ents from Bend are planning to also make their home on the farm this winter. diaries Shriever returned home from Portland Monday. While in the' city he visited With his niece whom he had not seen for twenty years. Mrs. John F. McMillan has re ceived word that her sister, Iva Shinn, was married recently to Ben nie Segrist in Reno, Nevada. They will make their home in San Fran cisco where Mr. Segrist works in the shipyards. Mr. and Mrs. Callie Duncan spent Sunday at the new farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kistner near Stanfield. The Ladies Aid Society will hold their annual bazaar Wednesday, Dec. 10, with a pot luck dinner at noon in the aid room of the Congre gational church. This will be an all day affair with all articles which have been made throughout the year by the aid on display. PINE CITY NEWS By BERNICE WATTENBURGER Misses Patricia and Kathleen Daly of Pendleton spent Thanksgiving week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daly. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doherty of Al pine joined them. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wattenburger and son Freddy of Pasco spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the A. E. Wattenburger home were Mr. and Mrs. Reid J. Buseick and fam ily of Long Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wattenburger and son Freddy of Pasco, and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family of Butter creek. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters were Pendleton callers Friday on business. Dinner guests Thanksgiving day at the C. H. Bartholomew home were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers and family and Howard and Dresten Myers of Jerome, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pettyjohn and family of Heppner and Ray Ay ers of Heppner were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Clayton Ayers home. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and daughter were Pendleton callers on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomey left Sunday for Spokane, Wash., on a business trip. Mrs. Harold Wilkins was called to Corvallis where her son, Gordon O' Brien, is ill. CLARA A. GILMAN .Miss Clara A. Gilman, resident of Heppner for 37 years, passed away at her home in this city last Thurs day evening following a lingering illness. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from Phelps Fu neral home chapel with Ven. Eric O. Robathan of Pendleton officiating, and interment was in Heppner Ma sonic cemetery. Miss Gilman was born in Meredith, New Hampshire, August 8, 1846 and came to Oregon in 1887. She made her home for 37 years here with the late Mrs. Olive Frye and family. She is survived by two nieces and one nephew, Mrs. R. E. Nettleton of Portland, Lena Gilman of Nelscott and Mead Gil man of Monument. The latter two were here for the last rites. i Page Five limmiimiMiMiiiiiiiiuiitmiiiiM.t. At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST Martin B. Clark, Pastor 9:45, Bible school. 11, Communion and preaching. 6:30, Christian Endeavor. 7:30, Evening service. 7, Thursday evening, prayer meet ing. 7:30, Thursday evening, Bible study. The Church of Christ is observing its Thanksgiving service this Sun day and invites al who wsh to join. Basket dinner at noon. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY OF GOD x Sterl D. Spiesz, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Worship, 11 a. m. Evangelistic services, Sunday, 7:45 p. m. Tuesday, 7:45 p. m., cottage pray er meeting. Thursday 7:45 p. m., Bible rtudj at church. LOCAL ITEMS . . . J. E. McMurtry of Philomath ar rived this week to visit at the home of his son, Pete McMurtry, and fam Uy. Mr. and Mrs. George Gertson were in Central Point for Thanksgiving with Mrs. Gertson's daughter, Mrs. William Anhorn and Mr. Anhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Herman were house guests this week of Mrs. Herman's brother, Harold Buhman and family. Ralph Benton of Montana visited here this week with his mother, Mrs. Joel R. Benton. Dr. A. L. Black will again be in Dr. McMurdo's office on Tuesdays, 11 to 3 for fitting glasses. Low clin ical prices for short time to school children and others unable to pay regular prices. LOST Pair of child's hornrimmed glasses Heppner or Umatilla Ord nance Depot, Nov. 16. Return to Orville Smith. STAR Reporter FRIDAY-SATURDAY SAINTS VACATION Plus ROBBERS OF THE RANGE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. In the Matter of the Estate of WIL LIAM T. CRAIG, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an order duly made and entered by the above entitled court cn the 25th day of November, 1941, the undersigned administrator of the estate of the above named deceased, will from and after the 26th day of December, 1941, offer for sale and sell at private sale for cash for the best offer at the law office of the undersigned, at Heppner, Oregon, the following described real prop erty of said estate, situate in Mor row County, Oregon, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of Sec tion 5, the northwest quarter of Section 8, and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 18 in Township one (1) North, Range 25 East of Willamette Meridian; And an undivided one half in terest in and to the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 4, and the southeast quarter of Section 5 in Township one (1) North, Range 25 East of Wil lamette Meridian, said real property may be sold in one or separate parcels and will be sold subject to confirmation by the above entitled court. Dated and first published this 27th day of November, 1941. JOS. J. NYS, Administrator. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH BENNIE HOWE, Minister. Sunday, Nov. 30th: Divine morn ing worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon theme, "Handicapped Man." Church school at 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Lucy Rod- gers, superintendent, and Miss Wer ner, primary superintendent. Eve ning song at 7:30 o'clock. If you enjoy Gospel singing you will not want to miss the evening service. Wednesday evenings: Bible study and prayer service every Wednes day evening at 7:30. Thought for today: Excuses are crutches upon which weak Chris tians lean. Welcome to worship with us. SPANISH CLASSES PROGRESS The texts for the Spanish class have arrived and work is progressing. At 6:30 on Mondays and Wednes days there is a period when special help is given to those who have had to miss lessons, or who wish to start now. Also on Tuesday eve nings, from 6 to 10 o'clock, such help is given. The current affairs class meets only Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. On November 27, Miss Rose Leibbiand will be present to help with the study of Mexico. She will be there only from 7 to 8 o'clock, so everyone is urged to be on time, says Mrs. Marie Clary, instructor. A Hearty Welcome To You . . . EASTERN OREGON WHEAT LEAGUE J. C. PENNEY CO. mkf: fll Dr. Stram Formerly 16 years with Colum bian Optica Co., Portland, Ore. SEE YOUR SEEING SPECIALIST STRAM OPTICAL CO. Pendleton, Ore. One of the early opponents of motor, vehicles proposed the follow ing restrictions: "On approaching a corner, where he cannot command a view of the road ahead, the auto mobilist must stop not less than 100 yards from the turn, toot his horn, ring a bell, fire a revolver, halloo, and send up three bombs at intervals of five minutes," accord ing to the Oregon State Motor association. SUNDAY-MONDAY THE RELUCTANT DRAGON Walt Disney's full-length feature. The picture is the first in, which Disney has used flesh-and-blood ac tors as well as pen-and-ink char acters. The real-life cast is topped by Robert Benchly, Frances Gifford and Disney himself. There is also a host of new and delightful Disney sprites. There are sequences in mul tiplane technicolor. TUESDAY BARGAIN NIGHT: Adults 25c; chil dren 10c, inc. tax. SCATTERGOOD PULLS THE STRING WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY See our ad in Section 2, page 2 for Wed.-Thurs. feature. Welcome Eastern Oregon Wheat League Morrow County Abstract- & Title Co., Inc. A FRIENDLY HOME . . If it gives you comfort it serves our purpose. HOTEL HEPPNER GONTY'S Welcomes All Wheat Leaguers Thinking of Santa Claus? SHOES for the whole family GONTY'S i