on eg or; historical society PUBLIC AUDITOR!"' port :. a ; : . o Volume 58, Number 36 Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, November 6, 1941 Subscription $2.00 a Year Ml BUY NAVjI UNITED tJLtal STATES jfTf SAVINGS fLfvkBONDS Umatilla Dam Seen; 100 Million Dollar Development Told Waterways Group Works on Large Pro gram, Says Johnson That the rivers and harbors com mittee of the house would turn, out a report in a few days recommend ing immediate construction of Uma tilla Rapids dam as a part of the national defense program, was told in a telegram to the annual meet ing of Inland Empire Waterways as sociation at Walla Walla last week end from Rep. Homer D. Angell of Oregon. This news was highlight of the meeting, said Judge Bert Johnson, a director and vice president for Morrow county who also presided as chairman of the finance commit tee. Judge Johnson was accompan ied by F. W. Turner, Heppner chamber of commerce secretary, who reported, "Our people just don't realize the magnitude of this pro gram." Discussion at Walla Walla on the Umatilla dam, based on recommen dation of army engineers, favored construction of the three proposed dams on the Snake river above At talia at the same time, the judge said. Construction of all four dams could be accomplished in about the same time and more economically than if each were undertaken sep arately, according to the engineers. This dam development looks im mediately to the need for more hydro-electric development and added transportation facilities under the defense program. Paul J. Raver, Bonneville admin istrator, was l sponsible for the statement that present government sponsored electro development will have resulted in $100,000,000 in de velopment of new industries in the Pacific northwest by the time it is all put to use. He predicted that the entire output of Bonneville will be consumed by the end of 1942. Attendance of more than 400 peo ple, all prominent in their respect ive states of Idaho, Washington and Oregon, indicated the force behind the waterways program, which has been working consistently for years to promote development of the Col umbia and tributary rivers to obtain the most benefits for the entire re gion from transportation, power and reclamation, said Judge Johnson. Program speakers included men who were well informed on their sub jects and who held positions of im portance in the fields on which they spoke. All officers were retained, indicat-1 ing the confidence of members in! their work. Charles Baker of Walla Walla was reelected president and Herb G. West, executive vice-president. Judge Johnson was retained as a director and vice-president for this county as well as head of the finance committee. Attendants at the sessions Wed nesday and Thursday assisted in opening recently constructed port facilities at neighboring towns, an other indication of the progress be ing made in the association's work, said the Judge. Senior Class Play Coming Tomorrow Don't forget the senior play, "The Foxy Mrs. Foster," to be presented this Friday at 8 o'clock, is the latest word from the high school. The play, a farcical fun-fest is fast moving and will provide enter tainment for all, and everyone. The prices will be 35, 25 and 15 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young and family from Seattle were visiting in Heppner the first of the week, accompanied by Mr. Young's sister, Mrs. Clive Huston and Mr. Huston. Reared in Eight Mile, Mr. Young was busy renewing old-time friendships. The Call America Heeds The Red Cross nurse is the symbol of the 1941 American Red Cross Roll Call poster, appealing to all men and women to Join their local Chapters during the annual Roll Call. Bradshaw Crandell, distinguished poster artist, painted the poster and Frances Fedden Is the model. James Furlong Was Resident 55 Years James Francis Furlong, 63, a res ident of this county for 55 years, died at Portland October 31 follow ing a lingering illness of more than a year. He had been at St. Vincents hospital in the city for the last five weeks. Funeral services from Phelps Fun eral Home chapel here Tuesday, were largely attended by friends and relatives. Martin B. Clark officiated and interment was in Masonic cem etery. Born in Kansas May 22, 1878 to Patrick Henrv and Mary Ann (Moon) Furlong, James Francis was but a small boy when he first came to this countv. He spent his life largely in farming and livestock op erations and for many years fol lowed sheep shearing. He is survived by the widow, Sarah and two sons, James of Bremerton, Wash., and Howard of this city, besides several brothers. GRAND OFFICER COMING J. H. Piere, district deputy grand exalted ruler for Oregon northeast, will make his official visit to Hepp ner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks next Thursday evening, November 13. In itiation will be an event of the eve ning. Also an honored visitor for the evening will be Harvey L Arms of Bend, vice president of Oregon State Elks associatioTi. JACKSON-WRIGHT Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Mary Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jackson of Monument, to Harold Wright son of Mrs. Clyde Wright of Rhea creek. The ceremony was an event of October 15 at Lewiston, Idaho. The young couple are now at home at the Wright ranch. Annual Roll Call Asks 15 Pet. More Members Armistice day, next Tuesday, will be opening day for the annual Red Cross roll call, with Mrs. D. A. Wil son chairman for Morrow county. Detailed plans have been made for the county solicitation due to the extreme need, which caused an in crease of 15 percent in Red Cross memberships to be asked. The quo ta for Morrow county this year is 545 members. Community chairmen for the var ious committees have been released as follows: Mrs. Elsa Leathers, Hard man; Mrs. Carrie Becket and Mrs. Hilma Anderson, Eight Mile; Mrs. Juanita Carmichael, Lexington; Miss Eva Swanson, lone; Mrs. Beth Hynd, Cecil; Mrs. Nora Neill, Pine City; Tom Caldwell, Irrigon; Mrs. Arthur Hughes, Lena. Name of the Board man chairman has not been releas ed. CONSOLIDATION PROGRESSES Consolidation of school districts in Morrow county is progressing, but slowly, says Mrs. Lucy E. Rod- gers, county superintendent, xes terday the district boundary board approved, subject to legal sanction of the district attorney, consolidation of districts 15 and 38, Clarks Can yon and Bunker Hill, respectively. Order of confirmation was issued the month before for consolidation of districts 17 and 41, Blackhorse and Sand Hollow, and petitions are ex pected shortly for consolidation of districts 26 and 48. August, September and October this year were wetter than the same three months in 1940 in the Goose berry district, reports V. L. Carl son, observer. August had 1.39 inch, September 1.38 and October 1.47 for a total of 4.24 inches this year as compared with 4.02 for the same per iod in 1940. Wheat League to Talk Defense at Annual Meeting Weston National defense on the farm, together with consideration of new production problems, will fea ture the annual session of the East ern Oregon Wheat league, to be held in Heppner December 4, 5, and 6, according to a program outline an nounced by President S. J. Culley of Weston. , As -has long been the custom with this organization, major committees will meet one day in advance of the regular sessions to outline reports and recommendations in three gen eral fields. A new feature of the convention this year will be the dis play and judging of lambs fattened on wheat by 4-H club members in a contest sponsored by the league. Five main topics around which the program will center this year will be feeding wheat to livestock, the situation likely to follow the pre sent defense effort, a review of the present world wheat situation, mor ning glory control, and the produc tion of food for defense. Heads of the three main committees appoint ed by President Culley are as fol lows: Federal agricultural and conserv ation program William Steen, Mil ton, Chairman; Jens Tergeson, Pen dleton, vice-chairman. . Taxation, legislation and trans portation George N. Peck, Lexing ton, charman; H. D. Proudfoot, Was co, vice-chairman. Land use, weed control, produc tion, handling, and marketing E. H. DeLong, La Grande, chairman; Charles Nish, Mikkalo, vice-chairman. More time is to be given this year for committee deliberations, accord ing to Culley, who has called the federal agricultural programs com mittee to meet at 9 o'clock Decem ber 4. A committee in charge of local ar rangements at Heppner is headed by E. H. Miller as general chair man, with II. A. Cohn, banquet chairman; J. G. Barratt, program chairman, and J. O. Turner, house chairman. 21 Elk Checked Out Of Local District Defying almost impassable roads 211 hunters had checked into the mountains through Heppner for the elk hunting, and up to noon today 46 had checked out with a kill of 21 elk. Tom Howell of Heppner so far has the granddaddy of them all, the antler spread of his six point bull measuring 50 inches. Others checking elk in here, included: Frank G. McKimens, Carlton, a 5-pt. bull; Henry Keisecker, Sandy, spike; R. B. Andrews, Portland, a spike; P. H. Billick, Dundee, calf; C. H. Cook, Carlton, cow; E. J. Hand ley, McMinnville, calf; Paul Potter, McMinnville, cow; Taylor T. Potter, McMinnville, cow; M. J. Thompson, Monument, cow; Herman Thompson, Courtrock, cow; Oscar Rippee, Hep pner, cow; Ray Massey, Heppner, cow; Robert J. Underwood, Hard man, 5 pt. bull; Loy McFerrin, Hardman, 6 pt. bull; Marvin Case beer, Heppner, cow; Ray Bosworth, Sweet Home, cow; Louis E. Barnett, Condon, 5 pt. bull; H. C. Happold, Heppner, 4 pt. bull; Pirl Howell, Heppner, cow; Albert Greener, j Hillsboro, calf. 4-H ACHIEVEMENT MEETING A meeting of all 4-H clubs in the south section of Morrow county was held in the court room at the court house yesterday. Mrs. Rodgers gave a talk on "The Effect of National Defense on 4-H club members." The sewing club girls from Eight Mile sang a song. "Dock" Allen, the state club leader for boys, gave a very interesting talk. Don Peck played a harmonica, guitar duet. Vera McDaniel, Betty Adams and Mildred Clary put on a very nice play. They are also 4-H club mem bers. The achievement awards were delivered by C. D. Conrad and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers. After the program refreshments were served. Dick Edmondson, president of pig and sheep clubs. Ordnance Depot Visit Invitation Given AtC Of C Dinner Johnson Reports Waterways Meet; Live Program Given A public invitation has been ex tended to Morrow county people by Major Harry R. Schuppner, in charge of operations, to visit the new ord nance depot near Hermiston. The time has been set for o clock Sunday afternoon, the 16th, an nounces F. W. Turner, chamber of commerce secretary, to whom the invitation was extended by Lt. Hoff man who spoke at the chamber of commerce dinner at the Episcopal parish house Tuesday evening as Major Schuppner's representative. It is essential that anyone wishing to visit the depot be at the intersec tion of the road with the Hermiston highway promptly at 2:30 o'clock as everyone must enter, at the same time and be escorted through the grounds in a body. Lieutenant Hoffman told the din ers Tuesday evening that the last igloo for housing the munitions would be completed yesterday, and that 3000 men would be let off at that time. The work has proceeded ahead of schedule, he said, as time was given til the nrst or tne year for completing the work. Already powder is arriving for storage, and it is probable that after the sched uled visit of the local group, no one, including the officers themselves will he permitted to enter the gates. In completing the job ahead of time, the crew on this project set an all-time record for igloo con struction, that of 24 igloos in 24 hours, representing 12 good days work. Lieutenant Hoffman also brought a special message to boys leaving the next day for military service, who were honored guests. Johnny Hays, was leader of the group, which included Ernest Marvin Allen, Ver non Cecil Northness, James Edward Trueblood, selectees, and Joel Clark Engelman, enlistee in the naval re serves. Judge Bert Johnson brought re port of the recent annual meeting of Inland Empire Waterways asso ciation at Walla Walla, of which he is a director and vice-president for Morrow county. He specially urg ed upon the chamber importance of the work of the association whose objective is to develop the Colum bia river and tributaries to attain the greatest benefits for the entire region. Bruce Stewart, FSA manager for Morrow county, spoke on the "food for defense" program, outlining the quotas of various commodities for Morrow comity and measures be ing taken to reach them. President B. C. Pinckney intro duced recent newcomers in Hepp ner's business field, and Miss Rose Hoosier sang a solo and led com munity singing, accompanied by Miss Marjorie Parker. Navy Recruiter Due Here Monday H. L. Larson, CTM, USN, recruit er in charge of this district will be at the postoffice in Heppner next Monday to interview prospective en listees for the navy. Anyone wish ing to obtain information on the na val service, or to enlist in this ser vice, should get in touch with Mr. Larson at that time. Although population of this dis trict is sparce, recent enlistments have been good, Mr. Larson reports. DELIVER TRAVELING FLAGS Ruth chapter 32, Order of Eastern Star, took the traveling flags to Ar cadia chapter 84 at Fossil last week end. Ruth chapter will be hostess to lone chapter on November 14 for a district meeting to be attended by H. Fay Ambrose, worthy grand matron.