Page Two Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, October 2, 1941 IONE NEWS lone Rebekahs Attend District Conference Ey MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH Members of Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge who attended the district con vention at Fossil on Tuesday were Mesdames Omar Rietmann, E. R. Lundell, Lloyd Morgan, Matthew Gordon, Clara Kincaid, Ida Fletcher, Norton Lundell and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson. Miss Eva Swanson has returned home after spending the summer in Salem and is now employed at the C. W. Swanson store. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allwen of Portland were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odom of Mor gan. John Staehli, science and manual training teacher left Tuesday for Portland to consult his draft board. Robert Warfield, who recently en listed in the army, has reported for duty. The Women's Topic club met at the home of Mrs. Clyde Denney last Saturday for a short business meet ing, followed by an afternoon of bridge. Other hostesses were Mes dames Clel Rae, Carl F. Feldman and E. M. Baker. Four tables of bridge were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. Elmer Griffith, Mrs. C. W. Swanson, and guest prize bv Mrs. Fred Miankin. Other guests were Mrs. Ned Shuirman and Mrs. Dewey Stilwell. The next meeting of the Topic club will be Friday, Oct. 3, at the home of Mrs. Ted Blake. Bert Mason, Jr., successfully pass ed his examination for entrance into the naval reserve at Walla Walla on Monday and will leave on Octo ber 10 to report at San Diego. The I. O. O. F. at Morgan held a neighborhood party at the hall Sat urday evening, honoring Henry Buschke, who left Monday with otner draftees. The weathr report for September shows .70 inch of rain, with 12.93 inches of rainfall in the twelve months ending September first. Ihere were no clear days in Sep tember until the 17th. Fifty-eight persons attended Sun. day school last Sunday, and a good many stayed for the pot luck dinner at noon. Locust chapter, O. E. S., has been notified that a school of instruction will be held here on October 9. Mrs. Omar Rietmann entertained the members of the P. N. G. club at her home last Friday. At the close of the business meeting the ladies made records of their voices on Mrs. Rietmann's recording machine. Mrs. Charles Dezell and her daughter, Mrs. Dewey Stilwell are guests of Mrs. Dezell's sister, Mrs. Bert Mason. They live in Spokane and arrived on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Aley Peck and two cnildren, Mr. Peck's mother. Mrs Emily Peck and Mr. Browning of ijaLomb left Saturday after enjoy ing a visit with Mrs. Peck's rar exits, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke While here the men in the party went deer hunting. Carl Froudy of Portland spent a few days In the mountains hunting with Bert Mason, Jr., who was sta tioned at Matteson butte. Bert Ma son, Sr., also accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ekleberry spent the week end in Hood River visiting a cousin. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Palmateer re turned Saturday from a trip to Portland and Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Bergstrom are enjoying a visit from their son, Ensign Arthur Bergstrom. He is now stationed at Bremerton but will be transferred soon to Balti more, Maryland, for special train ing. The Pilot Rock high school foot ball team defeated the lone boys here Thursday afternoon by a score of 13-0. Mrs. Ida Moore is somewhat im proved from her recent illness, ac cording to word received by her brother, W. J. Blake. Mrs. A. F. Palmateer entertained high school students and members of the faculty at her farm home near Morgan Sunday evening in honor of her daughter Doris whose birthday occurred that day. Guests present were John Staehle, Miss Piluso, Mrs. E. G. Sperry, Gladys and Eulenne Seehafer, June Grif fith, Alice Nichoson, Melba Craw ford, Wilma Dobyns, Maxine Allyn, LEXINGTON NEWS Lex Sunday School Slates Rally Day By MARGARET SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Browning are liv ing in the Getta Cox house recently vacated by Gilbert Petteys and fam ily who were thransf erred to Mea cham. Mr. Browning is with the state highway department. Mrs. Anna Smith of Juniper was here Tuesday. Dicky, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl, is ill at his home. Clarence Hayes and Janice return ed to Corvallis Monday. Mir. and Mrs. Roy Williams have returned home from a two weeks' vacation spent at Portland, Seattle and vicinity. Sherman Tucker of Portland is visiting relatives here. Grant Henderson of Hermiston was here Monday. George Tucker spent Monday in Pendleton. Nan McWaters visited friends here last week. The Laurel Ruhl and Bill Van Winkle families spent Sundav at f lilo. " Catechism classes started last Sat urday morning at 9:30 at the Charles Breshears home with classes from the first through the eighth grade. Teachers are Helen and Bunny Bre shears and Peggy McCourt. Next Sunday at 10 a. m. is Rally day at the Christian church. A short program will be presented. The new song books have arrived and will be used for the first time Sunday. Everyone is welcome to attend. The annual pioneers reunion, is set for October 25 this vear. A bas ket dinner will be held at noon and old-time and modern dancing will be enjoyed in the evening. Everyone is welcome to attend and bring a well-filled basket. j HARDMAN NEWS j Hardman Postoffice I Offers Defense Stamps By ELSA M. LEATHERS Defense stamps can be purchased at the postoffice here in denomina tions of 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. The postmistress will be glad to explain about them to you. Only a small amount was sold in , September. With October starting j why not try to double or even triple J the amount? It is our patriotic duty j to buy these defense samps and help provide for our boys who are enlisting and being inducted every week. Your stamp will help, so don't forget to get that book. Encourage your boys and girls to buy also. Miss Lois Hewitt's father and mo ther, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hewitt, a brother, Wiley Hewitt, wife and! ba by, all of Milton visited Miss Hew itt here Sunday. Miss Hewitt is the primary teacher. Stanley Robinson, Archie Bech dolt,' Delbert Robison, Mildred Mc Daniel and Edward McDaniel were hunters that brought home the meat ! this week. PINE CITY NEWS By BERNICE WATTENBURGER Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hiemullen anA son of Portland and Miss Minnip Moore of Corvallis are visiting their sister, Mrs. Russell Moore and fam ily. , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenbureipr spent Saturday and Sundav witVi their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wattenburger of Pasco. Mrs. Margaret McGreer is spend ing a week with Mrs. Lila Myers and Mrs. Bernice Wattenburger. Mrs. Bill Dohertv visited nor nar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daly and Mrs. Bernice Wattenburtrer anH Margaret McGreer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and daughters spent Sunday in Stan field and Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Tvndal Robison of Klamath Falls are soendintr days with Mr. and Mrs C. TT Rr. tholomew. The party left Saturdav evening for Lewisteon and Spokane for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and tamily and Margaret McGreer spent Saturday evening in Echo at the Walter Wigglesworth home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rice. Bar ney Doherty and Bill Kilkenny spent the week end in Seattle to see the Washington-Minnesota football game. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family and Mrs. Margaret Mc Greer spent Sunday evening at the Russell Moore home. Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters and Billy Healy spent Sunday after noon in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hitreins snent. Sunday at the John Healy home. Mrs. Jaross, Pine City teacher, spent the week end in Portland and valley points. NAMED HEAD LIBRARIAN Mrs. Dessa Hofstetter. daughter of M. J. Devin of Heppner, was re cently appointed head librarian of the Oregon College of Education at Monmouth by the Oregon state board of higher education. For the last four years Mrs. Hofstetter has been Malheur county librarian at Ontario. Eunice Peterson, Marjorie Peter son, Freda Ball, Barbara Ledbetter, Jean Coleman, Dorothy Berffstrom. Betty Lou Lindsey, Charlotte Sper ry, Charlotte Cannon, Pete Cannon, Roland Bergstrom, Delmar Craw ford, Bob Hoskins, Claude and Clyde Pettyjohn, Ernest MfcCabe, George Griffith and Billy Eubanks. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith. Mrs Katherine Mclntyre and daughter Rita took Misses Mary and Ann Mclntyre to Corvallis Friday where the girls will again enter college. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ely went to lollgate Friday where they will remain this week to conduct a series of revival meetings. Mrs. Richard Rogers was the re cipient of many nice gifts Friday afternoon at a shower given by her sister, Mrs. Stanley Robinson and Mrs. Neal Knighten. Ice cream and wafers and punch were served. Miss Ruth Eversole, Miss Cecelia Hell, Mr. H. J. Morton and Mrs. Marvin Brannon all visited the Fos sil beds near Kimberley, Sunday. They also visited in Spray. Miss tsell was a former teacher there. Clara Bell Adams was home from Corvallis where she attends college, for the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. John Adams. Last Tuesday evening Buddy Bat ty, Ellis Saling, Johnnie McRoberts and Clayton Wright were honored with a party and pot luck supper before leaving this week and Octo ber 9 for different branches of the service. About 150 persons were present to play games, dance and tell the boys farewell Since ill health caused J. J. Mc Donald to resign as janitor of the school the board called a special meeting and temporarily appointed John Hastings. and was accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Leathers, Mrs. C. H. McDaniel and Mrs. Ray Thomas to Fossil to the Rebekah convention, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Buschke en tertained with a dinner Friday. The guests were Harriet G. Robinson of Bonanza, Mrs. Julia Clark and son Ernest of California. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket and son Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson, Mrs. Charles Becket, Mrs. John Hanna and daughters, Mrs. Al Lovgren and son. This is Mrs. Robinson's first visit here since moving to Klamath county last fall. She came with Mrs. Clark and will stay only a short time. Word was received by Ed Morland that a brother, Frank, that once lived in this communitv. nassed away at Monmouth. Mrs. Ben Rogers and Mrs. Homer Davis of Lonerock visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rogers here Sunday. The contractors, Thomas and Bai ley, went to Portland this week to purchase supplies for the high school. Two large loads of lumber were I also brought to Hardman from the Nelson mill near Fossil for the building. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Coats and son visited his father, Henry, and grandmother, Mrs. Mary Coats, this week and hunted. He got a nice buck to take home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Georee Thomas of Portland are visiting their daughter. Mrs. Dallas Craber. The Thomases also visited the Joe Battys at Kim berley. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Devin and family moved to the Katherine Mc Intye ranch where they are employ ed. Mrs. Devin will drive her chil dren in to school. Mrs. George Kirk, mother of Mrs. Jim Hams and Mrs. Clair Ash baugh, died at her home in Hepp ner, September 28. Burial was Tues day afternoon at the Heppner cem etery. G-T want ads get results. NOWHERE FACTORY MACHINE for lawn mower sharpening. We'll make your lawnmower like new. We also do sw filing, bi cycle repairing, floor sanding, knife and scissor sharpening and band saw work. N. D. Bailey SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent "I LaJ OF PORTLAND, OREGON Condensed Statement of Head Office and 41 Branches September 24, 1941 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $48,314,228.08 United States Bonds 51,476,764.89 Municipal Bonds and Warrants Other Bonds Loans and Discounts - Money at Work in Oregon Stock in Federal Reserve Bank Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures Other Real Estate Customers' Liability on Acceptances Interest Earned Other Resources Total Resources .... $99,790,992.97 1,764,738.58 2,995,946.56 62,616,035.82 240,000.00 2,744,768.09 1.00 7,312.20 387,588.40 81,779.94 $170,629,163.56 LIABILITIES CaPital $3,000,000.00 Surplus 5,000,000.0U Undivided Profits 1.301.045.83 Reserve for Contingencies 1,877,774.29 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, Etc Acceptances t Interest Collected in Advance Other Liabilities DePsits 158,132,490.63 Total Liabilities $170,629,163.56 $11,178,820.12 614,278.53 13,070.50 669,737.42 20,766.36 M I M B I R FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION