Thursday, October 2, 1941 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five mcmiiiiiii '"TrrrTniTnMmmMiniiiirMiauiM Mr. and Mrs. Austin Smith of Portland and Mrs. James Leach of Corvallis are in the city today to attend funeral services for the late Harry M. Archer. Harold Scritsmier has been about town on crutches this week as a re sult of an injury sustained at the mill on upper Rhea creek the last of the week. The ankle bone was chipped when his foot slid between a moving tractor and a rut in the road. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bennett departed Sunday for Pendleton to make arrangements for living quar ters, expecting to make their home there while Mr. Bennett is engaged as manager of the Farm Security office at Hermiston. Clint Sharp, former resident, was visiting friends here the first of the week. The Sharp home is now at Okanogan, Wash., where Mr. Sharp' is engaged in the pastime business.' Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McMurdo; of Portland arrived the end of the week for a visit at the home of Mr. McMurdo's parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo. Bernard is studying dentistry in the city. Dick Sperry returned to his home in Salem Tuesday after a successful deer hunt in company with Frank Gentry. Both men landed a nice buck, and Sperry shipped his to Salem with expectation of treating friends at the state penitentiary where he is employed as a guard. Henry Aiken, who has been un dergoing , treatment in Portland for some time was reported to be mak ing slow progress. He has been suf fering from sinus trouble. Mrs. Walter Rood and daughter were visiting in Heppner the end of the week from their home at Ritter. Mrs. Hugh Currin of Pilot Rock was visiting friends and relatives in this city Monday. She reported crop conditions on their Butter creek ranch the best in years. '; F. R. Brown, former Morrow county agricultural agent and later warehouseman here, was visiting in the city Monday from his home at Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Newt Griffith re turned home the first of the week from Eugene where they attended funeral services for their grandson, Lionel McMahan, Jr., who was acci dentally killed while hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scrivner and son Bob motored to Eugene Sunday where Bob will continue studies as a student at University of Oregon, Mrs. Earl Eskelson has been spending a week in the county from her home at Portland, attending to property interests in Lexington and Heppner. She expected to return home tomorrow. Mrs. George Schwartz, Mrs. Ralph Charnley and Mrs. G. C. Lynn of Portland were in the city yesterday to attend funeral services for Mrs. Melissa Marlatt, sister of Mrs. Cham ley and Mrs. Schwartz. Max Schulz is working for Harold Evans who is still harvesting. He reports that last week was the first time they ran for a whole week without being stopped by rain inside the last two months. Most all the grain cut late was sprouted in the heads from so much rain, something that doesn't usually happen. Farm ers can't get a loan on sprouted wheat and must sell at a docked price. Heppner Music Study club will meet Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the home of Mrs. Lilian Turner with Miss Marjorie Parker assisting. Miss Leta Humphreys will be in charge of the program, which will be "Aida." Ellis Charles Saling and Johnnie Claire Slocum, two selectees who reported for examination at Port land Tuesday, returned by this morning's train, reports the local selective service office, having been returned by the Portland induction station. John Hiatt is among fortunate deer hunters to date. He killed his buck the morning of opening day. ANNOUNCEMENT i Effective on Monday, Oct. 6, due to the additional federal defense tax, prices on all permanent waves will increase $1.00. Myrtle's Beauty Salon, .,, Lois' Beauty Shop; CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of thanking the Elk lodge for use of the hospital bed during the illness of Mrs. Mallissa Marlatt. The Family. NOTICE OF 1942 BUDGET MEETING In accordance with the provisions of the "Local Budget Law" (Sections 110-1201 to 110-1215 O. C. L. A., as amended), notice is hereby given that the Budget Committee of Morrow County, Oregon, has prepared in compliance with the 'Local Budget Law," Budget Estimates for the ensuing fiscal period January 1, 1942 to June 30, 1942. All persons are hereby notified that on the 20th day of October, 1941, at 10 A. M., in the County Court Room m the Court House Building, Heppner, Oregon, the following Budget Estimates for the ensuing fiscal period ending June 30 1942, Morrow County, Oregon, may be discussed with the Morrow County Court, the Levying Board for said Morrow County, Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levy or tax levies will be heard in favor of or against said proposed tax levy or tax levies or any part thereof. The estimates of expenditures to be required, the miscellaneous revenues to be received and the taxes on property to be levied as prepared by the Budget Committee, and adopted September 15, 1941, are as set forth in the accompanying statements, together with the outstanding indebtedness of Morrow County, Oregon, as at September 1, 1941. ? The original estimate sheets as required by Section 110-1204 O.C.L.A., have been placed on file in the office of the Morrow County Clerk. GEORGE N. PECK, Chairman or the Budget Committee. Secretary TATTXT TIT T-T-.T7lTf. J DAVID HYND, BERT JOHNSON. Don't throw anything away that is broken until we see if it can be el ectric welded. Rosewall Motor Co., Your Ford Dealer. It. ESTIMATED CASH BALANCES AND OTHER THAN TAXES RECEIPTS General Fund Estimated Cash Balance .V. '. Sheriffs Fees 4 Sheriff's Auto Stickers Clerk's Office Fees : Justice Court Fines :.. Rentals County Lands and Houses Land Sales Delinquent Taxes Interest from Delinquent Taxes and Bank Alcohol Control Fund (Relief) General Road Fund Delinquent Taxes Forest Reserve Rentals Gasoline Refunds Justice Court Fines Land Sales Sales and Rentals Market Road Fund Delinquent Taxes Land Sales Motor License Fund Receipts from Secretary of State. Miscellaneous Rodent Fund Taxes Dog: Licenses Taylor Grazing Act Estimates Jan. 1, 1942 to Jun. 30, 1942 $ 15,000.00 175.00 150.00 1,200.00 150.00 250.00 7,167.50 3,000.00 1,000.00 125.00 1,800.00 400.00 750.00 100.00 5,000.00 250.00 . 400.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 800.00 RALPH JACKSON, of the Budget Committee. L. D. TMk.TT.Ti, RALPH I. THOMPSON, V. L. CARLSON, ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1938 Actual Expenditures for Years Six Mo. 1940 1939 $ 434.50 1.600.00 1,200.00 319.73 636.20 100.00 188.95 754.89 2,000.00 1,020.00 399.90 103.55 1,600.00 ' 1.196.94 430.00 2,300.00 128.25 197.22 766.36 500.00 68.85 900.00 237.80 480.18 829.46 750.00 193.25 1,470.34 5,500.00 300.00 200.00 40.05 404.77 356.78 2,000.00 2.721.25 848.80 1,268.67 1,600.00 396.22 253.50 85.49 100.00 100.00 1,200.00 78.48 1,114.61 94.50 2.822.83 4,443.47 44.60 357.81 1,000.00 1,690.08 385.00 1941 Approp. 1941 49,965.63 6,306.13 27,500.00 20,231.10 15.653.52 $ 539.19 1,600.00 1,055.00 217.94 623.80 74.00 600.00 576.70 2,000.00 1,000.00 395.42 193.13 1,600.00 1,096.67 460.00 2,300.00 38.39 295.30 198.20 j 863.59 500.00 73.80 900.00 294.00 485.21 306.45 778.62 169.84 00.00 5,500.00 300.00 200.00 '24.00 443.55 346.45 2,000.00 2,820.00 318.65 1,076.55 200.00 1,600.00 485.67 341.00 99.75 100.00 100.00 1,200.00 84.09 817.68 117.02 2,719.40 4,145.75 82.25 79.47 00.00 1 1,000.00 1,880.50 385.63 53,034.70 9,007.55 27,500.00 18,812.25 15,880.81 $ 428.84 1,600.00 1,020.00 283.95 685.70 29.00 00.00 844.34 2,000.00 1,020.00 289.52 31.00 1,600.00 v 1,362.41 212.00 524.00 2,300.00 50.00 178.20 198.74 626.40 500.00 73.80 900.00 300.69 470.95 491.58 841.33 177.50 1,504.38 5,500.00 300.00 500.07 17.25 417.94 271.25 2,000.00 2,820.00 206.17 1,416.41 200.00 1,600.00 295.85 346.45 186.96 150.00 100.00 1,200.00 21.75 696.80 132.00 2,456.54 4,727.20 24.10 32.60 822,29 1,000.00 1,734.01 1,457.00 55,633.38 10,057.85 27,500.00 17,555.90 27,646.46 00.00 800.00 540.00 216.14 310.40 10.50 00.00 359.03 1,000.00 540.00 113.56 51.10 800.00 345.62 64.45 8.00 480.00 1,200.00 123,00 50.00 64.20 36.00 00.00 212.96 184.13 00.00 30.75 450.00 00.00 202.07 39.17 439.75 66.50 00.00 1,565.47 150.00 375.00 20.00 137.64 91.26 1,000.00 1,440.00 318.59 597.80 75.42 800.00 155.33 206.45 122.50 150.00 00.00 600.00 51.72 285.60 66.00 1,963.86 2,166.00 37.00 00.00 385.98 00.00 1,500.00 131.50 33,059.62 . 5,964.87 8,500.00 8,099.70 183.96 $ 500.00 1,600.00 1,080.00 300.00 650.00 100.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,080.00 300.00 150.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 65.00 200.00 535.00 2,400.00 125.00 50.00 130.00 200.00 200.00 400.00 660.00 500.00 75.00 900.00 300.00 500.00 600.00 750.00 200.00 00.00 5,500.00 300.00 550.00 100.00 400.00 350.00 2,000.00 2,880.00 425.00 1,000.00 175.00 1,600.00 . 380.00 400.00 360.00 150.00 100.00 1,200.00 60.00 960.00 160.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 100.00 250.00 1,000.00 50.00 1,050.00 2,000.00 500.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 27,500.00 16,800.00 12,080.00 CLASSIFICATION Estimates for Jan, 1, 1942 to Jun, 30, 1942 .Accountants Audits Assessor's Office Salary of Assessor Salary of Deputy Books and Incidentals Field Work : Tax Extension Reclassification & Valuation Adjustment Circuit Court ...Wit., Jurors, Bailiff, Rep. & Incidentals Clerk's Office Salary of Clerk Salary of Deputy Books and Incidentals Coroner Jurors, Mileage and Fees County Court Salary of County Judge Salary Per Diem, Mileage of Commission ers and Incidentals , County Expenses and Contributions Association of Oregon Counties Bang's Disease Control Bonds County Agent Federal Tax Committee ... Fire Patrol Insurance Juvenile Court Library Mack Smith Ditch Official Publications and Tax Foreclosure Publicity and Advertising Sealer of Weights and Measures Court House Salary of Janitor Fuel Light and Power .....Incidentals v Current Expense Post.. Stationery, Telephones, Telegr.. etc. District Attorney Rent and Incidentals Election Expense . .Emergency Health Department Salary of County Physician Salary of County Nurse Insane Expense ; .Jail Board and Expense Justice Court Jurors, Fees, Witnesses, etc, Sheriffs Office Salary of Sheriff ..Salary of Deputies ....Tax Collections ... Books, Incidentals and Travel ....Stamps and Envelopes Superintendent of Schools ... Salary of Superintendent ....Books and Incidentals ....Travel Expense '. ... ... Assistant - ....4-H Club ....Teacher's Institute Treasurer's Office ....Salary of Treasurer ....Books and Incidentals Relief ... Aid to Dependent Children ... Blind Assistance ....General Assistance ... Old Age Assistance ... Soldiers Indigent ..Water Master Trav. Exp. & Incidentals .Weed Control .Wind Erosion Control Fair Fund ..Rodent Control Dog Fund Taylor Grazing Fund Roads and Bridges ... Repairs, Labor, Materials and Incidentals Market Roads ....Repairs, Labor, Materials and Incidentals Road Bonds ... Sinking Fund ... Interest Fund County School Appropriation $ 450.00 800.00 540.00 225.00 500.00 50.00 200.00 750.00 1,000.00 600.00 150.00 75.00 800.00 600.00 65.00 100.00 500.00 1,200.00 125.00 50.00 105.00 100.00 00.00 400.00 250.00 500.00 37.50 510.00 00.00 250.00 300.00 400.00 100.00 750.00 2,750.00 150.00 625.00 50.00 200.00 . 175.00 1,000.00 1,680.00 600.00 600.00 125.00 800.00 225.00 210.00 180.00 150.00 00.00 600.00 60.00 450.00 80.00 1,750.00 2,500.00 50.00 200.00 500.00 25.00 00.00 1,000.00 250.00 800.00 31.000.00 ' 7,000.00 8,500.00 7,880.00 6,040.00 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the Matter of the Estate of John R. Wagner, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Administratrix of the Estate of John R. Wagner, de ceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that Monday, the sixth day of October, A. D. 1941, at the hour of 10:00 o' clock in the forenoon of said day in the Court room of said Court has been set as the time and the place for the hearing of objections there to and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published this 4th day of September, A. D. 1941. DELIA M. WAGNER, Administratrix of the Estate of John R. Wagner, deceased. SUMMARY OF BUDGET ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TAX LEVIES JANUARY 1, 1942 TO JUNE 30, 1942 FUNDS Total Levy from Jan. 1, 1942 to June 30. 1942, as esti mated '! $48,720.00 I Taylor I General I General General Market Bond Bond Rodent Dog Grazing Total Fund I Schools Roads Roads Sinking Interest Fund Fund Fund Total Estimated Expendi- i tures ' $90,687.50 $28,217.50 $ 6,040.00 $31.000.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 8.500.00 $ 7,880.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 250.00 $ 800.00 Less Estimated Cash Bal- I '! ! ance and Receipts ' 41,967.50 ) 28,217.50 8,300.00 1.400.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 800.00 Estimated Tax Levy, Jan. I I 1, 1942 to June 30, 1942, I " inside 6 limitation 1 28,300.00 22,700.00 5,600.00 Outside 6 Limitation' 20,420.00 6,040.00 8,500.00 5,880.00 j Approved September 15, 1941, by the Budget Committee of Morrow County, State of Oregon. RALPH JACKSON, GEORGE N. PECK, Secretary of the Budget Committee. Chairman of the Budget Committee. I certify that the amount of outstanding Morrow County indebtedness is in the sum of $313,000.00 in serial road bonds. C. W. BARLOW, County Clerk.