Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 06, 1941, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year J2.00
Three Years 6.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months .75
Single Copies .05
Official Paper for Morrow County
Local Government
Faces Dilemma
T OCAL government the closest
and beyond question the most vi
tal of all governmental divisions in
the lives of the people is today fac
ing a critical situation. Local gov
ernment, we refer to as the county,
city and school districts, those div
isions controlled by the people in
the immediate community, or to be
more exact which local people are
presumed to control.
In the face of increasing prices
the labor cost especially and with
powers of taxation except that of
taxing real and personal property
usurped to use of state and national
governments, and with a six percent
limitation placed upon the property
taxing privilege, local governmental
divisions are hard put to raise rev
enues sufficient to carry on func
tions expected of them.
And it may be injected here, too,
that officers expected to carry on as
usual in the face of increased liv
ing costs may not readily have sal
aries increased in proportion since
these are fixed, largely, through leg
islative inactment.
It is not here presumed to seek a
special legislative session, as is be
ing asked by certain Portland inter
ests. However, should cause for
such session exist, to us it appears
that relief of local government
claims recognition for number one
position. Surplus state funds of
which we read, all of which were
collected in the several communities
of the state, might well at this time
be diverted back to the grass roots
from whence they came, and they
would be appreciated no end.
There is a case in point. The
county budget item for roads has
long been the buffer of all budget
items to take the shock of the ups
and downs in fixing the county tax
levy. Other expenditures, year in
and year out, largely remain fixed
or in some instances require increas
ingly larger sums, as in the case of
welfare work the last few years.
Budget makers have at all times de
sired to keep the total levy at as
low a point as possible, so they have
jockeyed the road item.
People do not want, and can ill
afford, to do without good roads,
and Morrow county is blessed with
a lion's share of county roads. (Oth
er counties have been supplied al
most to the point of sufficiency with
state and , federally constructed
This year with no budget increase
for county roads, and with increases
in the cost of labor and materials it
is self-evident that Morrow county
will not be able to proceed as before
with its road maintenance and con
struction program, unless more help
is received from elsewhere.
National emphasis is being placed
at this time oh trunk arteries vital
to the defense program, and the state
is following the national lead. No
federal money will be available in
Oregon for other roads this year.
This puts the state in poorer posi
tion to give the counties any addi
tional lift, except that state highway
revenues from licenses and gas tax
have been boosted materially by the
general inflationary trend.
Local off Leers who are taking the
lead in discussions of this problem
before several state meetings are
disinclined to ask for more than the
15.6 percent of the state highway
revenues received by counties last
year to apply on county roads, in
face of the defense program. They
do, however, feel that the basis of
apportionment to the counties, that
of the number of motor vehicles
registered within each county, should
be changed to a mileage and valua-
t AT 'fffTHE ' )
Washington, D. C, Nov. 6. Those
farmers of Oregon who use tractors
in their operations and have diffi
culty in obtaining parts when they
break down, because of shortage of
steel, will be interested to learn that
the second lend-lease bill provides
for 10,285 tractors to cost $10,000,000
and these are presumed to enable
the British to cultivate four million
acres of land. The farms in Eng
land, Scotland and Wales are not
like those in Oregon, but quite
small, instead of containing several
thousand acres. Suspicion has been
voiced by half a dozen members of
congress that the tractors will not
be feasible for English use because
of the small plots to be cultivated
and, anyway, 10,000 men would have
to be trained to operate them when
these men might be in uniform in
stead. The assertion was made on
the floor of the house that the Brit
ish intend re-shipping the tractors
to Africa where they can be used
in competition with the American
farmer. These suspcions and charges
failed to keep the tractor item out
of the bill.
Bond salesmen in the northwest
about 20 years ago unloaded on pri
vate investors ' (thrifty American
citizens who had saved money) a
large part of a Russian issue am
ounting to $75,000,000. Most of the
banks of that region placed some of
their funds in $15,000,000 worth.
Both issues were boosted by the
United States government and peo
ple and banks were encouraged to
buy. The government itself took
$375,000,000 of Russian securities.
Not a red cent has ever been paid
as interest or on the principal. The
Bolsheviki repudiated the securities
and since then American taxpayers
have been holding the bag. When
President Roosevelt recognized the
Soviet in 1933 Foreign Commissar
Litvinoff (after presenting the pres
ident with a complete set of Russian
stamps for his collection) agreed that
negotiations would be taken up to
make some sort of redemption of the
bonds. Nothing happened.
Now that the president is supply
ing Russia with tanks planes and
ammunition a number of bondhold
ers in Oregon are prodding their
delegation, urging that now is the
time for the government to insist
that Russia do something about hav
ing the Soviet redeem these old ob
ligations, arguing that as they must
tax to pay for the goods going to
Russia that country should be will
ing (or compelled) to make good on
the securities.
John Boettiger, son-in-law of the
president, is reported as having cool
ed off about the government doing
something for the logged-off. lands
and the disappearing forests of the
northwest. Mr. Boettiger was sold
on the idea when Henry A. Wallace
was secretary of agriculture, and
Wallace wrote pages for the Seattle
P.-I. (The gravity of the situation
was first brought to Wallace's, at-
tion basis. This would give Morrow
county a better break.
Morrow county does not get back
from the state all the money col
lected from motor license fees alone.
It gets back not a penny of the gas
tax money collected within its con
fines, to say nothing of the income
tax money and many other revenue
sources imposed upon its people by
the state.
It is understandable, to a degree
that national defense must of neces
sity curtail some activities. Road up
keep and repair, generally, is patent
ly not one function being considered
by the federal government, for of
late a survey is being made of
bridges on all county roads in Mor
row county, by federal employes,
apparently to determine whether
these roads may be used as detours
in military maneuvers. The roads,
too, are important in keeping up the
supply lines from the farms.
Hermner Gazette Times. Heppner, Oregon
ri ' - -
tention by a timberman of Oregon
and his statement was confirmed by
the forest service). The son-in-law
said he would take up the matter
personally with the president and
see that there was some action.
Since then nothing has happened.
Those congressmen who have leg
islation to deal with the subject are
now marking time; waiting for the
green light. They suspect that pres
idential approval will be withheld
until a decision has been reached
whether Secretary of the Interior
Ickes shall have the forest service
turned over to him. Mr. Ickes is
still coveting that division, now in
the department of agriculture.
William R. Davis of the national
mediation board says the labor trou
bles in the northwest are due large
ly to the immaturity of the labor
organizations in that region. The
lumber situation is due, says he, to
fierce rivalry between AFL and CIO,
and Dr. Dexter Keezer of Reed col
lege has been appointed chairman of
a commission to the mediation board
a stabilization program for the en
tire Douglas fir industry. The board
has been waiting for weeks for these
recommendations and hopes they
will be presented at an early date.
National defense mediation board
does not want another outbreak in
the lumber industry.
County Represented
At Hiah School Meet
Eastern Oregon College of Educa
tion, La Grande, Nov. 3. The an
nual high school student body offi
cers conference held Saturday at
the Eastern Oregon College of Edu
cation was considered most success
ful, with 137. delegates representing
high schools of seven eastern Ore
gon counties in attendance. Ray
Johnson, Ontario high school stu
dent body president, was chairman
of the conference.
Union high school was selected to
head the group for the coming year
and will be in charge of the confer
ence which will be held at the col
lege in the fall of 1942.
Morrow county was well repre
sented at the conference, with Hepp
ner, lone and Lexington high schools
sending the following student body
officers'. Heppner, Wanda Howell,
treasurer; Dorotha Wilson, yell du
chess; Jim Barratt, sergeant-at-arms;
Bill Scrivner, vice-president, and
Miss Frances Weaver, adviser.
Lexington, Joe Way, vice-president;
Carl Marquardt, president;
Marcie Jackson, secretary; Levella
Pieper, yell queen; Wittmer Mac
Donald, coach, and T. R. Burton, su
perintendent of schools.
lone, Charlotte Sperry, yell lead
er; Ernest McCabe, transportation
manager; Roland McCabe, vice-president;
Gene Empey, president; Pete
Cannon, athletic manager, and Betty
Lou Lindsay, editor.
Tom Johnson arrived this week
from Salem where he has been lo
cated for several years and has been
enjoying renewing old-time friend
ships. He has been suffering from
'a heart affliction for some time and
has been unable to do any heavy
Pat Hart is in the city from Pen
dleton assisting with finishing work
on the new Catholic church. Pat
was a resident of this county fir
a good many years a number of
years ago and has been renewing
old-time acquaintances.
Dance at lone Grange hall, Satur
day, November 8. Music by Men
About Town. Admission 85c includ
ing tax.
Mrs. John Turner arrived Sunday
from her home at Baker to see her
brother, Joel Engelman off as he
left yesterday for the navy induc
tion station at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hall went to
Portland yesterday with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Florence, and Mr. and
Mrs. Hall expected to visit for some
time at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. William Goulder.
Is your life insurance ALL GREEK
to you? A. Q. Thomson gladly ex
plains insurance contracts without
obligation, of course.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe
cialist of Pendleton will be at the
The best medium for selling or
trading is a G-T want ad.
Q. How many Defense Savings
Stamps does it take to fill an
(A. Seventy-five 25-cent stamps;
I seventy-five 50-cent stamps; seventy-five
$1 stamps; or fifteen
$5 stamps. The completed albums
are immediately exchangeable for
Defense Bonds (Series E) at your
post office, or through your bank.
Q. Who directs the National move
ment to sell Defense Savings
Stamps in retail stores?
A. The Treasury's Retail Advisory
Committee, of which Benjamin
H. Nanim, of the National Retail
Dry Goods Association, is chair
man. Officers of 13 other great
national retail organizations com
prise the committee.
NOTE: To buy Defense Bonds and
Stamps, go to the nearest post
office, bank or savings and loan
association; or write to the Treas
urer of the United States, Wash
ington, D. C. Also Stamps are
now on sale at retail stores.
Stewart-Carlson Rites
Told From Silverton
Recent nuptials of Miss Frances
Stewart and Charles Carlson are told
in a newspaper report from Silver
ton. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Carlson,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson, Mil
dred and Lewis, and Mrs, Jess War
field were in attendance from lone.
The clipping reports:
Beautiful in arrangement will be
the marriage tonight at 8 o'clock at
the First Christian church of Miss
Frances Stewart, charming daughter
of the I. L. Stewarts of Silverton,
and Charles Carlson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Carlson of lone, with Rev.
Russell Meyers reading the single
ring ceremony. Mrs. Irene Morley
Franke of Silverton will play the
wedding marches and Mrs. Norman
Everson of Hood River will sing
"Oh, Promise Me" and "Until."
The bride, to be given in mar
riage by her father, will wear an ice
blue slipper satin "gown modeled on
princess lines with full court train
and buttons to the waist line. The
slightly puffed - at - the - shoulder
sleeves are buttoned over the hand
and trimmed, as is the square cut
neckline', with rare lace brought
from Paris, France, early in the cen
tury and presented to the bride-to-be
by Mrs. F. W. Poorman of Salem.
Her veil is train length, tulle edged,
with three rows of lace cascading
from the seed pearl coronet. Her
only jewels will be a single strand of
small pearls, a gift of the bridegroom.
The bride will carry a white prayer
book topped by a single gardenia,
and with a cascade of white satin
ribbon and large bouvardia.
The altar, centered with a lighted
cross, will be banked with wood
wardia fern flanked by potted palms
and cathedral candelabra with white
baskets of chrysanthemums in the
foreground. Each window will glow
with a single lighted white taper.
The bride's attendants will be her
sister, Mrs. Perl Bye, as matron of
honor, and as bridesmaids, Mrs. Kel
ley Standard of Salem and Mrs. Al-
Dressing Plant Starts November 1st
Will Dress For Anyone - Write or Call
for Dates and Prices
-:- Phone 681 Anytime -:-
Thursday, November 6, 1941
luiiiiiimimnii mmiinniunHni
At Heppner
Martin B. Clark, Pastor
9:45, Bible school.
11, Communion and preaching.
6:30, Christian Endeavor.
7:30, Evening service.
7, Thursday evening, prayer meet
ing. 7:30, Thursday evening, Bible
GOD Sterl D. Spiesz, Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Worship, 11 a. m.
Evangelistic services, Sunday, 7:45
p. m.
Tuesday, 7:45 p. m., cottage pray
er meeting.
Thursday 7:45 p. m., Bible study
at church.
BENNIE HOWE, Minister.
Sunday, Nov. 9th: Divine worship ,
at 11 a. m. Church school at 9:45
a. m., Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, superin
tendent and Miss Warner, primary
superintendent. Evening worship at
7:30 p. m.
Bible study and prayer meeting
every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'
clock. Thought for today: He that would
have friends must show himself
Blankenship Address
Honors Selectees
Lack of physical fitness of so many
young men as indicated in rejections
for enlistment or selection, reacts as
a tribute to the physical fitness of
every young man accepted for arm
ed service for his country, declared
Alden Blankenship, city school su
perintendent in an address at Mon
day's Lions luncheon in honor of
the young men who left Wednesday
for induction into different branches
of the service.
While the upset in every young
man's life on entering the service is
a disturbing factor, Blankenship saw
in the opportunities to travel, train
ing for specialized work and the
general disciplinary morale of the
army or navy plenty to compensate.
Joel R. Engelman, naval enlistee,
and his sister, Mrs. John Turner,
were special club guests. Other boys
leaving for the service were unable
to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Johnson of
Dallas, report the recent birth of a
son. Mrs. Johnsonw was formerly
Gladys Reaney of Heppner.
fred Pietela of Astoria. Their iden
tical gowns as of heavy, floral etched
taffeta, floor length, short puffed
sleeves, gathered bodice effect and
pleated neck trimming. They will
carry cascade bouquets of rose col
ored chrysanthemums and each will
wear a two-strand pearl necklace,
gift of the bride.
Clifford Carlson of lone will be
his cousin's best man and ushers
will be Jim Ekman of Silverton and
Claude Brashers of Lyle, Wash.
A reception has been planned in
the church Immediately following
the ceremony. . . .
For going away the bride will
wear an all-black ensemble of sheer
crepe, velvet bolero, a fitted wool
coat and matching accessories. Her
corsage will be gardenias.
The young couple will be at home
in lone after November 15.