Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 25, 1941, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
o Industrial Boom
o Hermiston 'Jam'
o Demo Candidates
Salem. The boom in industrial
activity with its increase in indus
trial payrolls has resulted in a sub
stantial increase in contributions to
the unemployment compensation
fund. By this same token increase
in employment benefit payments to
jobless workers show a decided
slump. As a result the commission's
reserve fund is increasing by leaps
and bounds.
Standng at $13,972,541 at the end
of August the unemployment com- j
pensation reserve fund is expected j
to reach and pass the "ceiling" of i
$14,400,000 by the first of next year.
When this goal is realized employers
now paying penalty rates under the
new experience rating which went
into effect on July 1 will be restored
to the normal rate of 2.7 percent
and retained at that level so long
as the fund remains above the "ceil
ing" figure. Employers enjoying
premium rates as a result of more
favorable empoyment experience,
however, will continue to contribute
at the reduced rates.
Benefit payments to jobless work
ers reached a new low of $109,590
in August, barely half of the $217,
224 paid out in benefits during Aug
ust, 1940. September benefit pay
ments are expected to drop to an
even lower level with the harvest
demand absorbing hundreds of oth
erwise jobless workers.
Contributions to the jobless in
surance fund, based upon industrial
payrolls, totaled $5,939,278 to Sep
tember 1, compared to $4,976,255 for
the first eight months of 1940 and $3,
945,139 in 1939.,
Morrow county will supply 8 men
for Oregon's quota of 688 men to
be called into military service un
der the selective service act in Oc
tober, according to information re-
of the JUflK VLLilL
Here's the answer to the world-wide cry for
low-cost horseless farming.
Whether you have a small farm or need
auxiliary power for a large farm, the smaller,
lower-priced Model "II" will handle your every
job at rock-bottom cost.
Delivers 3-way power. Cultivates 2 rows.
Fits all crops. Equipment for every need.
Powered with a simple 2-cyIinder engine, the
Model "H" burns low-cost fuel and gives you
longer life, greater dependability.
j leased by Lt. CoL Elmer V. Wooten,
state director of selective service.
Every county in the state will con
tribute to the quota for October
with an average of 86 selectees from
Oregon being inducted in service
each day for a period of eight days.
Credit' for school attendance may
be given to pupils at work in the
harvest fields, according to Rex
Putnam, state . superintendent of
public instruction. Putnam suggests
that a teacher be assigned to super
vise the pupils and that they be
transported to and from the fields
in a school bus.
The indifference of Washington
bureaucrats was blamed by Gover
nor Sprague this week for the over
crowded condition in the schools at
Hermiston. In a letter to the wife
of a worker on the army ammuni
tion dump who had complained that
h daughter had been denied ad
mittance to the Hermiston schools
the governor said that application
had v ma(fe to Washington three
months ago for funds under the
"community facilities" bill for the
employment of additional school tea
chers and the state is in no position
to extend the necessary financial aid.
Approximately 11,000 Oregon
firms employing more than 200,000
persons are now under the unem
ployment compensation act, accord
ing to Silas Gaiser, administrator of
the compensation commission. Near
ly 600 new firms have come under
the act in the past three months
due to the expansion of their oper
ations, Gaiser said.
Oregon republicans are not alone
in their prospect for a contest for
the gubernatorial nomination in the
forthcoming primary.
Already three Democrats loom on
the political horizon as possible can
didates for this honor. State Sena
tor Lew Wallace beating his rivals
to the draw, tossed his hat into the
ring with definite announcement of
his ambition last week. Friends of
Howard Latourette, Democratic na
tional committeeman, have almost
completed plans for "drafting" their
candidate. As a third prospect the
Commonwealth Federation is groom -ing
Roy R. Hewitt, Salem attorney,
tnttm nrrnr
Gazette Times, Heppner,
for the race.
All three of these prospects are
imbued with strong New Deal lean
ings. So far no one has come forth
who can excite any considerable en
thusiasm from the ranks of the old
line, conservative wing of this party
but it is hardly to be expected that
the right wingers will allow the
nomination to go by default to ' a
left wing standard bearer so it is
entirely probable that still another
candidate is being groomed for en
try into the race at the psychologi
cal moment.
In anticipation of the return of a
number of Oregon men from mili
tary service to civilian life late this
month the state department for se
lective service has set up a re-em
ployment program through which itj
is expected to immediately place i
these men in lucrative jobs. A
state-wide organization has been set
up with representatives in most
counties to act as laison officers be
tween the returned soldier and his
job. Efforts will first be made to
return the soldier to the job he left
in order to serve Uncle Sam in the
army. Failing in this, or if the sol
dier had no job previously he will
be placed in some other job, prefer
ably in national defense work for
which training will be provided
through classes being conducted by!
the state department for vocational I
education. All of the reemployment
committeemen cooperating with the
Selective Service office in this pro
gram are agents of the Oregon Em
ployment Service.
The State Board of Control seesj
no cause for alarm in the fact that
48 inmates of the State Training
School for Boys have made their es- j
cape from the institution since April
1. In the opinion of Governor Char- I
les A. Sprague, chairman of the ,
board, this epidemic of escapes is
"only a natural reaction" to the
change in administration at the
school. M. D. Wooley succeeded S.
B. Laughlin as superintendent at
the school on April 1. Adding to
nor said, is the fact that the new!
superintendent is attempting to in-,
troduce a bit more rigid discipline
into the school than has prevailed
heretofore. He has, for instance,
forbidden the boys to use tobacco,
a luxury to which they are said to
have been accustomed.
The state lar- board this week
placed its seal of approval upon
the "blocking" program being car
ried out by Marvin Klemme when
it leased 57,000 acres of these block
ed lands in Malheur county to stock
men of that section at a price ap
proximating three cents per acre.
At the same time the board approv
ed the leasing of auproximately 60,
000 acres of school lands "in place"
at a price of 2V2 cents an acre.
Klemme reported to the board that
blocking of school lands had been
practically completed in Malheur,
Baker, Harney and Crook counties.
By virtue of an ORDER OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated September j
22, 1941, I am athorized and directed i
to advertise and sell at public auc-!
tion at not less than the minimum
price herein set forth:
Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, in Block 1 of
Cluffs 5th Addition to lone,
Morrow County, Oregon, for the
minmum price of $101.00. 20
down payment and balance on
Lots 4 & 5, Block 6 West, Sec
tion 25, Township 5 North, Range
26, E.W.M., for the minimum
price of $15.00 cash.
Lot 5, in Block 2 in Ayers' 4th
Addition to the City of Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon for the
minimum price of $25.00 cash.
THEREFORE, I will on the 18th
day of October, 1941, at the hour of
10:00 A. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
sell said property to the highest and
best bidder.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator de bonis
non of the estate of Robert D. Wat
kins, deceased, has filed with the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, his final ac
count of his administration of said
estate, and that said Court has fixed
Monday, the 13th day of October,
1941, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said
day as the time for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the
settlement of said estate, and all
persons having objections thereto
are required to file the same with
said court on or before the time set
for said hearing.
Dated and first pubished this 11th
day of September, 1941.
Administrator de bonis non.
Notice is hereby given that Lena
Pettyjohn, administratrix of the es
tate of W. F. Pettyjohn, deceased,
has filed her final account of her
administration of said estate with
the Clerk of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Morrow
County, and said Court has set as
the time and place for hearing on
and final settlement of said final
account, Monday, October 27, 1941,
at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon
of said day, in the County Court
Room of the Courthouse of Morrow
County, State of Oregon. Anyone
having objections to said final ac
count must file the same on or be
fore said date.
Dated and first published this 25th
day of September, 1941.
MINATION Notice is hereby given that the
employers listed below have been
determined to be seasonal employers
within the meaning of Section 126-1
797 O. C. L. A. Any interested party
may request a hearing before the
Commission within ten days after
final publication of this notice. The
"off-season" (in calendar weeks) of
each seasonal employer in Morrow
county is as stated below:
Reed Lumber Company, 43-10;
Scritsmier Company, 43-10. j
Dated and first published this
11th day of September, 1941.
Date of last publication 25th day
of September, 1941.
By virtue of an ORDER OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated Septem- Or. L. D. TlbbleS
ber 3, 1941, I am authorized and di- osteopathic
rected to advertise and sell at public Physician & Surgeon
auction at not less than the mini- first NATIONAL BANK BLDG.
mum price herein set forth: Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492
Lot 10 in Block 13 of the Town HEPPNER. OREGON
of Lexington, except that part '
owned by the O. W. R. & N.
Company, for the minimum price I
of $10.00, cash. ' JOS J NvS 1
THEREFORE, I will on the 4th 7
day of October, 1941, at the hour of ATTORNEY AT LAW
10:00 A. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon, Peters Bnlldin. WU1 street
sell said property to the highest and Heppner. Oregon
best bidder. I
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon. -
y Runmon
P frccsn n I auctioneeh
I TO TQ SS O n I parm gales and Livestock a Specialty
i 406 Jones Street Heppner Ore
ii rectory Phoned
r ,
Phelps Funeral Home Morrow County
Ambulance Service Abstract tf Title Co.
Trained Lady Assistant INC.
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. iff( Tf INBAN0C
Office in New Peters Building
V )
Bodily Injury & Property Damage "eferSOl CT PetGrSOn
Class A $13.00 Class B $17.00
See us before financing your
next automobile. U. S. National Bunk Building
J Practice In Stats and Federal Courts
Heppner City Council Real Est t
Meels First Monday Each Month CSTaTe
General Line of Insurance and
Citizens having matters for dis- Bonds
cussion, please bring before EUBANKS
the Council
J. O. TURNER, Mayor Phone 62 lone. Ore.
GLENN Y. WELLS ml. case g. e. nikander
attorney at law Directors of
ATwater 4884 -. ,
536 head building Funerals
6th at Washington
PORTLAND. OREGON , . 862 Phones 262
Thursday, September 25, 1941
J. 0. Turner
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Abstract Co.
Roberts Building Heppner, On
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel" Building
Willow St. Entrance
J. 0. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Gift Ooods
Watches - Clocks - Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Vawter Parker
First National Bank Building
Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
X-Ray and Extraction by Gaa
First National Bank Bldg.
Phone 562 Heppner, Oregon