Thursday, November 13, 1941 SOCIETY CHIT-CHAT By JUNE SMITH A letter received from Mrs. Frank Alfred, who with Lieutenant Alfred is stationed at Columbus, Georgia, says, "Yesterday I got the paper from Heppner and it seemed so good to hear what was going on . . . Frank reads the news of the hunters most wistfully. That was a real disap pointment again this fall. Needless to say the west coast is 'going to look pretty good to us when we get back. I have spent as much time be low the Mason-Dixon line as I ever want to. We have seen some things of interest but find the country ra ther lacking in scenic interest and the land appears decidedly poverty stricken. "Please remember me to everyone and we are hoping to get back some day." A district meeting for the Eastern Star will be held in Heppner this Friday, and will include the Locust chapter of lone. Officers will be feted at a dinner at the Lucas Place, with Mrs. H. Faye Ambrose, of Port land, the worthy grand matron, an honored guest, The fashion show and tea given last Friday afternoon at the Parish House by the Morrow County Wool Growers auxiliary attracted a large crowd. The fashion show was un der the direction of Mifs. Tom Wil son, chairman, with the committee composed of Mrs. Raymond Fergu son, Mrs. Orville Smith, Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Mrs. George Howard, Mrs. Stephen Thompson, Mrs. Dick Law rence and Mrs. Vawter Parker. Wool clothing for all ages was shown, with Mrs. Elizabeth Blankenship at the piano and Mrs. Tom Wilson and her violin' playing appropriate mu sic. Marylou Ferguson presented a pi- Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon STAR Reporter FRIDAY- SATURDAY PRIVATE NURSE Jane Darwell, Brenda Joyce, Sheldon Leonard, Robert Lowery, Ann Todd Pleasant entertainment revolving around "the girls in white." plus PRAIRIE PIONEERS outdoor action with the Three Mus keteers. Also "War in the Desert," the death of an empire in Africa, described by Quentin Reynolds. SUNDAY-MONDAY LIFE BEGINS FOR ANDY HARDY Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland and the whole Hardy Family together in their grandest picture. While the world trembles, Andy ventures forth into L-I-F-E with a capital L! (For laughs and love!) ROAR . . . when Andy Hardy, the Carvel Casanova, falls for a Man hattan gold-digger and gets stuck for a $15 bottle of perfume! TUESDAY BARGAIN NIGHT: Adults 25c; chil dren 10c, inc. tax. THIS WOMAN IS MINE Fi-nnrVint Tone. John Carroll, Walter Brennan, Carol Bruce, Nigel Bruce Adventure aboard a wind-jammer cailincf from. New York to Oregon Based on the novel, "I, James Lew is" by Gilbert W. Gabriel. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY HOLD THAT GHOST Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, Rich ard Carlson, Joan Davis, Mischa Auer, The Andrews Sisters, Ted Lewis and his Entertainers Those fanatics are here again! Your blues won't stand a ghost of a chance when you ee this firstrate spook comedy. Good for hearty laughs for everyone from grandpa to junior. Also "Shadwos in Swing" with Jan Gerber and his Orchestra - Thanksgiving Day Matinee at 2 p. m. ano solo and Mrs. Ture Peterson, ac companied by Mrs. Blankenship, gave a vocal solo. hTe tea table was beautifully decorated with a low bowl of rosebuds placed upon a lace cloth, and lovely silver urns for tea and coffee. Mrs. C. W. McNamer and Mrs. Sophrona Thompson pour ed. The tea committee was com posed of Mrs. Earl Gilliam, chair man; Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, Mrs. Ana Bayless, Mrs. Henry Krebs, Mrs. B. C. Pinck ney, Mrs. Luke Bibby and Mrs. Ag nes Wilcox. In charge of decorations were Mrs. W. H. Cleveland, chair-' man; Mrs. Gene Ferguson, Mrs. Harvey Miller and Mrs. C. W. Mc Namer. A profusion of fall flowers made the room most attractive. Announcement of the birth of a baby boy, weighing 7 pounds 9 oun ces, to Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney at the St. Anthony's hospital at Pendleton, November 10, has been received. The Legion auxiliary met Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Davidson,' with Mrs. Lera Crawford assisting hostess. The pre school clinic for children, sponsored by this organization, and held yes terday at the Parish House, was planned. Also discussed was the district conference to be held with the American Legion here Novem ber 24. The Episcopal auxiliary met this afternoon at the Parish House. Mrs. Harlan McCurdy entertained the T & C club at her home last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dave Wil son won high score and Mrs. Fred Jjucas second. Kerresnments were served at the close of play. Mrs. W. O. Dix, Mrs. L. E. Bisbee and Mrs. Charles Thomson were hostesses at a bridge luncheon held last Saturday afternoon at the Lu cas Place. Five tables of bridge were in play, with Mrs. Fred Lucas winning high score, Mrs. B. C. Pinckney second and Mrs. Gene Fer guson low. The prizes were defense stamps pasted in a booklet. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rosewall spent last week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn left Tuesday for Portland where they expect to remain for several days. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Thompson, The cast of the senior play, pre sented at the high school last Fri day evening, gathered at the Gene Ferguson home afterward, where refreshments were served them by Mrs. Ferguson. In addition to die play cast were Miss Browning and Miss Lee, who assisted with, make up, and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert F-;a-vy. Mr. and Mrs. Cornett Green and family left Tuesday for Portland where they will visit Mrs. Green's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. OYSTERS and SHELLFISH Now in Season Delectable ocean deli cacies make appetizing appeal in the cooler season. We serve them to your taste. For a good meal Anytime, come to ELKHORN RESTAURANT Ed Chinn, Prop. Jimmy Estes, and Mrs. Green's sis ter, Mrs. A. Green and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Benge are entertaining visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephens of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baird of Newberg, and Mrs. A. A. Willis of Portland. Mrs. Anna Bayless is with her son, Howard Swick, in Monument, while Mrs. Swick is recovering from an operation in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom and daughter Harriet tpent the week end in La Grande, where they visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sherer, for mer Heppner residents. Mrs. Sherer is interested in weaving and has re ceived honorable mention for her work at the Saiem fair, and has re ceived some publicity in thj local newspapers. Mr. and Mrs. Ito spent Monday and Tuesday in Pendleton at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Struve. Word has been received that Bill Barratt and another contestant were tied for second place in the essay contest sponsored by Swift & Co. for juniors in, the agricultural oollege at Oregon State. Bill is now coordinator for the Ag club on the radio station, KOAC, every Wednes day night. Mrs. Jap Crawford entertained the Wednesday club at her home yester day with a dessert luncheon. Mrs. Crawford was high and Mrs. Garnet Barratt won second. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thompson drove to Spokane Sunday, taking Mrs. Thompson's mother, Mrs. Emma Evans to her home, after she had spent a month visiting in Heppner. They returned on Tuesday evening. SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent Good Printing, Reasonable at G-T iiiuiiiiaiuiiiiiiiniuimiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiuiuiiiiuiihiiiiuiuuiuiuiiuuiuuiiniuiunjiiiiuiiiiniiiuiiiiiniuiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuuuiiu Wanted TURKEYS Dressing Plant Starts November 1st Will Dress For Anyone - Write or Call for Dates and Prices WILL BE BUYING AFTER NOVEMBER 1st -:- Phone 681 Anytime -:- G.G.SMITH STAN FIELD, OREGON j"""""'"?Vlnl"'""'" ' """ 1 " ) IV t PROMISE 00 A GRAND-TASTING ( Skinned Hams-35c BACON B Pieoelb 29C SIRLOIN STEAK,. 33C Pork Steak lb. 27c THAT WILL ROAST DELICIOUS TENDER, AND GOLDEN BROWN . . . OR YOUR M0Ry SACK! Look for the NORBEST Seal the seal of the Northwestern Turkey Growers' Association on the wins of every turkey you buy at Safeway. It means that it is a U. S. PRIME TURKEY, government inspected and grad ed. Tender-meated and guaranteed to please you in every way or your full purchase price will be refunded. PORK ROAST 19c CHICKENS Dry 27C Swift's Picnics tf-fb 33c PRICES Frl., Nov. 14 loMon, Nov. 17 OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAME Q 17-oz. can 13 KITCHEN CRAFT ENRICHED FLOOR 49.1b. Hck $1.69 FISHER'S BLEND Cnwrnot 49-LB.SK. S2S '1.82 UNROLL jjK todays; ! POULTRY SEASONING 2-oz.can 13c ENGLISH MAID MINCE MEAT 2-ib. j 19c HEINZ PUDDINGS r,a-rLVM c.a 33c JELL WELL DESSERTS, PUDDINGS Pk. 4c FRESH PEELS ." 19c c""u, 23c LARGE FRANQUETTE WALNUTS Lb 23c JOLLY TIME POPCORN io-c can 1 1 c FLUFFIEST MARSHMALLOWS 4 13c FRESH CHOCOLATES ,iH 65c i 5 ib. $1.1 9 FCY GRAPEFRUIT ftr 2 No. 2 .. 23 c SUNDOWN FRUIT COCKTAIL No. l 1 1 c HARPER HOUSE PEARS No. 2 n. 1 9c BROKEN SLICE PINEAPPLE8"!!0",,.. 15c COUNTRY HOME CORN 2 23c HIGHWAY SAUER KRAUT No. 24 c. 9c THOUSANDS ARE STUDYING NUTRITION IN THE HOME by enrolling in this informa tive, easy, 10-lessons-by-mail course by Julia Lee Wright. Take advantage of this oppor tunity n,ow! GET YOOR ENROLLMENT COUPON AT SAFEWAY! AIRWAY COFFEE Lb. fe. 18c 3 lbba, 52c EDWARDS COFFEE ib can 2Tc;2 -ibcan53e HILLS BROS. COFFEE . 30c; 2.. 57c GOLDEN WEST COFFEE lb. 29; 2'cb..55c OUR MOTHERS COCOA 2-ib. Pk,. 1 7 c SN0-C0LA 12-01. bottiea 6 foi 23c TOWN HOUSE GR FRUIT JUICE c' 1 80 CHERUB MILK 4 t.ii c.n. 33c PET MILK S.LEN&rrt:S5IN3i.u m.25c SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP B ib c.n o5c STRAINED HONEY 5 lb. c.n 39c BEVERLY PEANUT BUTTER 2-ib. j.r 32c LUNCH BOX SANDWICH SPREAD Oj-.V 37 c KRAFT CHEESE J"' MinicaU; u.,63c BLUE JACKET COVE OYSTERS 2: 25c SU-PURB SOAP 24-01. 1 9c 1 50-o.37c OXYDOL 24-ot boi 2 1 C I 69-oio( boz59e HERSHEY BARS 5cS. 3 for I0c;2'325c VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS No. 2., Iin 1 4c PUREX BLEACH Quart Botti. 1 2c WHITE MAGIC BLEACH Q.rt Bottle 1 0c VARBR'TE LIQUID WAX Quart Can 69c I hi m wtri.wt S. DEFENSE SAVING If STAMPS AT SAFEWAY mmJUSx Cabbage solid Ib. 2c n r . 5ii if SWEET f 0 Carrots 3 lbs. 10c Ipotato-s Avocados Ib. 23c ? ? Apples Ortleyslb. 5c f,b' e I ' 1 11 tt FRESH