Page Eight Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, November 20, 1941 Wild Life Federation Stresses Fisheries The progress of science in the conservation and development of fishing resources will be stressed at the sixth annual conference of the Oregon Wildlife federation, to be held at Oregon State college De cember 1 and 2, according to Wil liam J. Smith, Portland, president of the federation. One of the main visiting speakers will be Charles E. Jackson of Wash ington, D. C, assistant director in charge of fisheries research for the federal fish and wildlife service. Mr. Jackson, one of the nation's out standing ichthyologists, will repre sent Ira N. Gabrielson, chief of the federal fish and wildlife service, at the meeting. Another specialist in this field who will attend is Paul R. Needham, associate aquatic . biologist of the United States bureau of fisheries, who has been making a study of Oregon and California fishing streams. He made special studies of the streams of southwestern Oregon this past summer. Representatives of 120 conserva tion and sportsmen's organizations will make up the official delegates at the conference, although the ses sions are open to the general public. Conferences in the past have given rise to definite action on the part of Oregon's fish and game adminis trators, and by the legislature, Pres ident Smith points out THE CHURCH OF IONE J. FRED STTLWELL, Pastor. Sunday schol at 10 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a m. Sermon by the pas tor, topic, "How Christ Nailed a Lie." At 7:30 p. m, we are having a "Community Sing." ' Lnj flS jv cum f mil a mm IV feDDDQODlo) (IGHT NOW planes are rolling out of America'sf actories by the thousands. Aviation is America's fastest-growing industry. The oppor tunities for trained men, now and in the future, are almost urilimited. That's why the United States Navy's offer of FREE AVIATION MAINTENANCE TRAINING is so excep tional. Because in the Navy you may, if quali fied, get the finest aviation training in the world absolutely without cost to you. And on top of it, you earn while you learn ! Variety of Aviation jobs There is a variety of jobs in Navy aviation. Some may become experts in Aviation Metal smithing . . . specializing in welding, brazing, electroplating and the other crafts essential to the cutting and fitting of metal parts of planes. Others, as Aviation Machinist's Mates, operate, care for and repair aviation engines. While some become specialists as Aviation Radio men. Think of the future now. Any branch of this training would fit you for important jobs in the years to come. But aviation offers only one of the many op portunities for you in America's new two-ocean Navy. There are actually 45 skilled trades and ' vocations which the Navy may teach you if you are qualified. If you are interested in radio work, engineering, aerial photography, car pentry, pharmacy, welding, the Navy may train you to become an expert in your chosen field. If you apply yourself, advancement and in creases in pay will follow regularly. Before the end of your first enlistment you may be earning up to $126 a month with your board, keep, and a complete outfit of clothing free! If, at the end of your term of service, you wish to get a job in civil Aviation or other fields, your Navy training will be a tremendous asset to you. LOOK WHAT THE U. S. NAVY AND NAVAL RESERVE OFFER YOU FREE TRAINING worth $1500. 45 trades and vocations to choose from. GOOD PAY with regular increases. You may earn up to $126 a month. EACH YEAR you are entitled to a generous vacation period with full pay. GOOD FOOD and plenty of it. FREE CLOTHING. A complete outfit of cloth ing when you first enlist. (Over $100 worth.) FREE MEDICAL CARE, regular dental attention. FINEST SPORTS and entertainment. TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, THRILLS You can't beat the Navy for them! BECOME AN OFFICER. Many can work for an appointment to the Naval Academy or the Annapolis of the Air at Pensacola. FUTURE SUCCESS. It's easy for Navy trained men to get good-paying jobs in civil life. RETIREMENT PAY for regular Navy men. ' AVIATION METALSMITHS get the finest training in the world in the Navy Employers the country over are eager to em ploy Navy-trained men. Good fun, good food, good friends The Navy is noted for its popular sports pro gram. Every kind of sport from baseball to boxing and swimming is offered the man who enlists. On board ship, the latest moving pic tures are shown free. Organized recreation, such as dramatics, singing and musical entertain ment, goes to make the life of a Navy man the best fun in the world. The food served in the Navy would do justice to your own mother's cooking. It's well pre paredand there's plenty of it. Any man who wears the trim uniform of Uncle Sam's Navy is bound to be looked up to for you've got to be good to get in the Navy! Get this FREE BOOKLET Mail coupon for your free copy of "Life in the U. S. Navy." 24 illustrated pages. Telia what pay, promotions, and vacations you can expect . . . how you can retire on a life income. De scribes how you can learn any of 45 big -pay trades . . . how many may become officers. 27 scenes from Navv life showiner " o sports and games you may play, excitin ports you may visit. Tells enlistment requirements and where to apply. If you are between 17 and 31 (no high school required), get this free book now. No obligation. Ask the Navy Editor of this paper for a copy. Or tele phone him. Or mail him the coupon. You can paste it on a penny postal card. WEAR THIS BADGE OF HONOR! If after reading the free booklet you decide to apply for a place in the Navy, you will receive this smart lapel-emblem. It is a badge of honor you will be proud to wear. 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